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Brink |OT| _/^\_

Papercuts said:
After barely making it through Be Objective II, I decided to try something and it works perfectly. MAKE A NEW CHARACTER, then do all of the challenges immediately. I just blew through all 3 of Be Objective because there's no Heavies, they can't make turrets, their aim is pretty bad again, etc. I'm going to get 3 star with all of them before I hit rank 2, just delevel yourself if you get close. The AI get completely ridiculous at rank 3, so this is a good alternative instead of popping an aneurysm.
Good plan. Sad that this is the solution.
See I hear stuff like this and I wonder if the game isn't just having issues choosing the best host.

Im hoping they have a system like Bungie's where the best hosts would begin to get chosen more often, once the data showed they have the best connection.
Brink will be in my possession tomorrow after work! Yay! I can finally get in on some of this awesome laggy gameplay! (just joking, I'm super psyched to play some GAF matches on the 360)

However, an interesting tidbit. I knew I was supposed to get some promotional credit from Brink, but Amazon gave me $10 of promotional credit.....three times over, just for Brink. Somehow I was credited $30 free instead of the $10 I was expecting. So I went ahead and pre-ordered Deus Ex 3 for $27 with the credit. I don't know if it was a glitch and the credit will be uncredited or what, but after a shitty few weeks a few free bucks doesn't bother me. Makes me have a whole bunch more good will towards Brink, too.
Papercuts said:
After barely making it through Be Objective II, I decided to try something and it works perfectly. MAKE A NEW CHARACTER, then do all of the challenges immediately. I just blew through all 3 of Be Objective because there's no Heavies, they can't make turrets, their aim is pretty bad again, etc. I'm going to get 3 star with all of them before I hit rank 2, just delevel yourself if you get close. The AI get completely ridiculous at rank 3, so this is a good alternative instead of popping an aneurysm.

Wait, what the fuck, this is why I haven't been able to do the challenges, because I have a rank 3 character?


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
jaundicejuice said:
Wait, what the fuck, this is why I haven't been able to do the challenges, because I have a rank 3 character?

I beat Be Objective 2 as a rank 4(barely), but it also happens in campaign. Once I hit rank 3 they got extremely hard, and specifically in Be Objective and the final Tower Defense they would leave turrets that make it nearly impossible to get by, so I just tried to see if it's any easier and it definitely was, I just got the achievement for beating the 3 star of all the challenges. Tower Defense 3 is still kinda hard at the end, because there ARE heavies here regardless, but they don't make turrets and shit like before.

The rest are extremely easy when you're rank 1. They really should patch the AI to make their aim not so insanely good, that's the main difference that happens. Then when you die they set up all their abilities, just making it worse.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
X-Frame said:
If you make a new character to beat the challenges, the rewards are unlocked for ALL characters then?

Yeah, you can also use any guns/attachments/clothing a level 15 character has on a level 1 character.
Papercuts said:
I beat Be Objective 2 as a rank 4(barely), but it also happens in campaign. Once I hit rank 3 they got extremely hard, and specifically in Be Objective and the final Tower Defense they would leave turrets that make it nearly impossible to get by, so I just tried to see if it's any easier and it definitely was, I just got the achievement for beating the 3 star of all the challenges. Tower Defense 3 is still kinda hard at the end, because there ARE heavies here regardless, but they don't make turrets and shit like before.

The rest are extremely easy when you're rank 1. They really should patch the AI to make their aim not so insanely good, that's the main difference that happens. Then when you die they set up all their abilities, just making it worse.

Thanks, I was barely able to complete Be Objective 2 with my new character. The first two parts were so ridiculously easy compared to every previous attempt with my Rank 3 character. I was literally able to just run up and plant the HE and run up and repair the generator without anyone stopping me, the hackbox was a pain in the ass though. I did manage it in one playthrough but not without some frustration. One of my bots stood beside an enemy engineer while he defused my hack box. Stood beside him and was doing nothing, nothing! How do you try to sell this as a singleplayer experience with A.I. that's that incompetent. How? Not even trying Be Objective 3, I don't care about leaderboards or achievements, I just wanted the unlockable gear.


