He was supposed to do another one after talking to Zipper and finding out about the stress testing on the servers but then he told everyone not to expect much better which eliminates the point. He admitted to barely playing the game online when it's a MP shooter for the most part as the SOCOM series has always been about and then went to review the Gears 3 beta. He said KZ3 had a bad story and dialogue as well but that still had a 10/10 along with Deadly Premonition which aren't bad games but surely aren't 10's. Even the S4 haters on the forum thought the whole thing was crazy. It's just annoying at how inconsistent reviewers are.
I'm all for different opinions in reviews and I know S4 isn't perfect nor is Brink, but it's proof that reviews for a lot of these games just aren't taken seriously by the reviewers so why should anyone else take them seriously?
SOCOM 4 and Brink are both games for the hardcore so it's hardly a surprise that some reviewers don't like it. You'd think they'd be better at playing shooters by now.