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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread

So I just got Flawless (and survivalist), by going 20 and 0 in a free for all match.

And yes, I know It's pathetic, and kinda a bitch move to toot my own horn, I know there are tons of you who have done much more impressive things who don't feel the need to share here. But none of my friends will appreciate this. So I'm sorry. But not sorry enough to remove the post I suppose.

And raYne, I think it was the shitty headshot hitboxes that were fucking up my G3. I'm finding that from the back, I gotta pretty much hit the top of the head for it to count.


Gold Member
*Guaraná said:
can you guys help me? I'm in that part where you have to wait for the helicopter to come to rescue me and another guy who broke his legs. i just don't know how to survive those minutes. Do you guys have any tips?

Go to the kiosk/booth near the Ferris Wheel, crawl low on the floor waiting for the timer to go down. Toss out the very few grenades that actually come in, other ones won't hurt you. Have your finger on the trigger towards the door so that if anyone approaches you can shoot. Only one or two guys will try. On your way out once the countdown is done, toss out a grenade or a flash grenade and just run like hell to pick up the guy and then run to the helicopter. Do not stop for anything, at maximum shoot anybody on your direct path. Doable on Veteran even.
Sushen said:
My last 9 match makings ended with "lobby has been closed" even without the match ever began. Are people qutting out in record paces, or I stumbled onto a new kind of system glitch?

You'll be glad to know you got 9 Losses on your stat now.


I'm having connection problems.. it just stalls after I select the game type. It takes lots of tries to finally get in a game. I think I've about had my fill of COD4... I've put about 17 hours, am around lvl 32, and had fun with all the game types. I don't crave to play much anymore like I used to. The grenade spam has got to me as well. All in all I'd have to give this game a 10, even with the faults it's the best multi-player FPS I've ever played. Infinity Ward have created something special.


The G3 is absolutely killing by K/D ratio. Instead of the 4.0-5.0 K/D ratio that I normally get when using automatic weapons, I'm consistently in the 2.0-2.5 K/D range with the G3. I use the UAV Jammer instead of Stopping Power with this gun. Would SP make a significant difference or should I stick it out with the UAV Jammer?


Wickerman said:
The G3 is absolutely killing by K/D ratio. Instead of the 4.0-5.0 K/D ratio that I normally get when using automatic weapons, I'm consistently in the 2.0-2.5 K/D range with the G3. I use the UAV Jammer instead of Stopping Power with this gun. Would SP make a significant difference or should I stick it out with the UAV Jammer?

Go with whatever works for you, but I would never use anything other than UAVJ myself. Which attachment are you using?


Kyoufu said:
Go with whatever works for you, but I would never use anything other than UAVJ myself. Which attachment are you using?

I'm using the Red Dot attachment. I did notice that when I use the UAVJ, I use stealth-based tactics as opposed the aggressive style I enjoy playing when using automatic weapons.

Hey Kyoufu, do you live in the U.S.? You're online often but when I used to send game invites to you, you were never able to get into my party. From what I can tell, the patch that we received in December doesn't allow worldwide play.

Hunter D

vumpler said:
For Search and Destroy 360 Players:

After attempting to find the perfect clan over the last month, I have found it impossible. So a few of us have decided the only way to find the perfect clan is attempt to make it ourself. Either clans are WAY to casual, or WAY to obsessive and we just don't have that much time. We all have school/job/spouse etc.

Right now we have 7 members in search for 14 competing members. We will be competing in game battles and would like to have it just be 70% gaffers.

You won't have to make yourself SUPER available. Thats why we are going to have 14 spots. Signups for matches will be first sign, first spot assigned.

We will have a 1 hour weekly practice to discuss and practice strats and then do intramural. Otherwise we will just be online playing against others. Matches will be schedules to the most people's availability. We will work with EVERYONE.

Super casual, but highly competitive clan. Add me on xbl "Jason Smapity" with the space or shoot me a pm to discuss.

Our website is here: http://www.clanthree.com

Gaffers unite! :D

I am interested.