Broke and went ahead and preordered. Probably shouldn't have with coursework and exams coming but oh well. Hope the 48xx bugs are fixed by friday.
Installed this and played a few hours late last night on 360. Did the escort / parkour challenges up to 2 stars, unlocked a bunch of stuff, and enjoyed setting up my trash-bag wearing light bodied medic. Jumped online and had about a 50% success rate finding non-slideshow games, which is basically unacceptable but hopefully it's just launch madness and they'll get it sorted out this week. At least they don't penalize you too heavily for quitting out and let you keep a bunch of your earned xp.

I'm feeling forgiving towards the game since when I get into a solid match it's been really fun. The parkour is definitely skill based and really opens up how you can move around the battlefield. Once you start looking for them, there's all kinds of shortcuts and the slide-tackle really makes it possible for a single fast player to fuck up an unsuspecting group of enemies. The shooting feels good, I'm still experimenting with weapons & attachments trying to find the right fit. Graphically I love the art style. The texture load-in is definitely there and the IQ certainly isn't great, but once I was running and gunning, buffing and reviving it wasn't noticeable. The lighting and atmosphere is gorgeous.

Story wise the opening faux papercraft intro is amazing, but you really lose any sense of narrative once you get playing. Having cut-scenes to open the levels is okay, reminds me of Killzone 3s operations mode, but they really should have A) included your player model, and B) ditched the conflicted character dialogue. Make it about the here and now, get me pumped about how it's us versus them! As it is, I'm completely divorced from any narrative.

Brink really is a weird beast. It reminds me most of my experience with MAG (R.I.P. PSN) which I grew to love despite its oddities because ultimately it offered something completely unique, which is pretty rare in console multiplayer. If you're someone looking for an involving good single player campaign, there's nothing for you here. Get Crysis 2. Personally I feel like this game's got great potential for teamwork class-based fun, and it'll be my main MP fix till BF3.

//fake edit//

Yeah, definitely do the challenges first. I went back at the end of the night to do the objective challenges and to attempt escort 3, and got totally owned. I was level 7 by that point, and suddenly there were heavy bots laying down tons of fire with sentry guns and mines all over the place.
On Xbox 360, I have not managed to join one playable match in versus.

Co-op works if I set up the room, but otherwise the lag is simply overwhelming.


charsace said:
One thing I've noticed in the short time I've been playing this is that there are a lot of medics and all they mostly do is heal themselves. Really pisses me off.

I'm playing as a medic 99% of the time, and I'm having the most fun running around buffing people. I love racking up points, and I don't believe you receive any for healing yourself. There's been so many games where I've buffed an objective holder with either Adrenaline or Speed + (don't know exact name), which were crucial for victory.

What system are you playing Brink on? I wouldn't mind joining some games, and providing some buffs.
Ok... played about two hours with a friend in (mostly) FULL 8v8 Freeplay games on the 360. Couple lag spikes here and there but it was DEFINITELY encouraging.

With that said, MAN some of these chokepoints really favor one side or the other. We were Security for that stretch and sometimes we smashed them and sometimes they smashed us. Seems like there was a good mix of skill on both teams but the level design really made certain situations difficult for either side.

With a couple Engineers on a team, turrets plus mines make an entrenched spot EXTREMELY difficult to assault. I'm starting to think the EMP grenade for the Operative should have been available at rank 3, when Medium turrets start being used prevalently. As it stands now, Operatives are a fun class on certain stages, but aren't nearly as useful as the other three.

