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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


Well, I have to say I feel like I'm pretty much falling into the sucky player group.
I've been out of shooters for a few years, but was always able to hold my own, but now it's pretty rough.
I've been playing either TDM, Headquarters, or the large scale game type (name escapes me right now), but man, I just suck.

A few things I notice (which may also attribute to my suckiness):

I either have crappy connectivity or great connectivity according to the stat screen.
Unfortunately, I have noticed this leads to me pumping a full clip and not killing anyone but seemingly being dropped with two or three hits myself. It doesn't help that I'm playing from Japan... but still the netcode at times is frustrating.

I've been playing off and on in the last few weeks between all the other must play games right now, but compared to the first time I playing HQ after the game came out, and now that some time has passed and there are tons of prestige players and such, I notice that HQ falls into more of a grenade spam fest then anything else now. I liked the idea when people were actually trying tactics and such, but now it's take the HQ! Grenade Spam! We've taken the HQ! Grenade Spam! etc. etc. After a while it became rather frustrating.

In the large scale mode and TDM, I've noticed the get a few kills >> call heli >> air strike pattern being used nonstop. While (duh) an obviously good tactic, I find it annoying as once someone gets into this groove, it's nonstop hell/airstrikes. Someone got 34 kills last night in TDM and I swear 25 or so were from heli/airstrikes that he managed to keep rolling. I'd like to see a fix made in the lines of must get 5/7 kills yourself to call in the perks, rather then have perks count towards the next one. Either that or have a map where airstrikes/heli's can't be used.

While obviously I haven't had a chance to play all modes, it's still hard to tell if I'm supposed to play this as a stealth game vs an aggressive FPS style.

Still, I'm having a good time just trying to play casual, but I too am wishing for a chump mode, or at least the option to turn off some of the perks in game.


Console Market Analyst
CloudV said:
While obviously I haven't had a chance to play all modes, it's still hard to tell if I'm supposed to play this as a stealth game vs an aggressive FPS style.


It sucks to get on a team that plays it safe all round. And it sucks to play with a bunch of Rambos who keep jumping into the blender. Play with folks who know when it is time to change up their style of play in order to build and keep up momentum.

What works for me: Stick to the outer edges of the map at the start, and always in building interiors if possible. You'll avoid snipers and grenade spams. Build up a stock of radars and airstrikes with a few of your teammates, and then change things up. Especially if you've got a heli in the air, it's time to be aggressive. At this point, it's all about the close quarters chaos until you're dead on the ground. Rinse and repeat to victory.


Goreomedy said:

It sucks to get on a team that plays it safe all round. And it sucks to play with a bunch of Rambos who keep jumping into the blender. Play with folks who know when it is time to change up their style of play in order to build and keep up momentum.

What works for me: Stick to the outer edges of the map at the start, and always in building interiors if possible. You'll avoid snipers and grenade spams. Build up a stock of radars and airstrikes with a few of your teammates, and then change things up. Especially if you've got a heli in the air, it's time to be aggressive. At this point, it's all about the close quarters chaos until you're dead on the ground. Rinse and repeat to victory.

True, I see it both, but I'm falling into the Rambo's or the lambs led to slaughter groups all the time it seems.
While I would love to get some people to play with, I'm on J-time, so I unfortunately don't have many folks who can play at the same time (Usually 9~12 PM JST). Still if anyone is interested, my PSN name is Cloudv and I'm always up to play with some gaffers.
Why is it that Call of Duty 4's multiplayer does not register on my XMB in Players Met? I would love to be able to block/report/whatever the sound spammers I keep running into in various matches yet all my XMB has are first party games I've played. Warhawk, Resistance, and Motorstorm but no Call of Duty 4 or Unreal Tournament 3. What the fuck is up with that? Why wouldn't all of this be intergrated from day one? This needs to be a more unified.

