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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Just beat the game...Awsome

again another example, i DONT think its too short for the gameplay experience it offers its long enough. No need to drag it.

now i shall venture in the Evil land of Online:D wish i luck


What's up with the lame rap song at the end of the game :/ ?


Has anybody beaten the *Final* mission of the game on Veteran? I think it's impossible at the moment. It's going to take alot of practice and alot of lucky to beat it.


Infinity Ward devs reading this:

This game is my pick for Game of the Year. Thanks for doing it right across all the platforms. Great work.
_dd_ said:
What's up with the lame rap song at the end of the game :/ ?


Has anybody beaten the *Final* mission of the game on Veteran? I think it's impossible at the moment. It's going to take alot of practice and alot of lucky to beat it.

I was complaining about this yesterday. Apparently, they originally gave you 1 min and 30 seconds, but playtesters complained it was too short. So, IW took a look at it again. However, someone managed to beat it in under a minute, so instead of making it easier, they lowered the time to 1 minute. -_-


_dd_ said:
What's up with the lame rap song at the end of the game :/ ?
Heh I think it's great. Written and performed by Mark Grigsby, who is not only the inspiration for and voice actor of the character Griggs in the game, but is also one of our awesome animators.

Have I mentioned recently that I am completely in awe of the entire team here? It's true. They all kick much ass.


Vyse The Legend said:
I was complaining about this yesterday. Apparently, they originally gave you 1 min and 30 seconds, but playtesters complained it was too short. So, IW took a look at it again. However, someone managed to beat it in under a minute, so instead of making it easier, they lowered the time to 1 minute. -_-

Yeah, maybe if you found all 30 intelligence things, and enabled the Infinite Ammo Cheat and hopefully it won't make you reload your gun, it -might- be possible. Shit is unreal though, It's past the point of being hard.


Calen said:
Heh I think it's great. Written and performed by Mark Grigsby, who is not only the inspiration for and voice actor of the character Griggs in the game, but is also one of our awesome animators.

Have I mentioned recently that I am completely in awe of the entire team here? It's true. They all kick much ass.

I hope you didn't take any offense to that. I'm not one to judge rap, I hate it all equally.


SlaughterX said:
I'm still impresserd with how well this game looks and runs on my 3 year PC. If only I could say the same thing about Crysis...

Well the trick with IW and 60 fps is, they normal map almost everything, and the thing with normal maps is, it hardly bumps the polygon count. That's why they can look so nice and run at 60 fps.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
derder said:
I got cod4+3 for $30 at the Apex, NC CircuitCity.
Weird, The CC in Winston-Salem told me the game is $60. Did the discount kick in immediately or did it kick in after they totaled the order?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
sinnergy said:
Well the trick with IW and 60 fps is, they normal map almost everything, and the thing with normal maps is, it hardly bumps the polygon count. That's why they can look so nice and run at 60 fps.
I don't think geometry is the big issue with framerate, however. It seems that heavy shader usage and/or HDR lighting bogs the framerate down more than anything else.

Ratchet and Clank Future, for instance, has a pretty high polygon count (much higher than CoD4, I'd say) but also manages 60 fps.


_dd_ said:
I hope you didn't take any offense to that. I'm not one to judge rap, I hate it all equally.
No offense taken at all, opinions make the world go around...Just making sure people know that Mark isn't just some random voice actor guy :D


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
The lighting in this is superb, pre-baked or not. Very well done. Especially on that tanker level.


sinnergy said:
Well the trick with IW and 60 fps is, they normal map almost everything, and the thing with normal maps is, it hardly bumps the polygon count. That's why they can look so nice and run at 60 fps.
I think I heard in an interview that their COD4 soldiers have less polygons than in COD2
chespace said:
Wow. Just wow.

360 version, ps3 version, whatever it takes - go buy this game!
Go back to the Mass Effect thread, you traitor.


Francias Castiglione said:
Nope, which is too bad. A script function WAS made to do caption cards, but there was simply no time to pepper the game with those comments, make sure they worked in different languages, bugtest that it wasn't breaking the game, etc. The cheat shouldn't be in the game at all, it was so zero-hour. The directive was "ok, go ahead, but if it's broken in any way, it comes straight out, because there's no time to fix any problems it might have". So was there anyone up until 8am making sure everything worked before it was checked-in? MAYBE. Do they still hear that music in their head and see everything in a sepia tone, from time to time? ALSO MAYBE.

