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Brink |OT| _/^\_

Tempted to buy it on PC, but will wait for launch bugs to sort out. I just got Section 8 and Witcher 2 comes out next week, so I'm trying to resist!


I get my 360 PAL copy tomorrow, so I will be jumping on in the morning if anyone fancies some games. Hopefully the lag is sorted in time, so waiting a little longer to jump in is ok with me.
Haven't been able to try it myself, but for the 360 version there are reports of people finding reasonable success fighting lag by choosing the Competitive 5v5 gametype. Anyone try this yet? Unfortunate thing is that FF is on and command posts don't give buffs, but that's well worth it if you can play with actual HUMANS.
walbertsmith said:
Haven't been able to try it myself, but for the 360 version there are reports of people finding reasonable success fighting lag by choosing the Competitive 5v5 gametype. Anyone try this yet? Unfortunate thing is that FF is on and command posts don't give buffs, but that's well worth it if you can play with actual HUMANS.

I'll give that a shot, thanks for the suggestion. I totally believe that could be a workaround, as the more human players you have the worse the lag gets.


I know everyone hates embargoes, but this game could of done with a Day 2 one lol. It clearly isn't a single player game, and the PC version has turned out better.


I'm looking forward to when people level up more and unlock all of the body types. The games i've played with a nice mix of body types have been much more interesting and stimulating. There's been a lack of heavies in particular.
Be Objective II makes me irrational and angry. Horribly designed challenge. The host should be able to get the rewards even if they play with friends, how the fuck else are you supposed to complete this? Your bot teammates are useless. I can't even repair the generator now. I mow down nearly the entire team of bots on my own, get killed by the last one and by the time a medic revives me or I respawn and get back to the generator the entire opposing team is back. It's futile. If I do manage to murder them all, I start repairing the generator and they've all already respawned and murder me before I can make any decent progress. Then I have to go back to trying to defeat them all on my own again. So again, it feels futile.

Just change the damned spawn times of the security bots, make them longer. That's the only way to make this fair if you can't depend on your teammates for shit, you have to do all the work and then can't count on them for support.

Shoogoo said:
You mean heavy type right? If not, what does the class add to the body type?

I like being an engineer with a heavy body type. That's the combo I like roll with. I can buff my own mini-gun/grenade launcher damage. I can attempt to capture a command post without worrying too much about landmines, then lay down defences and then upgrade the command post to give my teammates and extra buff.
So, 360 GAF, anyone having any good experiences?

Out of maybe 12-13 games, Ive had 2 that were playable and the rest where it was the screen was flashing me random screenshots. Im worried about this game because it seems like theres a great game here, but they have SO MUCH ground to make up in terms of getting this to run even halfway smoothly.
TheApatheticOne said:
So, 360 GAF, anyone having any good experiences?

Out of maybe 12-13 games, Ive had 2 that were playable and the rest where it was the screen was flashing me random screenshots. Im worried about this game because it seems like theres a great game here, but they have SO MUCH ground to make up in terms of getting this to run even halfway smoothly.

This is pretty much my experience as well, when trying to play with randoms (both solo and with friends).

However, when it was just me and my 4 friends, we had several hours worth of quality gameplay against the bots, so I have no idea why it wasn't working with randoms. Even with only one or two other people we didn't know, the lag made it literally unplayable.

I ALT-TABBED out of Brink just to post, and watch the game CRASH OUT. Obviously you "developers" never tested this game on an actual PC. Locking framerate is bullshit, especially since this is on a PC.

I'm running on i5-2500K and AMD/ATi 6950 and framerate is awful. It's not like the game is that graphically intense. OOH COLOR OOH PARKOUR WHO CARES!

I will say that the gameplay is nice, and I gave it a chance even after the Quake Wars abortion because of my love for Wolf ET, but man, you guys are getting close to SiN territory when it comes to WORST RELEASES OF ALL TIME.

