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Brink |OT| _/^\_

X-Frame said:
And I received 2 emails for the Amazon $10 credit and figured one was a duplicate, didn't check to see if they're both applied. And I got my Psycho pack this morning.

I checked, and my promo balance is $20, so they both definitely applied. I'm guessing that they did it to match/beat offers from other outlets. That's just one of the perks of continually shopping at Amazon!

Good to hear that the psycho pack codes are still being shipped out. I can't imagine that they would actually run out of a virtual item, but you never know; sometimes these things are stupid like that.


syoaran said:
its the most popular map for a reason.
Because people like shooting each other without having to actually worry about the objectives.

We can only hope the same kind of people don't decide which map will be the most popular in Brink. But who am I kidding? People like shooting each other.


So I had something awesome happen yesterday.

I was a Light Medic and I had a Heavy Engineer with me, we were assaulting that ramp where we have to escort the prisoner? The other team had maybe 5 guys sniping us whenever we got near.

So we got up to the room above the point that leads to a ledge. I buffed his Metabolism and health, he buffed our weapons. I then give him Adrenaline and ran off the ledge, wall jumping off and skipping towards the other corner of the ramp. He leaps off, minigun roaring, and takes out 3-4 guys, while I'm sliding around like a pro-MLG bunny hopper trying to avoid bullets. I manage to pick off the last guy and he goes down after the shot wears off. I run over to him, revive, he puts down a turret, I revive the escort, and we go on our way.
Discotheque said:
yeah right here. Avoid the 11.5a bullshit fix. It made performance worse for me. Disable AO and set shadows to 0 in the console command. Then it's smooth.

How do I set shadows to 0? What is a command for that?


Twig said:
Because people like shooting each other without having to actually worry about the objectives.

We can only hope the same kind of people don't decide which map will be the most popular in Brink. But who am I kidding? People like shooting each other.
There will soon be a TDM, 32 players, instaspawn on objective mod.

XeroSauce said:
So I had something awesome happen yesterday.

I was a Light Medic and I had a Heavy Engineer with me, we were assaulting that ramp where we have to escort the prisoner? The other team had maybe 5 guys sniping us whenever we got near.

So we got up to the room above the point that leads to a ledge. I buffed his Metabolism and health, he buffed our weapons. I then give him Adrenaline and ran off the ledge, wall jumping off and skipping towards the other corner of the ramp. He leaps off, minigun roaring, and takes out 3-4 guys, while I'm sliding around like a pro-MLG bunny hopper trying to avoid bullets. I manage to pick off the last guy and he goes down after the shot wears off. I run over to him, revive, he puts down a turret, I revive the escort, and we go on our way.
Mhh, sounds good. I plan to main Engie and be heavy.


I see all the reviews for this game, but for some reason I still want to pick it up on PC. I do NOT care about Sp at all.

The debate continues.
I want to main Engie, but the problem is that I value variety too much. I'm finding myself having a really hard time committing to a single upgrade path too much because I want to be able to switch back and forth at will without feeling like I'm nerfing myself by not playing my main. Honestly, I want to just upgrade the Engineer and the Soldier as much as possible and forget the rest, but I feel like completely ignoring the Medic would be a mistake as well. Too many tough choices!

Can someone here answer me this question: do buffs take up an active ability slot? I.e., if I'm an engineer, can I only take Damage Buff, Mines, and Turrets into the game, or is Damage Buff always active and I can take Kevlar, Mines, and Turrets into the game?


Neo Member
I have never experience being the only dude in a PC game with a mic until this game. Even most of you guys that I've played with lack a headset.

Is there a reason?


classicdms said:
I have never experience being the only dude in a PC game with a mic until this game. Even most of you guys that I've played with lack a headset.

Is there a reason?

On PC if I want to talk to someone I use vent or something instead. Don't care about talking to randoms.


syoaran said:
It's the most popular TF2 map by far. It's not personal preferance, but it's interesting to hear what people think of the maps at this stage. Same with De_dust. You might not like it, but the facts are there - its the most popular map for a reason.

Twig has well known awful taste when it comes to TF2 maps.

Either that, or he secretly loves it and just does this to troll people.

