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BritGAF |OT3| It's good, but it's not right.

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Had a moment of panic then when I saw the reply button greyed out, thought the thread had been locked. Then just realised stupid phone had logged me out.

So Book of Mormon was epic, really enjoyed it, very funny, very clever, songs were great. Then browsed Forbidden Planet before remembering how overpriced it is and why I buy most comics online now. Still picked up some lightsaber chopsticks and then headed to Fopp and got a copy of The Princess Bride (the book).

Had dinner at Angus Steak House and by god it was glorious steak. Now home and watching Two Towers. A damned good day even by my standards.

Truly, the only question that matters.



So Book of Mormon was epic, really enjoyed it, very funny, very clever, songs were great.
Were the tickets expensive/take long to get? Looked into it when going to New York last year with the family but the few remaining tickets were bad seats and very expensive. Went to see James Corden's thing instead which was good.

Also Dreamhack SC2 finals are starting and it's super hype, Swede on home turf vs a top Korean. 100k+ live viewers
Were the tickets expensive/take long to get? Looked into it when going to New York last year with the family but the few remaining tickets were bad seats and very expensive. Went to see James Corden's thing instead which was good.

I bought them last year as a Christmas present, not long after they came out. Pretty decent seats in the stalls, £45.

Mr. Sam

I got the bit early on in Limbo where the giant spider's legs fold out in front of you, went "NOPE" and quit the game. Anybody else ever stopped playing a game because they were too much of a pussy?


Had my first proper pen & paper roleplaying experience yesterday, our group had our first proper session of Airship Pirates (last time was character and airship creation). We managed to successfully disable, board and loot a merchant airship!


bitch I'm taking calls.
Words to live by,
lol maybe for different reasons, but I concur.
Had my first proper pen & paper roleplaying experience yesterday, our group had our first proper session of Airship Pirates (last time was character and airship creation). We managed to successfully disable, board and loot a merchant airship!
PnP games are awesome. What kind of pirate are you? I played DnD as a kid and have recently picked it back up to participate in pathfinder and a great play-by-post game here on GAF. Would love to start up IRL play again someday.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Kill it at the gym
Coffee festival
Curry at bricklane

Hard day.....
What the hell is a coffee festival
Had my first proper pen & paper roleplaying experience yesterday, our group had our first proper session of Airship Pirates (last time was character and airship creation). We managed to successfully disable, board and loot a merchant airship!

How does one do a DnD via pen and paper


PnP games are awesome. What kind of pirate are you? I played DnD as a kid and have recently picked it back up to participate in pathfinder and a great play-by-post game here on GAF. Would love to start up IRL play again someday.

Well unfortunately our airship was kind of designed by committee, so by necessity we're the get-into-close-range-and-disable-them-fast kind of pirate. As for my character personally (I got elected captain, which was weird) he's an ex-navy quartermaster who mutinied along with his friend who's a pilot (the pilot just found out the navy killed his family, for some reason, I think), and we stole the airship and became pirates.


The clown who can't cook is starting to irritate me.

"Can I just nick a beer? Will you sort me some weed for a spliff? Can I have a lift? Can I lend £20?"

I don't generally ask, I'm fairly self sufficient, but I don't mind favours and sharing. But it's take take take with this guy!

All four of us have a shelf in a cupboard, and one in the fridge, for stuff you don't want anyone to touch. This guys shelf is always empty, yet mine looks less stocked every time I look at it. So I put a note saying "Stop eating my stuff you filthy thief!", hoping someone would own up so I didn't have to point the finger (even thought it was blatantly him).

Sure enough next time he opens the fridge, he laughs, owning up. He offered to replace a Wispa, even though he'd eaten a lot more than that. Fair play I thought, I'll just leave it at.

So I wake up the next morning, and the Wispa is gone. Along with more chocolate and three more bags of crisps.

Like seriously? After the whole embarrassing, sheepish admission? And you fucking ate the one thing you replaced!

This guy....


I drank far too much last night, luckily - not hanging - that could be by the fact that I'm probably still a little intoxicated!

Ended up bumping into the group that I was invited out with where I was the only guy and only knew one person, which was interesting - I was meant to buy her a drink but she had shot off when I got to the bar, ah well.

How was everybody else's evenings?

Haven't got much planned for today, thinking I need to have a shower so I stop smelling like vodka.


Unconfirmed Member
Tony Hawk HD is really disappointing. It's missing something that the old games had, kinda soulless. Also I'm terrible at it.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Tony Hawk HD is really disappointing. It's missing something that the old games had, kinda soulless. Also I'm terrible at it.

Playing king of the hill on tony hawks multiplayer back in the day was tense joy.

Well that was tony hawks 4 on teh win box


Knows the Score
The clown who can't cook is starting to irritate me.

"Can I just nick a beer? Will you sort me some weed for a spliff? Can I have a lift? Can I lend £20?"

I don't generally ask, I'm fairly self sufficient, but I don't mind favours and sharing. But it's take take take with this guy!

All four of us have a shelf in a cupboard, and one in the fridge, for stuff you don't want anyone to touch. This guys shelf is always empty, yet mine looks less stocked every time I look at it. So I put a note saying "Stop eating my stuff you filthy thief!", hoping someone would own up so I didn't have to point the finger (even thought it was blatantly him).

Sure enough next time he opens the fridge, he laughs, owning up. He offered to replace a Wispa, even though he'd eaten a lot more than that. Fair play I thought, I'll just leave it at.

So I wake up the next morning, and the Wispa is gone. Along with more chocolate and three more bags of crisps.

Like seriously? After the whole embarrassing, sheepish admission? And you fucking ate the one thing you replaced!

This guy....

You need something that he would eat and regret, dog meat sandwiches, a wispa filled with bees or a Wispa gold.
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