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Breaking Bad - The (Beautiful) Finale - Season 5 Part 2 - Sunday on AMC - OT3

Why is safe a bad thing?

A lot of people believe ambiguity and pessimism are always the superior way to end things.

That's not to negate all criticism of the episode. But it gets tiring hearing it for EVERY SINGLE work of fiction out there. "Why didn't the main character die?" "Why didn't they cut before the big reveal?" Meh. Fuck it. Give me the occasional closure.
From UpToDate.. (an online resource used by physicians)

Given the time frame, I doubt it was early enough for lavage or decontamination to do anything at all. The amount given to her was likely severe. She's a goner.

Even if there's a hope she could be treated, her showing up at a hospital saying she had ingested ricin is going to set off a lot more flags than it did for Brock when you consider the DEA was looking into her previously.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
The song in the beginning and the one he sings is called Felina. Read the lyrics and you'll figure out why it's called that.

Song's called "El Paso" for the record unless I'm missing the song.

Ahasverus said:
Was it good? Can I start watching the whole series and be satisfied?

Vince admits he never took chemistry and like the BB Mythbusters special showed some of the stuff in the show is "Hollywood magic" and so breaks the "suspension of disbelief" in me a little, but the show itself was worth watching. I don't like some of the conclusions this last episode did but they make sense and watching "Talking Bad" also shows that Vince put a lot of thought into some of the stuff.

Robot Pants

A lot of people believe ambiguity and pessimism are the only way to end things.

That's not to negate all criticism of the episode. But it gets tiring hearing it for EVERY SINGLE work of fiction out there. "Why didn't the main character die?" "Why didn't they cut before the big reveal?" Meh. Fuck it. Give me the occasional closure.

Yea it's nice having a show with a good finale.
SO many have shit ones. Even shows you liked.

I also like how chubby Jesse's face was despite being held captive and no doubt starved.
I was really disappointed with the use of the Ricin. I mean the scene was awesome but this thing has been a Chekhov's gun since the first couple episodes. To see it paid off on Lydia...who was honestly not that important a character was pretty disappointing to me. (I also would have liked more payoff for Todd/Lydia but whatever.)

Honestly the ends of Todd and Jack were perfect but similarly I kind of wish there were more episodes or something because with more buildup it would have been even better. Jack only came to prominence and became the main villain in the third to last episode. I guess it works as a coda to Walt's real journey which ended at Gus. But I'm still disappointed all that buildup and the ricin was just for Lydia - maybe if she had been introduced earlier as well or something...idk

He killed Lydia for distributing his meth
He got Tod killed for creating his meth
He let Jesse go knowing he will never cook meth again

He killed his entire empire in one go.


Subete no aware
Everything about that ending was just too neat. Complete with the way Walt dies. I mean, I enjoy it as a send off, but it's still didn't really rise up to be one of the great finales.


Omg. This is the only series I've ever watched that was AMAZING the whole way through. Bravo Walt on finding a way to get that money to you know who. Walt,Jesse and Vince, thank you for this amazing ride. Couldn't of ended on a better note.
oh god, Giancarlo Esposito and Jonathan Banks are both wearing fedoras. i have lost respect for these men.

not really, but why you guys gotta do that?


It was merely "good" IMO.
I was hoping for something a bit more morbid. I guess I didn't like the fact that Walt basically ends the show on top. Yes, he died, but he was going to die anyways and instead of dying slowly and horribly at the hands of Cancer, he went out on his own terms. He also secures his family's future, avenges his brother in law's death, saves Jessie, redeems himself in the eyes of Skylar and basically goes down like a motherfucking boss, securing his legacy in the eyes of the public. I guess it all tied up a little too nicely for my liking, and was a bit too pulpy in the process, but then again, I suppose that's consistent with the overall tone of the show. I know that it doesn't always end up bad for the villain, but history has been pretty consistent with the end game for drug kingpins not being pretty. I should have seen this ending coming considering how protective of Breaking Bad's characters the filmmakers have been, but I was hoping for a little more balls for the ending, and a final act that wasn't so tidy and predictable. Regardless, the show as a whole is definitely top 10 of all time.

I agree on all of this. I LIKED the ending but I wish Walt hadn't ended up accomplishing everything he wanted. I'd be ok with some of that (For example, he loses his family, he loses the money, BUT he saves Jesse and avenges the Nazi's death and eliminates the blue meth in the process) but ALL of that happening to him I didn't like. Also didn't love the big Jesse turning him down moment, which was great, led to no real despair for Walt and he still died happy a couple minutes later.


