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Breaking Bad - The (Beautiful) Finale - Season 5 Part 2 - Sunday on AMC - OT3


Jesse is the one that caused all the trouble in the first place. I wanted him to die.
Jesse is fundamentally a victim; a goodhearted screw-up trapped in a losing struggle with bad people and his own vices. In what universe does someone deserve death for suffering a gauntlet of terrible circumstances?


People with Lydia's impeccable taste in shoes do not deserve to die like that. Even if they have casually ordered a bunch of people to get murdered. Such a waste. RIP Lydia, you were too classy for these low rent crooks.

Todd's ringtone was the funniest and creepiest thing this season by far. AUs ahead.

Walt's plans were preposterous and they had no job working as well as they did, but they were fun to watch. 10 million dollars being gifted to his son by old acquaintances aren't going to raise any flags. No sir. Gretchen and Elliot can launder them all they want, the DEA is gonna be all over them.

Finally, as Walt was confessing to Skyler the real reason he did what he did I was wondering if hearing the exact words "I DID IT FOR MYSELF" coming out of his mouth would finally knock some sense into the "provide for his family" brigade. I'm only half surprised to find out they didn't.


I'm rewatching it now and man.. watching Walt take a glance at his daughter and his son for the very last time..

dem feels. :(


It would have just been nice if there was a reason for him taking the watch off. As it is, he just randomly lays it up there. I was scratching my head wondering what the hell that meant. Would have been better if Walt needed something from someone and he traded them the watch. Still wouldn't have really meant anything but would have made actual sense.

He gave 2 reasons on Talking Bad last night but I cant remember what the other one was for the life of me.

7he Talon

He gave 2 reasons on Talking Bad last night but I cant remember what the other one was for the life of me.
Continuity reason: He didn't have the watch in the cold opening from 5x1 when they first filmed it, so it wouldn't make sense if he had it then.
Art reason: He was taking it off knowing he was going to the end. Jesse gave him the watch and Jesse was (one) of his enemies.
He gave 2 reasons on Talking Bad last night but I cant remember what the other one was for the life of me.

At first I thought they were lame (one was continuity) but the second one, that he was putting Jesse behind him plays into their final confrontation. He really was there to kill Jesse and saw him as, as Gilly put it, "(one of) his arch nemeses"
The entire dark turn that the series took and how it comes full circle with the ending, I love it.

Most people know I've been #TeamWalt if you can call it that but even with his death this ending is insanely satisfying, because he won. He managed to find a way to provide for his family. He got to say his goodbyes to Holly. He made peace with Skyler. He put an end to the meth business, and he managed to finally give Jesse a proper sendoff.

The final moment is the one that still sticks with me, because neither Walt or Jesse necessarily thinks any better of each other, but the final nod still feels like its one of mutual agreement, and respect. Is it just respect for having held together, for everything they've been through or for the talents they've learned from one another? Does Walter finally feel like Jesse "applied himself"?

It's a scene that makes me think. Throughout those two years, on a personal level, what did Walt think that he could gain out of being with Jesse, and what did Jesse think that he could gain out of being with Walt? Who knows. All I know is, Jesse is more free than he's ever been, he'll most likely finally be taking a new lease on life, Walter's family will finally know peace and Walter dies happy and fulfilled. Despite the bitter aftermath that might linger... This is a surprisingly uplifting ending. So despite being a big Walt supporter, I liked how this ending turned out. It's beautiful.

It's a shame that Junior never got any proper goodbyes, but then again, that was for the best. One is left wondering how he'll be going through life and whether or not he'll learn the entire truth of what his dad did.

Jesse was held in captivity for months. Whatever "connections" Lydia had left would die with her and I don't think anyone would know who he is and where he is, or even if he'd still be responsible for things.

Perhaps that was the point of Walter answering Todd's phone and exiting the building with Jesse. So Jesse would know that the Ricin finally found it's purpose, and that the big boss in charge, was gone. That there was nothing left for him to worry about.

I'm glad someone else touched on this. I felt that Walt felt pride in Jesse at the end when he's walking through the lab. Especially when he flicks the gauge on the tank. I imagine him thinking that it is just as as its supposed to be and that he taught him something as well.
The part about the wire at the Nazi compound was a shout out to the fan theories of Walt wearing a wire (after the Denny's scene last year), right? Seemed like a wink and a nod.

Also, loved the shot of Skyler and Walt in the kitchen where the pillar separated them. Perfect metaphor.

Those scenes with Holly and Flynn hit me right in the feels, though. Ugh.