Sound spammers are really annoying. There needs to be a better solution than simply removing my earpiece. What do I do when my headset needs charging? Then there's nothing to do but listen to these douchetards or quit out the game to get away from them.
CloudV said:
True, I see it both, but I'm falling into the Rambo's or the lambs led to slaughter groups all the time it seems. While I would love to get some people to play with, I'm on J-time, so I unfortunately don't have many folks who can play at the same time (Usually 9~12 PM JST). Still if anyone is interested, my PSN name is Cloudv and I'm always up to play with some gaffers.
Depends on the mode.

Deathmatch: Go heavy on defense. The only time you want to move is when you're spot has become too known. The best sitution in DM is always when you're camping a spot and your not yet known, thus have the drop on folks. It gives you the advantage against 'nades and the advantage in a 1v1 gunfight. You do need to move often though.

DM is all about learning the maps. Study them. Know exactly where you want to camp and how to get between each spot. Success lives and dies by making sure your position in terrain (location, stance, cover) favors you.

The objective modes: Same thing but in a slow offensive style. The game still favors good defensive, but without offense you're not taking objectives. Grenades are much more important here. Learn where the enemy plays defense, and always try flush them out before you move (or have covering fire from a teammate).
I finished the game a few days ago and it was great. However I don't think it's GOTY, I enjoyed Uncharted as a SP experience more. Everything was so scripted, Orange Box is criticized for it but i definitely does a better job of the events.

One example is having to wait for someone to open a door to jump in, why do I always have to wait for the 4 of them to come over and open the door. I get the idea going in as a team, but at least let me make that choice.

I could go on and on but I still really enjoyed it, especially the ending before the epilogue and the music through the game was great. I've barely touched MP but I can see me playing it for a while, it's great having players go down on just a few bullets compared to old WW2 games. I guess the MP is where it's at though, so I'll spend some time with it.


Paranoid_Robot said:
I finished the game a few days ago and it was great. However I don't think it's GOTY, I enjoyed Uncharted as a SP experience more. Everything was so scripted, Orange Box is criticized for it but i definitely does a better job of the events.

One example is having to wait for someone to open a door to jump in, why do I always have to wait for the 4 of them to come over and open the door. I get the idea going in as a team, but at least let me make that choice.

I could go on and on but I still really enjoyed it, especially the ending before the epilogue and the music through the game was great. I've barely touched MP but I can see me playing it for a while, it's great having players go down on just a few bullets compared to old WW2 games. I guess the MP is where it's at though, so I'll spend some time with it.

the single player for me was very compelling but too short. I expected an act 2. But the achievements and multiplayer made it up for me. I think my GOTY.


The PS3 version keeps having horrible waiting times for me, sometimes it takes 10+ minutes to join a game. When the host quits it makes me want to cry.

Still love the MP though, and really looking forward to new maps hitting Domination, the only mode I play.
Hopefully that "host quit" thing will stop. I joined a game of Domination tonight and the first map was Shipment. So I was really, really happy.

Then the host quit when the countdown timer reached 0.

Fucking asshole.


I know I'm late to the party on commenting here (banned for a month), but this is hands-down my game of the year. The single player campaign is like playing a kick ass movie, and the multi player is addictive. I can't recommend it enough.

Oh, and on the martyrdom controversy, I personally don't see a problem with it. I used to get killed by martyrs a lot, but now I've just learned to be more cautious around bodies. The only map that martyrdom truly ruins is shipment on HQ. It's impossible to capture a HQ if most people have the martyr perk on. It's still kinda fun though in a chaotic way.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
For every time I play the game I care less and less about martyrdom. I rarely die from it any way. Might be because I only play hardcore and with friendly fire on martyrdom is definitely not something you want equipped.

Almost done with the game on veteran too. It's making me hate the game, though.


I just downloaded the PS3 patch.

You get prompted twice. One at the XMB and one when you start the game itself. Both are very small and take a few minutes at most.