Strong ending for #TeamWalt. Even Walt joined our side this episode.

Pretty by the books episode, wasn't really any surprises. Ozymandias was definitely the season climax.
I didnt like Sopranos ending. I like this neat and close ending
I do agree with BC that it was a bit safe. I still have FNL as the best series finale. This BB one was good but fairly predictable from top to bottom. It doesn't really impact the tremendous quality of the show though. Head to head, I liked Granite State and Oz better.
I remember so much resentment over the Sopranos finale, not possible.

I think it's relatively safe to say that the reception to the Sopranos finale has warmed in the past few years.

Probably because we've seen a lot of really dumb finales to other high-profile shows - and because the shock has worn off quite a bit.


Good ending. I'm satisfied.

Walt admitting to Skyler he did it all for himself and Jesse killing Todd were the highlights.


When is the last ep airing? Any date yet?

I haven't watched a single ep so far, as I'll always wait till a series is finished before watching it. (I hate waiting lol).


Great ending, but I have two issues with it.

Why didn't the Nazis check the trunk of the car? You'd think they would check every inch of Walt and his ride for weapons. This is a glaring oversight.

The final scenes between Jesse and Walt were a bit lacking imo. They weren't bad, but I'd liked it if there were more dialog between them given how both knew this would be their last moments together.


Yea and if you care about spoilers you really shouldn't be in here.

you will be more than satisfied

yes, best TV show ever made. GO.

get the fuck out of here and have fun

Thanks everyone, Netflix here I come :) I don't like to watch things without a conclusion (that's why i refuse to watch stuff like The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones where the autor says he has no idea how it will end) and I've heard great things. Hope I like it !


He killed Lydia for distributing his meth
He got Tod killed for creating his meth
He let Jesse go knowing he will never cook meth again

He killed his entire empire in one go.

I know, I get that, and it was cool, but the fact that the ricin was built up since way before Lydia was even a factor - all the way since Tuco actually, made it a little disappointing. If the Ricin had come into play in Season 5 at the beginning I'd think it was awesome, but since it was around since Season 2, I think it was a little disappointing that it was just for Lydia.
I remember so much resentment over the Sopranos finale, not possible.
It was definitely swing and miss.

The whole "bu but it was daring!" argument is a cop out. If you are going to be "daring" then you better land do it right. If you hit it out of the park then it's glorious, If not then you're screwed. Risk, meet reward.

Can't have your cake and eat it, too.
It's not, necessarily.

It was a perfectly adequate ending, and there's nothing inherently wrong with that. I just wish Vince had aimed a bit higher.

I've been thinking about it and I'm realizing that a show and a story doesn't need a blockbuster finale. This story ended three episodes ago and after that it was just a series of things that had to happen.
I don't know why, but I really really really liked that finale. It couldn't have felt better.

I don't know if I'll feel different about it later. I'm not sure if I liked season 4's finale more, though...
Great ending, but I have two issues with it.

Why didn't the Nazis check the trunk of the car? You'd think they would check every inch of Walt and his ride for weapons. This is a glaring oversight.

The final scenes between Jesse and Walt were a bit lacking imo. They weren't bad, but I'd liked it if there were more dialog between them given how both knew this would be their last moments together.

1. they're idiots.

2. they had nothing to say to each other.
Great ending, but I have two issues with it.

Why didn't the Nazis check the trunk of the car? You'd think they would check every inch of Walt and his ride for weapons. This is a glaring oversight.

The final scenes between Jesse and Walt were a bit lacking imo. They weren't bad, but I'd liked it if there were more dialog between them given how both knew this would be their last moments together.

Nazis really didnt think he had the capability of
Doing that .

The nod between each other was all the dialog was ever needed. A dialog would have been a disaster

Robot Pants

Great ending, but I have two issues with it.

Why didn't the Nazis check the trunk of the car? You'd think they would check every inch of Walt and his ride for weapons. This is a glaring oversight.

The final scenes between Jesse and Walt were a bit lacking imo. They weren't bad, but I'd liked it if there were more dialog between them given how both knew this would be their last moments together.

These things are why we needed ONE MORE EPISODE. Or a two hour finale (same thing really).
Fuck you, AMC.
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