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California Funds First Prisoner Sex-Reassignment Surgery and Move to Women's Prison

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I hope someday America progresses to a restorative justice system rather than our barbaric retributive one. California is ahead of the curve compared to most states (well except for still having the death penalty). Doubt it'll catch on in all 50 within my lifetime though.
I have to agree with the victim's daughter. If we had single payer health care that provided this kind of surgery to everyone who wanted it, it wouldn't matter, but when we have law-abiding citizens suffering from this same thing and are too poor to finance their own surgery, murderers shouldn't either.

Government pays for medical care of prisoners, that's the way it works. What makes GRS, the recognized treatment in this case, suddenly exempt?
Depression caused by unhappiness with their body, that is the medical ailment we are talking about here, correct?

No. We are talking about clinical depression and worse caused by the sex of their body, with their entire existence saying "This isn't right."

Gender dysphoria is not "I'm unhappy with my body," it's "my MIND is unhappy with my body and it's throwing a massive tantrum." This is the easiest way I can explain it.

Symptoms of this include clinical depression that often leads to suicide (suicidal ideation), crippling anxiety to the point of fear of everyone around them, hatred, not just unhappiness, with their body, to the point of cutting and suicidal ideation...

The medical ailment we are talking about is gender dysphoria. There is one tried and true way to treat gender dysphoria.

So they are treating it.
No. We are talking about clinical depression and worse caused by the sex of their body, with their entire existence saying "This isn't right."

Gender dysphoria is not "I'm unhappy with my body," it's "my MIND is unhappy with my body and it's throwing a massive tantrum." This is the easiest way I can explain it.

Symptoms of this include clinical depression that often leads to suicide (suicidal ideation), crippling anxiety to the point of fear of everyone around them, hatred, not just unhappiness, with their body, to the point of cutting and suicidal ideation...

The medical ailment we are talking about is gender dysphoria. There is one tried and true way to treat gender dysphoria.

So they are treating it.
Thank you for the correction.


I have to agree with the victim's daughter. If we had single payer health care that provided this kind of surgery to everyone who wanted it, it wouldn't matter, but when we have law-abiding citizens suffering from this same thing and are too poor to finance their own surgery, murderers shouldn't either.

I understand the family's sadness, but even so, our country has a responsibility to aid our citizens, criminals or no. It's not like our taxes weren't already being used to aid them but as someone pointed out, only pennies are being taken out of what we pay, so unless you're really that upset about the negligible cost you're paying to make sure these people don't sink into depression or kill themselves, you should be able to empathize with the family but still realize that this is necessary for the physical and mental well-being of fellow citizens because the alternative is just blatant cruelty.


Question: Does this gender dysphoria seem to be increasing because more people are 'coming out'/talking about? Similar to those who are gay.


Seems crazy that a poor law abiding citizen can't get this but a convicted murderer gets it for free.

This is basically my first real thought on this. The next thought is going to vary from person to person and I feel it speaks to a frame of mind. You can either be angry and want the medical treatment and surgery taken away from the prisoner or you can be angry and just wish everyone was treated the same way, like a human being should be. Everything has become such a pissing contest and "fuck you I got mine" mentality that the former has become such a foreign concept that is impossible to reach so lets go for the low hanging fruit of taking away things from others to make ourselves feel better about what we do have.
Noble, but understandably people aren't keen on helping murderers (or worse)

Those people are shortsighted and narrow minded. In other words, people we shouldn't be listening to. Doing what we can to rehabilitate criminals (yes, even murderers) isn't about only helping the criminal. It's about helping victims and communities as well. The entire concept of restorative justice is to cultivate empathy to strengthen everyone's commitment to being a productive member of society. Our culture needs to progress beyond the simpleminded need for revenge. It's not good for the individual, or for communities.
I'm thinking about making a long ass post dissecting all aspects of this issue but I have a question I can't easily find the answer to on my own, how does a state that allows for placement in a facility corresponding to your gender identity prevent abuse? In other words, how does the state prevent a prisoner from lying about their gender identity to end up in a different facility, ie a male believing life would be easier in a female facility? Is a prisoner required to take medication for such a switch, such as estrogen for a "male" choosing a female facility? Is there some test they must pass to acknowledge that their identity is sincere?

Educate me.


Those people are shortsighted and narrow minded. In other words, people we shouldn't be listening to. Doing what we can to rehabilitate criminals (yes, even murderers) isn't about only helping the criminal. It's about helping victims and communities as well. The entire concept of restorative justice is to cultivate empathy to strengthen everyone's commitment to being a productive member of society. Our culture needs to progress beyond the simpleminded need for revenge. It's not good for the individual, or for communities.