Unless I'm missing something you still can't mute anyone. And you still can't see people in your recently played list in PSN. Honestly I can't see what all got changed.

fourzerotwo said:
Hey Everyone --

Just to clarify on my last post, those Playlist changes mentioned apply to PS3 and 360 and should be hitting here soon (in December), but I wanted to make it clear that the patch itself with the other changes (i.e. Host Migration, Kill Cams) that are only for the Xbox 360 will probably hit after December, as that requires going through certification, while the Playlist changes we can change dynamically. I noticed it getting reported as the patch getting released in December, and wanted to stop it before too many hopes got up. :)lol :lol :lol )

Now for the PS3: The PS3 Connectivity patch will be hitting in the very near future and is separate from the Xbox 360 patch. The PS3 (exclusive) Connectivity patch will include:

US Data Center For NAT Server

Will make all US players connect to US data center and EU users connect to EU data center. This will optimize performance for all users in those areas.
(No more international play? What the fuck?)

Fixed 'Downloading Game Settings' Error

Fixed error with conflicting packet interaction.

Port 3095 Issue Corrected

Players were required to have port 3095 open in order to host. Now players who have port 3095 blocked can still host matches.

Matchmaking Optimization

Server search will end upon acquiring a certain number of good servers. Added "prefer" servers with best ping, this will optimize and expedite players finding and joining good matches.

In short, the playlist changes for both consoles will be hitting very soon, however the Xbox 360 patch will probably hit after December once it goes through certification. The PS3 connectivity patch will be hitting very soon and is separate from the 360 patch.

Let me know if you guys have any additional questions, the PS3 will be getting another patch in the new year which will contain some of the same additions as the 360 one but not all.


Gay. Give me host migration on PS3 already.

I own both, but honestly, I'd hate to stop playing one version just because it get's lackluster support.


Cool Smoke Luke
so does the updated play list allow any other gametypes to use Hardcore settings on 360 now? aka domination,sabotage,HQ or is it still limited to TDM or S&D?


The patch is excellent in that I can find Team Deathmatch games MUCH quicker. I used to only be able to find a game of TD once every 20 minutes or so. Now, it only takes seconds. I"m really grateful for that. The teammaking algorithim still sucks though. It's rarely ever a close game.


I wish the patch addressed the issue of getting stuck on minor geometry like door frame and such. Nothing is more annoying then trying to back up behind cover, or run through a door away from a primed martyrdom grenade only to get stuck for a crucial second or two while you navigate around some small thing :|


tha_con said:
Gay. Give me host migration on PS3 already.

I own both, but honestly, I'd hate to stop playing one version just because it get's lackluster support.
It's still on its way. The intent was to release a smaller patch for the PS3 first that would pass Sony certification more quickly to address PS3 specific connectivity problems such as the long matchmaking times and the port blocking fix. I don't have an ETA on when the full patch will hit though.
I played COD4 since its release on Xbox 360 until last week when both my Xboxes RROD'ed.
So I bought the PS3 version and been playing while the two xboxes are being cared(?) for by MS.

I gotta say I'm loving the PS3 version more b/c half the people don't have mic's so the match sessions aren't as annoying as xbox 360 session.


Calen said:
It's still on its way. The intent was to release a smaller patch for the PS3 first that would pass Sony certification more quickly to address PS3 specific connectivity problems such as the long matchmaking times and the port blocking fix. I don't have an ETA on when the full patch will hit though.

Omg so it's not just me and you guys are adressing it <3

I've spent over 50 hours online already enduring the sometimes 15+ minutes it takes to get into a game but it's all worth it. I was even studying for exams while waiting :lol

Thank you for my GOTY.
BruceWayne said:
I gotta say I'm loving the PS3 version more b/c half the people don't have mic's so the match sessions aren't as annoying as xbox 360 session.