Edit: To find a good game, me and my buddy just kept joining random games until we found a good one, then the other one joined that person.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
jaundicejuice said:
Thanks, I was barely able to complete Be Objective 2 with my new character. The first two parts were so ridiculously easy compared to every previous attempt with my Rank 3 character. I was literally able to just run up and plant the HE and run up and repair the generator without anyone stopping me, the hackbox was a pain in the ass though. I did manage it in one playthrough but not without some frustration. One of my bots stood beside an enemy engineer while he defused my hack box. Stood beside him and was doing nothing, nothing! How do you try to sell this as a singleplayer experience with A.I. that's that incompetent. How? Not even trying Be Objective 3, I don't care about leaderboards or achievements, I just wanted the unlockable gear.

Be Objective 3 was actually easier than 2 for me, haha. But yeah, the guys on your team are 100% useless here.
walbertsmith said:
Ok... played about two hours with a friend in (mostly) FULL 8v8 Freeplay games on the 360. Couple lag spikes here and there but it was DEFINITELY encouraging.

How the fuck, man! You must have the touch; I've joined dozens of games and it's the same story every time. What your up bandwidth?


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Even though I see the game is approaching grenades very differently, I think they should atleast be powerful enough to kill a bunch of incapacitated people. :(


jaundicejuice said:
This is a paid beta.

You are trying too hard

Genesis Knight said:
How the fuck, man! You must have the touch; I've joined dozens of games and it's the same story every time. What your up bandwidth?

It seems to vary based on gametype. Freeplay games are hosed but I had less issues with Campaign multiplayer.
d0c_zaius said:
It seems to vary based on gametype. Freeplay games are hosed but I had less issues with Campaign multiplayer.

Agree, Domino. But d0c, he said he was in Freeplay, not Campaign, that's why I was shocked.


jaundicejuice said:
This is a paid beta.

I could understand the frustration if literally none of your games are without lag, but what have you tried thus far to mix it up and see if you can find lag free games?

For me doing freeplay on stopwatch with standard nets me lag free games 90% of the time. I live in Nebraska with a rock solid connection for some reference.

It's not a paid beta for me though. The game fires on all cylinders when my friends and I play. I still think a beta would have definitely benefited this game a great deal to prevent these issues from ever popping up, but that's something they'll hopefully learn for their next game.
Here I did the hard part for you. Again a lot of games use it. No matter what you will have lag and that is what client pridiction is trying to help compensate for.

When I play on a good dedicated server for any source game I get between 7-15 ms latency, a good server usually has a tick rate of 200 or higher to boot, so there is no lag at all.

It's 2011, all these bandaids to make up for poor servers (or players hosting with p2p) shouldn't exist anymore.
Well, Im glad people have found ways.... but Ive tried everything and it ranges from silly slideshows to pretty bad lag. I have the next few days off to game. If its not playable for the weekend, Im going to get rid of it while the value is still high. Ill pick it up for cheap down the road if I hear things improve.

Sucks, because everything Ive been lucky enough to experience so far tells me this could be the next thing I REALLY spend time with.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Man, what the hell is with the 2-star version of the objective challenge?

I can't fucking do it. It's the stupid hacking part. I can't even seem to get the room clear enough to plant the damn thing, nevermind stick around for it to complete.

And the 2 player version is even harder than doing it solo. Do you really need 3-4 people to do this?

Edit: Good to know I'm not the only one that thinks this challenge is stupid.
ZealousD said:
Man, what the hell is with the 2-star version of the objective challenge?

I can't fucking do it. It's the stupid hacking part. I can't even seem to get the room clear enough to plant the damn thing, nevermind stick around for it to complete.

And the 2 player version is even harder than doing it solo. Do you really need 3-4 people to do this?

Start a new character and do those challenges first. It gets really hard if you level up.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
ZealousD said:
Man, what the hell is with the 2-star version of the objective challenge?

I can't fucking do it. It's the stupid hacking part. I can't even seem to get the room clear enough to plant the damn thing, nevermind stick around for it to complete.

And the 2 player version is even harder than doing it solo. Do you really need 3-4 people to do this?

