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Brexit | OT3 | A Feast for Crows


Boris Johnson: Yes, we WILL take back £350m from EU for NHS


Boris Johnson today sets out a grand vision of Britain's ”glorious" post-Brexit future as a low-tax, low regulation economy paying nothing to the EU for access to the single market.

In a 4,000-word article for the Telegraph, the Foreign Secretary restates the key demand of the Leave campaign - that £350m a week currently sent to Brussels should be redirected to fund the NHS.

He says that Britain should not continue to make payments to the EU after Brexit and that ongoing membership of the European single market and customs union would make a "complete mockery" of the referendum.

Mr Johnson, who has said virtually nothing about Brexit in the wake of the election, makes no reference to any transition period after 2019 and makes repeated reference to how EU bureaucracy is a drag on economic performance.

The blueprint and vision he sets out today differs markedly from the plan set out by Philip Hammond and other Cabinet ministers - who have stressed the need to remain close to the single market and pay money to maintain access.

It comes less than a week before Theresa May delivers a pivotal Brexit speech in Florence, and effectively amounts to an ultimatum to the Prime Minister on what she is expected to say.

Just before UK conference season too. First proper shots being fired in the leadership race, I see.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Boris lost it with his games over the referendum. He was always a cunt, but he was always away to chortle it away. It doesn't work anymore, the facade is broken.

There is nothing worse in politics than these awful people who see politics as a game.


Boris lost it with his games over the referendum. He was always a cunt, but he was always away to chortle it away. It doesn't work anymore, the facade is broken.

There is nothing worse in politics than these awful people who see politics as a game.

For sure. Unfortunately in this case it might just throw a huge spanner in the Brexit works. If May even tries to put forward a transition arrangement, or send any money the EU's way, then from the looks of it Boris is ready to challenge her for the leadership, and there's likely enough MPs in the party to trigger a leadership election. Maybe there won't be enough support for Boris to win a leadership election, but any sort of challenge would cause just a bit of chaos.


For sure. Unfortunately in this case it might just throw a huge spanner in the Brexit works. If May even tries to put forward a transition arrangement, or send any money the EU's way, then from the looks of it Boris is ready to challenge her for the leadership, and there's likely enough MPs in the party to trigger a leadership election. Maybe there won't be enough support for Boris to win a leadership election, but any sort of challenge would cause just a bit of chaos.

There maybe enough for a challenge but Boris is tainted goods and the sheer classlessness of doing this on the day of a terrorist attack will not sit well with MP's.
Any chaos within the tories though is welcome.


Boris Johnson: Yes, we WILL take back £350m from EU for NHS

Just before UK conference season too. First proper shots being fired in the leadership race, I see.

Brexit will be a success

”This country will succeed in our new national enterprise, and will succeed mightily."
Man what a great plan

Foreign Sec Boris Johnson says he is "looking forward" to PM's speech in Florence and party is "behind Theresa for a glorious Brexit"
Glorious Brexit?
Maybe this is actually a plan... May and Boris secretly work together. Boris is supposed to be the bad cop, while May is like "Come on EU, you need to give me a good deal, because that's the only way I could get a majority behind it"
Where's he getting the 350 from again?

Does he expect the EU to keep paying our rebate and other infrastructure subsidies after we leave.

Or is he just a cunt trying to rally the nutjob wing of the party behind him against May for the inevitable leadership battle?

Then he can beat May, lose to Corbyn and never have to fulfil his promise. But he gets to drive the conservative clown car and have endless media attention without the annoying bullshit of having to run the country. I see you Boris... I fucking see you!


Maybe this is actually a plan... May and Boris secretly work together. Boris is supposed to be the bad cop, while May is like "Come on EU, you need to give me a good deal, because that's the only way I could get a majority behind it"

The 4Dest of 4D Chess plays.
Where's he getting the 350 from again?

Does he expect the EU to keep paying our rebate and other infrastructure subsidies after we leave.

The rebate, as such, isn't actually a sum of money returned to the UK. The UK just subtract it before paying the EU.

We would lose the payments to the regions from the EU though.
Maybe this is actually a plan... May and Boris secretly work together. Boris is supposed to be the bad cop, while May is like "Come on EU, you need to give me a good deal, because that's the only way I could get a majority behind it"

They would make the same mistakes as Greece with all the bold claims and the referendum who didn't realize that the other side can't look bad as well.

But they are just that dumb.
The 4Dest of 4D Chess plays.

I've said before and I'll say it again, most politicians are just fucking idiots. Boris Johnson used to make up news stories for The Telegraph, he's not a master tactician. David Davis bases most of his political decisions on the experience he had in the TA ... it's the fucking public's fault for accepting them to be honest.


