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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread

Any strategies/glitches/exploits to beat the last part of "One Shot, One Kill" anyone care to divulge? I'm getting owned. I'm up to the part where the dudes are roping out of helicopters.

Nevermind, I think I got this shit. Bumper cars. I got down to 600m. I only died because I ran out of ammo and needed to run out to try to take another soldier's gun.
CajoleJuice said:
Any strategies/glitches/exploits to beat the last part of "One Shot, One Kill" anyone care to divulge? I'm getting owned. I'm up to the part where the dudes are roping out of helicopters.
Best place to hide is crouched or laying down, behind the bumper-car platform. From that position you can shoot the people that come onto the carousel platform and the people who try and hide behind it in the grass. The only thing you need to worry about are the dogs (which may or may not come) and probably 1-2 people that will come right up to your position. I ran around and made sure I had plenty of sniper ammo before they started to drop down, then went and hid behind the bumper-car platform like i mentioned above. If and when the dogs come, you can switch to a machine gun and take them out that way.

I've tried all sorts of things on that part of the level and it seems next to impossible hiding in any other position. You can actually run past the empty pool room and hide in an alley behind the buildings. But once you the helicopter arrives, good luck getting to your teammate to carry him to the helicopter.

Just remember you don't need to protect him. He won't die. Just save yourself until the copter arrives.
One step ahead of ya. ;)

But FUCKKKKK the copter came and I didn't realize I had a time limit to get to it and then they're like 30 SECONDS and I'm like FUCK so I run to the copter, forgetting about MacMillan, so I have to run to get him, and in the process some dude runs right up to me and kills me.



Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Okay, I started playing online today. How come when I finish a map, it'll say I had 9 kills, but I KNOW I had much more than 9 kills???? Once it said 4 kills....I know I had more than 4.
commish said:
Okay, I started playing online today. How come when I finish a map, it'll say I had 9 kills, but I KNOW I had much more than 9 kills???? Once it said 4 kills....I know I had more than 4.
Last Stand, maybe? I've never had this problem.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
CajoleJuice said:
Last Stand, maybe? I've never had this problem.

I dunno...maybe I'm not getting as many kills as I thought? But 4 kills is pretty low, even for my first day :)
commish said:
I dunno...maybe I'm not getting as many kills as I thought? But 4 kills is pretty low, even for my first day :)
If you put an enemy in Last Stand, if you don't finish him off, the person who does gets the kill. You just get the assist if it's a team game. If you don't see a +5/+10/+50 (depending on the game type), he's not dead yet.

And you'll be calling in airstrikes and helicopter support in no time.


Not sure if you have the 360 or the ps3 version, but my ps3 has frozen about 3 times during matches. Only part that sucks is it seems to freeze when I am having a good game never when I am playing bad.
Other than a few "Connection Interrupted" notices the patch has been fine for me.

BTW, any word on when the PS3 version gets the new playlists? Hardcore Team Deathmatch and Hardcore Search & Destroy are still mixed up and a lot of people don't like it this way, especially me.
I know it probably hasn't been discussed much, if at all, but are there any impressions of the DS version around here somewhere? My DS is in desparate need of attention.


Lol. Just had one of my best rounds yet. 34 - 2 (TDM). My mates reaction was "Fucking hell mate, you're a fucking machine."

Anyway, even though I'm with clan IGN, I need a clan with more UK players. Or UK players to play with. All UK players add me please, so we can party up.

My PSN name is NIBZY


Trucker Sexologist
I played this game for the first time yesterday and ended up going 6 hours without even realizing it. It is like digital crack.

I know TDM is the most popular online mode but what other game types would you guys recommend?


SapientWolf said:
I played this game for the first time yesterday and ended up going 6 hours without even realizing it. It is like digital crack.

I know TDM is the most popular online mode but what other game types would you guys recommend?

Domination is great if you want pure mayhem and to rack up a kill count of epic proportions. Not to players, Martydom is almost a must in this mode.
Mercenary TDM is lots o' fun, thanks IW.

So what's the deal with the MP44? As far as I can tell it's just not very good. No attachments, strictly worse than an AK stat wise, what the hell is it's purpose?


hide your water-based mammals
SapientWolf said:
I played this game for the first time yesterday and ended up going 6 hours without even realizing it. It is like digital crack.

