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Brink |OT| _/^\_

"I somewhat agree with you, I always think that I want a new game like quake 3, then I realize that they will never be able to create that magic again. :/"

I was so disappointed when it was revealed that Bulletstorm was just going to be a +50 XP mindless positive reinforcement festival considering People Can Fly's pedigree and some of the really interesting weapons they had shown at the time.
Teknopathetic said:
I really wish I could love this game more, but in the end I am so tired of shooting assault rifles that I can't get too into it.

I have no problems with games having assault rifles, i still enjoy them myself. The problem with most games nowadays is that the assault rifles are often the only viable option. I would like to be able to run around with the shotty every now and then but it just isn't an alternative. The map design often force me out in open areas and i end up getting shot by someone with an AR from the other side of the map.


Had the time of my life last night as a heavy running around with the Lobster and SMG combo. On Resort guarding the pillar I defended against the entire team trying to use the back escalator. Knock them down, switch to SMG and take them out. Finally figured out as well as solider I could flash bang and molotv them as well for added irritation.

Enjoyed about 3-4 games of zero lag. Keep in mind it took 3-4 tries of popping in and out of games until the host finally migrated and worked. If they fix it I'll play it more. LA Noire until then though. Sorry SD.
Yeah, I'm someone who really, really, really wants to love this game, but the console port is so bad that I can't, in good faith, recommend it. And the odds of a patch fixing the lag, matchmaking, and adding any sort of party system are slim to none. The basic gameplay is sublime, but everything around it is so incredibly bad; it's like Splash Damage didn't learn a single lesson from the advancements of console shooters in recent years. Say what you want about "dur dur consoles p2p," but games like Halo and CoD are able to make it an experience worth playing (and even last year's licensed Transformers game was more pleasant to play online than this).

I've been eying a new PC for a while now (haven't built one in almost 8 years; I've had other things take priority) - this might push me over the edge. That said, I don't really have the funds for a top-of-the-line rig, and I've been hearing that this game has some issues running on some older builds - is that true? What cards/CPUs are you guys using and how has your experience been?


I still don't have this game and I was absolutely looking forward to it. I didn't purchase on release date because it's not been released here in Japan yet and only today it arrived to the import store where I always buy my games..

But seeing all the talk about how laggy it gets on consoles, I think I will wait for now.. I still got LA Noire to buy, and not that much money to spend.

Another reason why I want this game is because it will most likely be awesome as an inspiration source for my own designs. So I'll end up buying this no matter how the lag is.. but yeah.. I might wait until it gets cheaper if they don't fix it up.
Hoping to score a cheap Steam key from eBay...otherwise, has anyone seen good digital deals for this online, for just the key? I've seen $40 but not sure if there is anything lower right now.
Mr. Snrub said:
Hoping to score a cheap Steam key from eBay...otherwise, has anyone seen good digital deals for this online, for just the key? I've seen $40 but not sure if there is anything lower right now.
Intkeys had it for $25, but their site has been "under construction" and not updated for over a month. Also you might have to threaten a chargeback to get them to deliver the product.

Keep in mind that any place with really cheap Steam keys will likely require you to "lend" them your steam account as the keys will be regioned and thus must be activated in that region.


poserdonut said:
I somewhat agree with you, I always think that I want a new game like quake 3, then I realize that they will never be able to create that magic again. :/

Oh man this almost made me go on a rant completely agreeing with you but I wont derail the thread.

I am hoping all these issues get fixed soon because I am getting tired of spending a half an hour trying to find a playable game and then having to settle for a comp stomp. I am booting up Brink less and less already and it's a week in : /. I have gaming ADD and this is getting on the edge of forgotten for me.


Ramirez said:
It's really not garbage when it's set up properly, but for some reason only Bungie and IW/Treyarch seem to have any common sense on how to do it, sad really.

divisionbyzorro said:
Say what you want about "dur dur consoles p2p," but games like Halo and CoD are able to make it an experience worth playing

Here's the thing, as someone who's been mainly PC a lot of my life for online games with a recent switch over to consoles due to an RSI, Bungie and IW/Treyarch simply have the best implementation in the vacuum of consoles. I've been consistently frustrated with online console experiences because match making is just so terribly limiting or plain terrible period, and this includes the Bungie and CoD implementations of it.

