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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


Vyse The Legend said:
Yeah, they are the same. Just disregard comparison pictures. They're bollocks.

well thats what im saying, no reason to disregard them or call them bollocks, cause to me they are the same :)


No splitscreen over Live? Bad.

All FPS games on 360 should have splitscreen over Live, it's far more fun when you have a buddy next to you.


Ashhong said:
I don't understand what people are saying after this picture. They both look the same to me. Disregarding the fact that they are separate scenes, tvs, cameras, etc, is there any difference in quality here that I'm missing? They both look great.

i would assume the color? one is more to green while the other is more to blue? i honestly cant tell any difference.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Vyse The Legend said:
<3 <3 <3

Best MP mode ever.

Rayme broke it. We finally had a game going, on Wet Works (awesome map, by the way), and the connection timed out.

Trying *ahem* to get it going again... Let's see...


SnakeXs said:
Rayme broke it. We finally had a game going, on Wet Works (awesome map, by the way), and the connection timed out.
Hahah, bastard. ;)

Those were some good games though, damn.

It's really fun hearing what people think about all the perks & weapons & etc as they get them. This is gonna be a crazy week. =)


I AM SO torn apart right now.

my local import store told me that they got the game on PS3. the Xbox 360 version is 2 to 3 days later. and i still dont know which version to get. if i wait till the xbox 360 version to come out then compare them, the PS3 shipment would have sold out and i would have to wait till the next import which wont be before another week. so its either today or 1 week from now.

now i really cant wait 1 week. i can wait 2 days but not one week. which version to get :(

not talking about online play. i only want to know about SP. frames, texture. i can have fun online in both consoles. so that is not a problem. but i dont want to buy the PS3 version if it has bad frame rates. or vise versa [ some people saying texture on PS3 is better etc ]

what to do what to do :(

Eric WK

llTll said:
what to do what to do :(

Just get the PS3 version, man. As far as we know, both versions look and perform almost identical. I guess you could wait for tomorrow's reviews to hear it from someone who isn't an Infinity Ward employee, but I doubt they're going to say much different.

PS. My wording may have been weird. To be clear, I'm not from IW, but both Rayme and DKo5 are.


Eric WK said:
Just get the PS3 version, man. As far as we know, both versions look and perform almost identical. I guess you could wait for tomorrow's reviews to hear it from someone who isn't an Infinity Ward employee, but I doubt they're going to say much different.

You're getting 360 right?
llTll said:
I AM SO torn apart right now.

my local import store told me that they got the game on PS3. the Xbox 360 version is 2 to 3 days later. and i still dont know which version to get. if i wait till the xbox 360 version to come out then compare them, the PS3 shipment would have sold out and i would have to wait till the next import which wont be before another week. so its either today or 1 week from now.

now i really cant wait 1 week. i can wait 2 days but not one week. which version to get :(

not talking about online play. i only want to know about SP. frames, texture. i can have fun online in both consoles. so that is not a problem. but i dont want to buy the PS3 version if it has bad frame rates. or vise versa [ some people saying texture on PS3 is better etc ]

what to do what to do :(

I'm going for the ps3 version for free online, both will be great. If you have both consoles with online capabilities then you should base your version on the controller you prefer.


macksplack said:
I'm going for the ps3 version for free online, both will be great. If you have both consoles with online capabilities then you should base your version on the controller you prefer.

i kinda like both controllers too -_-
i dont get the hate of each controllers some gamers here do, i think they are both great. and yeah i have online play for both.

it really just stands on technical side. i cant believe this. how many people here have the PS3 version. many. why no one posted good screens and compared both version directly


EnjoyIncubus said:
This has probably been asked a million times already, but does this game ship Monday or will it be on streets Monday?

The release date is set for Nov 6 correct? Then the choices are: will it be in store Tuesday the 6th? or on Wednesday the 7th. Your best bet is to call GameStop or wherever you buy games and ask. Ask the GameStop employee if the game has a street date of the 6th, or a ship date, and that will tell you all you need to know. I'm betting Wednesday will be the correct day.

Eric WK

Ashhong said:
The release date is set for Nov 6 correct? Then the choices are: will it be in store Tuesday the 6th? or on Wednesday the 7th. Your best bet is to call GameStop or wherever you buy games and ask. Ask the GameStop employee if the game has a street date of the 6th, or a ship date, and that will tell you all you need to know. I'm betting Wednesday will be the correct day.

No. You're off by a day. The ship date is set for Monday, the 5th. So later today, technically, shipments to the major retailers will start going out and those lucky enough will get the game tomorrow afternoon. A great deal of people received their automated preorder messages from Gamestop yesterday.
llTll said:
i kinda like both controllers too -_-
i dont get the hate of each controllers some gamers here do, i think they are both great. and yeah i have online play for both.

it really just stands on technical side. i cant believe this. how many people here have the PS3 version. many. why no one posted good screens and compared both version directly

You are making it hard for me man :D
Don't worry there will be enough comparisons and it will get ugly.

I have wait till friday before it's released in europe*cries*
Hopefully i can score the game earlier.


llTll said:
i kinda like both controllers too -_-
i dont get the hate of each controllers some gamers here do, i think they are both great. and yeah i have online play for both.

it really just stands on technical side. i cant believe this. how many people here have the PS3 version. many. why no one posted good screens and compared both version directly
To be honest it sounds like you are just trying to start a console war here. IW and many people outside of IW have said the game looks the same outside of some small hard to notice things. Both versions run at 60fps, both have excellent textures, both have AA, both have sp and mp. So pick a version and be done with it.