Twig said:
Because people like shooting each other without having to actually worry about the objectives.

We can only hope the same kind of people don't decide which map will be the most popular in Brink. But who am I kidding? People like shooting each other.

I've never had problems getting to the objective. I thought the objective has getting the final capture point on 3? It just requires team coordination and a concentrated push to get objectives.


divisionbyzorro said:
I want to main Engie, but the problem is that I value variety too much. I'm finding myself having a really hard time committing to a single upgrade path too much because I want to be able to switch back and forth at will without feeling like I'm nerfing myself by not playing my main. Honestly, I want to just upgrade the Engineer and the Soldier as much as possible and forget the rest, but I feel like completely ignoring the Medic would be a mistake as well. Too many tough choices!

Can someone here answer me this question: do buffs take up an active ability slot? I.e., if I'm an engineer, can I only take Damage Buff, Mines, and Turrets into the game, or is Damage Buff always active and I can take Kevlar, Mines, and Turrets into the game?
I feel the same. So far I've put points into Engie and Universal, but want Medic and Operative as well.

I guess that's why there is 10 character slots, but you can't switch them in game so we have to hope we always have a mix of specialties or else our team is fucked.


1-D_FTW said:
Twig has well known awful taste when it comes to TF2 maps.

I would have responded to the rest of your post, but since you're just trying to troll me, and this isn't the TF2 thread and I don't feel like hearing any bitching about going "off topic oh my goooooood", I'll continue laughing at your ignorance: ha! Haha!

And that's that.


played the game last night.... im not surprised by the reviews now. when you have a lag free experience, the game is a blast. but i had a 'lag free experience' maybe 10% of the time.

I'm pissed that I, yet again, used my money to support an unfinished game. I really need to get a GameFly account for games like this. I'm definitely not buying a Splash Damage game at launch again.


X-Frame said:
I guess that's why there is 10 character slots, but you can't switch them in game so we have to hope we always have a mix of specialties or else our team is fucked.
I really hope they do something about that. It's stupid that I have to leave the server if I want to change body types. Appearance, I can accept, even if I think it's dumb, but body type can actually affect the way you play, and I'd be much more willing to experiment if I didn't have to leave the goddamn server every time I want to change it up. Grrrr, Splash Damage. GRRRR.
Any of the D2D europe buyer got news about the serial code?

I still have to decide between D2D (Cheaper, love the Psycho Pack) or Steam (Reliable).


few questions for xbox 360 users:

1. should i be holding the sprint button to use smart system or should i tap it only when i need to? i thought i read it was faster to tap the button and manually use the system vs. the system automatically maneuvering for you.

2. engineer class questions. i purchased the engineer kevlar vest which is mapped to right on the d-pad. it seems i have to equip it just to use it. is there anything else i must do besides pushing right? seems a little silly to make me push a button every time i spawn to use the ability i bought, especially if it does not interfere with any other ability.

thanks for the help. i think i will enjoy this game once i understand everything that's happening. like that the game constantly tells me what i should be doing. really helps. some games i still not sure if im defending a bomb spot or trying to plant a bomb.


Played a couple matches last night, still fun! Though I agree with Twig, way too many weapons to choose from, it's just kinda overwhelming to decide on what you want. But I love me some shotguns!

Unlocked just a couple universal abilities and some specific class ones. If you sell them all back, do you get back what you spent, aka do a full respec if you want?


Do you like my tight white sweater? STOP STARING
Blackface said:
I see all the reviews for this game, but for some reason I still want to pick it up on PC. I do NOT care about Sp at all.

The debate continues.

If it works for you, the game is actually pretty fun. There are some baffling design choices like not being able to choose body type in the middle of a match, as mentioned earlier, or interface issues like letting you know when an objective has actually been met. But SMART more or less works, the core shooting is fun, and there are one or two really neat ideas here. As long as you're prepared to take it back if there are serious technical issues - and those do remain a critical problem - the game is enjoyable if you're into team based FPS games and are sort of sick of TF2. I've said it before and I'll say it again - the game feels like it's about two big patches from being a really awesome experience. The question is whether Bethesda will support the game that long, and whether the community will be there when and if it happens.
X-Frame said:
I feel the same. So far I've put points into Engie and Universal, but want Medic and Operative as well.

