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Brexit | OT3 | A Feast for Crows


Have you considered that for Juncker caring about UK opinion is something he's put on the "Stuff I no longer need to give a shit about" box?
Well, yes, I suppose that's true, but he was a disliked figure well before referendum day, and I have no doubt that he was ultimately an unwitting asset to the Leave campaign. He almost epitmoises the Leaver stereotype of the out-of-touch Brussels bureaucrat. From a British point of view, he was politically toxic from day one.


Of course they haven't. Their plan is to sell all those services to their mates in big business therefore privatizing the entire country and taking back control - to sell it.

Even if this is tackled by private enterprises is some way (some of those are very difficult to do), they still need a lot of time to spin up. These aren't things that can be turned on from one day to the next.


Well, yes, I suppose that's true, but he was a disliked figure well before referendum day, and I have no doubt that he was ultimately an unwitting asset to the Leave campaign. He almost epitmoises the Leaver stereotype of the out-of-touch Brussels bureaucrat. From a British point of view, he was politically toxic from day one.
Honestly, while I wasn't too hot on him, I feel like he actually cares about the European project. It's his predecessor, Barroso who felt like a soulless bureaucrat waiting for his pension, in my view. (Also, being "out-of-touch" with British politics is, as far I am concerned, an asset )


Even if this is tackled by private enterprises is some way (some of those are very difficult to do), they still need a lot of time to spin up. These aren't things that can be turned on from one day to the next.

Exactly the point I was going to raise, thanks. Besides, it's hard to see how you could privatise a body that oversaw safe and legal transportation of nuclear fuel and isotopes, for example.

In other Brexit news, May's going to Florence next Friday, to make a speech on post-Brexit relations with the EU.

Theresa May will travel to Florence to make a speech on Brexit in a move likely to be seen as a bid to break the deadlock in negotiations.
The prime minister will give the speech on 22 September, days before Brexit negotiations resume in Brussels.
Downing Street said the PM will underline the UK's wish for a "special partnership" with the EU after Brexit.


I really want a new series of The Thick of it, set in these times...
Could be both from Tories or Labour perspective...


Exactly the point I was going to raise, thanks. Besides, it's hard to see how you could privatise a body that oversaw safe and legal transportation of nuclear fuel and isotopes, for example.

In other Brexit news, May's going to Florence next Friday, to make a speech on post-Brexit relations with the EU.

Are we just to repeat the same talk over and over, maybe the EU will blink this time....

If May says on the 21st Sept that the UK is paying 50 billion or whatever, take it or leave it, that has a chance of moving things. That's my guess.


I really want a new series of The Thick of it, set in these times...
Could be both from Tories or Labour perspective...

A return of Thick Of It or a Brasseye: Brexit Special is what the country needs right now. Whether it deserves it is another question... considering what's happened in the last year, I feel like it may need a warning that this is actually satire and not real.


Apparently she chose the place not because any EU meetings are happening there, but because it is a historical city:

Asked why the venue had been picked, May’s spokesman said the prime minister “wanted to give a speech on the UK’s future relationship with Europe in its historical heart”.

She doesn't dare set foot in Brussels so she travels all the way to Florence at the taxpayer's expense to give a speech where she will no doubt throw veiled threats left right and centre that are going to be completely ignored by the EU. It's all a fucking joke for these cunts.
Even if this is tackled by private enterprises is some way (some of those are very difficult to do), they still need a lot of time to spin up. These aren't things that can be turned on from one day to the next.
Correct and they can they spin the problems with that against the EU, cauterising the stump when the population asking why the fuck a loaf of bread now costs £3.


Apparently she chose the place not because any EU meetings are happening there, but because it is a historical city:

She doesn't dare set foot in Brussels so she travels all the way to Florence at the taxpayer's expense to give a speech where she will no doubt throw veiled threats left right and centre that are going to be completely ignored by the EU. It's all a fucking joke for these cunts.

Ah, going for the daily fail 'dagger to the heart of the EU' headlines. Sad state of affairs. What else is she going to do, come and join the UK in the new EUKU.