Wickerman said:
I'm using the Red Dot attachment. I did notice that when I use the UAVJ, I use stealth-based tactics as opposed the aggressive style I enjoy playing when using automatic weapons.

Hey Kyoufu, do you live in the U.S.? You're online often but when I used to send game invites to you, you were never able to get into my party. From what I can tell, the patch that we received in December doesn't allow worldwide play.

See, I think UAVJ is only half-useful or should I say, mostly useless since without a silencer attachment you will be visible on the radar. I shoot alot so I can't live without the silencer. I think if you're using red dot, go with Stopping Power. If you want to stick with UAVJ, use silencer.

I'm in EU so I can only play Europeans. Another assy network design choice made by IW :(


Wickerman said:
I'm using the Red Dot attachment. I did notice that when I use the UAVJ, I use stealth-based tactics as opposed the aggressive style I enjoy playing when using automatic weapons.
I love the UAV jammer, but it's wasted without a silenced weapon. If you're intent on using the Red Dot sight I'd probably swap in Stopping Power. The G3 is a beast with it, once you get the hang of it. (It's also a beast when silenced and combined with the UAVJ, but in a completely different way.)
Honestly, I don't find UAV/Silencer all that effective. I mainly rely on sight except for the few times I'm looking around corners, but then my play style is fairly aggressive and mainly suited for Domination/HQ type games rather than TDM style where stealth is a bit more important.

That is what is so great about this game and the perks; there are really a lot of different uses for them.


rotaryspirit said:
Honestly, I don't find UAV/Silencer all that effective. I mainly rely on sight except for the few times I'm looking around corners, but then my play style is fairly aggressive and mainly suited for Domination/HQ type games rather than TDM style where stealth is a bit more important.
Yeah, I can definitely see that. I play TDM exclusively and enjoy shooting people in the back, so the UAVJ, silencer and Deadly Silence are godsends. Without a lot of play it can be difficult to see how effective these perks are, and the range penalty on silenced weapons is pretty brutal — but it's worth it for the many more opportunities for shooting people in the back you're presented with when you're invisible to everything but the naked eye :lol.

rotaryspirit said:
That is what is so great about this game and the perks; there are really a lot of different uses for them.
No doubt.


Digital Foundry
Im thinking about buying this game, but im hesitant.... If I don't have Xbox Live, does this still provide a sufficient bang for my (50) bucks? Or should I buy Mass Effect?

Also, is there much of a difference in frame-rate between the 360 and PS3 versions? I know the 360 sails at a stable 60. Any other noteworthy differences?
Cataferal said:
Im thinking about buying this game, but im hesitant.... If I don't have Xbox Live, does this still provide a sufficient bang for my (50) bucks? Or should I buy Mass Effect?

Also, is there much of a difference in frame-rate between the 360 and PS3 versions? I know the 360 sails at a stable 60. Any other noteworthy differences?
Not worth full price if you can't play multiplayer online.

There are basically no differences between the two versions on a technical level.


Cataferal said:
Im thinking about buying this game, but im hesitant.... If I don't have Xbox Live, does this still provide a sufficient bang for my (50) bucks? Or should I buy Mass Effect?

Also, is there much of a difference in frame-rate between the 360 and PS3 versions? I know the 360 sails at a stable 60. Any other noteworthy differences?

Get Mass Effect


rotaryspirit said:
Honestly, I don't find UAV/Silencer all that effective. I mainly rely on sight except for the few times I'm looking around corners, but then my play style is fairly aggressive and mainly suited for Domination/HQ type games rather than TDM style where stealth is a bit more important.

That is what is so great about this game and the perks; there are really a lot of different uses for them.
Amen. Perks are great addition to FPS MP that allows so many different play style mixtures.


Cataferal said:
Im thinking about buying this game, but im hesitant.... If I don't have Xbox Live, does this still provide a sufficient bang for my (50) bucks? Or should I buy Mass Effect?

Also, is there much of a difference in frame-rate between the 360 and PS3 versions? I know the 360 sails at a stable 60. Any other noteworthy differences?

PS3 version here... I may not have the eyes of Dark10x, but I haven't seen a single framerate hitch...

