Your tapestry of posts, as you put it, goes back to August 2020 and then I can´t look into it further so maybe put some clues outside that in here?
I am a bit pressed for time today so a thought occurred; The first part is individual; We are all One, but separated and unremembering, therefore only by realising that helping others is basically helping ourselves we recognise the Unity of all. If emotions cause vibrations and love causes the highest / best ones, then it stands to reason for the people in power to sow apathy (I think hatred is an expression of negative love if you will, so then the opposite of love is a lack of love) or disengagement. The second part is collective; If the reality can be influenced by our minds, then emotions should be the strongest influencers. Then that means one should direct their will and thoughts to use emotions to change their mind and thus influence the world through a thought-form so to speak for the better. By converting others to this positive thought form we could influence collective reality (which up to that point would be local). How is that?
on God; for God to be Omnipresent, All knowing etc... He (for the lack of better word) should be in eveyone and everything. God then becomes the union set of all, but is also wholly in the particulars. Then you have to find God in you, but how to do that? I mean is there even a general way how to do that?
and a question; Which part of Blavatsky´s Secret Doctrine has the best utility (if any)?