Make a new character and do it immediatly. The AI in Brink levels with you, so they get way more aggressive/cheap as you play more. It's a very dumb way to circumvent it, but it avoids a lot of frustration.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Papercuts said:
Make a new character and do it immediatly. The AI in Brink levels with you, so they get way more aggressive/cheap as you play more. It's a very dumb way to circumvent it, but it avoids a lot of frustration.

Yeah I was just reading some of advice people gave out. That is really stupid. Me and my buddy were trying to do the 2-player version last night, and the geniuses at Splash Damage decided that you shouldn't get any AI partners when doing it in co-op. I don't care if they're stupid bots, it's six stupid bots versus two people.


Gah, server is down and I seem to be unable to bring it back up. Support ticket has been sent, and i'll hopefully get a reply soon. Not happy about this at all.
Wait, I tried doing the bot-guarding challenge in co-op, and I didn't get ANY of the weapon rewards.

I did it again, right after, by myself, and I got them all.

So do you, or do you not, get anything for completing the challenges with a buddy (or 3).
The Antitype said:
Wait, I tried doing the bot-guarding challenge in co-op, and I didn't get ANY of the weapon rewards.

I did it again, right after, by myself, and I got them all.

So do you, or do you not, get anything for completing the challenges with a buddy (or 3).

You cannot earn the unlocks by playing with other people.
Just woke up this morning here in Bangladesh, and my hype is shooting back up through the roof! Can't wait to get home!

And I just got another credit from Amazon; this time it was a pre-order price guarantee for $5. So now I've been given a total of $25 credit back - and still no Psycho Pack yet...


Pandoracell said:
Gah, server is down and I seem to be unable to bring it back up. Support ticket has been sent, and i'll hopefully get a reply soon. Not happy about this at all.
I got a protocol message 30 seconds ago that made it look like the server or I had the wrong version.


Discotheque said:
Yeah but how far I wonder? I die too much in this instance to find out the limits lol.

Around corners, but the hacking speed is reduced severely.

Of course, this comes with the benefit of not dying.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Discotheque said:
Yeah but how far I wonder? I die too much in this instance to find out the limits lol.

You can go pretty far, but the bars drop and the hacking is slower.


Genesis Knight said:
Agree, Domino. But d0c, he said he was in Freeplay, not Campaign, that's why I was shocked.

Hmm I was hoping there was some reason behind the differences in performance between modes but it looks really unstable across the board.


Grayman said:
I got a protocol message 30 seconds ago that made it look like the server or I had the wrong version.

Checking around, i'm seeing conflicting reports but it seems that the Steam update released earlier today may have broken something, and i've tried a few different suggestions but none have worked, so i'm thinking it's still something on Gameserver's end. Waiting to hear back from them.
Teknoman said:
Btw operatives, I think after placing the hackbox, you can continue the hack from a distance.

Yeah, just don't sprint or anything otherwise you'll draw your weapon. Just wander around the structure the intel is on. I found it quickest to simply crouch by the objective after killing off the entire security team. You'll get shot, but more than likely you'll get the hack 70-80% complete. And hopefully the bots are too stupid to take the device off.


Strange....are you guys getting a patch for the 360 version of the game?

Seems like in Asia we are not getting a patch and local games are quite laggy against bots.


jaundicejuice said:
Yeah, just don't sprint or anything otherwise you'll draw your weapon. Just wander around the structure the intel is on. I found it quickest to simply crouch by the objective after killing off the entire security team. You'll get shot, but more than likely you'll get the hack 70-80% complete. And hopefully the bots are too stupid to take the device off.

Well I mean for online, since i've seen people stand there asking for backup, instead of taking cover.
Teknoman said:
Well I mean for online, since i've seen people stand there asking for backup, instead of taking cover.

lol, well there is this one map I played with gafbros that was bloody impossible to hack. It was literally placed in the middle with no cover from behind or the sides. I think you were playing too, your steam name is the same.
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