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Brink |OT| _/^\_


I think I'll be picking this up later today for PC. The comparisons to ET and MAG are pretty interesting, I liked both of those games. The shooting in MAG felt kind of wooden, and from what gameplay footage I've seen this seems similar.

But I'm more interested in the team play aspect. How easy is it to get into games with friends? Can you all be on the same team? Any type of built in clan support... tags, team colors, organized matches, ect.. Also, I know it's early, but is there anything that's jumping out as over powered? Specific body type/class combinations? I think the best example of balance in a class based game is TF2... everyone has a specific role to fill and if you're missing a class it can be pretty easily exploited sometimes. How does brink compare to TF2 in terms of team play or class balance?

The one thing that has me worried from early impressions are the latency issues. I heard the game does matchmaking but also allows servers, how does that work? How bad are the latency issues? I don't have the greatest connection and I'm in the pacific north west, so I'm general in the low hundreds for ping... I hope it's not too much worse in Brink.


SneakyStephan said:
Well thanks for the swift reply to the questions DeanoCalver.

We don't mean to sound like overentitled little shits, but there is a certain fatigue involved on our side with release after release being a buggy/poorly performing mess on pc combined with the sometimes empty promises of a wonder patch 'soon'.

There are also certain standards (not entitlement) for features but you seem to have at least met those with the game.

I'll check it out when the performance is at it should be.

Btw it's a bit weird that so many games have issues on the hd4000 series (or ati cards in general), they are a very popular line of cards, they were best bang for buck a few years ago.
Most people with a 4870 don't really have much reason to upgrade yet, and there are ofcourse those with a monster 4870x2.
You'd kind of think that there would be more testing before release on different hardware, especially on popular hardware. (dual cores, ati cards, hd48xx, 58xx, gtx 2xx/460 etc.)

Also thanks for the motion blur command, motion blur =/= ghosting, but I prefer to turn it off in mp games anyway.

Yeah especially after that whole Oddboxx debacle. Of course thats supposed to be getting fixed (or still under repairs atm) but it just sucks that things get rushed these days albeit under different circumstances.


Danne-Danger said:
Someone said that deleting the/a .cfg (config.cfg?) would/could resolve it (it'll make a new one when you restart the game). I have no idea where it is though, either in the game folder or somewhere in documents.
Hmm. I tried that a little bit ago and it did nothing.


Danne-Danger said:
Is there a separate button for sprint only (must be right?)? If I want to do a sprinting slide, I'd have to press crouch and sprint at the same time? (that'd mean no CTRL crouch for me if sprint is on shift...)

Someone said that deleting the/a .cfg (config.cfg?) would/could resolve it (it'll make a new one when you restart the game). I have no idea where it is though, either in the game folder or somewhere in documents.

Since SMART sprinting is a toggle, you'll stay in a sprint as long as you are moving. So basically: Press shift while moving forwards, continue to hold forward without keeping a finger on shift, and press ctrl or c to slide.


Just stop feeding it for crying out loud!

I feel for the poor guys who had to work their butts off so they could release on time. We tend to forget - or not care - that you just can't release a game when you damn please. Especially a new franchise aimed at "hardcore" gamers. For example, just ask Remedy and Microsoft if releasing Alan Wake at the same time as a Rockstar game was a good idea... I'm not aware of the complete 2011 release calendar but they probably saw a nice opportunity for this week and did everything they could to make it.

Hopefully it didn't backfire too hard and they manage to fix it asap because it looks like a very promising online shooter. Can't wait to try it tonight!


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
*watches Giant Bomb's quicklook*

I see they haven't fixed the terrible team AI for medics that was prevalent in ET: QW. :/ Sucks for the PS3 users that have to wade through that. :/

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
SneakyStephan said:
Ah coloured names, the equivalent of pissing against a fence to mark your territory. (I used them too ,
when I was 9

SneakyStephan said:
Ah coloured names, the equivalent of pissing against a fence to mark your territory. (I used them too ,
when I was 9
Hey when you're getting your ass handed to you in a team full of white names you'll praying for one of us rainbowy fellows to show up!
Teknoman said:
Since SMART sprinting is a toggle, you'll stay in a sprint as long as you are moving. So basically: Press shift while moving forwards, continue to hold forward without keeping a finger on shift, and press ctrl or c to slide.
Ah, but I won't be using the SMART button, if there is a separate sprint button as well I guess that'll have a toggle... but I'm not sure if I want a sprint toggle... but it's between that or crouch at "C".

