PoliGAF 2017 |OT4| The leaks are coming from inside the white house

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No Scrubs
I mean, I think its better odds that it won't pass, but those "wavering" sens are soft "no"s/skeptical, most would vote yes. They can pass it without Collins and Murkowski.

No they can't. McCain isn't there to vote, so two defections kill it.
Here I was, kind of hoping that with McCain's diagnosis that he might decide that the time for politics is over and to just do the right thing and call out the treason in his party
Here I was, kind of hoping that with McCain's diagnosis that he might decide that the time for politics is over and to just do the right thing and call out the treason in his party

I feel like he doesn't because of his daughter's career and I'm sure Republicans have had that conversation with him.
They're retconning Bush away. It now goes Clinton->Obama->Trump.

Well, Bill allowed Al Qaeda to become a threat, and Hillary nagged the reluctant Republicans into declaring the Iraq war right before infecting Wall Street via speeches into an eventual collapse. Senator Obama pushed Harry Whittington into the shotgun blast, or something.
Is there a timeline / dead-end date where this has to get passed by?

Not technically, but in practical terms, yea. They can't pass it via reconciliation on January 1st 2018. That's the only hard date, and even that's not a hard date, since they can just pass it via reconciliation in 2018. Or just nuke the filibuster. They can pretty much do whatever they want.

But that's not worth going crazy panicking over. You'll have your random crazy tea parties propose repealing it over the next few years, but it'll be effectively dead. Of course you'll get hot takes like "remember the house the first time!!!!!" and "oh no, here we go again!!!" but they'll just be crazy people panicking over random crap the tea party has been doing for years.

You can relax after Tuesday, although you shouldn't even be worried right now.

Rand is still a no right? Or did the Cruz amendment or w/e finally make him crack.

Rand is a no on the bill, but a yes on holding a debate as long as they let him add a clean repeal as an amendment

(so he's effectively a hard no)
Not technically, but in practical terms, yea. They can't pass it via reconciliation on January 1st 2018. That's the only hard date, and even that's not a hard date, since they can just pass it via reconciliation in 2018. Or just nuke the filibuster. They can pretty much do whatever they want.

But that's not worth going crazy panicking over. You'll have your random crazy tea parties propose repealing it over the next few years, but it'll be effectively dead. Of course you'll get hot takes like "remember the house the first time!!!!!" and "oh no, here we go again!!!" but they'll just be crazy people panicking over random crap the tea party has been doing for years.

You can relax after Tuesday, although you shouldn't even be worried right now.

Yeah, if they don't pass it tomorrow, they're done until 2019. Can't muck around with this during an election year.
~~~PELOSI~~~ needs to visit the Senate gallery tomorrow and make all the faces she makes in the right-wingers' memes. Just psyche them the fuck out.


also if they pass new reconciliation instructions (eg for tax reform), it will have to go through the house again

even the house GOP caucus must be smart enough to see how badly they played themselves by voting on this bill with the assumption the Senate would fix it
Yeah, if they don't pass it tomorrow, they're done until 2019. Can't muck around with this during an election year.

Tomorrow isn't even the vote to pass the bill, and they can't even get that going. There are more senators willing to debate on the bill than vote on it, and even that's not enough.

Stuff like this...


It's fucking dead.
Those senators CAN'T be lost causes. If they've given up on those two, they've given up on the bill.
Yeah, if they don't pass it tomorrow, they're done until 2019. Can't muck around with this during an election year.

It isn't done until they literally run out of time to pass something via budget.

Even if the vote fails tomorrow they'll likely just go quiet and try again in a few weeks just like the first failed house vote.
Burgess Everett‏Verified account @burgessev 5m5 minutes ago
Cornyn says they are trying to get doctor approval for McCain to come back tomorrow for healthcare vote (!)

The desperation is STRONG.

I do believe McConnell and company would "Weekend at Bernies" that vote if they had to.
I can't even stand to look at that douche Paul Ryan, much less hear him talk. So him suffering more makes me happier then usual

so is America going to default or nah?
I can't even stand to look at that douche Paul Ryan, much less hear him talk. So him suffering more makes me happier then usual

so is America going to default or nah?

Highly doubtful. The debt ceiling will be raised regardless of Freedom Caucus horseshit. You should be more worried about a government shut down. Which I believe is a much greater possibility. Though as some have noted, Pelosi will probably take them to the cleaners on whatever deal happens to avoid it...
Like are they seriously going to fly a dying man half way across the country to hold a vote that isn't even going to pass with him there because there are too many nos for him to matter?

If I was McCain I would actually be offended by McConnell for even humoring this plan of action.

I don't even like McCain and I find this idea disgusting, jesus
Like are they seriously going to fly a dying man half way across the country to hold a vote that isn't even going to pass with him there because there are too many nos for him to matter?

If I was McCain I would actually be offended by McConnell for even humoring this plan of action.
And also isn't even a vote on the bill itself so he'd have to fly out again or hang around or something?
White House isn't even trying to spin Trumps comments on Sessions anymore...

Manu Raju‏Verified account @mkraju 7m7 minutes ago
Scaramucci to @saramurray on if Trump/Sessions can reconcile. "They need to speak and determine what the future of the relationship" is.


Neo Member
I'm watching the Governors closely, and Kasich has come out against the vote on Tuesday and Sandoval still hasn't come out one way or the other.

NOTHING has changed in this bill after Capito/Heller/Flake/Murkowski/Collins came out against the original. Mitch McConnell is literally going to push these Senators to the edge of the cliff in a last ditch appeal to save the legislation. After watching Trump's speech, I see no compelling reason why anyone would change their mind. Trump has his event with Capito this evening, so we'll see what happens with her, but I don't see the others budging.

What I find interesting in the GOP talking points, Trump's remarks, etc. is you never hear how this bill will "expand access" for folks. That was one of the primary reasons the Obama Administration pushed and later implemented the ACA, expanding health care access for some of our most vulnerable citizens. The GOP just doesn't care about access for the poor/sick, and I think that message is beginning to resonate with more Americans across party lines.
Paul just won reelection so he's not up until 2022.

Kentucky is way too far gone for a Democrat to win 99% of the time, but he could be susceptible to a primary challenger.

I disagree, actually. McConnell came within 100,000 votes of losing in 2008, and Grimey did okay despite running a piss-poor campaign.

Can Spoiled Milk make the new thread now?
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