That server browsers are someone how too hard for the HD twins target demographic is just hard to wrap my brain around.
FLEABttn said:
Here's the thing, as someone who's been mainly PC a lot of my life for online games with a recent switch over to consoles due to an RSI, Bungie and IW/Treyarch simply have the best implementation in the vacuum of consoles. I've been consistently frustrated with online console experiences because match making is just so terribly limiting or plain terrible period, and this includes the Bungie and CoD implementations of it.

That server browsers are someone how too hard for the HD twins target demographic is just hard to wrap my brain around.

It's not about server browsers. It's about servers. Console games (most of them) don't run dedicated servers, so why would you need a server browser? In the current system, the "server" (host machine) is only acting as a server for the life of the match, at which point everything resets. It's not a user intelligence issue, but it is the best method for dealing with an ecosystem that doesn't have dedicated servers.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not going to argue that dedicated servers aren't the better option. Maybe 50 years from now when we have personal internet speeds capable of handling P2P gaming lag-free that won't be the case, but for now it's not. But that doesn't mean that console gaming online has to be a shit experience. The fact that you can't choose your ping means that consoles can never offer a consistently A+ online gaming experience, but they can still build fantastic games online, and there's absolutely no excuse to make it as terrible as Brink has made it.


IPoopStandingUp said:
So is getting this on the PS3 a terrible idea? I would much rather play it on a console than on the PC.

Ignoring all potential balance issues, or technical issues which can be somewhat subjective, I'd say yes. For the sheer fact that so far, you don't really play with actual people online.
IPoopStandingUp said:
So is getting this on the PS3 a terrible idea? I would much rather play it on a console than on the PC.
I would much rather play on the console of my choice as well. That isn't possible due to the gamebreaking lag and horrid matchmaking in Brink. Unless you like playing with and against brain dead bots, PC version is the way to go.
divisionbyzorro said:
It's not about server browsers. It's about servers. Console games (most of them) don't run dedicated servers, so why would you need a server browser? In the current system, the "server" (host machine) is only acting as a server for the life of the match, at which point everything resets. It's not a user intelligence issue, but it is the best method for dealing with an ecosystem that doesn't have dedicated servers.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not going to argue that dedicated servers aren't the better option. Maybe 50 years from now when we have personal internet speeds capable of handling P2P gaming lag-free that won't be the case, but for now it's not. But that doesn't mean that console gaming online has to be a shit experience. The fact that you can't choose your ping means that consoles can never offer a consistently A+ online gaming experience, but they can still build fantastic games online, and there's absolutely no excuse to make it as terrible as Brink has made it.

You don't need dedicated servers to get a server list. Warhawk has server lists, and as well as the dedicated servers people can create on their PS3's and official servers, there are also non-dedicated user created games. It's amazingly well done too. You can search for games based on server type, room size, game types,etc, and all rooms show ping. It's not like we're (ie console gamers) are asking these developers to invent the wheel, just copy whats been done already.

And besides Warhawk a lot of other console games have given users some sort of server list to control how they want to play. Socom 1-Confrontation had custom games, server lists and dedicated servers (which Socom 4 lost), Kllzone 2 had the same (which Killzone 3 removed). Even Gears 1, which had horrible P2P servers, let you see a server list to found specific maps/gametypes.

Matchmaking is the wort thing to ever come out of console gaming. It kills the experience and makes online a mindless shuffle from game to game instead of building a community and friendships.
Just played a bunch of matches and fuck me this game can be irritating. We were 5 medics, one soldier and one operative. No one changed class exept me. Seems like 95% of the userbase is lobotimized. Another problem is that even if ppl actually wanted to adapt and change class you get punished for it since you can't change character. Most ppl will only have one main set of abilities on their chars so changing class will severely weaken the team.


pappakenoo said:
Just played a bunch of matches and fuck me this game can be irritating. We were 5 medics, one soldier and one operative. No one changed class exept me. Seems like 95% of the userbase is lobotimized. Another problem is that even if ppl actually wanted to adapt and change class you get punished for it since you can't change character. Most ppl will only have one main set of abilities on their chars so changing class will severely weaken the team.

Its the CoD Effect. Add anything that requires teamwork and understanding your class and most of them fall to bits. It also happens to be the reason why Brink will only be played by a dedicated few.


pappakenoo said:
Just played a bunch of matches and fuck me this game can be irritating. We were 5 medics, one soldier and one operative. No one changed class exept me. Seems like 95% of the userbase is lobotimized. Another problem is that even if ppl actually wanted to adapt and change class you get punished for it since you can't change character. Most ppl will only have one main set of abilities on their chars so changing class will severely weaken the team.