She doesn't dare set foot in Brussels so she travels all the way to Florence at the taxpayer's expense to give a speech where she will no doubt throw veiled threats left right and centre that are going to be completely ignored by the EU. It's all a fucking joke for these cunts.

May is positioning herself for the conference, of course she will be take a hard swing to the Right for the next 3 weeks. She has to survive the inevitable challenge from the hardliners.
When I see that the Treasury is preparing for a no deal Brexit, a thought does occur to me that they've barely begun any of the planning for the systems and institutions and bureaucracy that'll need to be in place and not fail on Brexit day, regardless of what deal they come to. Where's the massive expansion in customs, recruiting drives to have the staff needed to deal with the huge upsurge in checks required? Where's the planning for IT systems to deal with the millions of applications from EU citizens in this country? What about the replacements for the myriad of other EU organisations that manage things like chemical regulations to atomic energy?

Basically, at the very minimum Dover should be a massive building site at the moment. There's at worst eighteen months to get everything ready, but so far it looks as if work hasn't even started.

No, dummy! The Great British people voted to reduce red tape and bureaucracy, not expand it.
It will be a complete disaster. UK regulatory agencies already have a staffing crisis due to budget cuts and hiring/wage freezes (speaking from personal experience). Most people quickly get a job in consultancy with a massive wage increase once they have enough training/experience. There simply aren't enough qualified people to do the jobs currently performed by the EU bodies. Creating a swathe of UK regulatory bodies would need the sort of public investment and political will that Frankfurt and Paris are putting in as they try to create new EU banking/medicines agencies. I think our regulatory agency plan is to buy an economy-size pack of rubber stamps and re-print every EU regulatory decision on UK.gov letterheaded paper. The cost of regulatory divergence would be too great. Things that have an unavoidable need for extra labour (customs checks) are just fucked.

A return of Thick Of It or a Brasseye: Brexit Special is what the country needs right now. Whether it deserves it is another question... considering what's happened in the last year, I feel like it may need a warning that this is actually satire and not real.

The series we need, but not the one we deserve right now...

Edit: Why the fuck is May going to Florence? I'm not sure it qualifies as the historical heart of Europe in any sense. It comes across as being scared of taking on the big boys in Brussels.
It's famous for the enlightenment, being a centre of trade and Machiavelli.
Brexit's anti-expert gut feel politics is as far from enlightenment ideals as it is possible to get.
Brexit will make trade much more difficult and uncertain.
As for Machiavelli, I guess she has this part nailed:
A prince, therefore, must not mind incurring the charge of cruelty for the purpose of keeping his subjects united and confident
but this bit will bite her in the arse:
The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.

I'm surprised she doesn't just stay at home and give a speech in York, the traditional capital of Europe (when some Emperor was crowned there and made it the centre of government for the Roman empire)
I'm just waiting for her to give a speech about the economy in Bradford, the traditional heart of the British economy (when our exports were dominated by the textile industry).


May is positioning herself for the conference, of course she will be take a hard swing to the Right for the next 3 weeks. She has to survive the inevitable challenge from the hardliners.

I know but at least the cunt could have some dignity and give the speech at number 10 instead of all this posturing. She can say whatever she wants, the EU are not going to change their stance.


I know but at least the cunt could have some dignity and give the speech at number 10 instead of all this posturing. She can say whatever she wants, the EU are not going to change their stance.

Yup. A bit like her election to strengthen her hand and all that. Like Barnier gives a fuck how many MPs she has...

"I'm sorry, we can't compromise on the four freedoms."

"But the Conservative party has 396 MPs in the UK parliament."

*Gasps of horror from the EU delegation*

"B-but, the freedoms! How will they prevail now that you have a majority of 112 back home?"

"We took back control, Mr Barnier. Disgraced Former Defence Secretary Liam Fox has already stormed the Reichstag to negotiate with Mrs. Merkel. NOTHING stands in the way of the democratic will of the British people. Guards... Kill him."

And then John Redwood wakes up in a pool of sweat and semen. Some of it his own.

Mr. Sam

Yup. A bit like her election to strengthen her hand and all that. Like Barnier gives a fuck how many MPs she has...

Quite. The only time it would matter how large a majority she had is if she didn't have one (and lo and behold...).

