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Breaking Bad - The (Beautiful) Finale - Season 5 Part 2 - Sunday on AMC - OT3


I'll need to rewatch tomorrow without the whiskey and commercials to fully process this, but my gut reaction is to give it an A. Walt suffered his sentence in that cabin and by watching Hank's head getting blown off.

In the end he prevented dying a meaningless death, which is what he wanted from the beginning.


I've been thinking about it and I'm realizing that a show and a story doesn't need a blockbuster finale. This story ended three episodes ago and after that it was just a series of things that had to happen.

Agreed. I like how people call 515 and 516 just a lengthy epilogue.


I remember so much resentment over the Sopranos finale, not possible.

I didn't like it. I "got" what it was I just feel it was too ambiguous. I can understand why people are pissed off to get an ending like that after putting so much time into the show. Then again I feel the Sopranos is pretty overrated in general. Give me this show, Deadwood, Mad Men, The Wire, or The Shield any day. The Sopranos was a fantastic show I just feel like its been surpassed at this point.


Great ending, but I have two issues with it.

Why didn't the Nazis check the trunk of the car? You'd think they would check every inch of Walt and his ride for weapons. This is a glaring oversight.

The final scenes between Jesse and Walt were a bit lacking imo. They weren't bad, but I'd liked it if there were more dialog between them given how both knew this would be their last moments together.

Random question. Why spoiler tag your thoughts? The show is over. There's nothing to spoil. PEACE.


AMC should've let them have one more season. My only complaint was it felt rushed the final season.

My only complaint about this season is the character development between between S4 and S5 was way to sharp of a change. Specifically, watched Season 4 and notice how Jessie and Skylar behave compared to the beginning episodes in Season 5...


Great ending, but I have two issues with it.

Why didn't the Nazis check the trunk of the car? You'd think they would check every inch of Walt and his ride for weapons. This is a glaring oversight.

The final scenes between Jesse and Walt were a bit lacking imo. They weren't bad, but I'd liked it if there were more dialog between them given how both knew this would be their last moments together.

There didn't need to be any more dialogue then there was.


Really strong finale, just wish it was a bit longer, but I can't think of many things I'd change. I think I liked The Shield's a bit more, but it's close. Wish I didn't come into this thread though, it's a bit of a bummer at the moment.


I think the only things that I found kind of sloppy were:

I. Walt being able to get Lydia's sweetner (I mean, okay I buy that he knew her routine. But damn, knowing exactly which Sweetner she goes for - pretty crazy memory). You could argue that it's not far-fetched. But I don't know if I liked how it was done.

II. Uncle Jack NOT BEING CALLED A LIAR - and that being what causes him to give Walt the upper hand. Just seemed kind of goofy. Lol I mean, Walt is going to die. But god forbid he called uncle Jack a liar. He better prove it to Walt before he kills him.

But outside of that, I loved the ending. But those are the only things I personally had an issue with.

EDIT: I still think the Jesse and Walt scene was great, and more than enough. Don't agree with those complaints. I think they did what could be done (anything more, I wouldn't have believed it coming from where the characters were at in the story).


It certainly didn't "re-define" finales, but I though it was great. I felt like Ozymandias was the real finale of the show, while Granite State and Felina were the dark epilogue/aftermath. You couldn't have really expected the aftermath to be mind-blowing when the only things that needed to be resolved were only just put into play this season, i.e. Todd, Lydia, the Nazis, and even Gretchen and Eliot. Walt saying "I did it for me," was huge though.


Why would the Nazis check the trunk of the car?

Walt was surrounded by them, why would they expect him to do what he did?


I'll need to rewatch tomorrow without the whiskey and commercials to fully process this, but my gut reaction is to give it an A. Walt suffered his sentence in that cabin and by watching Hank's head getting blown off.

In the end he prevented dying a meaningless death, which is what he wanted from the beginning.

Idk. I agree he should have had some redemption, and I think that him losing his money and his family, BUT saving Jesse and killing the nazis by coming to terms with who he is, IE, losing Walt but dying as Heisenberg...I dunno is just a much better ending. I like the bittersweetness of it. But the 9 million to Walt Jr thing was weird....honestly it felt like they just changed their mind and added it last minute.