Funny how i barely cried for how tense i was during the episode, now listening to Baby Blue and


Sia - Breath Me all over again


Perfect finale, did what it needed to and I'm satsified. For people that hated it I'm sure they wanted something way more unpredictable and flashy, but does that really make for a good finalle and give closure? No.
I loved that Vince Gilligan was so open last night after the airing. It feels like show creators keep their heads down after a finale and want everything to just be taken as-is. Speculation by the fans can be a good thing but Vince kept talking about what the moments meant to him when they created them. In his mind, Walt was going there to kill Jesse until the last moment and Jesse is a freeman now. I'll take it.


I don't recall the doctors confirming this. I recall the police assuming this based on that someone gave the doctors a hint based around a suspicious illness and poison treatment working.

Just because someone is reacting to poison treatment doesn't mean it's a guaranteed cure for that matter.
The doctors don't directly, the police tell Jesse the doctors think he might be right, they could be lying to deceive Jesse, but I don't think it's ever suggested.

However, if the second part of your post is correct, then I guess it's irrelevant anyway.

No Love

To me, it was a perfect finale.

Only thing I would have liked to give that final closure, is a shot of Jesse 5-10 years later doing something that makes him happy. Maybe he's a chemistry teacher.

The scene where he's watching Jr coming home hit me right in the gut. Unexpectedly powerful.

I cried when I saw Walt say goodbye to his daughter. It struck me particularly hard because I'd do the same thing for my child.
Funny how i barely cried for how tense i was during the episode, now listening to Baby Blue and


Sia - Breath Me all over again

My thoughts exactly. Rewatched the last scene in the lab a few times this morning and kept drawing comparisons to Breathe Me in my head. And I watched Six Feet Under in the span of a few months. I've had two years for Breaking Bad. Can't imagine if I had been watching since the beginning.

Is there a spoiler summary of the finale available somewhere?

Not a bad one here:



Damn, such a powerful ending.

I've been rooting for Walt's redemption and to see it play out so perfectly was cathartic.

In the end, I was reminded of what Gus said to Walt about how a man provides whether or not he's appreciated.

Walt accomplished what he set out to do in the first episode of the show.
Liked the episode.

My only beef was the music choices and cues. I would have preferred that this EP had a score instead of a soundtrack.

When you see the final shot on "Inside look" youtube. That score is more fitting of the end than baby blue.
I'm glad someone else touched on this. I felt that Walt felt pride in Jesse at the end when he's walking through the lab. Especially when he flicks the gauge on the tank. I imagine him thinking that it is just as as its supposed to be and that he taught him something as well.

Yeah, I saw that last scene as basically him being satisfied with his skills as a chemist, teacher, and criminal mastermind.
Liked the episode.

My only beef was the music choices and cues. I would have preferred that this EP had a score instead of a soundtrack.

When you see the final shot on "Inside look" youtube. That score is more fitting of the end than baby blue.

You're crazy. Baby Blue was the perfect end and it definitely needed a cathartic, bittersweet song.
I'm just walking into this thread and I want to know if anyone caught the Return of the Jedi reference when Jesse was choking out Todd?


Gilligan on the use of Baby Blue for the final scene

As we saw Walter White (Bryan Cranston) – bleeding and near death – back in a lab one last time, he had just the song to send him off. "Baby Blue," from 'British rock band Badfinger, played over Walt's last minutes. The song is from the band's album Straight Up and was a Billboard top 20 hit in 1972. The song was reportedly written about Dixie Armstrong, a woman lead singer Pete Ham had dated while on tour in the U.S.

Badfinger's "Baby Blue" follows a string of memorable blue-themed musical numbers for Bad, including "Crystal Blue Persuasion," by Tommy James and the Shondells, which was used in last year's mid-season finale.

"Baby Blue's" lyrics are appropriate for the end of Walt's journey, with lines such as "I guess I got what I deserved" and "I would show the special love I have for you, my baby blue." On The Talking Bad, show creator Vince Gilligan said the scene in which the song is used illustrated Walt's love for his blue product.

“I think in that last scene, he was with his Precious,” Gilligan said, referencing The Lord of the Rings.

The band, which played together from 1968-1983, found worldwide fame in the early 1970s with a string of hits, including "Baby Blue." Other signature songs included the Paul McCartney-penned "Come and Get It," "No Matter What," and "Day After Day."
I'm just walking into this thread and I want to know if anyone caught the Return of the Jedi reference when Jesse was choking out Todd?