I guess that's why there is 10 character slots, but you can't switch them in game so we have to hope we always have a mix of specialties or else our team is fucked.

I'm finding this to be an odd design decision too. I have my favorite class like everybody else, but I also like to fill in wherever the team needs. But by doing so I'm potentially neglecting some of my best upgrades. It's odd they don't let you change characters while in the server.

Also, yeah, the game is definitely rough, but last night I had about 4 or 5 games where the lag/framerate was more than tolerable, and holy shit was it fun. Great depth, fun movement and awesome gunplay. Yes, this needs to be played on PC. Consoles should probably just stick to CoD. Sucks getting a crappy port, doesn't it, guys. Suck it up.


So what's the general consensus GAF? I trust the opinions of you guys and not the reviewers really. Is it worth picking up on PC?


sam27368 said:
So what's the general consensus GAF? I trust the opinions of you guys and not the reviewers really. Is it worth picking up on PC?

It's not worth picking up, at all, right now. Just wait for the game to be fixed. If/when it is, then buy it. Don't support broken games.


harrytang said:
few questions for xbox 360 users:

1. should i be holding the sprint button to use smart system or should i tap it only when i need to? i thought i read it was faster to tap the button and manually use the system vs. the system automatically maneuvering for you.

2. engineer class questions. i purchased the engineer kevlar vest which is mapped to right on the d-pad. it seems i have to equip it just to use it. is there anything else i must do besides pushing right? seems a little silly to make me push a button every time i spawn to use the ability i bought, especially if it does not interfere with any other ability.

thanks for the help. i think i will enjoy this game once i understand everything that's happening. like that the game constantly tells me what i should be doing. really helps. some games i still not sure if im defending a bomb spot or trying to plant a bomb.

1. Tap.
SMART system is for learning how parkour works and finding paths. And learning your body type. Once you get somewhat used to it, start tapping. Using crouch and jump to manuver instead of depening on SMART. It's not much faster, but it's MUCH more accurate nad lets you control your character more easily. You can stop exactly where you want and you learn where and how to control the maps.

2. You can't actually put the Kevlar on yourself (IIRC), it is a team-only buff. It works like the molotov, as in, when you have the molotov selected and you press the grenade button, you throw a molotov instead. Same with the vest. When you press F, you buff teammate damage. Having Kevlar selecting throws them a Kevlar vest instead in Weapon boost. Both take one supply so it's more of "What does this guy need, kevlar, damage, or both?"
dygiT said:
Do you have an ATI Radeon HD4XXX card? I'm having the same problem.

I actually don't own the game, was playing it on a friends PC with a HD 4870, I have a 4890 but I don't think I'm getting this game anymore :/

Besides that problem the game looked absolutely terrible and it ran like crap with AO turned on.

Looking at the forums it seems this is a global problem with 4xxx cards with no fix
Well here are my very early impression that I posted in another forum. I am in the minority because I'm really liking this game so far. I'm playing the XBox360 version, and I've only played thus far with a party of 4 people. But all games I played ran well, and oce you "get it", this game is a blast to play. Here are my early impressions:

"I am truly enjoying this game. I think some of the reviews were a bit harsh but I can understand some of their complaints. Letme start off by saying that this is no Call of Duty, and there is great depth to the game. You will have to watch the tutorials and read the in game dossiers to understand the game's capabilities, and there is a lot to know. If you jump in with no knowledge what-so-ever, you're going to be lost and confused. You need to know your role, play your role, and wok as a team to be successful at this game. If you're a lone wolf, then don't waste you time or money on this game, because this game is not designed to be a twitch shooter. Every class is dependent upon one another, and if you have a squad of committed players you will have the time of your life.

