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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


ggnoobIGN said:
How could the developer possibly miss the opportunity to have 10 straight kills unleash the pack of dogs? That needs to be patched in and now.
So, once you have a 10 kill streak, a pack of dogs come out and tear you apart? :p

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
I think an attack for a 10 kill streak would unbalance the game as it's easy to get a 10 streak after unleashing a helicopter. I think something kicking in at 15 kills would be better.


SaitoH said:
So any ETA on the PS3 patch that allows you to mute everyone?

I hope this happens. The sound quality of those voices is atrocious. I don't want that shit coming out of my system.


I know this is probably not even worth asking, but my recently dead Elite managed to eat my COD4 disc the other night. Is there anyway Activision or MS will replace it?


Why the FUCK can't I change the damn button layout?! Who the FUCK decided to make the R3 button the goddamn knife attack. SO FUCKING STUPID.


commish said:
It's very situational... if someone sees you with it out, you're toast.

Yeah, its a joy to use on some maps like Countdown where you know people are going to be. I got 42 kills on that without frag grenade whoring. I think I'm going to ditch Fragx3 and go with RPGx2. Frags are lame anyway :)


does anyone have any tips for the TV room on vet difficulty? I died about 50 times on normal and now im up to it on hard and daren't proceed
painey said:
does anyone have any tips for the TV room on vet difficulty? I died about 50 times on normal and now im up to it on hard and daren't proceed

Don't forget that sometimes enemies can spawn for a long ass time if you don't proceed far enough in an area. Same thing with your allies; if you don't progress, neither will they. If you sit back in the entrance and shoot people, it'll take forever and you'll go ape shit when a grenade kills you after 10 minutes. Basically just try to make progress all the way up to your objective.


painey said:
does anyone have any tips for the TV room on vet difficulty? I died about 50 times on normal and now im up to it on hard and daren't proceed

My first time with the SP was on veteran and I managed to get through the TV room in probably 5 attempts. Initially I would charge in to the doorway on the opposite side of the entrance. The way I beat it though, is by turning right right when I entered the room and ran down to the corner. As I run, I throw a frag grenade in the area where all of the guys rush out of. (After trying it once, you'll see where they all come out of) Basically like 5-10 guys all spawn at one point and rush out and can be taken down with a grenade and the rest picked off with your weapon. From there, continue to make your way up - hugging the walls and soon you'll be done.


Just completed the game on veteran then picked up the last few achievements.

Initially I hated this game with a passion when I first went through it. That was on Hard. But a friend completed almost everything on veteran so I thought I'd give it a go. I never thought I'd go all the way considering I hated it, but as I played I really got into it for the challenge alone. It was a much better game on veteran and I enjoyed it. Except for the war room level. That shit was horrible.

The last level, the one in the plane. I fucking love it and it makes the game in my opinion. I could play that thing all day as it's basically a speed run. The difficulty was harsh and it was quick to just start again and rush through, I was having a ball. So much so that I'm still playing it in Arcade mode now. When I finally did finish it on veteran for the first time I dived out of the plane first. I thought "fuck you guys, I'm out of here. You didn't cover my back and I'm not covering yours" *dive.

Over all, it was a good game for the challenge alone. Otherwise I just found it annoying. It would have made it into my top 10 of 2007 though if I had finished it before the year was up.


Mar_ said:
The last level, the one in the plane. I fucking love it and it makes the game in my opinion. I could play that thing all day as it's basically a speed run. The difficulty was harsh and it was quick to just start again and rush through, I was having a ball. So much so that I'm still playing it in Arcade mode now. When I finally did finish it on veteran for the first time I dived out of the plane first. I thought "fuck you guys, I'm out of here. You didn't cover my back and I'm not covering yours" *dive.

