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Brink |OT| _/^\_

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Nocebo said:
I'm getting a little worried about these performance issues on PC. I should exceed the minimum requirements just a tad but if people with recommended specs are having issues? I'm pretty much fucked right? :(
Not really. I exceed the minimum just a tad and I'm doing alright. Not great, but the problem is more with ATI cards it seems. And possibly the framerate in general because of coding rather than the computer running it.
"Thank you sir. How on earth did you figure that out, lol."

I didn't, I'm idling in a brink IRC channel trying to figure out how I can get my actual performance out of the game.


This is how the menu should look:


Weird white texture lines after installing the ATI hotfix from earlier today:


Damn ATI...

EDIT: The game has HUGE potential, but these performance issues are holding it back. Everything gameplay wise works great.


Ah fuck it, I'm not cancelling my order.

I could save the money, but I want to get my hands on this so I can test it myself, plus those mixed reviews are intriguing me.


I've got my US server setup:

IP: or brinkgafuseast.clanservers.com
Default settings, located in Chicago


Here are some shots. Using an e8400, 4gb ram, w7 32bit, and a 6870 and getting 30fps max with everything maxed out at 1920x1080. The game does not look that great to only be 30fps. I should mention that I have vsync off and it looks like the game is using TAA. There is this ghosting effect whenever you move.





Alienshogun said:
Already set up my return on Amazon. As soon as UPS drops it off I'll stick it in an envelope and ship that bitch back.
Are posts like this common on GAF during day one launches of bad games? I rarely buy games day one so all these people returning preorders is hilarious to me.
Yikes, glad I cancelled my pre-order last week. I'll keep my eye out for improvements, but I'll probably use my "Brink money" on Infamous 2 which actually keeps looking BETTER with each new video unlike what was happening with Brink.
I guess it'll take a while for there to be some user generated performance tweaks given that id tech 4 isn't as familiar a trodden path as the Unreal engine...?

I've been able to join through a few matches now that have been relatively stable experiences and was able to complete the mission. Still learnign tthe layout of the levels and trying to figure out to properly utilise the classes. I just kind of change on the fly as needed. It's starting to get a little more fun as people get a feel for how to play.

One thing that kind of bothers me though is that the campaign isn't a persistent experience. You complete a match and get disconnected from the server. You don't get to play with or against the same group of people in the next stage of the campaign. It would be nice if there were servers with a rotation that you could just hop in and out of.


Seems like most of the complaints are technical issues, aside from the lack of single-player... which I couldn't really give less of a fuck about. I'm not too concerned. PC gaming will fix the performance issues for me. :3

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
(._.) said:
Are posts like this common on GAF during day one launches of bad games? I rarely buy games day one so all these people returning preorders is hilarious to me.

I don't think so, no, but this is especially bad for a game that had a lot of hype around it.

This is the first time I've ever done this.

Why not play it yourself? maybe you'll like it.

Because I can't return it if I open it.

I'll take my chances knowing what I know and save a chunk of change.


Server isn't up yet, but should be in the next few hours, and the information I provided above will work. Also added to the OP.
Gave this a run tonight - got persuaded by a few friends to pick it up with the D2D deal.

Game is fun but holeeee shit there are some crazy issues that is INSANE to have gotten past testing.

Played in a server with a friend (he created the match) and when other people joined the lag became impossibly unbearable. This was with just 6 players. It was pretty much fine just us two but he did say that the game took a performance hit with him hosting.

Secondly, the server browser is atrocious. No filter to check whether a server is dedicated or not? Really? Also, when refreshing the server list the game stutters like mad for some reason. And who's idea was it to have the background of the server list be transparent? It makes it so hard to read and focus when shit is flying by all the letters.

This one is hilarious.

I managed to get into a server with 15/16 players and low ping (after many... many timeouts to other servers) and after about 30 seconds of awesome gameplay my sound completely disappeared except for light ambient noises. Suddenly - it started happening to everyone else too. No sound for ANYONE in the server - even after a map change the sound didnt come back. I went to go look like one of the enemy team members using the spy ability and my game crashed to desktop. The End.

To be honest, the game looks like it would be fun - I LOVE sliding around a corner or leaping over a rail and blasting a dude. But sweet jesus murphy this is probably worst than the Black Ops PC port.


Freakinchair said:
To be honest, the game looks like it would be fun - I LOVE sliding around a corner or leaping over a rail and blasting a dude. But sweet jesus murphy this is probably worst than the Black Ops PC port.

Ewww :// I hated the BO PC performance and port.

From SD forums:

CONFIRMED: FOV can be changed, and is capped at 110 on the PC.

