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BritGAF |OT6| Dark Souls? More like Arse Holes

what year is it

I still use DVDs. Although I always just say it like in Fonejacker.

Never moved on the Blu-Rays as I don't have a PS3/PS4, and buying a standalone thing just never seemed worth it. Partially cost, also unnecessary extra thing plugged in to the TV.


What is everyone up to tonight then?

About to sit down and munch fajitas and watch stand up DVDs with E. 😄

I'm about an hour and a half into a 12 hour night shift, so I guess drinking tea and playing Elite: Dangerous is on the cards for me tonight. Maybe some work. *shrug*
What is everyone up to tonight then?

About to sit down and munch fajitas and watch stand up DVDs with E. 😄

I was watching The Thick of It with some wine, now I'm just watching The Thick of It because the wine was gross and I poured it down the sink.

I'm sober and might go to bed.



formerly Oynox Slider
Had fajitas last night. Always keep the spare tortillas around for munching later on

Ditto. So tasty.

I don't want to see Lee Evans in SD to be honest

Well done daps, Bowen, J.Ex, Vashetti and D. This conversation made us both laugh :D

I was watching The Thick of It with some wine, now I'm just watching The Thick of It because the wine was gross and I poured it down the sink.

I'm sober and might go to bed.


PARTEY! Well, once E's gone to bed I might play some Bioshock. WITH THE LIGHTS OUT!

I'm about an hour and a half into a 12 hour night shift, so I guess drinking tea and playing Elite: Dangerous is on the cards for me tonight. Maybe some work. *shrug*

You can play vido gams at work??


You can play vido gams at work??

Yep! Weekend night shifts are awesome as there's so little to do we can play games, watch films, read etc. In fact up until recently I was studying Web Design to change career but I've given myself a little break now that it's over. The only sad thing is that I sometimes miss hanging out with mates.


Then put short term relationship.
It's not a fling but you don't look desperate to commit to somebody either.

I know it's a daunting thing to be thinking about when you've got no experience but try to think of it as a no pressure, fun experiment. It doesn't really matter if you fail at this.

OK, this makes sense. Thanks.

I've never had a relationship, but I know what I'd prefer from one.

"Looking for a relationship with a sexually experimental girl. The relationship may only last as long as these Pizza Express vouchers do, but it'll be a good time and my dick is massive. Promise."

Heh. While (I'm assuming, anyway) this is not sustainable on a long term basis, I wouldn't mind trying something like this. Though unfortunately that last part doesn't apply to me >.>
OK, this makes sense. Thanks.

Heh. While (I'm assuming, anyway) this is not sustainable on a long term basis, I wouldn't mind trying something like this. Though unfortunately that last part doesn't apply to me >.>

oh. unfortunately britgaf is also known as 'the massive penis party' and so i shall have to revoke your membership. sorry.


So last night I encountered two loathsome terms from one particularly loathsome punter (seriously, this guy was a complete smug, arrogant little twat and pilled off his face, I wanted to punch said face):

"Yo blud, two G&T's and a SoCo Lemo. And bro, Bombay me innit."



"I say bartender, could I get two spiffing Gin and tonics made with Bombay Sapphire and a Southern Comfort with a dash of lemonade. Safe G."


So last night I encountered two loathsome terms from one particularly loathsome punter (seriously, this guy was a complete smug, arrogant little twat and pilled off his face, I wanted to punch said face):

"Yo blud, two G&T's and a SoCo Lemo. And bro, Bombay me innit."



"I say bartender, could I get two spiffing Gin and tonics made with Bombay Sapphire and a Southern Comfort with a dash of lemonade. Safe G."

I hope you at least greenied in his drink.


I hope you at least greenied in his drink.
He was working promotion, came in for a few drinks after he ran out of flyers. He just appeared out of nowhere at about 4:15am after we'd kicked everyone out (fuck knows where he was hiding) and barked at Tunji (the owner):

Dickhead: "Fuck, I've missed my train, what am I supposed to do now?"

Tunji: "I don't even know who you are mate."

Dickhead: "I've been working promotion for Keith. Can I hang around? I'll work!"

Tunji: "Fine, go and help Joseph in the back room."

He then proceeded to antagonise the door staff, perv really creepily on Chrissy and just generally get in everyone's way.

Cool guy.


formerly Oynox Slider
He was working promotion, came in for a few drinks after he ran out of flyers. He just appeared out of nowhere at about 4:15am after we'd kicked everyone out (fuck knows where he was hiding) and barked at Tunji (the owner):

Dickhead: "Fuck, I've missed my train, what am I supposed to do now?"