Its because people view this type of therapy as a luxury that law abiding citizens cannot even afford to do. Its not about revenge its about what people want to pay for.

Its partially why single health care is such a hard proposition. Even paying for other law abiding citizens health problems is seen as bad by many


This real life, not Batman. Some people are not worth saving. That's a fact.

No. It's a fact that if you actually treat people like people, you can rehabilitate them and have them become normal functioning members of society. Most of the world's criminal justice systems fail to do this, resulting in high recitivism rates and crime in some areas.

You don't want to do the hard thing and admit your wrong and actually try to help people instead of just going with what feels right.
Its because people view this type of therapy as a luxury that law abiding citizens cannot even afford to do. Its not about revenge its about what people want to pay for.

Its partially why single health care is such a hard proposition. Even paying for other law abiding citizens health problems is seen as bad by many

It's definitely about revenge. There are many well off people with great health insurance who still cheer on the death penalty. Just look to any middle/upper class republican voter for proof. If those people cared about getting 'law abiding citizens' health benefits they would not be voting for the candidates who actively fight against those benefits.


Its because people view this type of therapy as a luxury that law abiding citizens cannot even afford to do. Its not about revenge its about what people want to pay for.

Its partially why single health care is such a hard proposition. Even paying for other law abiding citizens health problems is seen as bad by many
So can we stop paying billions to the military I don't agree with that? No one gets a choice where their tax dollars go so I am sick of people using that excuse. If we didn't have to pay for things we did not agree with no one would pay taxes and nothing would get done.


I'm thinking about making a long ass post dissecting all aspects of this issue but I have a question I can't easily find the answer to on my own, how does a state that allows for placement in a facility corresponding to your gender identity prevent abuse? In other words, how does the state prevent a prisoner from lying about their gender identity to end up in a different facility, ie a male believing life would be easier in a female facility? Is a prisoner required to take medication for such a switch, such as estrogen for a "male" choosing a female facility? Is there some test they must pass to acknowledge that their identity is sincere?

Educate me.

Psychological evaluation would theoretically be an option, but I am ignorant of how it is actually handled. Besides, no one would attempt such a thing. It would only create more problems for them, not solve any.
Well not now, obviously. It should have been given to her at sentencing.
judging from what little we know about her it was an act done in a drunken and/or drugged stupor. Advocating for the death penalty for such an act is ludicrous, it's hardly performed by someone iredeemable over the course of their life.

I do not categorically decry the death penalty, I'd consider it a necessary evil for people dangerous on a national or international level but it should never be used on ordinary civilians.


Government pays for medical care of prisoners, that's the way it works. What makes GRS, the recognized treatment in this case, suddenly exempt?
Nothing beyond the fact that if we have money to pay for prisoners we should also be able to pay for law-abiding citizens. But that's just something I have to accept about living in the USA.

I understand the family's sadness, but even so, our country has a responsibility to aid our citizens, criminals or no. It's not like our taxes weren't already being used to aid them but as someone pointed out, only pennies are being taken out of what we pay, so unless you're really that upset about the negligible cost you're paying to make sure these people don't sink into depression or kill themselves, you should be able to empathize with the family but still realize that this is necessary for the physical and mental well-being of fellow citizens because the alternative is just blatant cruelty.
It's blatant cruelty that people who did nothing wrong will continue to suffer and potentially kill themselves because the USA has a hard-on for denying medical care to what are apparently second-class citizens, unless they enter the prison system.

I just find it sad and unfair.
I'm thinking about making a long ass post dissecting all aspects of this issue but I have a question I can't easily find the answer to on my own, how does a state that allows for placement in a facility corresponding to your gender identity prevent abuse? In other words, how does the state prevent a prisoner from lying about their gender identity to end up in a different facility, ie a male believing life would be easier in a female facility? Is a prisoner required to take medication for such a switch, such as estrogen for a "male" choosing a female facility? Is there some test they must pass to acknowledge that their identity is sincere?

Educate me.

Back in the 90s when I was a correction officer you went by what was on the birth certificate. As far as I know it's still the same.

And as someone who's actually known Trans people in prison I think it's a good thing if they can get reassigned and sent to the appropriate prison.

Prison is difficult enough and I've seen what some of the Trans people have had to go through in a male prison. If you're going through with the surgery and you have the doctors backing you up I would think this is a clear indication that they take this seriously and they would be better off in the appropriate prison.


This real life, not Batman. Some people are not worth saving. That's a fact.