I played last night with some of the guys here and we had a blast even though the bots were laying into us. Once we got over the learning curve of the controls, got familiar with the maps and the variable ways to approach objectives via the 'SMART" system, it all just "clicked". And we started winning matches. I personally see me playing this game for quite some time due to its challenge and immense depth. Now the game is far from perfect and there are some minor things I don't like (but I need to play more to confirm if it's me or the game itself), but this is a solid class based multiplayer shooter. I am a huge fan of the art direction and overall presentation, and the customization alone will keep me busy for ages. I only played together with 3 other pals and bots filled out the rest for a few matches. And we played co-op through some of the challenges, so I'll reserve my judgement until I play in a fully populated online game with experienced players and see how things work out. Overall, besides some minor haggles, I think Splash Damage should be commended for what they put together. There are some things that could use a bit more polish, but this game is VERY entertaining and kept me up VERY late last night. My $0.02."


sam27368 said:
So what's the general consensus GAF? I trust the opinions of you guys and not the reviewers really. Is it worth picking up on PC?

PC, yes, unless you have an ATI card (might want to wait for a proper fix) but I have an ATI and a fixed the problem by just rolling back the drivers. If you have a problem with teammate and playing for the objective, don't bother. And I'm not trying to be snarky, this game simply isn't for killwhores or for people who get satisfaction from streaks. You can lone wolf if since there are tons of objectives to complete at any time, however.

I can agree with some review things, the bots suck and the plot is more lackluster then it could have been. Bu the gameplay is fun, the customization is good, and it's a solid multiplayer game, coming from a PC perspective.


sam27368 said:
So what's the general consensus GAF? I trust the opinions of you guys and not the reviewers really. Is it worth picking up on PC?

I would say it depends on your patience. I am enjoying the game so far but the latency and losing sound can be pretty frustrating. If spending $50 on this really doesn't effect you financially and your interested I would say yes. If $50 is keeping you from buying something else probably not. Basically it feels like a Beta for a very fun game.
I'm running a HD5870 and have had zero graphical issues. That said, I never updated my driver or the hotfix either. I typically don't upgrade unless I actually see a problem first.
Interfectum said:
It's not worth picking up, at all, right now. Just wait for the game to be fixed. If/when it is, then buy it. Don't support broken games.

Well, while I'm certainly enjoying the game, it's hard to argue with this. The game definitely needs a patch. A big one.


I'm going to a barbecue tonight. One of my friend doesn't come because..

.. He's too much into Brink! It's that good!

That's not like him either, I'm very surprised he's pulling that off.

Can't wait for friday.


Do you like my tight white sweater? STOP STARING
sam27368 said:
So what's the general consensus GAF? I trust the opinions of you guys and not the reviewers really. Is it worth picking up on PC?

Honestly, opinion is crazy mixed. There are a myriad of technical issues that make the game more or less unplayable for a large number of people. From framerates well below what people should be getting to weird graphical glitches to latency to texture pop-in, the game has frustrated its share of people. If you're one of the people who end up in this camp you'll more or less hate the game and want to return it immediately, as it's functionally unplayable. There's also a lot of rough edges and the netcode can be sort of assy, even on the PC (though in my experience it hasn't been awful on the PC).

If somehow you don't have those technical issues, there's a fun game buried underneath. It's a little light on content and there are some design quirks, sure, but the core mechanics are solid and there are some really cool ideas here I'd like to see tried elsewhere. SMART more or less functions like you'd expect, although the levels really weren't designed to use it enough. The shooting feels solid enough, the customization options are pretty thorough, and matches are hectic and full of shooting dudes and leveling up. I said it in my last post, but if you're interested in some team based combat with some new ideas and are sick of TF2, this is at least worth a look... if it runs for you without exploding your computer in some violent way.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
divisionbyzorro said:
I checked, and my promo balance is $20, so they both definitely applied. I'm guessing that they did it to match/beat offers from other outlets. That's just one of the perks of continually shopping at Amazon!