The PS3 community is odd. Sometimes you can play for hours and have nothing but luck with people not having mics or if they do, not being fuckwads on them, and then you have days where you can't find a single game without loud, non-stop talkers, shitcockers, crying babies, yelling children, etc.

I have to put my TV's volume on 5 when I play just because I have so much bad luck with people trying to be dicks and the mic volume is so loud, and then I can hardly hear the game's sound effects like people sneaking up on me :(


oo Kosma oo said:
Omg so it's not just me and you guys are adressing it <3

I've spent over 50 hours online already enduring the sometimes 15+ minutes it takes to get into a game but it's all worth it. I was even studying for exams while waiting :lol

Thank you for my GOTY.
Does this game have a gameplay clock to show you how long you play? Some might argue it's pointless, but I like seeing exactly how long I've invested in a game.


Maggot9 said:
Does this game have a gameplay clock to show you how long you play? Some might argue it's pointless, but I like seeing exactly how long I've invested in a game.

You can see how long you've played online in the Barracks. I'm at 2d(ays) 8h(ours) now.
Calen said:
It's still on its way. The intent was to release a smaller patch for the PS3 first that would pass Sony certification more quickly to address PS3 specific connectivity problems such as the long matchmaking times and the port blocking fix. I don't have an ETA on when the full patch will hit though.
OH well that's great news then. The way it's worded in what crisis quoted from fourzerotwo makes it sound like host migration is exclusive to the 360 patch. :/


It's weird how IW is refering to the PS3 patch as "exclusive"

"Look here! The ps3 gets an EXCLUSIVE patch that fixes issues with internet connections and saving your settings!"

"The 360 EXCLUSIVE patch adds new things to the game, such as kill cams for airstrikes! Isn't that great?!"


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Didn't see this posted, 1.4 just went up for PC users:


* "Winter Crash", a holiday version of Multiplayer map "Crash"
* Improvements to the server browser
* Fixed some rare bullet accuracy issues for all weapons.
* For server admins: fixed user ban list not working correctly on servers. Ban.txt will be created in the main or fs_game directory


* In the connect screen, Mods will be identified as"Mod: [mod name]"
* Only official IWD files will be read from the main directory. All custom IWD should be placed in a mod directory.
* Fix for reloading several times after connecting to a modded server
* Improved mod.ff support to allow adding game types.
* Fixed an issue with Http redirect downloads.
* "fs_game" will be forced to lower case







j-wood said:
It's weird how IW is refering to the PS3 patch as "exclusive"

"Look here! The ps3 gets an EXCLUSIVE patch that fixes issues with internet connections and saving your settings!"

"The 360 EXCLUSIVE patch adds new things to the game, such as kill cams for airstrikes! Isn't that great?!"
This patch is exclusive to the PS3 and fixes PS3 specific issues. This is not the feature patch that will be happening for both consoles that adds muting and the new killcams among other things.

As I mentioned above, we intended this first PS3 patch to be smaller so that it would pass through the certification process more quickly, so that we could get the fixes out there faster.
Calen said:
This patch is exclusive to the PS3 and fixes PS3 specific issues. This is not the feature patch that will be happening for both consoles that adds muting and the new killcams among other things.

Yay, muting! I love you.

That Christmas mod looks hilarious. Too bad us console users didn't get it too :(
j-wood said:
It's weird how IW is refering to the PS3 patch as "exclusive"

"Look here! The ps3 gets an EXCLUSIVE patch that fixes issues with internet connections and saving your settings!"

"The 360 EXCLUSIVE patch adds new things to the game, such as kill cams for airstrikes! Isn't that great?!"