I know they had that interview saying Gretchen and Elliot got added to this season because that kid who died had mentioned wanting to see them again. I hope that's not the only reason that Walt Jr. got the 9 million and they added it on the fly. Maybe they weren't telling the truth that that was why they were added or something I don't know....but it definitely didn't seem to fit with the tone of the series to me, because remove that one part and the ending is really strong.

Still an amazing show though of course.


it just ended like an hour ago

:) enjoy the series :)

LMAO. Speaking about coincidence. I just saw the thread by chance, and I'm rarely, if ever on the offtopic site. Thanks. Seems like my 2 weeks of holiday will be very Bad. Breaking Bad. Been curious about it since forever, but halted myself to not begin watching it. Will not come back obviously then lol. Glad I didn't read any posts that didn't quot me yet. Farewell. :p


Anyone else buying the fuck out of the bluray series?


I want to buy it so bad but at the price it is now I would rather not. I'll wait till it hits 100.


I feel like this is a show that has always been very slowly paced and procedural, and now suddenly it's not. The final episode felt cramped. I'm sure others disagree.


Going to ask the same thing I've asked the previous two weeks. Can someone PM me if the finale had any non English dialogue. It makes the difference tomorrow, between me using Netflix UK or purchasing the episode. I'd be very very grateful.

Hope everyone enjoyed the episode and I'll be in here talking about it tomorrow with you guys.

Robot Pants

It certainly didn't "re-define" finales, but I though it was great. I felt like Ozymandias was the real finale of the show, while Granite State and Felina were the dark epilogue/aftermath. You couldn't have really expected the aftermath to be mind-blowing when the only things that needed to be resolved were only just put into play this season, i.e. Todd, Lydia, the Nazis, and even Gretchen and Eliot. Walt saying "I did it for me," was huge though.

The section with Skylar was the best in the whole episode.


Ozymandias was the "true" ending in a way, especially the way Vince raved about it back during the start of 5B saying it was his favorite episode. GS was the setup and Felina was the knockdown of wrapping it up nicely for people. Was it safe? you could say that since we had a pretty good idea of what would be set in motion since 5A 501 cold open. In a way tho it sounded like Vince has been stressing over ending it right for everyone and he himself said some people might have mixed results but he felt this was the best result among the crew.


Why are people saying Walt got everything he wanted? Outside of his own ego, the most important thing to him is his family - which he lost. He lost his wife's love long ago, his son's last words to him were for him to die, and his baby daughter will grow up only knowing Heisenberg.

He was able to leave money behind for his family and make things as right as possible, but he lost his family in the process.

But I feel like this was a blockbuster finale.

This and Grante State were more of a denouement. Ozymandias was the blockbuster.


I think the only things that I found kind of sloppy were:

I. Walt being able to get Lydia's sweetner (I mean, okay I buy that he knew her routine. But damn, knowing exactly which Sweetner she goes for - pretty crazy memory). You could argue that it's not far-fetched. But I don't know if I liked how it was done.

II. Uncle Jack NOT BEING CALLED A LIAR - and that being what causes him to give Walt the upper hand. Just seemed kind of goofy. Lol I mean, Walt is going to die. But god forbid he called uncle Jack a liar. He better prove it to Walt before he kills him.

But outside of that, I loved the ending. But those are the only things I personally had an issue with.

I. Given that he'd been tailing her, it made sense as it was the only way to kill her discreetly. She probably sat at the same table and ordered the same thing. If he made sure there was only one pack of Stevia in the tray, he'd get her for sure.

II. I thought Jack would just kill him in the car, outside the gate. Why even take a chance. That whole last scene was far-fetched, but it got the job done. LOL! PEACE.


Great ending, but I have two issues with it.

Why didn't the Nazis check the trunk of the car? You'd think they would check every inch of Walt and his ride for weapons. This is a glaring oversight.

The final scenes between Jesse and Walt were a bit lacking imo. They weren't bad, but I'd liked it if there were more dialog between them given how both knew this would be their last moments together.

