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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread

Spire said:
Why does the knife only work 75% of the time? It's literally worthless if you use it on someone who is moving and even when they're standing still, it's not a sure bet. I get kills with it all the time but for every 3 or 4 there is one instance where it totally fucks up and then someing asinine happens, like they turn around and kill me (with the knife, ironically)or someone else gets the kill. I love multiplayer to death, but that shit is really starting to get to me.
I would get annoyed with the knife too, especially when it would appear that I was knifed by someone ten feet away. There were too many miracle lunges with the knife for my liking. And like you said, sometimes it doesn't hit at all.


Gold Member
SnakeswithLasers said:
If you see across the field that they are walking into/being helidropped onto, there are two buildings they walk in between to get to you. If you hide on the right side of the right most building there is a little nook you can stand in and just wait out the timer. After retrying that damned thing 40 times I finally started experimented different camping spots and this one worked the best for me, I don't give a shit if it's cheap.

Actually, it's super easy - because the game is broken. So here is how I did it.

It's the small booth / kiosk just next to the ferris wheel. The booth is on the right side of the ferris wheel when you are looking from the hillside down.

Run inside the booth and lay down. Close to zero grenades will even come in. Those extremely few that will, you can easily toss out because the booth is so small you can reach them anyway. So just lay there facing the door through the duration of the timer. One or two times someone will attempt to come to the door, then just shoot with your faster gun. Once the timer is down, toss out a flash grenade a real grenade and a flash grenade out and run like hell to pick up the dude you left at the hill, and then run to the helicopter. Shoot while running.

Once I figured this out I completed it on my third try. The only part where you can mess up is if you don't shoot people on your way.


Bearillusion said:
PS3 version is fine for public games but I can't connect to friends.

Been trying for about 15 minutes and I can't find a game. Always get set to host and waiting for X more players.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Grimm Fandango said:
The last part of One Shot, One Kill on Veteran is fucking ridiculous. I don't think it's possible to fight everybody head on. It's like IW wanted you to exploit the spawning system.

The ticket booth between the ferris wheel and bumper cars: GO PRONE IN IT.


No problem with the knife here. Sometimes shit happens and lag makes it appear it retarded, but welcome to online gaming. 95% of the time its smooth and a real joy to use/be used on.


USD said:
Fixed. I don't know anyone who likes being knifed.

Whats wrong with getting knifed? It happens so much in COD4 that I think its pretty cool rather than just flat-out humiliating since there are some awesome ways to knife people.

flashing/stunning a room full of enemies then running in and knifing them all is awesome, both ways :D


I love the knife. Even have a Knife build, which doesn't always fare that well, but god damn, I have some spectacular moments (and it's loads of fun).

Buddy of mine on PC version is called Captain Stabby. He's insane. Constantly has people freak out, calling him a hacker. Hilarious stuff to watch.


Gold Member
Aahh fuck this game is ridiculous. Now I'm trying to escape the barn through a field of infinite enemies and smoke to reach the copter in time. Airstrikes are useless and enemies have super sight so they'll clip me in an instant. Time to try every possibility again to find a defect in the game design that allows me to go through.


Subconscious Brolonging
Kyoufu said:
No problem with the knife here. Sometimes shit happens and lag makes it appear it retarded, but welcome to online gaming. 95% of the time its smooth and a real joy to use/be used on.

I don't know. My friends don't seem to have a problem with it but they've witnessed the bullshit happen to me. I'll knife someone, it does nothing, and then a friend of mine will cap the dude in the head. I'll launch into a string of cursing and they'll say "I don't know what happened there, but I'm not complaining" and start laughing. I almost always have a four bar connection so it's not lag on my end, I don't know what the problem is. Maybe the CoD4 gods are trying to balance out the death and gnashing of teeth I cause with my beloved M16.


Kyoufu said:
Whats wrong with getting knifed? It happens so much in COD4 that I think its pretty cool rather than just flat-out humiliating since there are some awesome ways to knife people.

flashing/stunning a room full of enemies then running in and knifing them all is awesome, both ways :D
There are a few head-on knife matches, but most of the time, getting knifed means I wasn't paying attention. I don't really like being on the receiving end of anything, but I guess that's everybody.


USD said:
There are a few head-on knife matches, but most of the time, getting knifed means I wasn't paying attention. I don't really like being on the receiving end of anything, but I guess that's everybody.

Yeah I know, dying sucks, but when I have my iron-sight out shooting a guy who is coming at me head-on, only to be knifed is when I say wow, nice one.


Chittagong said:
Aahh fuck this game is ridiculous. Now I'm trying to escape the barn through a field of infinite enemies and smoke to reach the copter in time. Airstrikes are useless and enemies have super sight so they'll clip me in an instant. Time to try every possibility again to find a defect in the game design that allows me to go through.

I just beat this yesterday. What you want to do is keep sniping the enemies from the barn, and at around a minute and a half into the battle, the smoke will disappear and the enemies will stop spawning, then you can move through the side door to the right of the barn (if you're facing away from it) in the little tool shed and move towards the restaurant/bar through the ditch. From there you just have to keep to the left side of the map until you reach the gas station, where the helicopter will be waiting. It's a bitch to do in one go, and it definitely took me a while, but I ended up getting it down pretty good.