Tunji: "I don't even know who you are mate."

Dickhead: "I've been working promotion for Keith. Can I hang around? I'll work!"

Tunji: "Fine, go and help Joseph in the back room."

He then proceeded to antagonise the door staff, perv really creepily on Chrissy and just generally get in everyone's way.

Cool guy.

Sounds like a bellend. The minute someone says SoCo I think you know where you stand.


Guys I'm in trouble. Dark Souls has ruined games for me. Neither Gears nor Bioshock are giving me the good stuff. Even though I'm playing Bioshock on hard, there's no real challenge because death carries no penalty, meaning I can just cheese almost every fight in the game. And Gears is just a case of hide and shoot with no real movement. I know that there are harder difficulties but for some reason they're not unlocked.

I'm gonna try HL2, Red Dead, Vanquish and XCOM this afternoon. Hopefully I'll be able to get the good stuff from them. If that fails then it's just gonna have to be NG+.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Sounds like a bellend. The minute someone says SoCo I think you know where you stand.


Guys I'm in trouble. Dark Souls has ruined games for me. Neither Gears nor Bioshock are giving me the good stuff. Even though I'm playing Bioshock on hard, there's no real challenge because death carries no penalty, meaning I can just cheese almost every fight in the game. And Gears is just a case of hide and shoot with no real movement. I know that there are harder difficulties but for some reason they're not unlocked.

I'm gonna try HL2, Red Dead, Vanquish and XCOM this afternoon. Hopefully I'll be able to get the good stuff from them. If that fails then it's just gonna have to be NG+.

Half Life 2? Great game. Nothing like DS though.

Vanquish might scratch that itch. Very mechanics-driven and chellenges the player signficantly. Underrated too.

I've been playing The Last of Us. Haven't really kept up with the general opinion of it besides the near-universal praise, buuuut it's very similar to Half Life 2 isn't it? Not mechanically, but near everything else. It's weird. I'm not sure if I enjoy it. There are too many animation errors or scripting flaws for me to appreciate the cinematic elements that it is trying to sell on. Plus Ellie/other companions seem to run in front of enemies when I'm sneaking without any affect on their alert status, which really takes me out of it. Also the stealth feels very fickle.


Happy Birthday BGBW!
And Gears is just a case of hide and shoot with no real movement. I know that there are harder difficulties but for some reason they're not unlocked.
There is a lot more to Gears' gameplay than the "stop and pop" mechanic it championed, especially on the harder difficulties. You really need to start flanking enemies, cutting off sight lines and generally be much more mobile in the later stages. And even simple enemies like wretches and tickers than basically swarm you mean you can't just simply sit in cover and wait for your health to regenerate.

And the sequels mix things up considerably with new weapons like the mortar launcher, digger launcher (burrowing grenade that basically ignores cover), ink grenade (releases a cloud of poison gas) and stuff like the boomshield and various melee weapons. Also new enemies like butchers (big melee weapon dudes that close you down in cover), Kantus Priests (able to revive downed enemies), Reavers (rideable flying beast things that can step right over cover) yadda yadda.

I could write a dissertation on these games, I love them. Judgement was pants though.


formerly Oynox Slider
Happy birthday BGBW!

I'm looking forward to XCOM.

Happy Birthday BGBW!

There is a lot more to Gears' gameplay than the "stop and pop" mechanic it championed, especially on the harder difficulties. You really need to start flanking enemies, cutting off sight lines and generally be much more mobile in the later stages. And even simple enemies like wretches and tickers than basically swarm you mean you can't just simply sit in cover and wait for your health to regenerate.

And the sequels mix things up considerably with new weapons like the mortar launcher, digger launcher (burrowing grenade that basically ignores cover), ink grenade (releases a cloud of poison gas) and stuff like the boomshield and various melee weapons. Also new enemies like butchers (big melee weapon dudes that close you down in cover), Kantus Priests (able to revive downed enemies), Reavers (rideable flying beast things that can step right over cover) yadda yadda.

I could write a dissertation on these games, I love them. Judgement was pants though.

You make me want to like it. Maybe I'm playing it wrong. It just feels very, very clunky and I find that a lot of my deaths feel cheap. I'm not quite sure what the game wants. Should I be taking it slowly, hiding for an age in between every shot, or moving forwards and trying to be quick and flank enemies? My bloke feels like a tank.

Yer know what ignore me. I'm just grumpy I'm back at work tomorrow.
Even being a big fan of comedy, I never bothered checking out a comedian live. Will do so now. It's great and not so great to know that so many comedians have very fast sellout acts.