And as much as I appreciate you posting here on updates, you've yet to do it on your own forum, or the Steam one. That is atrocious, but it's to be expected with the smug pre-release videos.
360 USERS: If you've got tons of lag, you might try Competitive 5v5 mode as a temporary workaround to get a chance to see the game. It was lagless for me after nonstop laggy Standard 8v8 matches.
Genesis Knight said:
360 USERS: If you've got tons of lag, you might try Competitive 5v5 mode as a temporary workaround to get a chance to see the game. It was lagless for me after nonstop laggy Standard 8v8 matches.


Steve Holt!

Dammit, can't wait to get home to try it now.


Genesis Knight said:
360 USERS: If you've got tons of lag, you might try Competitive 5v5 mode as a temporary workaround to get a chance to see the game. It was lagless for me after nonstop laggy Standard 8v8 matches.

Interesting. Does anyone else think that the bots might be contributing to the lag? Or are people still getting lag with 8v8 humans?


WasabiKing said:

I ALT-TABBED out of Brink just to post, and watch the game CRASH OUT. Obviously you "developers" never tested this game on an actual PC. Locking framerate is bullshit, especially since this is on a PC.

I'm running on i5-2500K and AMD/ATi 6950 and framerate is awful. It's not like the game is that graphically intense. OOH COLOR OOH PARKOUR WHO CARES!

I will say that the gameplay is nice, and I gave it a chance even after the Quake Wars abortion because of my love for Wolf ET, but man, you guys are getting close to SiN territory when it comes to WORST RELEASES OF ALL TIME.

And as much as I appreciate you posting here on updates, you've yet to do it on your own forum, or the Steam one. That is atrocious, but it's to be expected with the smug pre-release videos.

Cant comment on anything else, but the framerate isnt locked. Its just really poor performance (turn off Ambient Occlusion if you havent already, and see if that fixes anything for now).


Genesis Knight said:
360 USERS: If you've got tons of lag, you might try Competitive 5v5 mode as a temporary workaround to get a chance to see the game. It was lagless for me after nonstop laggy Standard 8v8 matches.
So 10 human players can produce no lag but me, 2 humans and 13 bots will generate a slideshow?

So it's clearly a bug in the netcodes for Campaign and Freeplay or something?
Raide said:
Interesting. Does anyone else think that the bots might be contributing to the lag? Or are people still getting lag with 8v8 humans?

It's definitely the number of humans that indicates lag. You can have two guys and bots and no lag, but when you get up to 8 or 12+ humans it starts lagging horribly. 5v5 keeps about 3 or 4 humans per side and therefore lag isn't present. For me at least.

Edit: X-Frame; don't you think this indicates that the number of humans is the lag and not the bots? Unless they're using perfect synch networking on the bots, in which case lag would be increased by bot count.


Official update:

Xbox 360

We’ve now put up our first game update on the Xbox 360, which went live at launch. It addresses several of the issues raised in some of the early US reviews of the game and brings with it some major improvements.

Most importantly, this update significantly reduced texture loading times thanks to improved hard-drive caching. It also improves client prediction when playing online – in other words, you’ll experience much less “rubber banding” in multiplayer. We’ve also fixed several issues that could lead to the game freezing, and resolved an issue where Brink would insist on playing all of the training videos rather than just the introductory one.

If you’ve not yet got the update, simply restart the game while your Xbox is connected to the internet.

We’ve also been getting new reports of lag when playing online, especially in matches with lots of human players. We’re all huge multiplayer fans here at the office and we know how important a lag-free online experience is. We’re urgently investigating this issue and seeing what we can do to improve things in that area. Stay tuned.

Information on PS3, PC, and the game’s upcoming statistics site after the break…

PlayStation 3 Update

The PlayStation 3 version of Brink has also received its first game update late Monday. It incorporates the same prediction fixes as in the Xbox 360 version, resulting in a smoother online performance. In addition, host migration has seen several improvements as well, and we’ve fixed an issue where the Ability Wheel sometimes displayed the wrong class abilities. This update also fixes several potential freezes and, like the Xbox 360 version, now only plays the introductory tutorial video at the initial prompt, rather than all of them.