The dialog was within there faces


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
Why would they feel the need to check the trunk, exactly? As long as he's clean going into the house, they think it's all cool. They don't let him bring anything from the car and they put a guy out there to guard it so I think they didn't feel the need. And rightfully so. Who would ever expect a tinker toy M60 homemade sentry?


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I felt like it took its time. The cold open was a perfect setup.

Yeah, the cold open, and the slow segment of him just walking around Gretchen and Elliot especially.

I think the barrage of bullshit commercials in the first 2/3s do a number on pacing and make it feel 'cramped' on a first watch.
I think the only things that I found kind of sloppy were:

I. Walt being able to get Lydia's sweetner (I mean, okay I buy that he knew her routine. But damn, knowing exactly which Sweetner she goes for - pretty crazy memory). You could argue that it's not far-fetched. But I don't know if I liked how it was done.

II. Uncle Jack NOT BEING CALLED A LIAR - and that being what causes him to give Walt the upper hand. Just seemed kind of goofy. Lol I mean, Walt is going to die. But god forbid he called uncle Jack a liar. He better prove it to Walt before he kills him.

But outside of that, I loved the ending. But those are the only things I personally had an issue with.
Lydia always talked about her stevia and walt always noticed it

Walt provoked him that he didn't make his end of the deal and he was thus a lesser person than he was. That pissed him off and wanted to show Walt that Jesse was not a partner but a broken man . Someone suffering worse than death


I know they had that interview saying Gretchen and Elliot got added to this season because that kid who died had mentioned wanting to see them again. I hope that's not the only reason that Walt Jr. got the 9 million and they added it on the fly. Maybe they weren't telling the truth that that was why they were added or something I don't know....but it definitely didn't seem to fit with the tone of the series to me, because remove that one part and the ending is really strong.

Every season is made up on the fly. There's no version of this finale that exists without Walt directing Gretchen and Elliot to give the money to his son.


I think the only things that I found kind of sloppy were:

I. Walt being able to get Lydia's sweetner (I mean, okay I buy that he knew her routine. But damn, knowing exactly which Sweetner she goes for - pretty crazy memory). You could argue that it's not far-fetched. But I don't know if I liked how it was done.

II. Uncle Jack NOT BEING CALLED A LIAR - and that being what causes him to give Walt the upper hand. Just seemed kind of goofy. Lol I mean, Walt is going to die. But god forbid he called uncle Jack a liar. He better prove it to Walt before he kills him.

But outside of that, I loved the ending. But those are the only things I personally had an issue with.

Ehh I don't know. I think they set a precedent in showing that Jack operates under some twisted sense of honor: Despises snitches, values a handshake, left Walt a barrel. I bought him taking offense to having his integrity questioned. Besides, delaying shooting Walt for a few minutes wasn't much of a sacrifice.


Also what do you guys think about Walt's actual death wound? I thought it was a little strange that he got shot by his own gun and that was how he died. I mean...I guess that sounds good but there was just something weird about the way it played out on screen to me. Would have liked him to get shot by a nazi in the process...or make it more clear he took that bullet for Jesse (which might have been the intention since he was on top of him...)

As it was it seemed a little bit weird to me.
I. Given that he'd been tailing her, it made sense as it was the only way to kill her discreetly. She probably sat at the same table and ordered the same thing. If he made sure there was only one pack of Stevia in the tray, he'd get her for sure.

Additionally, didn't Lydia almost always have to specifically request Stevia? Or am I remembering that wrong? She'd obviously jump on the single packet that's available.
fucking finally, get to low winter sun and the real shit here

Full disclosure: it was the finale that it needed to be. It wasn't shocking, it wasn't exactly revolutionary, but it was a fitting end, and really after such a ride, that's all it needed to be. Put it in the books. Breaking Bad is a legend.
Strong ending for #TeamWalt. Even Walt joined our side this episode.

Pretty by the books episode, wasn't really any surprises. Ozymandias was definitely the season climax.

I thought walt using grey matter to give his family the money was sort of surprising. And walt being in the same room as skyler throughout that phone call was too. It was also pretty interesting to see how his plan against the nazis would pan out.
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