The SP campaign isn't all that long and I'm not too sure how much you'd play Arcade mode, maybe Orange Box would be a better buy if you aren't going online with the game?
I do nothing but play Domination now (for points) because it's less frustrating than Headquarters when you are on a bad team. For that, Stopping Power/Fragx3/Martyrdom are pretty much mainstays unless I'm sniping, and then I just use Iron Lungs.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
rotaryspirit said:
I do nothing but play Domination now (for points) because it's less frustrating than Headquarters when you are on a bad team. For that, Stopping Power/Fragx3/Martyrdom are pretty much mainstays unless I'm sniping, and then I just use Iron Lungs.

Yeah, I've pretty much given up HQ completely for two reasons: first, the ridiculous spawn points and second, and most relevant these days, exactly like you said, it's so frustrating when you're on a bad team. I mean, stab myself in the eye frustrating. I honestly don't think people know how to play HQ sometimes. When the enemy captures the HQ, they form a ring around the HQ and sit there, waiting for the enemy to come into view. Um...

I played my first two sabotage games tonight. I loved it. I'm going to try doing that more instead of Domination 99% of the time. Love domination though.
COD4 is now displaying a message that the servers will be down for upgrades tomorrow. I hope I can host and join private games when they go back up again.


Bearillusion said:
COD4 is now displaying a message that the servers will be down for upgrades tomorrow. I hope I can host and join private games when they go back up again.

Yeah here too, PS3 version.

Does this mean the matchmaking will be better after this? Does this also mean the patch is coming?
commish said:
Yeah, I've pretty much given up HQ completely for two reasons: first, the ridiculous spawn points and second, and most relevant these days, exactly like you said, it's so frustrating when you're on a bad team. I mean, stab myself in the eye frustrating. I honestly don't think people know how to play HQ sometimes. When the enemy captures the HQ, they form a ring around the HQ and sit there, waiting for the enemy to come into view. Um...

I played my first two sabotage games tonight. I loved it. I'm going to try doing that more instead of Domination 99% of the time. Love domination though.

I've been in Domination games where people have said this.

"We don't need to take the bases, that is only to attract the enemy so you can camp them."



Junior Member
One shot, one kill mission, where you have to stand still and snipe, this is probably the worst mission in the history of video games

it's been 3 hours (on hard) and i can't beat this shitty level :(
McDragon said:
One shot, one kill mission, where you have to stand still and snipe, this is probably the worst mission in the history of video games

it's been 3 hours (on hard) and i can't beat this shitty level :(
You're no Martin Riggs.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
rotaryspirit said:
I've been in Domination games where people have said this.

"We don't need to take the bases, that is only to attract the enemy so you can camp them."


moments like these, i wish i could shoot my squadmates...

other moments:
- when 2/3 of your team think they're snipers
- when 3-4 of your squadmates think standing still, close to each other
- When one of them put up a UAV, a second after you put yours online
~Devil Trigger~ said:
moments like these, i wish i could shoot my squadmates...

other moments:
- when 2/3 of your team think they're snipers
- when 3-4 of your squadmates think standing still, close to each other
- When one of them put up a UAV, a second after you put yours online
Play on hardcore then you can! :lol


Junior Member

instead of sniping them, i went to the faaaar right and hid there away from the fuckers

fucking bastards
McDragon said:

instead of sniping them, i went to the faaaar right and hid there away from the fuckers

fucking bastards
Oh shit I thought you meant the part where you just have to snipe the guy. I was gonna make fun of you.

Yeah, that part is fucking hard as hell. The way you beat it is how I survived on Veteran.


Junior Member
CajoleJuice said:
Oh shit I thought you meant the part where you just have to snipe the guy. I was gonna make fun of you.

Yeah, that part is fucking hard as hell. The way you beat it is how I survived on Veteran.


nah, the first part was easy but this is hell

thank god for that hideout, but you know, i feel bad for leaving my friend alone like that :lol


rotaryspirit said:
I've been in Domination games where people have said this.

"We don't need to take the bases, that is only to attract the enemy so you can camp them."