Even though PSN is currently offline, you’ll still be able to get this update if your console is connected to the internet. Once PSN is back online, we’ll closely monitor player feedback for this platform.

PC Update

On the PC side, we’re pleased to report that we’ve put together our first game update, bringing two immediate improvements to Brink:

It greatly enhances the crash reports we’re getting through Steam, with more detailed information coming our way from now on. While this doesn’t sound very exciting for you as a player, it’s really useful for the Brink team as it’ll allow us to track down the underlying issues much more quickly and work on fixes for them – particularly stability issues relating to compatibility.

This update also fixes an issue where closing the game before getting to the character selection screen can corrupt your character data and make it unusable. Until the game update comes out, we strongly recommend not shutting Brink down during start-up to avoid this issue altogether.

Better yet, this update has just hit Steam and you can download it by simply signing into your Steam client.

In other PC news, we’ve also been working closely with the guys over at Bethesda Softworks to identify and solve any hardware compatibility issues that people have been reporting. For the AMD graphics card owners out there, make sure you’ve installed the latest AMD video drivers as that will solve a fair few of the visual and performance issues out there. Similarly, if you have an NVIDIA card and are experiencing issues with the game, make sure you’ve got the latest NVIDIA video drivers installed.

The next game update for the PC version is already in the works, and includes a fix for the FOV issue some of you have been reporting on the forums, among several other things. We’ll have more information to share on that soon.
Played a few games today and yesterday and I'm really enjoying the game. Haven't seen any lag so far. The guns seem pretty interchangeable, with the CARB-9 seemingly the best SMG so far. Haven't had anyone talking yet, but we've generally had pretty good teamwork.

I'm having a blast


Genesis Knight said:
It's definitely the number of humans that indicates lag. You can have two guys and bots and no lag, but when you get up to 8 or 12+ humans it starts lagging horribly. 5v5 keeps about 3 or 4 humans per side and therefore lag isn't present. For me at least.

How odd.

Really should have tested this kind of stuff. 5v5 is ok but I hope they sort things out soon.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Raide said:
How odd.

Really should have tested this kind of stuff. 5v5 is ok but I hope they sort things out soon.

I've had full 8v8 games that played smooth, so it's really weird right now.
Just got my copy today, loving to so far :). Just playing the SP for now since it's my only option.

SMART was of course clunky at first but I've gotten used to it, it gets very fluid and entertaining to use, it's a great feeling knowing in this game I can quickly get on top of a balcony by vaulting if I wanted to instead of looking for the stairs in most other FPS games.


X-Frame said:
So 10 human players can produce no lag but me, 2 humans and 13 bots will generate a slideshow?

So it's clearly a bug in the netcodes for Campaign and Freeplay or something?

Brink's cutting edge bots are actually hosted on an advanced AI server in Peru. Far beneath the surface of the earth, nitrogen-cooled supercomputers calculate exactly what a human would do in any situation and send these instructions to Brink games around the globe.

The only problems are that apparently every human would "GO TO OBJECTIVE" and Peru's on dialup.

They'll get it next time, guys. Promise.
Genesis Knight said:
360 USERS: If you've got tons of lag, you might try Competitive 5v5 mode as a temporary workaround to get a chance to see the game. It was lagless for me after nonstop laggy Standard 8v8 matches.

I tried this, and it helped, but it went from slideshow to just plain old pretty bad lag. I mean, everything else runs smooth as butter (and has), but this game chugs.

Please fix it soon, Id really like to play and level my guys!
So here's a great story:

Competitive 5v5
Very little lag
Winning with teamwork
Randoms using headsets!
14 seconds left until victory...
Starts slideshowing...
Freezes up with controller permanently vibrating, can't press any buttons...
Have to hold down power button on 360.



I've been wanting to enjoy this game, but I really don't think I like it...the reviews seem spot on so far. How could a game that took so long feel like it has such little content, and be so unpolished in spots?