I know TDM is the most popular online mode but what other game types would you guys recommend?
Domination is always fun. Seek and Destroy and Headquarters are also fun objective based modes.

nib95 said:
Martydom is almost a must in this mode.
As much as I hate that Perk, I have to agree with you. When you are defending Alpha/Bravo/Charlie you will die at times and having that Perk can really be timely.

A little weird but am I the only one who laughs when the foreign sounding voice says the phrases "Headquarters located" and "We have Charlie"?


So I started messing around with a knife only setup. Juggernaut, Extreme Conditioning, UAV Jammer and I carry smoke grenades. It's LOADS of fun. I run around full steam and just stab everyone. Tends to freak people out and catch a lot of people off guard. My kill / death ratio isn't great since I'm trying to rush everyone, but I tend to have the most kills per round.

Anyway, if you haven't tried playing that way, give it a go. Makes for some hilarious moments.
Some of those missions on veteran are ridiculous. Especially when the NPCs you are friends with, start shooting in your back or this stupid heli gets you everytime through everything you hide behind..


Took a break from the MP to try and finish the SP on veteran and I'm clsoe to the end but holy fuck no fighting in the war room is driving me nuts. I'm at the part just as you enter the underground area with the silos with ~6min left. The enemies are 10x cheaper it seems and if they see you you're dead, and price and griggs stand at the entrance and don't move on with me to help out, which is nice. Can't go up the middle either because crates block the way so you have no choice but to go left or right next to the silos and instant death.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Why do people even bother playing COD games on Veteran is beyond me. It's like hammering your very own balls with an anvil.


SaitoH said:
So I started messing around with a knife only setup. Juggernaut, Extreme Conditioning, UAV Jammer and I carry smoke grenades. It's LOADS of fun. I run around full steam and just stab everyone. Tends to freak people out and catch a lot of people off guard. My kill / death ratio isn't great since I'm trying to rush everyone, but I tend to have the most kills per round.

Anyway, if you haven't tried playing that way, give it a go. Makes for some hilarious moments.

:lol :lol :lol

I actually thought of doing that as well, just to scare the living shits out of everyone.

You sir, are the man.


Got the game yesterday as a birthday present (on PS3), and have been playing very little. How do you get the game to patch, or does it patch "in the background"? Can't remember seeing any prompt bothering me about any updates.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
BeeDog said:
Got the game yesterday as a birthday present (on PS3), and have been playing very little. How do you get the game to patch, or does it patch "in the background"? Can't remember seeing any prompt bothering me about any updates.

US copy? Just get online.
EU copy? Patch wont be released until next year.


BeeDog said:
Got the game yesterday as a birthday present (on PS3), and have been playing very little. How do you get the game to patch, or does it patch "in the background"? Can't remember seeing any prompt bothering me about any updates.

If a patch is available, you will be informed.


I had the one of the biggest BS match yesterday. Three of my team members pinned down one dude on a corner who's been a pain. While all three of us were unloading our entire clips, the guy pulled out a granade and throw it at us. We didn't even see or hear it landing but all died. In the kill cam, the guy was taking dozens of bullets while throwing the granade.

I've died many times after taking a shot on my foot while hitting the guy's head with my gun in the past (at least, according to the kill cam). There is something wrong with the collision check in this game, or peoples are cheating in this game?


Sushen said:
I had the one of the biggest BS match yesterday. Three of my team members pinned down one dude on a corner who's been a pain. While all three of us were unloading our entire clips, the guy pulled out a granade and throw it at us. We didn't even see or hear it landing but all died. In the kill cam, the guy was taking dozens of bullets while throwing the granade.

I've died many times after taking a shot on my foot while hitting the guy's head with my gun in the past (at least, according to the kill cam). There is something wrong with the collision check in this game, or peoples are cheating in this game?

Who knows, but I've defidentely seen a lot of things that had me scratching my head in regards to people surving way too many gunshots. Perosnally I just attribute those occurances to connection issues


LiquidMetal14 said:
Let us tango.......
And eat rice in the traditional way. Have at you!!!!

My crime fighting job doesn't allow me alot of spare time, lately.

My butler will contact you when the time is right.