Bonus trivia:
The cheat was originally known as "Chaplin OMEGA". Not sure why; sometimes you just have to listen to the voices in your head.

Vyse The Legend said:
How do you enable cheats again? I saw the little window pop up telling me, but I button-mashed by mistake. :lol
When you're playing a mission, pull up the options menu. The cheats can be toggled on/off at any time.

-For the Ragtime cheat, consider playing on Easy, and/or setting your controller sensitivity down. Playing the game at double-speed can be... let's say "challenging yet entertaining".
-The M203 launcher + InfiniteAmmo is a godly weapon. YOU DO NOT EVEN RELOAD, you just keep pumping out death.
-Slow-Mo is a lot of fun for the Max-Payne lover in all of us. Best played if you intone some cool "The past was a gaping hole..."-type lines each time you enter slow-mo and shoot some fool in the head.


Rayme said:
Nope, which is too bad. A script function WAS made to do caption cards, but there was simply no time to pepper the game with those comments, make sure they worked in different languages, bugtest that it wasn't breaking the game, etc. The cheat shouldn't be in the game at all, it was so zero-hour. The directive was "ok, go ahead, but if it's broken in any way, it comes straight out, because there's no time to fix any problems it might have". So was there anyone up until 8am making sure everything worked before it was checked-in? MAYBE. Do they still hear that music in their head and see everything in a sepia tone, from time to time? ALSO MAYBE.

Bonus trivia:
The cheat was originally known as "Chaplin OMEGA". Not sure why; sometimes you just have to listen to the voices in your head.

When you're playing a mission, pull up the options menu. The cheats can be toggled on/off at any time.

-For the Ragtime cheat, consider playing on Easy, and/or setting your controller sensitivity down. Playing the game at double-speed can be... let's say "challenging yet entertaining".
-The M203 launcher + InfiniteAmmo is a godly weapon. YOU DO NOT EVEN RELOAD, you just keep pumping out death.
-Slow-Mo is a lot of fun for the Max-Payne lover in all of us. Best played if you intone some cool "The past was a gaping hole..."-type lines each time you enter slow-mo and shoot some fool in the head.

Maybe that last level is possible XD


Calen said:
Heh I think it's great. Written and performed by Mark Grigsby, who is not only the inspiration for and voice actor of the character Griggs in the game, but is also one of our awesome animators.

Please don't sue me:

Mark Grigsby - COD4 Credits.mp3

http://home.comcast.net/~infamousdd/Mark Grigsby - COD4 Credits.mp3

Recorded from my Xbox


Picked a 360 copy up at Best Buy during lunch. Can't wait to get home and play it. I might have to get the PC version later.


Rayme said:
So was there anyone up until 8am making sure everything worked before it was checked-in? MAYBE. Do they still hear that music in their head and see everything in a sepia tone, from time to time? ALSO MAYBE.
At this time I would like to reiterate my batcrap insane comment from a previous posting.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
DenogginizerOS said:
Are you going to be online playing tonight?

Literally, too many games.

Between Mass Effect, COD4, and VF5 in my possession right now, I honestly don't know which to spend my nights with.

Also, I'm in one of the final encounters of HL2: Episode 2 and I still haven't played Portal.

ARGH. But yeah, if you're online, I will join you!


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
chespace said:
Literally, too many games.

Between Mass Effect, COD4, and VF5 in my possession right now, I honestly don't know which to spend my nights with.

Also, I'm in one of the final encounters of HL2: Episode 2 and I still haven't played Portal.

ARGH. But yeah, if you're online, I will join you!
Launch Day GAFTACULAR!! Let's do this thing!!!


DaCocoBrova said:
This game really is a 'jaw dropper'.

IW did the damn thing. Props.
It really is gorgeous. 60FPS plus amazing animations plus HDR lighting that sets the mood better than any other game I've played (one-ups Halo 3) really does make for a pleasing image. So unbelievably smooth and gorgeous. I undersold the graphics after playing the beta but the SP campaign is quite a step up.

And you're right, 60fps for everything. Ever.

