Anyone else having a tough time with the mini-map? It's so hard to read with a simple glance.
Oh well. It was good while it lasted....
The range of guns you can use to even think about getting a decent amount of kills is now around the 3 mark.
BAL, KF5 and the ASM1.
Forget about the MK14, its a joke.
The AK12 gets beaten at range against the KF5.
Urgh. It always come to this. Why can't developers balance for shit?
All that time creating these weapons to be completely fucking useless.
Can you go back and forth between the two once you download the X1 version?
The latency issues are becoming unbearable for me. It's just not fun to shoot a player with 4 bursts and then have them appear to simply spray me for a split second and I die. I don't remember any CoD being this bad.
I feel like im playing against mlg player in mp. Everyone is soo goood while im sucking. Any tip??
Yeah it's terrible in this gameThe latency issues are becoming unbearable for me. It's just not fun to shoot a player with 4 bursts and then have them appear to simply spray me for a split second and I die. I don't remember any CoD being this bad.
if you're running at me with a knife and i shoot you, you should slow down. Fuck this noise where i keep getting knifed and the killcam shows that i put 2 rounds into the person and they don't lose a step. that shit is broken and reminds me too much of the darker times with MW2.
BLOP2 says whats up. lol every CoD is crap connection/network wise the first month or two. I just hope they improve this one. Got so much potential.
BLOPS 2 was not like this. In this game there are weird stutters and jitters, and almost every firefight seems to be way unbalanced from a latency perspective.
BLOPS 2 was not like this. In this game there are weird stutters and jitters, and almost every firefight seems to be way unbalanced from a latency perspective.
I'm already tired of the exo jump aka super bunny hopping matrix dodging suits. Classic COD here I come.
Finally got the sentinel recon exo, half the time I don't realize I'm unlocking anything until I check the armory.
Have been using the marine exo before that just because of how much it looks like a slightly less bulky version of the AYNIK suit.
Ilona not wearing a helmet in themission breaks the game for me. Legit angry right now.Antarctica
So, the animation in this game is great.
The melee animation is unreadable. I have zero idea what I'm actually doing to people when I hit them. It's like this awkward underswing punch, but I thought you had a knife. Guys appear to fly backward like you've bopped them. Sometimes it makes a zapping sound? I think?
Anyone else think it looks/sounds kind of weird? It's just difficult to parse.
The mini map is horrible, horribleAnyone else having a tough time with the mini-map? It's so hard to read with a simple glance.
The latency issues are becoming unbearable for me. It's just not fun to shoot a player with 4 bursts and then have them appear to simply spray me for a split second and I die. I don't remember any CoD being this bad.
Melee is like a slice/uppercut. It's cool to actually get one but man does it feel janky and inconsistent.So, the animation in this game is great.
The melee animation is unreadable. I have zero idea what I'm actually doing to people when I hit them. It's like this awkward underswing punch, but I thought you had a knife. Guys appear to fly backward like you've bopped them. Sometimes it makes a zapping sound? I think?
Anyone else think it looks/sounds kind of weird? It's just difficult to parse.
It makes me miss Titanfall. Something about the exo suit rubs me the wrong way.
It's probably due to how you have to push in the left analog to do side dodges in the air / on the ground. With the way my hands are, it's awkward / not instantly doable. I'm really not a fan of the control scheme.
I admit to being biased, though, due to my messed up hands, but it just doesn't seem to control as smoothly / effortlessly as Titanfall did. Titanfall was a g-damn joy to move at high speed.
As a result, I am enjoying the classic playlists much more.
I have on both systemsSo does anyone have both Xbo and ps4 version? Is MP image quality (ie resolution) really that much better for ps4 then playing on xbl and xbo cobtroller (which I like better).
Having both systems, can't really decide. DF analysis didn't really help imo.
There really isn't a point to use scorestreaks besides the UAV in this game is there? None of them are particularly good at anything. I only use the UAV with Support, Directional, and Speed.
There really isn't a point to use scorestreaks besides the UAV in this game is there? None of them are particularly good at anything. I only use the UAV with Support, Directional, and Speed.
There really isn't a point to use scorestreaks besides the UAV in this game is there? None of them are particularly good at anything. I only use the UAV with Support, Directional, and Speed.
There really isn't a point to use scorestreaks besides the UAV in this game is there? None of them are particularly good at anything. I only use the UAV with Support, Directional, and Speed.
The Vulcan can be useful in Domination, but for the most part I'm not a big fan of the kill streaks.
There really isn't a point to use scorestreaks besides the UAV in this game is there? None of them are particularly good at anything. I only use the UAV with Support, Directional, and Speed.
There really isn't a point to use scorestreaks besides the UAV in this game is there? None of them are particularly good at anything. I only use the UAV with Support, Directional, and Speed.
Can you go back and forth between the two once you download the X1 version?
Does COD AW have Hardcore "Classic" TDM as a playlist?