I think I've said this before but I'd like to reiterate my desire to toss out a few other levels like this as DLC or whatever. So frustrating but so satisfying once I managed it.
Anyone think they'll add Gold camo to all the weapons? Seems odd that they'd force you to use one particular gun in each class of weapon.


im having a very weird issue with the PS3 version of the game. whenever i put the game in and boot it up I get a strange screen that displays the title of the game and below it is a question: Confirm? Yes and No. The wierd thing is that I can't choose any of the options, the only responsive buttons is the D-pad and the middle button. Now when I quit game, my PS3 reboots itself back to the profile select screen......does anyone know what the hell is going on and how I can fix it.


Requiem said:
im having a very weird issue with the PS3 version of the game. whenever i put the game in and boot it up I get a strange screen that displays the title of the game and below it is a question: Confirm? Yes and No. The wierd thing is that I can't choose any of the options, the only responsive buttons is the D-pad and the middle button. Now when I quit game, my PS3 reboots itself back to the profile select screen......does anyone know what the hell is going on and how I can fix it.

Probably demons.


ever since the update, my games have been turned into lagging piece of shit... i've always been having just 3 bars of signal. but before the update it was OK. now it took me 20 bullets with a LMG to kill someone moving, no matter how close he is to me. I always got "one-shot killed" (the enemy started to shoot at me a second ago, I just didnt know). Sniping is even more difficult because the stupid aiming assistance always tries to stick to somewhere the enemy is not... (how can i turn that shit off???)

it's so fucked up that im seriously considering giving it up. i may never reach 3.0 though i'm already at 2.88. :(


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Godamn. I just had some of my best games ever. Eyes are dried up completely. I think I've developed some post-traumatic stress as well. :D

I'm hoping that there's an expansion pack made for CoD4. Maybe one where you play as a soldier for the Russian Loyalists (with the new weapons of the AN-94, PP-19 Bizon, and the GSh-18 to go with it). That'd be awesome.


Core407 said:
Why the FUCK can't I change the damn button layout?! Who the FUCK decided to make the R3 button the goddamn knife attack. SO FUCKING STUPID.

i use tactical which is essentially the halo 3 layout.


Question here!

So I'm trying to play with one of my friends who just got the game, and I try to invite him, but I constantly get "Error - Unnable to connect to host". We've tried the other way around but get the same message. What am I doing wrong?


wickerman said:
Is it me or does it seem like the matchmaking is worse than before?
Tr4nce said:
It's you.

I highly doubt that. Ever since the recent playlist update I've noticed more lopsided teams than ever.
For example: Today I was placed in match with three prestige level 4 players and a prestige level 1 player, all of which whom were placed on the same team. On my side we had a captain, a couple of sergeants, and myself (Prestige 2). Of course, we got obliterated.
This happened in every match (about 6) that I played in today and on Friday.

Edit: btw, I'm on the PS3


There is indeed something funky with the matchmaking now. The last few rounds I played on were also very uneven, with one team completely dominating over the other one.


BeeDog said:
There is indeed something funky with the matchmaking now. The last few rounds I played on were also very uneven, with one team completely dominating over the other one.

Yeah I noticed that too. Getting my ass handed to me, along with the rest of my team on a frequent basis :/


Core407 said:
Why the FUCK can't I change the damn button layout?! Who the FUCK decided to make the R3 button the goddamn knife attack. SO FUCKING STUPID.

Seems to work just fine here. Besides maybe they didnt want to make it easy to spam it or something? Every other button already has some sort of function anyway.


Kyoufu said:
Yeah I noticed that too. Getting my ass handed to me, along with the rest of my team on a frequent basis :/
It's been rare to have close matches recently. Especially in HQ, it's mostly 250-0 or 0-250...


Teknoman said:
Seems to work just fine here. Besides maybe they didnt want to make it easy to spam it or something? Every other button already has some sort of function anyway.

You can't spam it anyways. There is a built-in delay before its use able again.

I switched out to the tactical setup and now I'm good :D


I'm ready for more maps. It'd be cool to break the games theme a bit and have one set in a jungle or forest. Or something like the last level of sp. Of course I guess they'd need new player models too.

Speaking of which, you should be allowed to customize how your guy looks.

And Kyofou, thanks for the advice. I'll try that.

PSN: Seer if anybody likes an easy target:D
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