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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread

Kyoufu said:
Thats why you need UAV Jammer. You won't get randomly killed by a nade by someone across the map when he doesn't see you on his radar.


I whore UAV Jammer with all but my G3 class (stopping power), I haven't noticed a sigifigant difference. In modes and maps where nade spamming is beneficial you're just going to get a few random deaths. It happens.


commish said:
Sometimes there's absolutely NOTHING you can do to avoid it. Sure, if you just hang back and pick people off, you'll never come across it. But when fighting for a flag or an HQ, happens often. I personally have no problem with three grenades or martydom. Out of all the problems COD 4 has, I don't think grenades (3x or martydom) are top 5. I'm honestly a little surprised at the anger it generates here. I'd get everyone 200 grenades if that "host has left game" bullshit never happened again.

Dammit, 3 host ended games in a row! I swear, about 60% of my losses come from this BS.
I don't have any problems with the grenade perks at all, sure sometimes you get a bit annoyed with the constant arcing of nades on some maps but it's not that frustrating except in HQ. Martyrdom as I've said I'm a-ok with.

I fully agree with you that host's ending games is a much, much more annoying thing. I honestly think a fair bit of the time people don't realize they are the host, but still it's damn annoying. Almost as bad is the lobby closing after intermission or just after the map loads.

For me though the biggest problems I have with the game are the busted Party system. Just now I quit in annoyance due to it - I was in the lobby searching for a game when my brother invited me. Cool, I want to play with him anyway. But since his invitation basically locks down my screen, I can't quit the search for a game. Hitting YES and attempting to join his game, of course, fails utterly and I'm unable to connect to host. So then I'm sitting there for 30 seconds wondering if he's going to invite me again (he can't see if I rejected his invite, if it failed or what) and I don't dare search for a game again. After a couple of minutes I figure he's in a game so I search for one too, and I'm in a full Domination match. That's cool, except in the lobby I see 5 guys from one clan and they're talking about how one guy didn't get into the game. So the match starts and sure enough 30 seconds in the clan guys all leave, now my team of 9 is against 2 opponents. My brother sends me another invite to a game, I think 'cool, this match is ruined anyway' and click yes (dying in the meantime since I'm standing in the middle of road unable to move while the invite is on the screen) and.... fucking thing don't work. Failed to connect to his party, and I'm done with that shit for tonight.


TEH-CJ said:
This game is amazing and all, but holy crap IW this has to be the worst net code ever..

The Darkness is far away the worst ever. I live in Brazil,and most of the players are from U.S., and even with an 4 mega connection the best result is two yellow bars (yes you can play perfectly with that,but sometimes it turns into red), so I avoid to play against people from other countries. Thank God about 80 or more brazillians are online everyday on PS3 version.
I think that Call of Duty 4 has pretty much soldified my dislike for match making and peer to peer play.

I would much rather be playing in dedicated servers where the games are NOT constantly killed by the host leaving, I would much rather have server lists so I could pick and choose which game I could join. I could look at the number of people playing, what mode they were playing, what map they're playing on and best of all I could JOIN ANY GAME I WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Can someone answer me why people prefer match making over the standard server list set-up. I'm so sick of sitting there and waiting for it to work or constantly backing in and out trying to find a game in one mode, any mode.

I would like to have servers where users can vote skip maps, perhaps even vote for maps, so long as I could have servers where there is a fixed rotation. I'm sick of not being able to play all of ther maps because hosts end the game, connection errors, PSN log-in errors or some maps constantly getting vote skipped.

Why is it that I can never find a game of team deathmatch, that's all I really want to play.


acabado said:
The Darkness is far away the worst ever. I live in Brazil,and most of the players are from U.S., and even with an 4 mega connection the best result is two yellow bars (yes you can play perfectly with that,but sometimes it turns into red), so I avoid to play against people from other countries. Thank God about 80 or more brazillians are online everyday on PS3 version.
:lol Wow I'd forgotten all about that game online. A few days after it came out I played it online for an hour or so, mainly just to see if it would ever get better. Having almost every player warping around constantly due to lag was almost fun, in a "check out this broken shit!" way while you fire your gun in the center of an empty hallway hoping someone runs into the bullets. You couldn't even tell what was going on most of the time, and I'm on a good broadband connection smack dab in the middle of NA.


The thread title doesn't even make sense. What is car clone wars?

