Well here are my very early impression that I posted in another forum. I am in the minority because I'm really liking this game so far. I'm playing the XBox360 version, and I've only played thus far with a party of 4 people. But all games I played ran well, and oce you "get it", this game is a blast to play. Here are my early impressions:
"I am truly enjoying this game. I think some of the reviews were a bit harsh but I can understand some of their complaints. Letme start off by saying that this is no Call of Duty, and there is great depth to the game. You will have to watch the tutorials and read the in game dossiers to understand the game's capabilities, and there is a lot to know. If you jump in with no knowledge what-so-ever, you're going to be lost and confused. You need to know your role, play your role, and wok as a team to be successful at this game. If you're a lone wolf, then don't waste you time or money on this game, because this game is not designed to be a twitch shooter. Every class is dependent upon one another, and if you have a squad of committed players you will have the time of your life.
I played last night with some of the guys here and we had a blast even though the bots were laying into us. Once we got over the learning curve of the controls, got familiar with the maps and the variable ways to approach objectives via the 'SMART" system, it all just "clicked". And we started winning matches. I personally see me playing this game for quite some time due to its challenge and immense depth. Now the game is far from perfect and there are some minor things I don't like (but I need to play more to confirm if it's me or the game itself), but this is a solid class based multiplayer shooter. I am a huge fan of the art direction and overall presentation, and the customization alone will keep me busy for ages. I only played together with 3 other pals and bots filled out the rest for a few matches. And we played co-op through some of the challenges, so I'll reserve my judgement until I play in a fully populated online game with experienced players and see how things work out. Overall, besides some minor haggles, I think Splash Damage should be commended for what they put together. There are some things that could use a bit more polish, but this game is VERY entertaining and kept me up VERY late last night. My $0.02."