(&#301;k-skl&#363;'s&#301;v) pronunciation


1. Excluding or tending to exclude: exclusive barriers.
2. Not allowing something else; incompatible: mutually exclusive conditions.
3. Not divided or shared with others:
Ikuu said:
Didn't see this posted, 1.4 just went up for PC users:


* "Winter Crash", a holiday version of Multiplayer map "Crash"
* Improvements to the server browser
* Fixed some rare bullet accuracy issues for all weapons.
* For server admins: fixed user ban list not working correctly on servers. Ban.txt will be created in the main or fs_game directory


* In the connect screen, Mods will be identified as"Mod: [mod name]"
* Only official IWD files will be read from the main directory. All custom IWD should be placed in a mod directory.
* Fix for reloading several times after connecting to a modded server
* Improved mod.ff support to allow adding game types.
* Fixed an issue with Http redirect downloads.
* "fs_game" will be forced to lower case


thanks for the update :) I just have to wait untill steam updates to the patch.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Arcade mode...full challenge...veteran...can it be done? Haha, yeah right. I'm getting addicted just to the arcade mode. Trying to do a full hardened run but I can't even pass Act 1, haha


ItsInMyVeins said:
For every time I play the game I care less and less about martyrdom. I rarely die from it any way. Might be because I only play hardcore and with friendly fire on martyrdom is definitely not something you want equipped.

Almost done with the game on veteran too. It's making me hate the game, though.

Tell me about it. I still like the game a lot, but on veteran it crosses the line into cheapness during some levels. I think AI shoot a little too quickly when they see you, considering they are such good shots. I was creeping up a stairway in some level, and an AI burst out the door and shot me dead before I could even turn to look at the guy. So I restart and go up the stairway expecting the dude, but STILL couldnt pull a good shot off before he did. Only until I zoomed in and had the red dot sight exactly on the door entrance did I have enough time to react and shoot. They need to give AI more reaction time as to when they first see you and when they pull the trigger. Halo is a great example of a game that does this well

The worst segments, though, are the overly scripted ones when almost an endless amount of guys spawn into an area until you walk into some trigger box. The TV station was the worst bit. I run in there, and dudes start coming out of doors, pop out on the second floor and surround me. So of course I exit the room and start picking off guys from cover in the doorway. The problem is you can do this for hours and kill literally hundreds of guys with no change. Not until you run further inside and enter a specific area of the room will the spawning stop. Things like this occur in multiple areas of the game, and isnt a big deal on normal difficulty since you can charge through and take lots of shots. But on Veteran, these design flaws really come through. Like killing a guy in some window, and having a new dude spawn and replace him 1 second later. Come on!

But man does the single player have some memorable moments. I'm halfway done on Veteran and think I will try to muscle through a little more


I knew the playlist change was coming but I didn't realize it was here already. Hardcore Team DM looks to be awesome.
y'know what would be a great update for the console version of cod4? Exclusive skins. Master Chief for the 360 version and Drake or Snake for the ps3 version.
woodchuck said:
I concur with this. After finals, we are playing Hardcore S&D 24/7, woodchuck. Also, the sniper improvement is much appreciated.

Actually, that whole update is fucking awesome. God, I love this game. I just haven't had time to play it lately. :(
Is anyone else having more connection errors on PS3 since the patch went up?

It's a lot faster to find a game now, but I run into more laggy games that get dropped by the host within seconds and more random disconnects/connection failures.
ThirstyFly said:
Is anyone else having more connection errors on PS3 since the patch went up?

It's a lot faster to find a game now, but I run into more laggy games that get dropped by the host within seconds and more random disconnects/connection failures.
Ive been getting the damn "Downloading Game Settings" bullshit. And my game froze last night during a match....I was so damn pissed.

Has anybody had any freezes on them besides me?
Labombadog said:
Ive been getting the damn "Downloading Game Settings" bullshit. And my game froze last night during a match....I was so damn pissed.

Has anybody had any freezes on them besides me?

Nope, don't believe that's happened to me.
ThirstyFly said:
Is anyone else having more connection errors on PS3 since the patch went up?

It's a lot faster to find a game now, but I run into more laggy games that get dropped by the host within seconds and more random disconnects/connection failures.

I been having the same problems. All was fine until i downloaded this stinky patch. :(
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