Should be called "Call of Duty 4: Moder...host ended the game"
Kyoufu said:
The thread title doesn't even make sense. What is car clone wars?

Should be called "Call of Duty 4: Moder...host ended the game"


Finally got into a good series of games, team deathmatch at that. This game is great when everything nebulously comes together and works.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
I play HQ almost exclusively lately and have no qualms with grenades. Whats the big deal? when you take a base you should be expecting a bombardment. I dont find it too hard to avoid them, usually get shot more often...

Europeans add me please. ID is Bi-7


Cornballer said:
Has anyone here tried out custom games? Like just about everyone, I'm addicted to the almighty EXP, but I was thinking of hosting a night sometime soon for some friends of mine. Sometimes we have a big group, and GroundWar gets a little dull after a while. I've briefly looked through the game options, but I was wondering if anyone here had some experience/tips/gametypes that they could recommend. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Knives only King o' da Hill on Bog. No radar. No nades (I don't rmr there being an option to turn off guns and nades just tell the party). The hill is that pile of trash across the fence.

Also fun playing King o da Roof on Overgrown (the roof of the house everybody camps at.)
Great, stuck at "getting match quality". Doesn't matter if I back in and out, or just wait, either way I'm not getting into any games tonight it looks like.
Played a bunch tonight, any qualms with lag and such seem to be gone. Also the host leaving crap wasn't abundant.

I am such a shameful sniper whore. There's just something so goddamn satisfying hearing a slug go into some poor bastard that never even saw you. I can't wait to unlock the bandolier, most my deaths these days come from running out of ammo and having to use some shit gun.

DW Session create error - 102 - 'BD_EXCEPTION_IN_DB'

Edit: Turns out that DW stands for Demonware, the bloody PS3 servers are apparently down again.
jaundicejuice said:

DW Session create error - 102 - 'BD_EXCEPTION_IN_DB'

Edit: Turns out that DW stands for Demonware, the bloody PS3 servers are apparently down again.
Yeah I got the same shit! I just got back from a trip too, at least I can always count on Warhawk and Resistance with their severs and not this P2P crap!

I don't even want to get another multi-platform game on ps3 if the online sucks this bad.

The first party titles on ps3 spoiled me I guess since those games are always on with no lag! :)


Ok, what I have to say isn't really new, but what in the sweet hell and tarnation is going on with COD4 online lately? It takes 5 minutes, YES 5 REAL MINUTES, at least to put me in a game.

That is just sick and wrong.
PS3 issue. A friend can't join my private games and I can't join his. Out NAT Type is at level 2 so that's ok. What else could be stopping us from joining?


Man, hearing about all these console problems with COD4 makes me glad I have the PC version. The only problem I've ever had is that sometimes if my PC takes too long to load the map I get disconnected from the server, and that doesn't happen too often.


Bearillusion said:
PS3 issue. A friend can't join my private games and I can't join his. Out NAT Type is at level 2 so that's ok. What else could be stopping us from joining?

NAT Type 2 doesn't guarantee success on anything. My online wouldn't even work until I enabled DMZ on a new router. Try that?


yeah it takes agggggges to get into games now on the PS3 version

i know the userbase for online is smaller but this a top selling game, there should be loads of rooms

give me server lists like Resistance, Infinity Ward!


I'm glad I dont have these problems you guys talk about. Sure they pop in here and there but nothing a reset or back out cant fix in less than a min or 2. Sure I wish it wasnt there, but I aint the idiot waiting for 5 mins while it says "Searching for game" I simply back out or reset.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
oneHeero said:
I'm glad I dont have these problems you guys talk about. Sure they pop in here and there but nothing a reset or back out cant fix in less than a min or 2. Sure I wish it wasnt there, but I aint the idiot waiting for 5 mins while it says "Searching for game" I simply back out or reset.

Yeah, I'm not having these problems either. Weird how some are and some aren't, yet we all use the exact same systems and setups.


jaundicejuice said:
I whore UAV Jammer with all but my G3 class (stopping power), I haven't noticed a sigifigant difference. In modes and maps where nade spamming is beneficial you're just going to get a few random deaths. It happens.
The only time I go with UAV jammer is on hardcore matches, cause the "stopping power" isn't needed. other than that, its SP all the way.
Anyone know when the 360 version is supposed to get that patch that was mentioned a while back? I hope they fix the ACOG, the stats on that thing are complete nonsense.