Wait for Gametrailers to do their comparison videos, those are decent.

















about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Ramirez said:
Any snow based MP maps? please please please

Also, how many maps in total?

Yeah, there's one that's downright snowy (that I can recall), and a few more that have "cooler" themes/palettes.

And, there's like 16 maps total.
SnakeXs said:
<3 you too.

Edit: Martyrdom + any "hectic" game type = holy pwnage.

Can't wait to get Claymores, too.

You are killing me, stop stabbing my hart....can't....take..anymore.

I'm so jealous

*cries again*


ugh, it turns out that you up have to rank up to Sergeant II(Lv12) before you can get a clan tag. I'm only level 8 >_<


chapel said:
To be honest it sounds like you are just trying to start a console war here. IW and many people outside of IW have said the game looks the same outside of some small hard to notice things. Both versions run at 60fps, both have excellent textures, both have AA, both have sp and mp. So pick a version and be done with it.

Wait for Gametrailers to do their comparison videos, those are decent.

there is no console war when i really dont know which version to get. also. comparing games is the best for all of us. regarding what fanboys want you to believe, dont you think its better to know which version is better for you before you go buy the game if you are multi console owner?


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
llTll said:
there is no console war when i really dont know which version to get. also. comparing games is the best for all of us. regarding what fanboys want you to believe, dont you think its better to know which version is better for you before you go buy the game if you are multi console owner?

But it's been said before. This title's platform of choice for you is all personal. Controller, online service, and such. Nobody can TELL you anything more, without inciting said console wars.
Would playing the US version on a PAL PS3 lock you out of playing with local players? Would I only be able to play against US people?


SnakeXs said:
But it's been said before. This title's platform of choice for you is all personal. Controller, online service, and such. Nobody can TELL you anything more, without inciting said console wars.
No. no one said anything. no one here aside from the viral marketers in this thread told you anything about comparing both versions. just the viral marketers here trying to tell you that both versions are the same.

anyway, when IGN/Gametrailers/gamespot will review the game?
llTll said:
No. no one said anything. no one here aside from the viral marketers in this thread told you anything about comparing both versions. just the viral marketers here trying to tell you that both versions are the same.

anyway, when IGN/Gametrailers/gamespot will review the game?

Do you even own a 360? Why do you care?


llTll said:
No. no one said anything. no one here aside from the viral marketers in this thread told you anything about comparing both versions. just the viral marketers here trying to tell you that both versions are the same.

anyway, when IGN/Gametrailers/gamespot will review the game?
The employees of IW aren't marketers. The aren't even in PR, just gamers like ourselves that have insider knowledge. They have no benefit from either version looking better than the other, as with both looking the same. I would believe them over any console fanboy.

I don't own both console, so I have one choice (well two but I have more friends on the 360 playing it than PC). If I did own both, I would choose whichever console I had more friends on, or whichever I had better experiences with. It is all personal choice right now, the game looks as close to identical as it can considering they are completely different hardware platforms.


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
Only two more days! Can't _wait_. If I buy a 8800gt I will probably end up playing this through my PC but might make the odd decision of playing it with a controller (just feels better when sitting in a couch).

Captain N

Junior Member
Luckily for me we aren't allowed to work any overtime this week. It's good for me since I'll be able to go right to EB Games and pick up my copy of Call of Duty 4 and play it before my girlfriend gets off of work.


llTll said:
viral marketers

Omg. So awesome. Remind me to register AllIWantForChristmasIsCoD4.com later. Must find video camera and work on hip lingo-speak.

Ahem. But really. I'm going to quote a quote from the OP of this thread. This was Calen, an IW coder and basket-weaver of some repute:

Calen said:
3) There are minor visual differences between the 360 and PS3 versions, due to the platforms being extremely different from an architectural standpoint. This results in us having to make different tradeoffs on both platforms to hit our framerate targets. They're very nearly identical, but you'll be able to pick screenshots in which both versions are "clearly" the better version. They're as close as we could make them without going completely batcrap insane (though whether or not we are already completely batcrap insane is a matter of some debate.)

Tradeoff example: Shadow filtering. We use different techniques on PS3 and 360 to filter shadow edges, which gives them a bit of a different look. I think it's a matter of taste as to which way looks better, but we did it that way because it was the most efficient way to do it on both platforms that yielded a look that was good enough.
I lied about the basket-weaving.


Changed my preorder to the UK version. No matter how little, I´m not taking a cut version (german)!
This said - can´t.fucking.wait.
llTll said:
there is no console war when i really dont know which version to get. also. comparing games is the best for all of us. regarding what fanboys want you to believe, dont you think its better to know which version is better for you before you go buy the game if you are multi console owner?

The controllers are pretty damned different, who cares about the graphics as long as they are close?


all of my posts are my avatar
beermonkey@tehbias said:
The controllers are pretty damned different, who cares about the graphics as long as they are close?

Because for those of us that have both with HDMI and 1080p TV's want to get the most for our money.

IMO 360 controller beter for FPS, PS controlller better for everything else.

But like you said for most people it shoudln't really even matter, bottom line is you HAVE to have this game.
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