So even if I'm on a different team to start with, if I join a fireteam with a friend it will switch me to their side?SixShotKatana said:"We want to make sure that you dont get in any way, in any way, an inferior [product], we want you to get everything across all three platforms. So we implemented fireteams. What that means is that when youre in a match you can look at the scoreboard at any given time and you can see either your friend or that player who is really good, and you can click on them and issue them an invite into your fireteam. If they accept, were now in fireteam alpha; there are four fireteams: alpha, bravo, charlie and delta. Because were in a fireteam we immediately see each others colours differently, so I can always spot you amongst everyone else."
"Once youre in a fireteam you cannot get split up. Youre tied to the hip. The system is always looking behind the scenes for a map which has two slots, so when you complete a map with your fireteam buddy you will always go to the next map together. This means that you can enjoy playing Brink all night with your mate(s) without the servers ever getting in your way."
Splash Damages Richard Rahdo Ham (Creative Director)
I don't care if they give the game a chance, I'm just getting annoyed by their boasting.Shoogoo said:All those posts where people tell that they're returning the game/cancelling pre-order is getting on my nerves.
Give the damn game a chance.
I'd rather not play with someone like that, anyway.