When Devil from Justified gets up from the massage chair and is like "YUB NUB. NEE CHA DE WOOOOOO NAH. WAH DAH BEEBOO DEE DAY, BEE NEE BEE DEE DO DAYYY. A-YABBA-YABBA-YABBA."?

I thought I was the only one who caught that!


I think the only ending I didn't really like in the series was Hank's. He deserved better. I get that it needed to happen to push Walt to do all that he did....but I wanted to see him get Walt. Would have been too much of a good guys win ending though.


I don't know what's hard to understand, I'll try and make it simpler.

Brock is poisoned.
Jesse suggests it's ricin.
The doctors treat Brock.
Brock improves.
The doctors think it is ricin because he improved.

Ricin can very clearly be treated in Breaking Bad world. If it couldn't, the doctors wouldn't see him recovering as a sign it's ricin.

im also pretty sure walt said he didnt give him enough to kill him


I shot people I like more for less.
Those scenes with Holly and Flynn hit me right in the feels, though. Ugh.

The convo between Walt and Jr in season 4 where Walt talks to Jr about his own dad, and how he wants Jr to remember him made every scene with Jr from Ozymandias to the finale that much harder to watch. Last night was no different. Jr will probably never look back on Walt in a favorable light for the rest of his life. Cranston did a great job in the scene where he was watching Jr in showing that sense of aching regret, but also the understanding that it was his own damn fault that the door was closed on that father-son relationship. Quite literally in that instance I suppose.


I think the only ending I didn't really like in the series was Hank's. He deserved better. I get that it needed to happen to push Walt to do all that he did....but I wanted to see him get Walt. Would have been too much of a good guys win ending though.

I dunno, Hank had a similar flaw to Walt throughout the series in that he would not let Heisenberg go. He was told several times to drop it by various people, for safety and sanity and he just kept pushing. It was inevitable what was going to happen to him just like it was for Walt.


im also pretty sure walt said he didnt give him enough to kill him
Walt didn't use ricin, he used lily of the valley.

In terms of risky choices he's made, that's one that stands out really. If the tox-screen had come back before Jesse went along with his plan at the time, he'd have known it wasn't him.


I shot people I like more for less.
When Devil from Justified gets up from the massage chair and is like "YUB NUB. NEE CHA DE WOOOOOO NAH. WAH DAH BEEBOO DEE DAY, BEE NEE BEE DEE DO DAYYY. A-YABBA-YABBA-YABBA."?

I thought I was the only one who caught that!

Lol. I also can't read "Devil" in that context without hearing it in Ava's voice


Liked the episode.

My only beef was the music choices and cues. I would have preferred that this EP had a score instead of a soundtrack.

When you see the final shot on "Inside look" youtube. That score is more fitting of the end than baby blue.
At first when a song started playing I went huh that's weird. But then you listen to the lyrics and add to that the title of the song is BABY BLUE...Was just too good.


Well, it goes without saying that the ideal scenario did not play out. That is: Walt waking up from this terrible nightmare, going to Pollo Loco where he is served by Jesse who has no idea who he is. Then Jesse getting fired by Gus for insubordination. The universe would be back in order.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Liked the episode.

My only beef was the music choices and cues. I would have preferred that this EP had a score instead of a soundtrack.

When you see the final shot on "Inside look" youtube. That score is more fitting of the end than baby blue.

What? No. Baby Blue fits the last scene.

The Lyrics said:
Guess I got what I deserved
Kept you waiting there too long, my love
All that time without a word
Didn't know you'd think that I'd forget or I'd regret
The special love I had for you, my baby blue

All the days became so long
Did you really think, I'd do you wrong?

Dixie, when I let you go
Thought you'd realize that I would know
I would show the special love I have for you, my baby blue

What can I do, what can I say
Except I want you by my side

How can I show you, show me the way
Don't you know the times I've tried?

Guess that's all I have to say
Except the feeling just grows stronger every day
Just one thing before I go
Take good care, baby,
let me know, let it grow
The special love you have for me, my Dixie, dear.
It would have just been nice if there was a reason for him taking the watch off. As it is, he just randomly lays it up there. I was scratching my head wondering what the hell that meant. Would have been better if Walt needed something from someone and he traded them the watch. Still wouldn't have really meant anything but would have made actual sense.

It was to further prove that he was there if the watch got to the police. Bread crumbs.

To what end, I have no idea. Perhaps to prove he was still in contact with Grey Matter despite their claims?

I doubt even the writers honestly have an answer, and I think that's more than OK.
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