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Burnout 3 - Gamespot review


works for Gamestop (lol)


"Unless your only idea of driving-game enjoyment involves playing the strictest of simulations, Burnout 3: Takedown is the driving game for you. It's instantly accessible, yet it has more than enough challenge to it to keep you busy for a very long time, even if you don't intend to play the game online. Furthermore, it's simply one of the most exciting, action-packed games to come along in a long time, regardless of genre. So even if driving games aren't normally your thing, if you're a thrill-seeker (at least in game terms), this offering has them in spades. Burnout 3: Takedown is an amazing achievement that anyone with a pulse will probably love."


awesome. no reason for this game not to be in my xbox right now. none whatsover. the aussies have it. why cant we have it? is it so wrong for a man to want some crash action in his life? what did i do so wrong to deserve this? why must i be shunned? why must i be kicked like a wild dog and denied the greatness that is burnout 3 for yet another day? my heart aches for the sound of twisted steel, oh how i yearn for thee.
Holy shite... This game really came out of nowhere as far as I'm concerned. I really hope I'll enjoy it as much as these reviews are leading me to believe, since I'm not really into car racing games, but I do love me some classic arcade racers from time to time.


i just read the entire review. no reason for the scores to be exactly the same. they coulda given the good ole BRICK that extra .1


adelgary said:
This game really came out of nowhere as far as I'm concerned.
You haven't been hanging out GAF for a while, maybe? I searched and count over 40 threads with "Burnout 3" in the title. :)
explodet said:
You haven't been hanging out GAF for a while, maybe? I searched and count over 40 threads with "Burnout 3" in the title. :)

It's true that I almost stopped visiting the forums for a month or so, but that's not it, as I have noticed all the hype about the game and the demo before, but it didn't get to me at all because I assumed it's all coming from hardcore racing game junkies and fans of the previous two Burnout games (which I personally didn't think much of)... But when IGN and GameSpot write some of the most enthusiastic reviews I've read in a while and name a racing game as "one of the best games ever made" and both give it a 9.5, I have to take notice :)
explodet said:
You haven't been hanging out GAF for a while, maybe? I searched and count over 40 threads with "Burnout 3" in the title. :)

I think the title bumped way into the stratosphere at E3 for 2 reasons.

1) It's a kick ass game, that played and looked like butter.

2) EA went onto Xbox Live, so it was OK for Xbox fans to love it as well. I guarantee if it was online exclusive for the PS2, we'd be seeing no end to the detractors for this game.


Hail to the KING baby
sonycowboy said:
I think the title bumped way into the stratosphere at E3 for 2 reasons.

1) It's a kick ass game, that played and looked like butter.

2) EA went onto Xbox Live, so it was OK for Xbox fans to love it as well. I guarantee if it was online exclusive for the PS2, we'd be seeing no end to the detractors for this game.

Please. A great game is a great game. You see nothing but love for the former PS2-exclusive Winning Eleven series here, for example.


Both games have support for 16:9 displays, and the Xbox version pulls ahead by also offering 480p support. Both versions look awesome on their respective platforms, but when you compare the two, the Xbox version wins the fight easily.

480P, Custom Soundtracks plus the Xbox controllers analog triggers. If you own both a PS2 and an Xbox, I see no reason (other than your friends have a specific version) to get the PS2 version.


I'm gonna get the psx2 version as that's all i have, i doubt i'll go online, is there alot to do single player-wise?


LAMBO said:
I'm gonna get the psx2 version as that's all i have, i doubt i'll go online, is there alot to do single player-wise?

I read on another board that it took someone 36 hours to get 99% done with it. Sounds like a lot.


Sysgen said:
480P, Custom Soundtracks plus the Xbox controllers analog triggers. If you own both a PS2 and an Xbox, I see no reason (other than your friends have a specific version) to get the PS2 version.
i know the review says otherwise, but i remember reading that the ps2 version does support 480p. burnout 2 did, as well.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Nintendo really needs to rethink their third party strategy in the future or they will keep losing out on great games like this one.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
epmode said:
i know the review says otherwise, but i remember reading that the ps2 version does support 480p. burnout 2 did, as well.
IGN just grabbed videos of both versions of the game running in 480p & 16:9 so it sounds like Gamespot is a little off base.

480P, Custom Soundtracks plus the Xbox controllers analog triggers. If you own both a PS2 and an Xbox, I see no reason (other than your friends have a specific version) to get the PS2 version.
Is there a reason why you feel the need to advise multiplatform gamers which version they should buy?
AstroLad said:
Please. A great game is a great game. You see nothing but love for the former PS2-exclusive Winning Eleven series here, for example.