Also, if we could lay off the use of the c-word in reference to women, even if it's someone you really despise...


Also, if we could lay off the use of the c-word in reference to women, even if it's someone you really despise...

I don't think there's any sexist intent. She's one, Boris is one, Gove is one, Fox is one, etc. Nigel Farage is King Cunt and he's supposed to be the blokiest one of the lot, what with there being a pint permanently in his hand for cynical photo ops.

Mr. Sam

I don't think there's any sexist intent.

Oh no, I didn't think there was, otherwise my response would have been much more strongly worded, but it can obviously easily be construed that way. At any rate, I'll drop it - I've no desire to die on this hill.


What are you refering to ?

I thought his speech was pretty great and agree with almost everything he said.

"Britain will regret Brexit"

While he respected the choice of the British people to go their own way, he said the UK's exit would prove a "very sad, tragic moment in our history" which we "will always regret".
Responding to UKIP MEPs in the chamber, who had cheered the mention of the UK's exit, he added - in an off-the-cuff remark not included in advance copies of the speech - "I think you will regret it as well soon, if I might say."

How does this not come across as an Anglophobic crowd and a threat / him playing to that crowd?

Edit: the fact they have to put up with Farage excuses them to some extent to be fair.


That whole tree of tweets is depressing, and it's from a Pro-Leave source calling the government delusional.

Full section:

Ruh Roh.

I'm confused by section 3, she won't walk away but it's 'take it or we'll walk' ??
So basically the same rumors that first appeared a few months ago.

If she actually goes through with it all i can say is wow


Also, if we could lay off the use of the c-word in reference to women, even if it's someone you really despise...
It's bad enough in the US specific threads people get called out on this, but this is a UK thread, people can be called a cunt without it having any sexist meanings.

Mr. Sam

It's bad enough in the US specific threads people get called out on this, but this is a UK thread, people can be called a cunt without it having any sexist meanings.

They can, and again I don't believe the poster in question had that intention, but it's indubitably a word that's often used to denigrate women (even in the UK) and can very easily be misconstrued. I don't think many, if any, women frequent this thread, but it certainly doesn't present a very inviting environment. In short, we can easily avoid using a word that has very obvious, offensive connotations.


I don't think there's any sexist intent. She's one, Boris is one, Gove is one, Fox is one, etc. Nigel Farage is King Cunt and he's supposed to be the blokiest one of the lot, what with there being a pint permanently in his hand for cynical photo ops.

My issue is that labelling a woman a cunt or bitch due to hatred independent of her gender is indistinguishable from labelling her out of hatred for women. The end result is an atmosphere reminiscent of 4chan or a bad sub-reddit.


My issue is that labelling a woman a cunt or bitch due to hatred independent of her gender is indistinguishable from labelling her out of hatred for women. The end result is an atmosphere reminiscent of 4chan or a bad sub-reddit.

So what could someone call May? I don't mind it bring gender-neutral but it needs to be scathing enough to befit her character.


I would call her a callous, disgusting, heartless human being who is utterly terrible at her job, willingly putting lots of lives at risk of stress and unnecessary duress (including mine) for the sake of scoring political points, morally bereft and affected by the little Englander syndrome.

But fuck if I'm going to type that every time when cunt summarises it beautifully.


we call people dicks and twats too. I agree that bitch is gendered but thats becuase its ususally used to specifically call women bitches. Cunt being used as a swear is pretty gender less (at least it is in the UK)
Jeremy Hunt is a Cunt.

He is widely known as Jeremy Cunt.

Twat is also a super common UK insult, but 90% of people probably don't know that the word even refers to a vagina.

I never knew until I heard an American pronounce it as "twaht" in some comedy.

The tories are a bunch of dicks, Farage is a prick, Boris is a knob head and fuck Jeremy Cunt.

Leave my British curse words alone you bunch of cunty twazzocks.

I'm taking back control of cursing.

Fight me.
Cunt is supposed to be offensive, the point is (and it's been done to death) that cunt is used as frequently for men in the UK as it is for women... if not more to be honest (because obviously people are far more confident saying it of men!).
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