Starting with Nish Kumar tomorrow.

Sara Pascoe, Robin Ince, Katherine Ryan, Michael Legge, James Acaster as part of "This Comedian" on 26th Jan.

Bridget Christie on March 2nd. Didn't know she spent 5 years as a Daily Mail journalist and got strangled by Gene Wilder (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbkM2ECE3rw), and she said most Daily Mail journalists don't even like or read Daily Mail which is hilarious in itself.


Even being a big fan of comedy, I never bothered checking out a comedian live. Will do so now. It's great and not so great to know that so many comedians have very fast sellout acts.

Starting with Nish Kumar tomorrow.

Sara Pascoe, Robin Ince, Katherine Ryan, Michael Legge, James Acaster as part of "This Comedian" on 26th Jan.

Bridget Christie on March 2nd. Didn't know she spent 5 years as a Daily Mail journalist and got strangled by Gene Wilder (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbkM2ECE3rw), and she said most Daily Mail journalists don't even like or read Daily Mail which is hilarious in itself.

You've never seen a comedian live? What the fuck, mane? How old are you? At least you're rectifying it.
Half Life 2? Great game. Nothing like DS though.

Vanquish might scratch that itch. Very mechanics-driven and chellenges the player signficantly. Underrated too.

I've been playing The Last of Us. Haven't really kept up with the general opinion of it besides the near-universal praise, buuuut it's very similar to Half Life 2 isn't it? Not mechanically, but near everything else. It's weird. I'm not sure if I enjoy it. There are too many animation errors or scripting flaws for me to appreciate the cinematic elements that it is trying to sell on. Plus Ellie/other companions seem to run in front of enemies when I'm sneaking without any affect on their alert status, which really takes me out of it. Also the stealth feels very fickle.

Never played The Last of Us (will eventually since I have a PS4) but your criticisms are mirrored in this fantastic Matthewmatosis critique. I gif'ed the AI not being bothered with NPCs from there, which looks hilarious. I get the reasoning that you don't want to be on the whims of NPCs acting stupid and getting you alerted but disappointing considering how much they hyped for revolutionary AI.


You make me want to like it. Maybe I'm playing it wrong. It just feels very, very clunky and I find that a lot of my deaths feel cheap. I'm not quite sure what the game wants. Should I be taking it slowly, hiding for an age in between every shot, or moving forwards and trying to be quick and flank enemies? My bloke feels like a tank.
It is clunky (you say clunky, I say chunky, :p) and your dude is a tank. It's a very heavy game in feel, so you aren't wrong about that.

I basically played it like a tug of war kind of thing, always trying to push forward into the enemy's territory. I know that's often the way with shooters, but because the locust are pretty resilient it feels like a particularly apt description, windling away at their numbers to allow you more pockets of space to flank and such.

Plus, bear in mind that the best tactic is often to shoot grunts in their legs to down them, that way even if you don't kill them you put them out of commission long enough move into a better position or grab them as a shield to swing the tide. It will also generally lure out one of their comrades to help them up allowing you an easy kill.

Also, don't underestimate suppressive fire, it's another good way to buy yourself some time to reassess your position. Blind firing is very effective in this game, especially as the cog displaying your health acts as an impromptu reticule when you aren't ADS.

(Speaking of blind fire, I love that you can adjust whether you're firing over or around cover with the left stick, I don't think any other cover shooter allows this level of control.)

/wanking on and on about this game, it holds a special place in my heart

P.S. You know about plugging emergence holes with Bolo grenades right? Once you know where they show up you can run up and lob one straight in as soon as it appears ending the fight in a shower of gibs and debris before it starts. :D


Knows the Score
I can only remember going to see three comedians; Jerry Sadowitz, Ben Elton & Bill Hicks. I feel I could never see another one and still have done well out of it. Well, maybe expect Ben Elton, he was surprisingly poor.

Going to see Kevin Bridges later this year though, but that's in a big barn.


I can only remember going to see three comedians; Jerry Sadowitz, Ben Elton & Bill Hicks. I feel I could never see another one and still have done well out of it. Well, maybe expect Ben Elton, he was surprisingly poor.

Going to see Kevin Bridges later this year though, but that's in a big barn.

Jesus christ, apart from Elton you're the envy of comedy fans everywhere.
I'd have loved to have seen Hicks, man. Just have to make do with CDs and DVDs, which are still surprisingly relevant in places. Fucking timeless.

I probably wouldn't follow him with Kevin Bridges, though.


Knows the Score
I'd have loved to have seen Hicks, man. Just have to make do with CDs and DVDs, which are still surprisingly relevant in places. Fucking timeless.