Good to hear that the psycho pack codes are still being shipped out. I can't imagine that they would actually run out of a virtual item, but you never know; sometimes these things are stupid like that.
I only got $10. :(
sam27368 said:
So what's the general consensus GAF? I trust the opinions of you guys and not the reviewers really. Is it worth picking up on PC?
I was playing it last night and having a pretty fun time doing some solo campaign and challenges. Tried out a smattering of multiplayer as well. My good/bad/ugly based on a first night of playing:

The Good:
  • Interesting character designs (imho) with some decent customization
  • Weapon customizing is neat as well
  • Environments are nifty
  • Parkour is fun, not totally required to play but can net you some interesting results if you get good with it
  • Teams really do need to support each other with abilities in order to get shit done
  • Single unlimited grenades on regen timer = no insane constant grenade spam
  • Hybrid single/multiplayer campaign, I don't know why but I think it's a neat idea

The Bad:
  • Guns themselves seem pretty homogenous in terms of stats and feel
  • Could probably use some better tutorials (I didn't have an issue, but I could see some folks might)
  • I noticed some sound issues here and there, like the audio engine couldn't cope with some of the audio effects
  • Framerate can be crummy depending on your settings (Radeon 5850 here though) but this game isn't doing anything too insane to warrant the drops in my humble opinion

The Ugly:
  • Interesting character designs (imho) with some decent customization
  • Awfully repetitive character voicing during matches
  • Bots seem like they are missing half of their AI code
  • Price might be a bit high for something which basically has no campaign


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Regarding audio dropouts, there is an option to disable the muting of audio when your character is stunned. The default setting is for the audio to mute when you are stunned or getting shot up.




Do you like my tight white sweater? STOP STARING
DenogginizerOS said:
Regarding audio dropouts, there is an option to disable the muting of audio when your character is stunned. The default setting is for the audio to mute when you are stunned or getting shot up.

Yeah, that's one of those choices I just don't understand. Your character goes flying when hit and the view dims some, so why totally mute out audio every time you take a blast? Especially since that's the primary way you hear about what your teammates are doing. There are some design choices that just feel arbitrary. Again, I'm having fun with the game, but I can't help but think I don't need to go nearly completely deaf every 45 seconds.


Campster said:
...why totally mute out audio every time you take a blast? Especially since that's the primary way you hear about what your teammates are doing.

I'd assumed that's exactly the reason why it happens, and why suppressive fire works so well at breaking up and disorienting a team trying to focus on an objective.

Double D

So I'm the person who got this through gamefly somehow not realizing it was pretty much a 100% online deal and not even having xbox gold. Idiocy aside, I went ahead and started playing the campaign offline.

The strange thing is, I was kind of having a good bit of fun until the second freaking mission where you have to pick up the data card or whatever and deliver it across the map. Well, these bots are fucking douchelords. Not to mention, it's like a three part mission. I can finish all the other stuff, only to fail the delivery part and have to restart everything.

Now I'm at a weird crossroads. I've never really played MP shooters. This game, which got shit on by multiple outlets, is actually making me consider getting gold so I can play with real people because I can see it being pretty damn fun. If these moronic bots could get their shit together this wouldn't be a problem, but I just cannot see how I can progress through this game without real people controller my teammates.

Is the online experience on 360 that bad that I should even bother with this?


Vik_Vaughn said:
So I'm the person who got this through gamefly somehow not realizing it was pretty much a 100% online deal and not even having xbox gold. Idiocy aside, I went ahead and started playing the campaign offline.

The strange thing is, I was kind of having a good bit of fun until the second freaking mission where you have to pick up the data card or whatever and deliver it across the map. Well, these bots are fucking douchelords. Not to mention, it's like a three part mission. I can finish all the other stuff, only to fail the delivery part and have to restart everything.

Now I'm at a weird crossroads. I've never really played MP shooters. This game, which got shit on by multiple outlets, is actually making me consider getting gold so I can play with real people because I can see it being pretty damn fun. If these moronic bots could get their shit together this wouldn't be a problem, but I just cannot see how I can progress through this game without real people controller my teammates.

Is the online experience on 360 that bad that I should even bother with this?

You can get 1 month cards or a couple day passes pretty much for free I would wager. Usually if you go to your Xbox 360 dashboard when you run out of gold, they'll be a deal to renew for like $1.00 for a month. That's why I never have my live on renew, because when it ends those deals show up, but they will NEVER be seen if you are on renew so they can keep getting your money.

Is this worth a dollar to try online? Of course. If you get laggy matches just quit out and search for another. Also, if you have any friends to play with online then your enjoyment will probably be greater.

I'll be playing on PC version later today, so I'll hopefully hop on the Gaf server later on. :)
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