X26 said:
Who knows, but I've defidentely seen a lot of things that had me scratching my head in regards to people surving way too many gunshots. Perosnally I just attribute those occurances to connection issues

One thing i've noticed is I could be spraying a guy with bullets, and yet he kills me first - I watch his kill cam, and it shows me firing much later than I actually did. I attribute this to lag.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
SaitoH said:
So I started messing around with a knife only setup. Juggernaut, Extreme Conditioning, UAV Jammer and I carry smoke grenades. It's LOADS of fun. I run around full steam and just stab everyone. Tends to freak people out and catch a lot of people off guard. My kill / death ratio isn't great since I'm trying to rush everyone, but I tend to have the most kills per round.

Anyway, if you haven't tried playing that way, give it a go. Makes for some hilarious moments.

I would imagine you'd want deadly silence (perk 3) as well to get the jump on unsuspecting folks... or else they could hear you sprinting from a mile away.

The way audio plays such a huge role in MP blows me away. I know CS did it back in the day but the way it's implemented in COD4 makes it not only useful, but also paranoia inducing. :)
SaitoH said:
So I started messing around with a knife only setup. Juggernaut, Extreme Conditioning, UAV Jammer and I carry smoke grenades. It's LOADS of fun. I run around full steam and just stab everyone. Tends to freak people out and catch a lot of people off guard. My kill / death ratio isn't great since I'm trying to rush everyone, but I tend to have the most kills per round.

Anyway, if you haven't tried playing that way, give it a go. Makes for some hilarious moments.

I'm so gonna try that now. My friend and I tried doing some knife only 1 vs 1 matches on that tiny box level last time I was at his house and we had a blast.

Any reason for the smoke grenades over the flash/stun ones? I usually use flash but I always end up just blinding myself, so maybe I should make a switch :)


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Also, I've been curious about this lately... has anyone here EVER gotten killed by a helicopter rocket? They look cool and all, but I just don't think they actually do any damage.


chespace said:
Also, I've been curious about this lately... has anyone here EVER gotten killed by a helicopter rocket? They look cool and all, but I just don't think they actually do any damage.

It's just for show as far as I know. Funny, I asked that question last night to my friend. It looks cool, but it does nothing.
chespace said:
Also, I've been curious about this lately... has anyone here EVER gotten killed by a helicopter rocket? They look cool and all, but I just don't think they actually do any damage.

I'm pretty sure I have been. I can't recall if it's reflected in the kill cam like the machine gun kill is though.
Treo360 said:
It's just for show as far as I know. Funny, I asked that question last night to my friend. It looks cool, but it does nothing.
I swear I've seen the helicopter rockets shoot outside of the map area. :\


I don't know if this is normal, but whenever I try to find an online TDM game on the PS3 version, it takes ages for it to find a suitable server so I can start playing. Is something wrong on my end, or are the IW matchmaking servers fucked up?
Opus Angelorum said:
There is something seriously wrong with the netcode recently, the ballistic model is all over the place.
I've really noticed lately that I die after taking cover or turning a corner due to netcode bullets. It wasn't obvious this was happening before the patch but it's really obvious to me now. At least that is how it seems to me.


chespace said:
has anyone here EVER gotten killed by a helicopter rocket? They look cool and all, but I just don't think they actually do any damage.

Hmm, I had never thought about that, you may be on to something. :lol

I assume the sniper rifles have not been fixed yet? I don't really use them, but my cousin keeps complaining...
blindrocket said:
I've really noticed lately that I die after taking cover or turning a corner due to netcode bullets.

That's another thing I've noticed, get shot at just as you round a corner (not having been sighted) or as you pull back for cover. I understand bullets go through walls, but lately it is much more prominent.


Opus Angelorum said:
That's another thing I've noticed, get shot at just as you round a corner (not having been sighted) or as you pull back for cover. I understand bullets go through walls, but lately it is much more prominent.

If they have their UAV pulled up they can obviously track you which makes shooting around corners and through walls an easy task. I've killed plenty of guys without actually seeing them because they popped up on UAV.
LJ11 said:
If they have their UAV pulled up they can obviously track you which makes shooting around corners and through walls an easy task. I've killed plenty of guys without actually seeing them because they popped up on UAV.
HAha same here.
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