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Brexit | OT3 | A Feast for Crows


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
I still keep hearing the defence of that bus from Leave voters, saying that it never said the whole £350m would be spent on the NHS.

That's true.

However, try and explain this one you fucking morons:


This poster needs far more exposure than that bus - especially now.
I still keep hearing the defence of that bus from Leave voters, saying that it never said the whole £350m would be spent on the NHS.

That's true.

However, try and explain this one you fucking morons:


This poster needs far more exposure than that bus - especially now.
Ahh but you see it doesn't say we will, just that we should.

Check mate.
you know that's what they are gonna say.


May should promote Boris to lead Brexit negotiator. Just blame him for everything and then cancel Brexit Because he failed to reach good terms.
May should promote Boris to lead Brexit negotiator. Just blame him for everything and then cancel Brexit Because he failed to reach good terms.
Yes Mr. Negotiator. I would like to start today by opening trade talks between the United Kingdom of the Free and Soverign lands of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the "common" wealth of the European Booooo-nion.

Let us take stock of what the UK can offer the people of the mainland.


Are your French people really going to put tariffs on our chocolate cake? Our gateau? Are they going to put tariffs on our cake when we buy so much of you cheese and champagne?

Now if you'll excuse me I have an editorial to write to boast how brilliant I am and how awful you are.
By challenging the PM it's obvious Bojo wants to get sacked. This is a suicide by cop.
He knows how disastrous Brexit will be and can't face spending the rest of his life being blamed for it. He just wants to write editorials and be a champion of little Englanders.
Either that or cocaine really is one hell of a drug.


Before I came to the UK I thought so highly of this country. Now I feel it has some of the most corrupt, ridiculous and greedy cretins I've ever seen governing a country. Just the self-serving actions they take, to the point of taking a whole country down with them is simply baffling to me.

And the racism and xenophobia exploited daily to accomplish their goals genuinely makes me sick sometimes.

I'm from the EU so I can't help but take all of this to heart.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Boris is walking a very fine line, trying to portray himself as the only authority on Brexit without actually stabbing the knife into May. None of her potential successors actually want to be at the wheel when Brexit happens, they want her to absorb a lethal dose of radiation from the whole thing and then they will swoop in with free reign to turn us into a Tory utopia once we are decoupled from those pesky EU regulations.

If May were actually willing to give any kind of detail or vision for Brexit then maybe she could bring Boris to heel, but being a colossal coward she will just stay quiet. For her it's party over country, nothing must stop the Tories from clinging to power no matter the consequences, she is terrified to do anything that would destabilise the government further so she just stays silent. The whole Brexit process has been and will continue to be an internal Tory dispute.


I still keep hearing the defence of that bus from Leave voters, saying that it never said the whole £350m would be spent on the NHS.

That's true.

However, try and explain this one you fucking morons:


This poster needs far more exposure than that bus - especially now.

That poster doesn't actually say that it will either, strictly speaking.


That poster doesn't actually say that it will either, strictly speaking.

There's still no fucking £350 million though. No sum approaching that amount is 'taken' by the EU. Even on the most generous and liberal calculation you can just about get to £313m per week, but that includes the rebate which is deducted at source and is never actually sent. Including the rebate you're at £220m per week or thereabouts, and even that is a gross sum. The net extra is about £180m per week, as our net contribution is about £9bn a year (which by the way is a sum that the leave campaign accept. Obviously dividing it by 52 is a bit much for them)

And frankly most of that is going to be eaten up putting in place the civil service requirements to handle the functions carried out by the EU.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
That poster doesn't actually say that it will either, strictly speaking.

Nah, it clearly indicates that that's the plan (whether it was or not) - to use the entire amount. Unlike the bus which says that "let's fund the NHS instead" without saying the whole amount.

That poster in Bristol is inescapable.
You know what really does bug me about this? This idea that regulation is an inherently bad thing, and thus any great nation must 'lead' in it.

There's nothing in that statement that suggests that regulation is inherent. If you think that there's at least some regulation that we're better off without, you can be zealous in your desire to deregulate without needing to think deregulation should be aimless.
There's nothing in that statement that suggests that regulation is inherent. If you think that there's at least some regulation that we're better off without, you can be zealous in your desire to deregulate without needing to think deregulation should be aimless.
"Regulations make building new things more expensive" they said therefore deregulation means the return of the safety ignoring cowboys who build cheap.

AKA Grenfell - this is a place where tighter regulations would have saved lives.


You know what really does bug me about this? This idea that regulation is an inherently bad thing, and thus any great nation must 'lead' in it.

It fits the narrative of leavers, regulation is bad gets in the way, does nothing good, don't tell us what to do. The Tory view, we can do what we want and make loads of money for our mates and ourselves while the masses serve us, you've got a job, be happy, a job with little to no regulations, working standards etc.

A lot of people really don't get that regulation in the EU is good for the environment, health and safety, efficiency 'Tories should love this as that's their excuse for cuts', makes trade easier and more productive, between countries, science and tech innovation. I'm sure there might be some annoying things but their heart is in the right place, the regulations aren't made to be negative.