Just keep saying "we need to change classes if we want to win" and they'll eventually get the message...or at least two people will.
Between the lack of people willing to use teamwork and the amount of lag/disconnects that I had to deal with, I finally had to give up and traded the game in to Amazon. It's too bad because I really wanted to like Brink.
AlmostMilk said:
As soon as the lag issue is fixed this game will be great. Everyone who is trading it in because of the lag will regret it later on.

That might be the case but depending on when the lag gets fixed there might not be much of a community left. Personally for me I have no shortage of shooters in my collection and I have a big backlog of single player games to play through.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
AlmostMilk said:
As soon as the lag issue is fixed this game will be great. Everyone who is trading it in because of the lag will regret it later on.

But anybody who is waiting for a price drop is doing the perfect thing ;)
Well after tonight i'm actually considering giving this up as well. I love the core gameplay but it just doesn't work. I have tried like 6 different servers tonight and people just don't give a shit about how the game is supposed to be played.

Another problem, and this might very well be because of the lack of team play, but it is just soooooo much easier to defend than it is to attack. Because in defense people actually do what they are supposed to.
AlmostMilk said:
As soon as the lag issue is fixed this game will be great. Everyone who is trading it in because of the lag will regret it later on.
I considered trading in Brink. However, I like the core gameplay way too much to do so. Seeing Splash Damage work hard on fixing the PC versions issues and free DLC coming next month, makes it easy for me to keep this game. I know this game will be lag free soon enough.

My main concern is the matchmaking. I need an option to search for matches without bots.
AtomHeart said:
If you wanna get into a good game on the 360, pick the competitive game type, no bots and it feels so much smoother.
Isn't that only 5 on 5 though? I want a full 16 player match with no lag. Anything else is simply unacceptable to me.
You guys are depressing me :[ I really want to play on consoles but I'm just not going to get it until the lag issues are fixed, and I refuse to play on PC until there is controller support (plus I'm not sure if my PC could really handle it). It just sucks because I've been looking forward to this game for a long time and it's sad to see it crash and burn because of technical issues.

Please fix this thing SD.


Dearest Splash Damage,

Please make Standard Freeplay on consoles the following:

8v8 (join games in progress, auto team balance)
No bots (they're pretty useless and add to lag... Sorry!)
Public VOIP (nobody knows how to use fireteams on console, and without communication the game is terrible)
+ rest of Standard rule set

It would really help my enjoyment of things. Thanks!


Pff why do people always defend p2p.

Two words : listen server, 2 words that have given pc gamers the heeby jeebies for like 15 years.
Renaming it to p2p doesn't make it suck less.

I wonder if all the p2p fans have ever taken the time to find a 'regular' server.
That's how communities form online, playing with randoms all the time or only with people on your friendslist that you have to invite/pray there is a server slot free is taking the spirit out of online gaming.

Can't play any pc game for more than a few days without finding a favorite server and making some new friends.
After owning a ps3 for 4 years I have like 3 people on my psn list because I'm always playing against different people. (and the lag and lack of browser means I don't play much on it to begin with)

Dedi server = you have a good match? you save the ip and return later, likeminded people return too, server clique is born.


soultron said:
Dearest Splash Damage,

Please make Standard Freeplay on consoles the following:

8v8 (join games in progress, auto team balance)
No bots (they're pretty useless and add to lag... Sorry!)
Public VOIP (nobody knows how to use fireteams on console, and without communication the game is terrible)
+ rest of Standard rule set

It would really help my enjoyment of things. Thanks!



I'd like to add to that, please announce said patch by Friday. Or I am selling this back to Amazon.
soultron said:
Dearest Splash Damage,

Please make Standard Freeplay on consoles the following:

8v8 (join games in progress, auto team balance)
No bots (they're pretty useless and add to lag... Sorry!)
Public VOIP (nobody knows how to use fireteams on console, and without communication the game is terrible)
+ rest of Standard rule set

It would really help my enjoyment of things. Thanks!


soultron and TheApatheticOne

Now we can send the letter!
soultron said:
Dearest Splash Damage,

Please make Standard Freeplay on consoles the following:

8v8 (join games in progress, auto team balance)
No bots (they're pretty useless and add to lag... Sorry!)
Public VOIP (nobody knows how to use fireteams on console, and without communication the game is terrible)
+ rest of Standard rule set

It would really help my enjoyment of things. Thanks!