That statement makes you want to smack whoever gave birth to that person.

To tack onto to what everyone else is saying, it's becoming harder to play headquarters simply because of the people who play and just don't get it. Some people treat it as if it's Deathmatch and try to get a ton of kills. Others simply run around or hide in corners hoping that they can catch someone walking past and they get their kill. YAAY!


CajoleJuice said:
How the fuck are you guys getting so many kills in one round? I don't think I've ever seen anyone get over 60. Jesus...
I'm guessing he was playing on Shipment. Kill counts on that map get rather insane.
Geoff9920 said:
I'm guessing he was playing on Shipment. Kill counts on that map get rather insane.
Even on Shipment, most of the time even the top players have a pretty mediocre K/D and not...well, maybe I have seen some kill totals in the 60s.
Highest I've done on Shipment is 83 with 11 assists.

He probably was facing a lot of noobs and got himself some helicopters :D

~Devil Trigger~ said:
moments like these, i wish i could shoot my squadmates...

other moments:
- when 2/3 of your team think they're snipers
- when 3-4 of your squadmates think standing still, close to each other
- When one of them put up a UAV, a second after you put yours online

The UAV thing isn't that big of a deal; especially because it gives you +10 to your score, on top of that it disappears if you get two more kills, so I don't see the problem with people using it as soon as they get it.


CajoleJuice said:
Even on Shipment, most of the time even the top players have a pretty mediocre K/D and not...well, maybe I have seen some kill totals in the 60s.
Well, in headquarters matches on shipment I've been on and against teams where multiple players had over 100 kills.
Geoff9920 said:
Well, in headquarters matches on shipment I've been on and against teams where multiple players had over 100 kills.
I guess I haven't played Shipment enough times to see such a massacre. I haven't really played much online the past month or so at all, period. Been busy with other games and also making my way through Veteran.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
CajoleJuice said:
How the fuck are you guys getting so many kills in one round? I don't think I've ever seen anyone get over 60. Jesus...

Of course on shipment - on no other map will I even see 116 people :) Surprisingly, it wasn't helicopters - I only got 2 that I was able to use, the first of which was mowed down in about 5 seconds. Airstrikes helped a bunch, but really, the G36 was just on fire. Normally I use the M16, but today I tried the G36 on that map - oh, a lot better. I was 116-22... I've played this map many times, never had I see anyone even approach 100, yet I guess it happens often. I'll never do it again, I just got lucky :)


Some of you guys are sick. My record is 64 kills and 14 deaths on that missile silo map (can never remember the name). Nade-throwing, light machine gun, helis and properly placed airstrikes helps out a lot. :D


New playlists are up for PS3:

Mercenary Team Deathmatch
Team Tactical
Hardcore Team Deathmatch
Hardcore Search and Destroy
Old School Free-for-all


What's the deal with Mercenary TDM? It's exactly the same as the regular one, except it doesn't evenly split the teams according to rank? and you also can't use parties for that.
Maggot9 said:
What's the deal with Mercenary TDM? It's exactly the same as the regular one, except it doesn't evenly split the teams according to rank? and you also can't use parties for that.

If you're playing on your own, and don't feel like PUGing against a (possible) full clan, then you go to Merc TDM. Both teams will be PUG's, so it's fair(er). I assume it uses the same team splitting algorithim/program/thingy that all the other playlists use, it just doesn't have to worry about keeping certain people together.


You know what I hate about this game??? The fact that you cant just join a buddies game....they have to invite you. They need to fix this.
Holy shit S&D got harder. :D Which is nice to have a challenge, don't get me wrong. I assume the people that didn't care much for S&D and weren't very good at it are all playing HTDM now that it got its own category.


zenbot said:
I love the UAV jammer, but it's wasted without a silenced weapon. If you're intent on using the Red Dot sight I'd probably swap in Stopping Power. The G3 is a beast with it, once you get the hang of it. (It's also a beast when silenced and combined with the UAVJ, but in a completely different way.)

sometimes I carry a silenced pistol in tote and when UAV goes online i whip that out and knife/pistol enemies. I've wasted many a sniper with my pistol
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