Also, Mile High Club is a bitch.


Havok said:
I just beat this yesterday. What you want to do is keep sniping the enemies from the barn, and at around a minute and a half into the battle, the smoke will disappear and the enemies will stop spawning, then you can move through the side door to the right of the barn (if you're facing away from it) i9n the little tool shed and move towards the restaurant/bar through the ditch. From there you just have to keep to the left side of the map until you reach the gas station, where the helicopter will be waiting. It's a bitch to do in one go, and it definitely took me a while, but I ended up getting it down pretty good.

Also, Mile High Club is a bitch.

Havok from ps.forums?


Beat it. I was trying to take out too many enemies rather than just rushing in.. once I made more of an effort I was able to actually get checkpoints and then it was a piece of cake. I still couldn't take down a chopper with the RPG.. that shit's brutally tough.


SaitoH said:
I love the knife. Even have a Knife build, which doesn't always fare that well, but god damn, I have some spectacular moments (and it's loads of fun).

Buddy of mine on PC version is called Captain Stabby. He's insane. Constantly has people freak out, calling him a hacker. Hilarious stuff to watch.
Putting a clamore right in front of me and luring a dude to trying to knife me only to blow himself up is a funny thing to watch also. I'm sorta bored with the game, now, and rather expermenting with it...sorry my teammates.
It is a fun game. An awesome online when it's working. Been fine all week but today I can't join any games. Anyone from IW here who can respond about the PS3 mp?


Im having problems connecting and so is my cousin, And many of you are also having problems. End of the world as I know it.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
You guys are lucky you're able to even sign on to Xbox Live/PSN.

My Comcast internet's screwed up today because of the Bay Area Storm. :(


Just did a quick check, the game works for me!

Maybe you people should DMZ the IP of your PS3s for better connectivity?
Kyoufu said:
Just did a quick check, the game works for me!

Maybe you people should DMZ the IP of your PS3s for better connectivity?

Maybe IW should fix this bullshit, I got the PS3 today and this game and can't get shit going online, Motorstorm works fine.



Earlier today i couldn't even get into the lobby. Downloading Game Settings...

Now I can, but can't find a fucking game.


Kyoufu said:
Just did a quick check, the game works for me!

Maybe you people should DMZ the IP of your PS3s for better connectivity?
I have had this game since day one with no problems, except for today. And my PS3 is in DMZ.
People shouldn't get too upset just yet. It's been working great for me all week including last night. Can't connect at all today and hopefully something is being worked on behind the scenes. Give IW a chance.


AranhaHunter said:
Is this crap only happening with the PS3 version or are the servers on the 360 and PC version fucking up too?
PC is fine, 360 is intermittent because it's a Live volume issue*. However, some people (360) have never had a problem. *shrugs* I've haven't had an issue finding a game at all, but then again I don't play daily.

Also, not sure about the PS3 version, but it's worth noting that COD4 Live never had any problems until the Christmas rush. So I'm inclined to believe MS' stance.

*(According to MS' updates)

Just played a few games and had no trouble either starting up or during. Smooth as usual.

Had a 20-0 match and the host left before we even got back to the lobby. Game was over in less than 3 mins. Awesome :lol


Not its not just the PS3 version. The 360 version is having issues too. I'd guess that their servers are completely overwhelmed. Hopefully when the patch comes out it will make things more stable. I'd guess the amount of people playing will go down by then too.
I'm wondering if IW underestimated PS3 sales of COD4. I bought COD4 this week and two friends bought PS3s for Christmas and the first game they bought was COD4.

h1nch said:
Hopefully when the patch comes out it will make things more stable.

Patch? When?


I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one having problems with the PS3 version. It pisses me off so bad that I just hate playing. It seems that when I play in the mornings it works fine but every night I boot up the PS3 and it takes forever to get in a game and then I just lag out of it.
I finally got into games tonight (PS3) and had some fun, but of course most hosts quit out on the Team Hardcore Search and Destroy games, specifically what I want to play. :|


It's been said before, but Call of Duty 4 needs some serious stat tracking. I really want a breakdown of my stats with different weapons.


h1nch said:
Not its not just the PS3 version. The 360 version is having issues too. I'd guess that their servers are completely overwhelmed. Hopefully when the patch comes out it will make things more stable. I'd guess the amount of people playing will go down by then too.

If by "patch" you mean "add a hojillion new servers" then I agree. A client patch fixes nothing unfortunately :(
Fuck Infinity Ward and their shitty ass servers and matchmaking code. The last few weeks have completely ruined all of the positive experience I've had with their game in frustration of taking up to 10 minutes to find a match and then being disconnected in middle of it constantly. I'm sick of it and if this damn game wasn't so good when the servers actually worked properly I'd throw it out of the window right now.


rotaryspirit said:
Fuck Infinity Ward and their shitty ass servers and matchmaking code. The last few weeks have completely ruined all of the positive experience I've had with their game in frustration of taking up to 10 minutes to find a match and then being disconnected in middle of it constantly. I'm sick of it and if this damn game wasn't so good when the servers actually worked properly I'd throw it out of the window right now.

I'm with you bro.

* goes back to resistance *
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