I hope the game picks up when I get home after work but I was a little disappointed with what I played last night. Played out like a scripted shooting gallery with braindead AI. I'm hoping to see some of the later setpieces. Halo 3 has really ruined a lot of COD's SP appeal, for me.
Went to GS to pick up my copy today only for them to tell me that they didn't get their copies due to UPS fucking up. :(

No CoD4 tonite unless my friend was able to pick his up.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Game looks and plays great so far.

Only negative so far is no leaning!! My squad members can lean and look around corners but I can't :(

Preordered Uncharted and Assassin's Creed too :D


Rayme said:
Consider beating it in Normal/Hardened first, and returning to it in Veteran later. =)

I already did :) And I came back and just laughed at how hard it is,
reaching the stairs with only 20 seconds left one time - Only to be shot.
Repeat x80 and I was left only with a broken ego.


On the second (third?) to last mission it was so freaking frustrating. I eventually got to the end and
deactivated the nukes with 6 seconds left.
I was so pumped at that moment. It felt like a movie. Thanks IW.
Torgo said:
It hasn't run at 1080p for me, even though the box says it supports that resolution.

No framerate issues here though (PS3 version)

It's smooth as butter

how is that possible seeing that there has already been video proof it

and video was posted in this thread


For some reason I can't save the pig farmer.

I mean, I save him and he runs into his house ... but I don't get an achievement.

Why Pig Farmer, whyyyyyyy.


_dd_ said:
For some reason I can't save the pig farmer.

I mean, I save him and he runs into his house ... but I don't get an achievement.

Why Pig Farmer, whyyyyyyy.
Did you check your achievement list in the 360 blade? For whatever reason, sometimes I am not getting an achievement popup on my console at home when I did on the dev version, but it still grants me the achievement. That happened to me at home with the Saving Royceowicz achievement at least.


I've only played the first few levels, but god damn this game is beautiful. I'd say it looks fantastic if it was 30 FPS, but 60 FPS makes the whole game pop. Awesome job Infinity Ward.

Note to other devs: Pick a framerate and stick to it.


damn... do I suck at this game... i'm playing on regular and died a lot... i constantly feel confused and disoriented... don't know what to shoot at and where to go... am i missing something? i've played a lot of FPS's and I played of COD1 and COD2 on PC. never felt so frustrated before... :(


Calen said:
Did you check your achievement list in the 360 blade? For whatever reason, sometimes I am not getting an achievement popup on my console at home when I did on the dev version, but it still grants me the achievement. That happened to me at home with the Saving Royceowicz achievement at least.

http://live.xbox.com/en-US/profile/...aspx?tid= ]:`m/l4&compareTo=XdigitalXdeathX

:( Nope. I tried it three times and then gave up for the day. I shot before they threatened him. As they were threatening him, and After I go the "lets save him" from my superior.

Fixed Privacy Settings


I don't care about game length, right? If a game is 6 hours, then I'd rather they keep it at six hours rather than pad it out with artificial length-boosting crap or boring, rushed gameplay. I mean, everything is really well made and shows that so much time has been put into every part.

But after some of the fights in
The Ukraine
, i just wanted more and more and more. The AI isn't perfect, sure, on either side of the firefight, and the more scripted moments can feel claustrophobic (I'm talking the first level, the
), but when the game gives you freedom, it feels like such a first class FPS.

In the same way that Rainbow Six works perfectly when its a series of enclosed rooms, COD4 strives to almost perfection when you have a mix of indoors and outdoors, a mix of ground level and rooftop combat, the ability to:
hold your position and pop off fools who go in the open
flank the enemy by busting through a side building, bundle out the window, shotgun some fools
take a high viewpoint and snipe some dudes

But the game doesn't show it off enough! It's too concerned with amazing explosions, set pieces and funny dialog. I'm all for that stuff, but COD4 also has a brilliant combat system, that isn't shown off to its full potential. You're too often pushed into fighting a certain way or forced to speed through levels at the bidding hands of a timer, but when IW finally loosens the shackles, and give you free roam on a small arena, its absolutley brilliant. I could of stayed in
The Ukraine
for hours longer, but alas, I'll just have to replay the game again and again!

It also reminds me of STALKER, which is a very very good thing.
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