@Tekno, what IRC channel?
Knew the game would be good, but the PC performance issues are lame. Just got another gaming laptop today so I'm on the fence about buying this until they're solved (back in AMD's camp)...


..The true tragedy of this is that Brink is, by and large, utterly brilliant fun.

This to the maximum extent. Everything clicks, but its just little things (performance issues, odd glitches, etc.) thats taking it down in players eyes.


Read the Joystiq review and it almost sounds like it plays like Shadowrun...

Honestly that is not really a bad thing, maybe there is a bit of cognitive dissonance in these negative reviews? Would it have fared better in scores as a $15 game like Section 8: Prejudice?


jaundicejuice said:
One thing that kind of bothers me though is that the campaign isn't a persistent experience. You complete a match and get disconnected from the server. You don't get to play with or against the same group of people in the next stage of the campaign. It would be nice if there were servers with a rotation that you could just hop in and out of.

Wow that's stupid. I guess they really didn't want any form of lobby. smh.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I like what I played... When it worked. Gunplay felt great. Game would've looked great, but there's SO many white squares on my screen. It just looks awful, and I don't know if I need to wait on ATI to fix it or Splash Damage.


Choc said:
interesting, another UK site gives it 8.

i am not claiming bias but its interesting all the same.

I recall someone prominent mentioning that there was a [perceived] bias. Regardless, it shouldn't be too hard to analyze the score discrepancy of UK games by UK reviewers and NA reviewers and find a pattern.


under Advanced detail settings, Soft Particles and High Quality Post Processing always turn themselves off when i quit and restart the game.

i enabled all detail, hit apply as needed, quit and restart ...and SP and High Qual PP are turned off again.

fucking annoying.


Had a fucking blast with gaffers tonight. Really enjoyable. I haven't even begun customization at all, but I unlocked a good bit of stuff. Some of the escort stuff can get a little tough though!


Truespeed said:
I recall someone prominent mentioning that there was a [perceived] bias. Regardless, it shouldn't be too hard to analyze the score discrepancy of UK games by UK reviewers and NA reviewers and find a pattern.
Even if there was an outright advantage from the UK outlets, it doesn't do anything to prove bias. I've never understood why it can't just be Brits know better how to appeal to British people.
Teknoman said:
..The true tragedy of this is that Brink is, by and large, utterly brilliant fun.

This to the maximum extent. Everything clicks, but its just little things (performance issues, odd glitches, etc.) thats taking it down in players eyes.

It's not a New Vegas level screw up is it?

So essentially the game seems to play well but is a bit broken at the moment?

I hate it when games come out like this. Granted, they are usually fixed within a few weeks, but a developer does not deserve full price funds from me for releasing something that isn't ready.

I'm probably going to pick this up down the track a little bit when things have been cleaned up a bit.

The M.O.B

Sound keep dying out on me in Online, it is fine in the SP campaign.......

That decision to not have an open beta is looking mighty bad right now.


If they release a big ass patch within the first month (yeah I know, sucks) fixing all the technical issues, what could remain problematic for the game?

- still no lobby, since I guess they won't add this
- ?
Freakinchair said:
To be honest, the game looks like it would be fun - I LOVE sliding around a corner or leaping over a rail and blasting a dude. But sweet jesus murphy this is probably worst than the Black Ops PC port.

This is exactly what was appealing to me about this game, the idea of being an acrobat while fighting really appeals to me. I love Mirror's Edge and have been looking forward to an FPS that has these features so that you can use the levels and world to your advantage (if you're smart about it, you can dominate).

Really hope they fix it up soon because I'll definitely jump in if they do.

I will probably jump in sooner than that even if they don't.

Steam price is $45 right?

Either way, I get my next week of money on Thursday so I'll probably end up grabbing it on Thursday :)
Went back on to try out the server someone posted in here and kept getting timed out :(

Went to try a challenge and I got the blue fog bug and now the game is pretty much unplayable. Hurray!
I spent my entire summer in 2010 playing Transformers: War for Cybertron multiplayer which was, by all accounts, as messy as this game is shaping up to be. And it was my favorite multiplayer experience of this generation by far, despite constant lag issues and terrible perk/weapon balance. So I've had experience with loving multiplayer titles with small player bases that didn't get great review scores :)

All that to say that I'm not scared by the negative reviews. Bring it on! The game still looks to be offering what I want (in theory), and as long as I can find GAFers to pub-stomp with, I'll be happy.


Freakinchair said:
Went back on to try out the server someone posted in here and kept getting timed out :(

Not up yet, Gameservers is still in the process of getting everything set up. It should be ready to go within a few hours.
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