Oh this game will make me eat crow for slandering every developer that doesn't have crouch on CTRL by default won't it? :(


TheSeks said:
*watches Giant Bomb's quicklook*

I see they haven't fixed the terrible team AI for medics that was prevalent in ET: QW. :/ Sucks for the PS3 users that have to wade through that. :/

Whats strange is that I end up getting beat up by bots in the harder challenge modes :p The medics dont seem that dumb in that I get revive syringes whenever i'm down and one is enroute.


Teknoman said:
People getting stuck in choke points need to find other ways around via SMART. The first match I played, people were in a firefight, while I just ran up and around them, and finished one of the objectives (take a command point doing something to enemy health). Once people learn to slide, vault, climb, and wall run/wall jump (light body only for the wall mechanics), certain map spots shouldnt be so cramped all the time.
Like Shadowrun. People that just wanted to run around and shoot cried about the maps. People that actually took the time to learn the spells and tech realized that you can get around choke points and flank. Brink sounds like it has a steep learning curve that will scare people away and back to easier games,at least on console.


Ok i edited that brinkconfig file and it has improved my framerate with a 4890. Game is a lot of fun to play. Glad to see the devs addressing existing issues, should be great once they get that sorted.


xbulletholes said:
is there any way to force a respawn when you're down, instead of waiting for a stupid a.i medic to throw you a syringe?
The icon next to your "wait for medic" icon, I think its called "Join respawn" ;)


xbulletholes said:
is there any way to force a respawn when you're down, instead of waiting for a stupid a.i medic to throw you a syringe?

On pc you can press A or D (left and right) to choose between wait for medic or respawn.


xbulletholes said:
is there any way to force a respawn when you're down, instead of waiting for a stupid a.i medic to throw you a syringe?

Press right. Honestly I havent had any AI medic problems unless thats something that comes up in SP.

Danne-Danger said:
Hey when you're getting your ass handed to you in a team full of white names you'll praying for one of us rainbowy fellows to show up!

Ah, but I won't be using the SMART button, if there is a separate sprint button as well I guess that'll have a toggle... but I'm not sure if I want a sprint toggle... but it's between that or crouch at "C".

Oh this game will make me eat crow for slandering every developer that doesn't have crouch on CTRL by default won't it? :(

You might be able to config another button to sprint...but I think sprint and SMART are one in the same. Not really sure since I havent messed with the key config.


-PXG- said:

- Just like the GT review mentioned, the SMART parkour maneuvers are very situational. It doesn't seem like the maps were designed around it. There really isn't any use for them, besides being stylish
People are saying the parkour is useless, but its too early to say that. The game just came out today. Wait until players start learning before you call a part of the gameplay useless. I'm sure some players will figure it out and start uploading vids of SMART being used strategically.


(._.) said:
It would be nice to know when a publisher isn't sending out PC review copies until after the game launches. That can definitely be taken as a sign the game is full of shit.

Sent out a support ticket for D2D. Hopefully I get credit towards DN4.

yeah that is a pretty big warning flag.


(._.) said:
It would be nice to know when a publisher isn't sending out PC review copies until after the game launches. That can definitely be taken as a sign the game is full of shit.

Sent out a support ticket for D2D. Hopefully I get credit towards DN4.

What kind of video card do you have?


Xbox 360 player here with some updated things to note:

Friend I'm playing with got d/ced earlier while we were in mid game and everything was going fine. Not sure if it was his connection, but it seems the game just randomly dropped him.

Another issue is he just lost all sound, dashboarded, went back into game after installing it, still no sound. He's restarting his 360 as I type this and hopefully he gets sound back.