I will go ahead and co-sign that.
SneakyStephan said:
Pff why do people always defend p2p.

Two words : listen server, 2 words that have given pc gamers the heeby jeebies for like 15 years.
Renaming it to p2p doesn't make it suck less.

I wonder if all the p2p fans have ever taken the time to find a 'regular' server.
That's how communities form online, playing with randoms all the time or only with people on your friendslist that you have to invite/pray there is a server slot free is taking the spirit out of online gaming.

Can't play any pc game for more than a few days without finding a favorite server and making some new friends.
After owning a ps3 for 4 years I have like 3 people on my psn list because I'm always playing against different people. (and the lag and lack of browser means I don't play much on it to begin with)

Dedi server = you have a good match? you save the ip and return later, likeminded people return too, server clique is born.

Yeah yeah; we've heard the entire console vs pc gaming argument a million and one times. It's not worth repeating here. The fact is that Splash Damage did a piss-poor job with the online portion of the console port, and "hurr durr console gamers don't know what they're missing" is not the appropriate response.

soultron said:
Dearest Splash Damage,

Please make Standard Freeplay on consoles the following:

8v8 (join games in progress, auto team balance)
No bots (they're pretty useless and add to lag... Sorry!)
Public VOIP (nobody knows how to use fireteams on console, and without communication the game is terrible)
+ rest of Standard rule set

And add some sort of party system so that I can play with my friends.

It would really help my enjoyment of things. Thanks!



I'll sign with that amendment.


SneakyStephan said:
Pff why do people always defend p2p.

Two words : listen server, 2 words that have given pc gamers the heeby jeebies for like 15 years.
Renaming it to p2p doesn't make it suck less.

I wonder if all the p2p fans have ever taken the time to find a 'regular' server.
That's how communities form online, playing with randoms all the time or only with people on your friendslist that you have to invite/pray there is a server slot free is taking the spirit out of online gaming.

Dedi server = you have a good match? you save the ip and return later, likeminded people return too, server clique is born.
I won't ever defend console matchmaking. It's supposed to be all sexy and streamlined, but it really only makes sense for people who're completely new to things or really want the option to jump the fuck into a game fast, without caring about the people they're playing with/against.

Games that had server lists on console always gave me a boner. It's why I played the SOCOM series for so long. We had server lists and clans that would fight for "control" over a regional server list (RIP G.O.A. and US CENTRAL 1!). It was fucking awesome. That was back when being in a part of a console clan meant something, if you ask me. IIRC, the original SOCOM had peaks of 400K people playing... and they all figured out how to work things.

If a console game were to simply include some kind of server list, it'd win a lot of points from me.


divsionbyzorro said:
I'll sign with that amendment.

The problem is that fireteams already exist... but noone on consoles knows how to use them or they simply choose not to reply to invites. I'm fairly gentle with SD on this one, but I don't know who thought it would be smart to disable VOIP in favour of something you have to pause and sift through menus to invite folks to -- just to hear their voice. There's the whole playing with them in other games thing to fireteams too, but again, nobody uses them.

Such a simple, yet glaring blunder, IMO.


Neo Member
I just upgraded my FiOS to 25/25, and all the Big Team games (8v8) I have played since were surprisingly lag free (360).
I guess what SD said about more up speed was true.
That is NOT to say I think one should need a 25/25 connection to play!
I do love this game though.... so many options to have fun :)


divisionbyzorro said:
Yeah yeah; we've heard the entire console vs pc gaming argument a million and one times. It's not worth repeating here. The fact is that Splash Damage did a piss-poor job with the online portion of the console port, and "hurr durr console gamers don't know what they're missing" is not the appropriate response.
But it is an appropriate response!



oh wow had the chance to play this on a friend's PS3 and it was absolutely terrible, this is 2011 guys @ Splash Damage, PS3-360 have been around for 5 years now. I'm pretty sure no one is gonna take your next game seriously considering how poor this effort has been, all the advertising and PR talk about Brink being the "online revolution" and at the end of the day the revolution is a 20 fps laggy mess with a total lack of features, no party system, low player count, terrible graphics engine... in a word: fail!

my PC copy looks 100x better now after watching the "spectacle" Brink is on PS3-360, also I use the Brink Config app and the FPS_Limiter utility so I can optimize the hell out of it.

console only gamers stay away from this game unless they pull a miracle patch somehow.
soultron said:
Dearest Splash Damage,

Please make Standard Freeplay on consoles the following:

8v8 (join games in progress, auto team balance)
No bots (they're pretty useless and add to lag... Sorry!)
Public VOIP (nobody knows how to use fireteams on console, and without communication the game is terrible)
+ rest of Standard rule set

It would really help my enjoyment of things. Thanks!



