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Breaking Bad - The (Beautiful) Finale - Season 5 Part 2 - Sunday on AMC - OT3


Heh, I read reviews and summaries, and it seems that people are mad because Dexter pretty much won. Everything went perfectly for him. Breaking Bad ended exactly the same - sure the main character is dead, but everything went about according to his plans. Skyler is safe, his family will have money, the brotherhood is dead, Lydia is dead... No more blue meth... Everything was perfect.

The Dexter finale was just a clusterfuck of some good ideas with god awful execution. Dexter didn't "win" at all, it was just terrible.
I don't think Walt really planned on dying per se (or at least, any specific way). He even said "whatever happens to me". Before he went there, he expected Jesse was a partner and not a slave. So I don't agree it was his plan to manipulate him to kill him all along.
i dont think walt really thought jesse was a partner.
Content Roundup - Episode 8 - Felina


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- Onion A|V Club review (placeholder for now)​

I loved how he redeemed himself to the people who knew about what he did before everyone found out and to the ones who found out later he will still be considered the monster who killed hank.


Vince Gilligan just related a cut scene from the finale that would have been quite cool to watch. Shame they couldn't fit it in.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I'll give you some bad episodes of S5 for The Wire. But if you felt ANYTHING was off in S4 (especially "Final Grades"), then I don't know if high tier tv is for you.

Yup. Plus, while I would definitely say season 5 is the weakest, the last few episodes closed the series out imcredibly well IMO.


End song was so out of place, I really didn't like it.

I didn't like that there was no "moment" between Jesse and Walt, they just look at each other like two idiots. In all of last 8 episodes Jesse had very little presence. Shame.
If they had a moment where they said a couple of sentences to each other, it would be much better. Instead I get a prequel to NFS where Jesse drives like a race driver.

Ok ending like I said. In a few hr when hype goes down, most of you will agree.

Or...most of us will just enjoy it for what it was, closure.

Walt and Jesse didn't need to do anymore. Walt punished Jesse by giving him to the nazis, but spared his lifeo in the end. All he wanted was to punish him in the end, like a father. Jesse spares his life because he's done doing what Walt says. Now he's free and able to walk his own path. The nazis that threatened Walt's family and stole his money are all gone, and Walt gets to die by his own hands, in a lab. He gets all the blame (credit) for the drug empire, and his family will get off scot-free. On top of that, his son gets a big pile of money when he becomes a man, like he wanted. About the only thing missing was Walt getting to talk to Jr, but he did already last episode.

I loved it. It's not hype, it's just that I got what I wanted out of this episode. I didn't really expect Walt to live or go free. The cancer would kill him eventually anyway. This way he kinda goes out a winner. Good for him. PEACE.

Sotha Sil

They went with the pulp, badass ending, which was pretty predictable given Gilligan's comments about the finale's last scene a few months back. Which really muddies (what I thought was) the show's message in my eye.

Still, it's perfect closure and Ozymandias was the real "bad things happen when you let your pride take control" finale, I guess.


The whole experience would have better if I watched this without the commercials after it airred, but for this show I couldn't wait.

Thank you for a masterful show Vince and everyone involved.



Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
Is it possible to recover from Ricin poisoning if it's caught at that point though? I would have played it safe and not told her she was poisoned.


It was alright, I agree with the person earlier who said this was the worst episode of the season. It really should have been a longer episode


I am in the same boat as while I liked this episode, it somewhat pales in comparison to the rest of the episodes of this season.

I will need to rewatch it without the commercials. I swear half the viewing time was dedicated to commercials. It really broke the flow of the finale.


i dont think walt really thought jesse was a partner.

I disagree. He was pretty angry that Jesse was still alive, and multiple times suggested Jesse was cooking with the Nazis. And the shot where Walt looks Jesse up and down, IMO Walt made a split second decision to dive on Jesse and save him too. I do not think that was originally planned.

Vince even said on Talking Bad, that Walt went there, initially to kill Jesse along with the Nazis.


Amazing finale. I called it a while ago :


Though after Walt admitted he did it for himself, I was kinda' hoping they would let him live and jet off to Europe somewhere to become full blown Heisenberg but that would have been too far fetched.
No offense, but I'm sure everyone was expecting him to die, especially considering the foreshadowing in the pilot and everything he's done.

Him getting redemption doesn't need him to live. It would primarily involve saving Jesse like many said and wanted, but it's not full blown redemption.


Vince Gilligan just related a cut scene from the finale that would have been quite cool to watch. Shame they couldn't fit it in.

I agree. I'm really surprised this show never had a flashback scene to when Jesse was Walt's student in high school. Would have been a great opportunity to show how their relationship evolved to what it is now.


What was it?

Walt meets another former high school student of his in the gas station, and he asks him if he thought he was a good teacher, and the kid says "yeah, I remember you spraying some chemical on fire and they changed color".


Jimmy said that, Vince just acknowledged that as a possibility if you want to think that.

"I think you are right" - then tells the audience about John Wayne going to kill a character, then seeing them and realizing he couldn't.

Lol come on now. Also, Vince isn't really going to tell people how to interpret his story. If some of you want to believe Walt went there to manipulate Jesse to kill him, that's more than valid. But I don't think the scenes we had in this episode support that.
Heh, I read reviews and summaries, and it seems that people are mad because Dexter pretty much won. Everything went perfectly for him. Breaking Bad ended exactly the same - sure the main character is dead, but everything went about according to his plans. Skyler is safe, his family will have money, the brotherhood is dead, Lydia is dead... No more blue meth... Everything was perfect.

Part of the reason that people were pissed is
because one of the last people to die because of Dexter gave a deathbed speech about how nothing was Dexter's fault so he deserved happiness, none of the police figured out that Dexter was Miami Serial Killer #034472, and he drove a boat into a CG hurricane and miraculously survived to become a lumberjack, which was somehow supposed to be his punishment.

Also, y'all all praising Lionel for that Badger and Skinny Pete prediction. I called it immediately, and Walt standing behind Conveniently Placed Pillar at Skyler's new house. :p
Ha i more or less predicted the ending. Walt saves jessie, finds a way to give his family the money and gives jessie the gun to kill him. Jessie didnt shoot cause he saw he was injured. But imo if he wasnt hit by that atray bullet jessie wouldve pulled the trigger


Kvikmyndahús;84070265 said:
So, gentlemen. SOTF, the verdict:

1. Breaking Bad
2. The Wire


The Wire is on another plane of existence, in Platonic heaven. It is the form of perfection.

Breaking Bad is an earthly representation of goodness, but it is not divine perfection.


May contain jokes =>
Is it possible to recover from Ricin poisoning if it's caught at that point though? I would have played it safe and not told her she was poisoned.

There is no antidote for ricin exposure. Treatment is largely supportive and if she is a few days out from exposure she wouldn't have a great prognosis.

On the other hand, ricin is much less dangerous if eaten than if inhaled. And who knows how large the dose she got even was. But perhaps we're overanalyzing at this point.
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