Game seems a little buggy then with this to keep in mind. My experience has been buttery smooth so far, so hopefully Splash can get a patch out here in the first few days to stabalize the issues. :)
Teknoman said:
You might be able to config another button to sprint...but I think sprint and SMART are one in the same. Not really sure since I havent messed with the key config.
That would be unfortunate since I've seen a few videos of people sprinting towards a railing (not wanting to jump over it) only to have SMART vault them over making them miss a staircase or something or other, would be nice to have an ol' fashioned sprint and just jump/crouch when I feel I need to.
Starfish_Oxide said:
What's it like, does it handle well, buggy?
I haven't noticed anything terrible. I was playing medic and the bot medic kept reviving me. Its hard to get used to so far but I won two of the missions trying to get the hang of it lol.


(._.) said:
nvidia gtx 260

Guess its not a hotfix issue, and i'm sure you've done all the basic stuff...have you tried completely reinstalling the game? Maybe something went wrong in the unlock process?

SpiderJerusalem said:
I haven't noticed anything terrible. I was playing medic and the bot medic kept reviving me. Its hard to get used to so far but I won two of the missions trying to get the hang of it lol.

Hit up challenge mode. Teaches and rewards at the same time.
Teknoman said:
Press right. Honestly I havent had any AI medic problems unless thats something that comes up in SP.

yeah, i'm playing single player (can't access xbox live here at uni) so i realise i'm not getting the 'real' experience.
saying that, my argument is null & void as it appears i'm a silly fool who misses the most obvious things! :D


The little bit I was able to play before bed last night was very very fun. I liked that the differences in classes are abilities rather than weapons so any class is able to kill any other class. The classes are used for buff and completing objectives. Different type of Class based FPS than TF2. I was having a blast as a medic running around and reviving and buffing while actually being able to defend myself. I honestly do not understand the negative reviews, I can only think they werent playing the game the way it was meant to be played.

Not sure why some of you guys w/ beefy GFX cards run it so badly. I am running a GTX 460 and hitting an avg of 75 FPS w/ everythong on high. Just make sure you turn off Ambient Occlusion (I believe).

Overall, a fix of some of the technical problems others are having, along with healthy community will keep me playing.
Danne-Danger said:
That would be unfortunate since I've seen a few videos of people sprinting towards a railing (not wanting to jump over it) only to have SMART vault them over making them miss a staircase or something or other, would be nice to have an ol' fashioned sprint and just jump/crouch when I feel I need to.

I'm guessing they were holding sprint/SMART the whole time when this happened, instead of just tapping the button to sprint (and not vault/interact with stuff).


Man, this game is so much fun when it isn't lagging. I've played around 6 matches so far, and I've only had one match where the lag made it completely unplayable. However, when it's running smooth, the game is just so much fun. Playing on the 360, and it's definitely rough around the edges, and feels quite janky, but the core gameplay and mechanics are a lot of fun.

So much fun seeing these matches play out, with everyone running around buffing each other, setting up turrets, etc...

The teamplay in this game is exactly what I was hoping for, and the customization is just icing on the cake in making each character some what unique.

Hopefully, they'll patch it to make it run a little smoother, but I'm happy with my purchase for sure.
SpiderJerusalem said:
I haven't noticed anything terrible. I was playing medic and the bot medic kept reviving me. Its hard to get used to so far but I won two of the missions trying to get the hang of it lol.

Thanks...prob going to get it Friday. Hopefully some of the PSN will be up by then.

There better be some sort of GAF squad.
Are you able to respec if you put points into stuff you don't like or don't like the class? or is there enough points for everything?

Teknoman said:
Hit up challenge mode. Teaches and rewards at the same time.

oh I'll try that now
walbertsmith said:
I'm guessing they were holding sprint/SMART the whole time when this happened, instead of just tapping the button to sprint (and not vault/interact with stuff).
Ah, well I'm just gonna have to wait and see how I like it.
SpiderJerusalem said:
Are you able to respec if you put points into stuff you don't like or don't like the class? or is there enough points for everything?
You can respec at the cost of one level (that you can grind back up), there won't be enough points for everything (20 is the level cap).
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