Also, I'm in the unfortunate boat of having the PC version, and what the hell is with the shitty framerate on this game?? It doesn't even push my system that far. It's because i have an ATI card I heard, but still..

I'm also bummed because I usually prefer games that have gamepad support, and there isn't any for this game. What's the deal? Even low budget indie games on PC have friggin gamepad support. They already did the work needed for the xbox 360 version, let me use my gamepad on the PC! (Yes yes, I know everyone is gonna say m/kb is better, but I don't care. It's a handicap for me, because I'm so much more comfortable with a gamepad)

It's a damn good thing I got this game for free, or I'd be feeling so full of regret from purchasing this game.


Just played a really good lagless game (Unfortunately, I had to take of shadows and lower the settings so the annoying grid textures weren't as annoying) and honestly, this might replace TF2 for me. This game might get me back into organized semi-pro gaming again. I used to play a lot of CS(1.6 and Source) in various leagues and if Splash Damage gets their shit together, they'll have one of the best tournament games ever.

The game needs to start selling more on PC. The game has yet to break 14K simultaneous players on Steam and has been hovering around 6K (It hasn't reclaimed its spot in the top 10 since Tuesday morning) since last night. As long as I can find a good game, I'll be fine but soon the playerbase is going to figure out what gametypes/settings they enjoy and break off into their little groups meaning it'll be hard to find a decent game.


I haven't played much online yet. I'm generally not a fan of randoms, but that's on me (360BrinkGAF wanna play sometime?).

I did a little Freeplay today, and had little lag. Nothing to rage at anyway.

Played some co-op with a buddy and his friend against bots. Little to no lag here too.

Only complaints I have are bots can be freakin' ridiculous even on normal. At least, enemy AI is. My team tends to be really, REALLY stupid. :-/

But I really like this game. I may end up keeping my DOOM code, since I love the gun the skin is for. Not a fan of the sights on it, but it's a pretty nice gun. Galaxy and Cross are great too. Big fan of the shotgun and the wonderful noise it makes. <3 It's so terrifying. :D

Can't say I'm a fan of any ARs. Any in particular anyone really likes here?


For AMD/ATI folks you might try rolling back to the 11.2 catalyst drivers. I hadn't updated since then and the game has been playing pretty well for me and I was surprised by the amount of problems one of my friends was complaining of using the latest hotfixed drivers that Splash Damage is recommending (especially lag issues related to the steam overlay). He eventually switched back to the 11.2 and it is running better overall for him. As always ymmv but it's worth a shot.

Note: this is on 5xxx series cards, I don't think this would fix the 4xxx issues as those seem to be a separate thing.
O D I N said:
I haven't played much online yet. I'm generally not a fan of randoms, but that's on me (360BrinkGAF wanna play sometime?).

I did a little Freeplay today, and had little lag. Nothing to rage at anyway.

Played some co-op with a buddy and his friend against bots. Little to no lag here too.

Only complaints I have are bots can be freakin' ridiculous even on normal. At least, enemy AI is. My team tends to be really, REALLY stupid. :-/

But I really like this game. I may end up keeping my DOOM code, since I love the gun the skin is for. Not a fan of the sights on it, but it's a pretty nice gun. Galaxy and Cross are great too. Big fan of the shotgun and the wonderful noise it makes. <3 It's so terrifying. :D

Can't say I'm a fan of any ARs. Any in particular anyone really likes here?
I can't use any of the shotguns effectively somehow :( I'm assuming you use the non one shot one?

and I haven't really tried our the ARs. Or maybe I have, and I thought they were SMGs. I'll check later tonight


Interfectum said:
Amazon is buying the game back for $31. I'm seriously considering this already.

I locked it in that price. It cost $35 after the two $10 credits for me, so that's $4 out of pocket minus whatever the Psycho Pack sells for on eBay. May power through the story first, but that's kind of a painful experience.


dygiT said:
The game needs to start selling more on PC. The game has yet to break 14K simultaneous players on Steam and has been hovering around 6K (It hasn't reclaimed its spot in the top 10 since Tuesday morning) since last night.