The only game types I could get in are Team Objective and Team Tacticle. The other modes my clan or myself tend to be the only person in the lobby. PS3 version.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Quincey said:
this game has made me realize just how great Halo's matchmaking is.
While I agree that Halo 3's matchmaking is superior to COD4's, I think COD4's does a great job. My clan consistently finds matches with a few hiccups but nothing shattering.
Pharmacy said:
yeah it takes agggggges to get into games now on the PS3 version

i know the userbase for online is smaller but this a top selling game, there should be loads of rooms

give me server lists like Resistance, Infinity Ward!

I'm having very little trouble getting into games these days, but then I primarily play Domination or Ground War games.
Ciel said:
Knives only King o' da Hill on Bog. No radar. No nades (I don't rmr there being an option to turn off guns and nades just tell the party). The hill is that pile of trash across the fence.

Also fun playing King o da Roof on Overgrown (the roof of the house everybody camps at.)
Cool, thanks! If anyone else has custom gametype ideas, lemme know.


DenogginizerOS said:
While I agree that Halo 3's matchmaking is superior to COD4's, I think COD4's does a great job. My clan consistently finds matches with a few hiccups but nothing shattering.

Good joke! lol


Team Deathmatch!






Its a draw! Stand down


AltogetherAndrews said:
I'm having very little trouble getting into games these days, but then I primarily play Domination or Ground War games.

I play Domination and Ground War exclusively as well, might just be the times in different regions?
I may never have gotten hooked by any of Sony's first party games online--I've played Resistance, Motorstorm and Warhawk online--but I have never had any problems getting into an online match in any of those games.

Hopefully this games issues will get promptly ironed out, I really enjoy Call of Duty 4 online, before the Christmas clusterfuck anyways.
Chittagong said:
Ahaha, eh... I'm now at the Ferris Wheel on Veteran.

Is this shit even possible? The troops just keep on coming.

If you see across the field that they are walking into/being helidropped onto, there are two buildings they walk in between to get to you. If you hide on the right side of the right most building there is a little nook you can stand in and just wait out the timer. After retrying that damned thing 40 times I finally started experimented different camping spots and this one worked the best for me, I don't give a shit if it's cheap.


Chittagong said:
Ahaha, eh... I'm now at the Ferris Wheel on Veteran.

Is this shit even possible? The troops just keep on coming.

I beat it on hardened, but that was a lot of trial and error. Eventually I found a system that worked:

If you're on the grassy knoll facing the onslaught, head to the far right. Its a wooded area behind the pavilion. Its completely enclosed by radiation, fence, and the pavilion.

you can hide behind a tree back there to avoid getting shot, and peak out to kill anyone who shoots at you from the pavilion. I also dropped C4 at the "entrance". You may get grenades tossed at you, but you'll just have to deal with it.

Its still going to be a nightmare hauling McDonald to the helicopter, but the support clears it out a bit.
With my settings now at Nat 2 it doens't take me long at all to get into a game. PS3 version here. But as said above friends can't join my private games and I can't join theirs. Anyone from IW have a suggestion?


Okay, this section where you have to turn off the nuke codes in 11 minutes is KILLING ME! I had the door closed on me and then died.. finally DO get into the bunker but the clock is down to 30 seconds so I just tried to go on a rampage and ended up dying. How the heck can you get there and turn it off in 11 minutes? I'm at a complete loss.. Gaz and Price wouldn't even run to the bunker until like 2:30 left for me..
Maggot9 said:
what exactly is wrong with the ACOG scope? i use it from time to time..
People bitch that it's not accurate or something. I'm not sure if they just mean the changed reticule or if it's actually less accurate. I like it, sometimes.


-xBerserker- said:
Sadly no. I even contacted them about this a couple months ago. They said no plans at this time .. boooo!

Just what I feared. I'm not a game designer but it's hard to imagine adding some basic rumble support is that taxing.


Subconscious Brolonging
Why does the knife only work 75% of the time? It's literally worthless if you use it on someone who is moving and even when they're standing still, it's not a sure bet. I get kills with it all the time but for every 3 or 4 there is one instance where it totally fucks up and then someing asinine happens, like they turn around and kill me (with the knife, ironically)or someone else gets the kill. I love multiplayer to death, but that shit is really starting to get to me.
The last part of One Shot, One Kill on Veteran is fucking ridiculous. I don't think it's possible to fight everybody head on. It's like IW wanted you to exploit the spawning system.
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