Who cares about such facts anyway? We live in post-factiod Brexit land were we make our own facts in our glorious re-birth of the British empire! /s

You laugh but that was a genuine response to the letter:

John Redwood said:
“We’re going to have an awful lot of letters if it’s suddenly the case that every bit of homework by a leading politician has to be marked by the statistical people.”

I think the thing that Boris's article provokes in me is something I should get over, but can't: just how fucking stupid our discourse is, and by implication, how moronic he/everyone thinks the population are.

His '10 points' include a tautology, points that are not necessarily related to Brexit other than being 'political and Brexit is political', repeat a known lie, and frame issues like immigration as 'it will still happen'. But that's OK, it's juicy politicking! Not a dire indictment, by implication, of EVERYTHING.

Cheers Boris. Can you teach us our ABCs next? Because we're apparently so cretinous that's what we're capable of.

Elitist EU? Pfft, try Westminster, bunch of self-serving arses. But we 'voted against them' didn't we, at the referendum? That's what we were told! 'Fight the establishment!'

Regulation is also vital to protect the generally high-quality manufacturing industries in Europe. It prevents the market being swamped by poor quality goods, especially in areas where the consumer would find it difficult to judge quality/safety (I work in chemical regulation and I think we're all glad that imports are forced to meet our quality standards).
It's a way of being a bit protectionist while remaining pro-trade.
Regulation is also vital to protect the generally high-quality manufacturing industries in Europe. It prevents the market being swamped by poor quality goods, especially in areas where the consumer would find it difficult to judge quality/safety (I work in chemical regulation and I think we're all glad that imports are forced to meet our quality standards).
It's a way of being a bit protectionist while remaining pro-trade.

On import/export, I saw this the other day https://twitter.com/Alison_McGovern/status/908674922565767168 on how potentially HMRC and the whole export system could be completely fucked if "no deal". As well as that exporters will potentially have to deal with customs at France/Belgium etc which I'm sure goods will be processed in a timely manner :d

Also its amazing how much of a kicking Boris is getting, heres the economics editor of the FT taking apart another part of his Telegraph article https://twitter.com/ChrisGiles_/status/909704109585989632
"Regulations make building new things more expensive" they said therefore deregulation means the return of the safety ignoring cowboys who build cheap.

AKA Grenfell - this is a place where tighter regulations would have saved lives.

I'm not sure what this has to do with what I said.


Damn those science-y types, always meddling in politics with their facts and rational thoughts.

I kinda wanna see BoJo win over May and then get raked over the coals for the Brexit fallout for that delicious comeuppance, but then again, he's one slippery snake. Bet he'd be able to deflect most of it, somehow. Plus, a BoJo-led UK would probably turn into a North Korea equivalent for the EU. So, yeah, let's not do that.


I kinda wanna see BoJo win over May and then get raked over the coals for the Brexit fallout for that delicious comeuppance, but then again, he's one slippery snake. Bet he'd be able to deflect most of it, somehow. Plus, a BoJo-led UK would probably turn into a North Korea equivalent for the EU. So, yeah, let's not do that.

No way, not for me. I want him to get his comeuppance well and truly, but not at the expense of him ever holding the office of PM, no matter how briefly or how badly it reflects on him. He should always be the bridesmaid and never the bride.

The ultimate curveball humiliation would be to shuffle him into Davis's DExEU post. Now that would be quite the car crash to behold. "You think you can do better, Boris? Prove it."


Unconfirmed Member
Make him health sec. Let him deal with a bunch of pissed off NHS employees. Try telling them about your £350m lie.

Par Score

I think the thing that Boris's article provokes in me is something I should get over, but can't: just how fucking stupid our discourse is, and by implication, how moronic he/everyone thinks the population are.

Here's the real problem: Time and again, he's been proven right.

On average and by majority, we're a nation of credulous morons who deserve what we get. BoJo is the shining beacon on a hill to this nation's rank stupidity.
Not sure if this has been posted but there is a petition on UK Gov petition site which is currently at 89,000 which is asking for a second referendum on brexit.

We, the undersigned, call upon HM Government to give the people of this country the final say on the Brexit deal negotiated by the UK and EU. This would be done through a referendum that would take place prior to the April 2019 exit date.



Not sure if this has been posted but there is a petition on UK Gov petition site which is currently at 89,000 which is asking for a second referendum on brexit.


But like...suppose that happened, the options are either the British public approves of the deal that is reached (assuming one is reached) in which case the referendum doesn't really matter, and the other is the British public voting to crash out without any sort of deal.

After all, as far as I'm aware, Britain has no way to back out of art. 50 without anyone else needing to approve.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
After all, as far as I'm aware, Britain has no way to back out of art. 50 without anyone else needing to approve.

This is very unclear, and the CJEU would almost certainly need to issue a ruling.


But like...suppose that happened, the options are either the British public approves of the deal that is reached (assuming one is reached) in which case the referendum doesn't really matter, and the other is the British public voting to crash out without any sort of deal.