It isn't out in the EU until Friday.


dygiT said:
Just played a really good lagless game (Unfortunately, I had to take of shadows and lower the settings so the annoying grid textures weren't as annoying) and honestly, this might replace TF2 for me. This game might get me back into organized semi-pro gaming again. I used to play a lot of CS(1.6 and Source) in various leagues and if Splash Damage gets their shit together, they'll have one of the best tournament games ever.

The game needs to start selling more on PC. The game has yet to break 14K simultaneous players on Steam and has been hovering around 6K (It hasn't reclaimed its spot in the top 10 since Tuesday morning) since last night. As long as I can find a good game, I'll be fine but soon the playerbase is going to figure out what gametypes/settings they enjoy and break off into their little groups meaning it'll be hard to find a decent game.

Once they get those performance issues sorted out among other things (in game browser seriously needs an add to favorites option) i'm sure it'll start selling more.
Ehm client prediction? That's what world of warcraft among other games uses to create the illusion of less lag.
The game guesses where everyone will be based on the movement direction etc since the last update came from the server...

It's what makes wow seems smooth but makes charge/intercept fail miserably and makes people keep running for 5feet after a stun..

Isn't prediction just a poor man's replacement for a better tick rate and/or non-laggy netcode?
If I'm not mistaken (about what they mean by client prediction, in that it's the same stuff mmos use) this won't do shit about the actual lag, just perceived lag for movement, hit detection will be craptastic.


All online games use some form of client prediction, and it does do as you say, but it's needed for the smoothest experience possible.


I've played nothing but freeplay for the past several hours on 360. I've had 2 games that I had to quit out of due to lag, but the others ran silky smooth. Seriously, when this game is running like it has been for me it's such a blast. I haven't grinned this hard in a FPS in a while, and when playing with my friends to get the most out of team work it's glorious.

If this game gets online patched soon to be the experience I'm having now for everyone, then this game is a winner in my book. It's a shame they didn't open beta test to catch this shit before launch, but thems the breaks. :(


Yuripaw said:
I've been wanting to enjoy this game, but I really don't think I like it...the reviews seem spot on so far. How could a game that took so long feel like it has such little content, and be so unpolished in spots?

Also, I'm in the unfortunate boat of having the PC version, and what the hell is with the shitty framerate on this game?? It doesn't even push my system that far. It's because i have an ATI card I heard, but still..

I'm also bummed because I usually prefer games that have gamepad support, and there isn't any for this game. What's the deal? Even low budget indie games on PC have friggin gamepad support. They already did the work needed for the xbox 360 version, let me use my gamepad on the PC! (Yes yes, I know everyone is gonna say m/kb is better, but I don't care. It's a handicap for me, because I'm so much more comfortable with a gamepad)

It's a damn good thing I got this game for free, or I'd be feeling so full of regret from purchasing this game.

I agree. I planned to buy this on PC because of Splash Damage's pedigree. But gamepad support is a dealbreaker. Unless a bunch of people I know get Brink on PS3, I'm not buying.

PC Developers: Support the gamepad. This is not optional.
SneakyStephan said:
Ehm client prediction? That's what world of warcraft among other games uses to create the illusion of less lag.
The game guesses where everyone will be based on the movement direction etc since the last update came from the server...

It's what makes wow seems smooth but makes charge/intercept fail miserably and makes people keep running for 5feet after a stun..

Isn't prediction just a poor man's replacement for a better tick rate and/or non-laggy netcode?
If I'm not mistaken (about what they mean by client prediction, in that it's the same stuff mmos use) this won't do shit about the actual lag, just perceived lag for movement, hit detection will be craptastic.
lots of peer to peer games use similar tricks.

Mikey Jr.

Do you guys think the current state of this game is the reason they didn't put out a demo?

Like, they knew that a demo would turn a lot of people off, so they never released one?
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