This is damn good.
Lince said:
oh wow had the chance to play this on a friend's PS3 and it was absolutely terrible, this is 2011 guys @ Splash Damage, PS3-360 have been around for 5 years now. I'm pretty sure no one is gonna take your next game seriously considering how poor this effort has been, all the advertising and PR talk about Brink being the "online revolution" and at the end of the day the revolution is a 20 fps laggy mess with a total lack of features, no party system, low player count, terrible graphics engine... in a word: fail!

my PC copy looks 100x better now after watching the "spectacle" Brink is on PS3-360, also I use the Brink Config app and the FPS_Limiter utility so I can optimize the hell out of it.

console only gamers stay away from this game unless they pull a miracle patch somehow.

And yet the base gameplay is so good that I'm still dying to go home and play it, despite knowing that I'm playing the bitch version. This is truly one of the worst console ports I've seen in years, and it hurts even worse knowing that the game was so good. It reminds me of the early days of TF2 on 360, and how much worse that pain got as the years went on and the console port stayed stagnant.

Like I said earlier: even though online console games can't quite reach the potential that the PC can offer, there's no excuse for putting something out that's this bad online. You can still make a stellar online game on PS3/360 if you try.


divisionbyzorro said:
Like I said earlier: even though online console games can't quite reach the potential that the PC can offer, there's no excuse for putting something out that's this bad online.

Yeah in the vacuum of console gaming, this is still exceedingly terrible.

Again, what kind of matchmaking doesn't find matches?
divisionbyzorro said:
And yet the base gameplay is so good that I'm still dying to go home and play it, despite knowing that I'm playing the bitch version. This is truly one of the worst console ports I've seen in years, and it hurts even worse knowing that the game was so good. It reminds me of the early days of TF2 on 360, and how much worse that pain got as the years went on and the console port stayed stagnant.

Like I said earlier: even though online console games can't quite reach the potential that the PC can offer, there's no excuse for putting something out that's this bad online. You can still make a stellar online game on PS3/360 if you try.

Like, every single word of this.


TheApatheticOne said:
Like, every single word of this.
I know Splash Damage is working hard at improving the console versions of Brink, but I can't help but shrug at the fact one of SD's leads laughed at Nerve and Underground's versions of Quake Wars on consoles. Completely different beasts, and I do appreciate that Splash Damage took on the console efforts (and beefed up their staff with console developers) but I can't help but think a little more time spent on the console networking side would've really helped things.

That being said, it's only been a week and I'm still optimistic at SD properly tuning this for consoles.
soultron said:
That being said, it's only been a week and I'm still optimistic at SD properly tuning this for consoles.

For me, it wont even take that much as Ive already been in some 8 vs. 8 games that were a blast that had no noticable lag. Make that commonplace, ditch the bots, and the most important thing, create a simple looking user friendly interface for me to get some GAFers and friends together, party up, and play the game.


I got rid of my copy.

I really like the teamwork, and class system, but the lag on the 360 makes the game basically worthless.


TheApatheticOne said:
For me, it wont even take that much as Ive already been in some 8 vs. 8 games that were a blast that had no noticable lag. Make that commonplace, ditch the bots, and the most important thing, create a simple looking user friendly interface for me to get some GAFers and friends together, party up, and play the game.
The GAF Brink gamertag doesn't work for playing with other gaffers since you need to be friends on XBL first. Boo!


Lince said:
oh wow had the chance to play this on a friend's PS3 and it was absolutely terrible, this is 2011 guys @ Splash Damage, PS3-360 have been around for 5 years now. I'm pretty sure no one is gonna take your next game seriously considering how poor this effort has been, all the advertising and PR talk about Brink being the "online revolution" and at the end of the day the revolution is a 20 fps laggy mess with a total lack of features, no party system, low player count, terrible graphics engine... in a word: fail!

my PC copy looks 100x better now after watching the "spectacle" Brink is on PS3-360, also I use the Brink Config app and the FPS_Limiter utility so I can optimize the hell out of it.

console only gamers stay away from this game unless they pull a miracle patch somehow.

My fucking BRO, I don't any other review. Your mouth to gods ears bc I know I can trust you.
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