Thanks for making my point, yet again. Winning Eleven is so much better now that it'll be on both systems.

Can you honestly tell me that if Burnout 3 weren't online for the XBox, that we wouldn't have scores of people saying that it can't hold a torch to RSC2, PGR2, Forza, or even Midnight Club: Dub Edition?

I'm not saying they're reputable people, but those posts WOULD exist. They don't now.


works for Gamestop (lol)
capslock said:
Nintendo really needs to rethink their third party strategy in the future or they will keep losing out on great games like this one.

Is the online part the reason why Burnout 3 isn't on Gamecube? Or is there another reason?


Way tooo paranoid

People would be insane to compare the games you mentioned, they're not pure arcadey racers. I reckon Outrun 2 would be compared (which people already have done)


Hail to the KING baby
sonycowboy said:
Thanks for making my point, yet again. Winning Eleven is so much better now that it'll be on both systems.

Can you honestly tell me that if Burnout 3 weren't online for the XBox, that we wouldn't have scores of people saying that it can't hold a torch to RSC2, PGR2, Forza, or even Midnight Club: Dub Edition?

I'm not saying they're reputable people, but those posts WOULD exist. They don't now.

How does being on multiple systems make a game "so much better?" Actual game content be damned, from now on I'm only buying games released for X-Box, GC, PS2, GBA, and Game.com simultaneously b/c then I won't have to suffer tragically through all the flamewars!
Wario64 said:
Is the online part the reason why Burnout 3 isn't on Gamecube? Or is there another reason?

Maybe lackluster sales for BurnOut 2 on GC?

And Prine, don't know how long you've been here, but we've all seen our fair share of ridiculous game comparisons, almost as bad as GameFAQs' or IGN's message boards.


WasabiKing said:
Maybe lackluster sales for BurnOut 2 on GC?

Yeah, I can find Burnout for the GC for sale everywhere, but I don't think I've seen the GC version of Burnout 2 for sale anywhere in my city (though I wasn't looking for it specifically). I didn't know why, really.


This game will be in Triumph's possession tomorrow after work. Making the trek up to Fry's for the sweet sweet bad ass $35 deal, probably pick up some dvds as well.


Tag of Excellence
I just saw the Gamespot video review and I never knew Jeff Gerstmann had a porcupine for a head. HAR I KID, he was pretty good voice over and I enjoyed his review.


Raoul Duke said:
Making the trek up to Fry's for the sweet sweet bad ass $35 deal, probably pick up some dvds as well.

Please tell me more. Fry's is really selling it for $35? Or, is there something else involved? Tomorrow only? Please, tell me!
explodet said:
You haven't been hanging out GAF for a while, maybe? I searched and count over 40 threads with "Burnout 3" in the title. :)

Yeah, i've been hearing lots of hype about this game since around E3, and I rarely visit GAF. I've never even played or heard much about the first two in the series.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Superbone said:
Please tell me more. Fry's is really selling it for $35? Or, is there something else involved? Tomorrow only? Please, tell me!

Yes, $34.99. It was advertised in the San Jose Mercury News on Sunday. But the ad said they're expecting the game in stores on Thursday...


I really haven't been paying attention either. Just caught the hype train about a week ago. I loves me some arcade racing. Now, I've got to have this and Outrun 2 as soon as available!


GAF's Bob Woodward
A question about Gamecube, online and Burnout 3 - isn't the online situation on GC pretty much the same as on PS2? Isn't EA running their own servers for the PS2 version? If so, what's stopping them setting up servers for a GC version? As far as I was aware, Nintendo basically said to third parties, "look, we won't provide any infrastructure, but the modems are out there, set up your own network if you like. oh, and you don't have to pay us any licensing fees for it". How is this different from PS2..? I'm sure I'm missing something, so someone fill me in...


And even i am moderately surprised
"Is there a reason why you feel the need to advise multiplatform gamers which version they should buy?"

Because it saves us from reading Gamespot ?


One of the few times EA comes out on the good side of things. Burnout should sell the way in deserves to now.


gofreak said:
A question about Gamecube, online and Burnout 3 - isn't the online situation on GC pretty much the same as on PS2? Isn't EA running their own servers for the PS2 version? If so, what's stopping them setting up servers for a GC version? As far as I was aware, Nintendo basically said to third parties, "look, we won't provide any infrastructure, but the modems are out there, set up your own network if you like. oh, and you don't have to pay us any licensing fees for it". How is this different from PS2..? I'm sure I'm missing something, so someone fill me in...
Sony was basically hands off, but they were encouraging online functionality and offered incentives. Developers also noticed Sony was serious with SOCOM, and ATV.

