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Breaking Bad - The (Beautiful) Finale - Season 5 Part 2 - Sunday on AMC - OT3


It's over guys. It's over. Fantastic ending. I saw it coming and I'm pretty sure we all did but it was done so perfectly well that I don't think anyone cares.


So Walt orchestrated all that, but he ended up getting killed by essentially a stray bullet/ deflection? I'm guessing he was banking on manipulating Jesse into killing him if he wasn't hit by the machine gun.

What was Walt's plan if he didn't get hit by the stray bullet and Jesse still wouldn't shoot him? Just off himself?

I think Walt would have just killed himself, yes. Everything he did this episode was essentially an attempt to tie every loose end and make sure everything would go forward without his presence. Walt was never expecting to walk out of the Todd/Declan encounter alive, whether he was killed by them or got himself killed in some fashion.


I loved how oblivious Todd was to the danger he was in before Jesse strangled him. "Jeez Mr. White...."

What a fantastic ending. Hands down my favorite show to date.
Content Roundup - Episode 8 - Felina


- Inside Episode 516 Breaking Bad: Felina
- Making of Episode 516 Felina: Breaking Bad
- Farewell to Breaking Bad

Coming later

- AMC Q&A: Jesse Plemons (Todd Alquist)
- Poniewozik @ Time: How Walter White Became the One Who Knocks
- The Onion: ‘Breaking Bad’ Ends With Reveal That Whole Series Was Plot of Book Marie Shoplifted
- Bad Finger - Baby Blue (closing song)


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
So do you think Walt's family will actually get the money?

He gave the Schwartzes... motivation, but you can't just make millions in cash appear out of thin air in a legitimate business, and I think Skyler at this point would immediately smell something up with a gift like that out of nowhere.

They're smart cookies. They'll find a way. As you said. I think they're quite motivated, lol.
A little meh. Not bad, but it definitely felt like a weird downgrade with "villains". Like the neo-nazis being the "final boss" and not really Walt himself or something.

If Gus could've been his last adversary somehow, it would've been a lot better.

It wasnt about the villians . Is that what you got out of this ? It was about walt getting what he wanted in the end.


drawer by drawer
So do you think Walt's family will actually get the money?

He gave the Schwartzes... motivation, but you can't just make millions in cash appear out of thin air in a legitimate business, and I think Skyler at this point would immediately smell something up with a gift like that out of nowhere.

Two of the best hitmen west of the Mississippi are currently talking about Star Trek fanfiction keeping tabs on them. They'll do it.


Wow, I couldn't have thought of a more satisfying conclusion. It hit every point it needed to bring "closure" without tying up the bow in too transparent a way.

Never expected it to top the Friday Night Lights finale (and it didn't), but it's up there in the very exclusive pantheon of GREAT series finales.

Wondering what the significance of the episode title ("Felina") was, by the way.

Fe - iron
Li - lithium
Na - sodium

Blood, meth, and tears

Got that off Facebook, not sure


Exactly what this show needed: a solid, organic end to everything. There was enough combustion in episodes like Ozymandias that the finale didn't need to wow us, it only needed to remind us exactly how good this show was.
End song was so out of place, I really didn't like it.

I didn't like that there was no "moment" between Jesse and Walt, they just look at each other like two idiots. In all of last 8 episodes Jesse had very little presence. Shame.
If they had a moment where they said a couple of sentences to each other, it would be much better. Instead I get a prequel to NFS where Jesse drives like a race driver.

Ok ending like I said. In a few hr when hype goes down, most of you will agree.

Lmao shut up


May contain jokes =>
Last few episodes have been incredible but that finale was wildly disappointing in my opinion.

Pacing was frankly all wrong. Alternatingly way too rushed and way too slow. Final song made me literally laugh. "Guess I got what I deserve" (or similar) as the opening lyric? Little bit on the nose there.


So do you think Walt's family will actually get the money?

He gave the Schwartzes... motivation, but you can't just make millions in cash appear out of thin air in a legitimate business, and I think Skyler at this point would immediately smell something up with a gift like that out of nowhere.

Eh of all the outrageous things in the show that wouldn't even make the list, it could probably happen. The important part is that Walt believed his family will get the money.


So I hear The Wire is a good show? I need to fill this void left by this amazing show. Chris Hardwick (sp) is either high or still teary eyed. Also Jesse strangling Todd had me cheering out loud.
Its a show man don't over analyze it will go as writer writes it
Just wondering, since everything else Walt did was so meticulously planned, yet he ends up getting killed by a chance deflection.

I mean, he obviously was checking out no matter what that night, but was he committed to killing himself one way or another? Or would he have turned himself in if he was uninjured and Jesse refused to kill him?

Great ending to a great show in any event.
I already miss this show.

Same here, man. I've nothing else to look forward to on TV anymore. Or at least not anywhere near as much as I've looked forward to the last few seasons of Breaking Bad.

And this was a fantastic finale. I swear for the last 25 minutes or so my heart rate was elevated with anticipation. So damn good.


This episode should've came bundled with last weeks.
On its own, this episode doesn't live up to the gargantuan week long wait expectations it had.
But when put next to the previous episodes it's perfect.
Everything in the storyline finished
Except Huell. But I guess we will see him on Sauls show.

Season 5 B is the best season of television ever, and Breaking Bad is the best series of all time.

All hail the king


I think it was good, really good. That said, a ricocheting bullet killing Walt and Todd/Jack being the only two that survive so Jesse/Walt have their satisfying revenge was pretty silly.


A little meh. Not bad, but it definitely felt like a weird downgrade with "villains". Like the neo-nazis being the "final boss" and not really Walt himself or something.

If Gus could've been his last adversary somehow, it would've been a lot better.

Yep I agree with that, although I wouldn't say it was "meh". Good ending with closure but it could have been more. As a series however it's the best I've seen.


C'mon man. BB is good but it will always have it's creativity shaved by having to be on cable TV. The Wire and Sopranos still sit 1 and 2.

I give you the Sopranos ... but The Wire really fell off in quality to me in the latter seasons.

Sopranos ambiguous ending was pretty shitty though.


Great ending. My only complains are the ads and that I felt that certain things in the episode were happening too fast.

When we get the breakdown we will find out the run time but I suspect it only felt like so many commercials because the episode ran by so fast as finales often do.


An excellent ending. Although it might not be the strongest episode of the series, I think that it wrapped the show up well. Now that it is finished, I can say that "Breaking Bad" truly is the greatest television show to be created.
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