I probably wouldn't follow him with Kevin Bridges, though.

Well, you know, a lot of his comedy hits the local funny bone as I'm Glaswegian.
It's actually at the behest of my wife.

jimbor said:
Jesus christ, apart from Elton you're the envy of comedy fans everywhere.

He was terribly bad, kept tripping over his jokes. This would have been around the time when his books were around and before he had Ronnie Corbett on his show/the Queen atrocity. My opinion of him nose dived completely afterwards.

If anyone has the opportunity to see Jerry Sadowitz, don't miss out. He's wonderful.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
If anyone has the opportunity to see Jerry Sadowitz, don't miss out. He's wonderful.

Saw him last year. He spat water at some guy in the audience. Repeatedly. The poor bugger and his wife upped and left. Fucking laughed my arse off. Schadenfreude.

I'm gonna try HL2, Red Dead, Vanquish and XCOM this afternoon. Hopefully I'll be able to get the good stuff from them. If that fails then it's just gonna have to be NG+.

Gimme a shout if your on Red Dead. The multiplayer is sweet. It ain't gonna scratch your DS itch though.


formerly Oynox Slider
It is clunky (you say clunky, I say chunky, :p) and your dude is a tank. It's a very heavy game in feel, so you aren't wrong about that.

I basically played it like a tug of war kind of thing, always trying to push forward into the enemy's territory. I know that's often the way with shooters, but because the locust are pretty resilient it feels like a particularly apt description, windling away at their numbers to allow you more pockets of space to flank and such.

Plus, bear in mind that the best tactic is often to shoot grunts in their legs to down them, that way even if you don't kill them you put them out of commission long enough move into a better position or grab them as a shield to swing the tide. It will also generally lure out one of their comrades to help them up allowing you an easy kill.

Also, don't underestimate suppressive fire, it's another good way to buy yourself some time to reassess your position. Blind firing is very effective in this game, especially as the cog displaying your health acts as an impromptu reticule when you aren't ADS.

(Speaking of blind fire, I love that you can adjust whether you're firing over or around cover with the left stick, I don't think any other cover shooter allows this level of control.)

/wanking on and on about this game, it holds a special place in my heart

P.S. You know about plugging emergence holes with Bolo grenades right? Once you know where they show up you can run up and lob one straight in as soon as it appears ending the fight in a shower of gibs and debris before it starts. :D

Nah, it's good to hear you talk about games! Thanks. I'll go back to it in a bit. I think the problem is that I went a bit mad and bought a pile of games instead of one at a time, which means that I end up flitting between them and not really enjoying them. "Spoilt brat syndrome", I think! You end up just wanting to complete things out of obligation instead of, you know, having fun. I'm going to finish Bioshock first and then will go back to it. There's a lot of things to like about B.S. and I do really like some things about it. Can't help feeling that the story > gameplay a bit like TLOU i.e. gameplay is solid enough, but the story is what really keeps you playing. The art design is obviously really special too.

I can only remember going to see three comedians; Jerry Sadowitz, Ben Elton & Bill Hicks. I feel I could never see another one and still have done well out of it. Well, maybe expect Ben Elton, he was surprisingly poor.

Going to see Kevin Bridges later this year though, but that's in a big barn.

It was a Kevin Bridges DVD we watched yesterday. I think he's funny, tbh. A lot of his stories remind me of growing up in rough-as-badger's-arse Blackpool.

Gimme a shout if your on Red Dead. The multiplayer is sweet. It ain't gonna scratch your DS itch though.

I will do. I think nothing will. That "absolute foundation of challenge and reward" is like satisfaction heroin compared to most games' satisfaction wine.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Sploatee you just need to play Dark Souls 2. That will definitely cleanse your pallate of the souls series. And I mean that in both positive and negative contexts. I love Dark Souls but I haven't played in ages after I platinum'd 2.
Thought Stewart Lee was completely booked for the whole year and all the other places are 2-6 hours away but found he's also playing at Rose Theater in Kingston in May which is just a bus away from me and there are tickets left so yay booked a ticket!
I really liked Kevin Bridge's 'What's The Story' show on BBC One, where he went round people from his past and where his material came from. Sounds like the thing that should have been terrible, sausage factory, but it was very funny and very real.


Fucks sake. Went out and spent out 15 quid on a Wii sensor bar. Bring it home and find out it needs batteries >.<


A sensor bar is only 2 IR sensors, and therefore any 3rd party or cheap sensor bar will do. Just head off to eBay or Amazon next time you need a sensor bar. Purchase a USB or proprietary sensor port sensor bar.
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