If the UK doesn't pay the settlement what could the EU do to retaliate? Speaking on terms of a possible worse than hard brexit outcome.
If the UK doesn't pay the settlement what could the EU do to retaliate? Speaking on terms of a possible worse than hard brexit outcome.

I imagine other countries would think twice about entering into any future trade deal with the UK. At least without adding more terms in their favour.



From the Telegraph

The whole 'keeping your enemies close' thing doesn't exactly seem to working for Theresa, does it? All the while the mask of Boriswise the Dancing Clown continues to slip. The idiot rabble will eat up every word but at least some of the population are gradually waking up to the true nature of Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson.

If the UK doesn't pay the settlement what could the EU do to retaliate? Speaking on terms of a possible worse than hard brexit outcome.

"Hi. We're the UK. We've just abandoned our most important relationship of the past 40 years and reneged on our commitments in the process, breaching trust and severing goodwill. Can we have a trade deal, please?"

The EU wouldn't need to do a thing.


If the UK doesn't pay the settlement what could the EU do to retaliate? Speaking on terms of a possible worse than hard brexit outcome.

They don't actually have to do anything, for it to hurt.

It is self-harm in the most transparent way.
Why is Boris doing this now of all times?

I mean, everybody knows that he wants to be PM. But I always assumed that these plans went out of the window when Brexit happened, because the lazy fucker doesn't actually want to do the job and just wants to be a fair-weather PM for the (sociopathic) lulz of it (kinda like Cameron, but even worse).

So why is he doing this? Boris is a cunt and a sociopath, but he's not Donald Trump-levels of stupid and should thus know all too well that nobody wants to be in no. 10 when Brexit goes even more tits up than it already has.
Why is Boris doing this now of all times?

I mean, everybody knows that he wants to be PM. But I always assumed that these plans went out of the window when Brexit happened, because the lazy fucker doesn't actually want to do the job and just wants to be fair-weather PM for the (sociopathic) lulz of it (kinda like Cameron, but even worse).

So why is he doing this? Boris is a cunt and a sociopath, but he's not Donald Trump-level of stupid and should thus know all too well that nobody wants to be in no. 10 when Brexit goes even more tits up than it already has.

Long game perhaps. When Brexit does go tits up he'll say "Well I tried to tell her, my way would have been different."

Note: No it fucking wouldn't have.


Why is Boris doing this now of all times?

I mean, everybody knows that he wants to be PM. But I always assumed that these plans went out of the window when Brexit happened, because the lazy fucker doesn't actually want to do the job and just wants to be a fair-weather PM for the (sociopathic) lulz of it (kinda like Cameron, but even worse).

So why is he doing this? Boris is a cunt and a sociopath, but he's not Donald Trump-levels of stupid and should thus know all too well that nobody wants to be in no. 10 when Brexit goes even more tits up than it already has.

Boris hates work, the "negotiations" are going nowhere, and he knows the Brexit team will forever be marked by it.

This way he forces May to sack him, so he can go back to commenting from the sidelines about everything going wrong because May is soft and this isn't how he wanted to do it. Or there's the chance it leads to him becoming PM which satisfies his narcissism.

Mr. Sam

Long game perhaps. When Brexit does go tits up he'll say "Well I tried to tell her, my way would have been different."

Note: No it fucking wouldn't have.

Bang on. He's positioning himself so he can say, "Well, if they'd listen to me, we'd have had the unicorn that shat kittens."
Nice to know our country is being run by muppets that say any outlandish claim they feel like with no repercussions. Aside from the lack of severe narcissistic personality disorder, I'm not sure the leading figures of our conservative government are any different to Trump.


"Backseat" is a slang term for arse, isn't it?

No it's from the term 'backseat driver' where in a vehicle the person who isn't behind the wheel gives directions/acts in control when they are not. The backseat driver would typically give driving advice hat would conflict with the actual driver causing conflict.


Boris hates work, the "negotiations" are going nowhere, and he knows the Brexit team will forever be marked by it.

This way he forces May to sack him, so he can go back to commenting from the sidelines about everything going wrong because May is soft and this isn't how he wanted to do it. Or there's the chance it leads to him becoming PM which satisfies his narcissism.

This is very apt. Arguably depending on who you believe, he only backed Brexit Ref because he thought it would fail, but fail closely enough so he could align himself against Cameron and set himself up as 'man
of the people'

If he became PM it would be as bad as Trump in terms of bad decision making. I may not like Theresa that much, but Jesus she's better than Boris.
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