You don't need to look at it from a "human life is sacred" point-of-view. It costs ridiculous amounts of money to enact the death penalty and/or keep someone as a prisoner for the rest of their life. Since most people are so concerned about tax-payer money, then everyone should be demanding proper rehabilitation efforts instead of paying to ensure criminals are deadweight.
I'm thinking about making a long ass post dissecting all aspects of this issue but I have a question I can't easily find the answer to on my own, how does a state that allows for placement in a facility corresponding to your gender identity prevent abuse? In other words, how does the state prevent a prisoner from lying about their gender identity to end up in a different facility, ie a male believing life would be easier in a female facility? Is a prisoner required to take medication for such a switch, such as estrogen for a "male" choosing a female facility? Is there some test they must pass to acknowledge that their identity is sincere?

Educate me.

Gender dysphoria is a clinical diagnosis. To even get approved for surgery you have to have not one but two mental health professionals sign off. Plus you must usually present as your identified gender for at least a year.
Back in the 90s when I was a correction officer you went by what was on the birth certificate. As far as I know it's still the same.

And as someone who's actually known Trans people in prison I think it's a good thing if they can get reassigned and sent to the appropriate prison.

Prison is difficult enough and I've seen what some of the Trans people have had to go through in a male prison. If you're going through with the surgery and you have the doctors backing you up I would think this is a clear indication that they take this seriously and they would be better off in the appropriate prison.

But, how does that go about? That's what I'm asking.

Psychological evaluation would theoretically be an option, but I am ignorant of how it is actually handled. Besides, no one would attempt such a thing. It would only create more problems for them, not solve any.


Gender dysphoria is a clinical diagnosis. To even get approved for surgery you have to have not one but two mental health professionals sign off. Plus you must usually present as your identified gender for at least a year.

I'm not talking about surgery, yet, I'm talking about switching to a facility that corresponds to your gender identification assuming a state allows that.
Ms. Real. And I don't tend to care about the mental well-being as someone who will never leave prison. That may sound cold, but Shiloh was cold when committed murder.

You would probably have a different opinion if you worked in a prison. There's a difference between being a repentant inmate and an unrepentant inmate I don't know what the case is with this person but I've seen plenty of examples of lifers that still did good while they're in prison. Some even get degrees and help other inmates with legal cases or what not.

But in some cases they are unrepentant assholes and do nothing but cause trouble the whole time they're in their. That's why you go on a case-by-case basis.


But, how does that go about? That's what I'm asking.


I'm not talking about surgery, yet, I'm talking about switching to a facility that corresponds to your gender identification assuming a state allows that.

How would that benefit someone? They'd still be in prison. They'd also probably get harassed or worse for being trans. Plus they'd now have the body of the opposite gender. Why would anyone want that?

If you can think of a benefit that I didn't, please let me know.
But, how does that go about? That's what I'm asking.


I'm not talking about surgery, yet, I'm talking about switching to a facility that corresponds to your gender identification assuming a state allows that.

She's being transferred after she gets out of the hospital. The surgery is done.

Seems in this cass the transfer was potentially contingent on the surgery


Ms. Real. And I don't tend to care about the mental well-being as someone who will never leave prison. That may sound cold, but Shiloh was cold when committed murder.

For someone who accuses me of thinking life is like a cartoon, you seem to have a pretty comic book style view of how the justice system yourself.
How would that benefit someone? They'd still be in prison. They'd also probably get harassed or worse for being trans. Plus they'd now have the body of the opposite gender. Why would anyone want that?

If you can think of a benefit that I didn't, please let me know.

She's being transferred after she gets out of the hospital. The surgery is done.

Seems in this cass the transfer was potentially contingent on the surgery

So you're saying that prisoners can only be placed into facilities that correspond differently to what's on say their birth certificate unless they get GSR?


For you.
This real life, not Batman. Some people are not worth saving. That's a fact.
Your "fact" results in more crime, more reoffending rates, and shittier lives for everyone. That's not fact, thats just you being dumb. Proper prisonal systems based on rehabilitation have been proven beneficial for society time and time again.


Your "fact" results in more crime, more reoffending rates, and shittier lives for everyone. That's not fact, thats just you being dumb. Proper prisonal systems based on rehabilitation have been proven beneficial for society time and time again.
Cmon your in post-truth 2017. Can't let pesky unreliable cold hard facts get in the way of the immutable truth of feelings...
I just google searched this ,surgery can be as low as 7k for male to female surgery?

I assumed it was hundreds of thousands.

Maybe if you go to some backwoods hack surgeon in Thailand or Latin america.

Realistically you're looking at 30,000-50,000 in the U.S for this procedure.

At the good surgeons in Thailand (who do better work than American doctors in this field) you can expect to pay 15000-20000 plus travel expenses.
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