After all, as far as I'm aware, Britain has no way to back out of art. 50 without anyone else needing to approve.
Yeah, for it to have any meaning whatsoever the EU would have to pre-approve an option on the ballot for a full A50 nullification.

And even if that did happen, Leavers would campaign on the argument EU 'sabotaged' the negotiations so we would remain.


I was watching the news and there was a bit about the NHS 350 million thing. The BBC pointed out after a rebate it's 270 million. Still, doesn't mean the NHS will even get 270 million or whatever which is more the lie for me.

Another referendum at this point, I just don't see it and probably not the thing you should risk doing again, it was stupid then and stupid now. What the government needs to do is admit it's reckless, ill thought out and cancel Brexit or stop being pricks and keep us in the single market and just suck up the worse deal with no say or benefits and take it on the chin for being fools but unfortunately that would be a surprising turn of events and take someone with their head screwed on to make happen.

Boris knows Brexit is going tits up, he just wants to be on the side of I could have done it better but May pulled the lever and ruined the UK by not being strong. Boris wants to pick up the pieces and not be blamed for it or slide away back to the papers and talk shit until retirement with no responsibility.


Ruh roh...

Brexit department head Oliver Robbins leaves, throwing Government plans into chaos

The civil servant in charge of the Department for Exiting the European Union (Dexeu) is to move to a new role in 10 Downing Street after just over a year in the job, throwing Theresa May's Brexit plans into chaos. Oliver Robbins is to take up a new "co-ordinating" role in Downing Street. It comes after a spate of reports during the summer that he had been involved in a series of disagreements with Brexit Secretary David Davis.

Oh and...

A government spokesperson said Mr Robbins would continue to lead the UK side in the Brexit negotiations, but confirmed he would no longer work in Dexeu.


Mr. Sam

I think "throwing government plans into chaos" is a bit of editorialising considering he's moving from one government department to another, apparently at the behest of members of the government.


I think "throwing government plans into chaos" is a bit of editorialising considering he's moving from one government department to another, apparently at the behest of members of the government.

You're right, in fairness. The government doesn't have any plans.


I was watching the news and there was a bit about the NHS 350 million thing. The BBC pointed out after a rebate it's 270 million. Still, doesn't mean the NHS will even get 270 million or whatever which is more the lie for me.

Another referendum at this point, I just don't see it and probably not the thing you should risk doing again, it was stupid then and stupid now. What the government needs to do is admit it's reckless, ill thought out and cancel Brexit or stop being pricks and keep us in the single market and just suck up the worse deal with no say or benefits and take it on the chin for being fools but unfortunately that would be a surprising turn of events and take someone with their head screwed on to make happen.

Boris knows Brexit is going tits up, he just wants to be on the side of I could have done it better but May pulled the lever and ruined the UK by not being strong. Boris wants to pick up the pieces and not be blamed for it or slide away back to the papers and talk shit until retirement with no responsibility.

A referendum on the deal would be a catastrophe. The Leave-voting public have been conditioned by the government's irresponsible election campaign that no deal is an acceptable outcome and it absolutely isn't. Add ghouls like Johnson, Gove and Redwood telling us that compromise is unpatriotic and that we can have whatever we want, you have a public set up to believe that anything short of total EU capitulation is a "bad deal" and therefore should be rejected.

I have no confidence that the government will be able to negotiate it's way to anything like the best outcome, but whatever they get will be preferable to no deal at all.


A last-second referendum on "all or nothing" would be a terrible idea. I'm already pretty pessimistic about the deal the UK will get, so giving the "no deal is better than a bad deal" crowd a way to scuttle the entire thing is utter lunacy.
I can't see enough votes happening to get one started, surely the party would rather pin everything they can on May and then bring in a fresh face, rather then increase the chaos.
I applaud your ability to stay optimistic in the face of Brexit politics. :D

On one hand, boring May sacrifice and unknown fresh face. Uncharted waters. Won't advance own career or agenda.
On the other hand, delicious candy, err, chaos. An all-you-can-stab buffet of exposed familiar backs and career opportunities.

But yeah, let's hope they can reel in their ambitions for a bit. You guys have enough on your plate with Brexit alone.



Who needs one when there is no plan. You've just got to believe and when other believers are alongside you, everything turns red white and blue. Lalalalalalalalala.

This Friday is going to be more of the same Maybot talk or oh shit, UK just left, there they are, ruling the waves, don't make eye contact.

Nobody is challenging May because nobody wants to hold the Brexit obviously poisoned chalice. I wonder why these leavers are all positive but do you want to take the wheel, are you crazy! It's going to be a disaster.


Who needs one when there is no plan. You've just got to believe and when other believers are alongside you, everything turns red white and blue. Lalalalalalalalala.

This Friday is going to be more of the same Maybot talk or oh shit, UK just left, there they are, ruling the waves, don't make eye contact.

Nobody is challenging May because nobody wants to hold the Brexit obviously poisoned chalice. I wonder why these leavers are all positive but do you want to take the wheel, are you crazy! It's going to be a disaster.
May gotta realise she's gonna be this centuries go to "worst pm" archetype ala Chamberlain.

Nobody will be happy regardless of how they voted.
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