You can do online for GCN, but you're not going to get help and your only help in building the online GCN market is from PSO.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Subitai said:
Sony was basically hands off, but they were encouraging online functionality and offered incentives. Developers also noticed Sony was serious with SOCOM, and ATV.

You can do online for GCN, but you're not going to get help and your only help in building the online GCN market is from PSO.

Nintendo did ink deals with Gamespy to provide tools for online GC games for developers. The fact that there are no licensing fees for online GC games would have been a fairly big carrot, I thought. The lack of peer experience with online and GC shouldn't have been and issure for a publisher as large as EA..with a smaller developer or publisher, maybe, but I can't see EA throwing their arms up over the technicalities of it, just because few other publishers have gone there. TBH, I thought the model offered by Nintendo would have been perfectly suited to EA (i.e. complete control).

Maybe they looked at the userbase for GC modems, and balked at that. Perhaps if Nintendo offered to bundle the modems for free with Burnout3, things would be different. Though that'd be a pretty generous gesture, especially for a third party. Perhaps that's where the lack of Nintendo's own online games hits most..lack of online Nintendo games = lack of users with modems, presumably.


Wario64 said:
Is the online part the reason why Burnout 3 isn't on Gamecube? Or is there another reason?
Eurogamer: Why isn't there a GameCube version?

Alex Ward: Because there's no online. The online networked experience has influenced so much of the offline game, you just would have been half-hearted on GameCube. You're going to have this killer online experience on PlayStation and Xbox. All the modes, everything makes sense, because you can play online and offline. If we were only going to make an offline game, it had to be different. Nobody wants to make just an offline game any more. Everyone wants an online component.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Deepthroat said:
Eurogamer: Why isn't there a GameCube version?

Alex Ward: Because there's no online. The online networked experience has influenced so much of the offline game, you just would have been half-hearted on GameCube. You're going to have this killer online experience on PlayStation and Xbox. All the modes, everything makes sense, because you can play online and offline. If we were only going to make an offline game, it had to be different. Nobody wants to make just an offline game any more. Everyone wants an online component.

He should come out and say it: there aren't enough modems out there. There is online with GC, just probably not enough people to play with it (though I would have thought a game with the calibre of Burnout3 would sell anyway with a single-player and offline multiplayer component). It's a pity EA/Criterion don't have more faith in their own product to drive modem sales...;)


I'll be so happy when this game is out in the US+Canada so the Nbots complaining about not getting Burnout 3 will be drowned out by the hoardes of people enjoying it online.


Subitai said:
One of the few times EA comes out on the good side of things. Burnout should sell the way in deserves to now.

The online implimentation isn't exactly up to today standards, and I am talking about console standards and not PC. Judging by EA's previous efforts on online console gaming(PS2 that is), you wouldn't really be surprised though. Funny reviewers tend to ignore one of the most vital parts of this game and other similiar games, the online implimentation.


GAF's Bob Woodward
pilonv1 said:
I'll be so happy when this game is out in the US+Canada so the Nbots complaining about not getting Burnout 3 will be drowned out by the hoardes of people enjoying it online.

I'm buying my Xbox version on Friday :p I was just pointing out that technically EA and Criterion didn't have any excuse for not bringing it to GC..the online card isn't really valid, from a technical perspective. It was a business choice, which is fair enough, just don't paint it as "GC can't do online".


If the BB adapter was bundled with every GC out there you still wouldn't see any 3rd party online games without Nintendo at least making some token guesture of online support in their own games.
Yusaku said:
If the BB adapter was bundled with every GC out there you still wouldn't see any 3rd party online games without Nintendo at least making some token guesture of online support in their own games.

I disagree.

I think we'd see a lot more support. As it stands, I've probably seen as many broadband adaptors as I have component cables.... which Nintendo themselves say 1% of GC users actually have. Between that and the 56k modem, there are a couple of hundred thousand out there at best or something.

The Xbox Live starter kit is perfect: the cost of a years subscription is all you're really paying, you already have the hardware to get online build in. The PS2's network adaptor/HDD bundles with SOCOM and FFXI respectively are big drivers of the hardware too. Gamecube has nothing like either.
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