All platforms are currently P2Px1 or ps4?
All platforms are currently P2Px1 or ps4?
How long was the full campaign??
Wow, this is downloading slow as balls on PSN right now. I have a decently fast wired Ethernet connection and It's using only a fraction of that.
15 missions in total, and for an estimate I'd say near 8 hours.
All platforms are currently P2P![]()
Idk, while it takes some getting used to, I think the binding of the exo movements to the left stick feels pretty natural.
I picked this up on a whim. I'm super happy with it so far. I got up to level 11-12 in 3 matches though which is quicker than usual, but I'm having fun so far. Started on the campaign and it actually looks pretty great as well. Sledgehammer definitely should be at the reigns of cod from now on.
Just finished the campaign on Hardened. SledgeHammer seriously outdid themselves. Not only did I want to actually continue playing mission after mission, but I was generally interested in the story, and what was going to happen next. The graphics are insane in campaign, and the amount of detail literally everywhere is astonishing. Never thought I'd play a Call of Duty game like this.
Kevin Spacey could've had more facetime if I had to complain, though.
And now I need sleep. I've gotten like less then 3 hours of sleep in the past 30 hours because of this game.
Welp. I am highly unimpressed.
Conan/clueless gamer "review"
This is my first cod since MW2 and I am having lots of fun, I suck though
Any noob tips?
SH confirmed dedicated servers will eventually land, but gave absolutely no info beyond that. Ghosts didn't get dedicated servers until a month after launch.What do you mean currently?
Ok I'm in, PS4 version
. Haven't played CoD since CoD4 so kinda looking forward to this.
Stick with the BAL until you get used to the game, there is a learning curve for once
But yeah, more than impressed. Happy with what I got out of it, if albeit (ending spoilers).saddened they killed off Irons, inevitable as it was - would have loved more Spacey, especially seeing it's now set up for sequels
Yeah, I didn't think they would kill him off like that, especially since sequel city was SO obvious beforehand. I figured he would've been the AW's series main antagonist or something, akin to Makarov.
Well we didn't see his dead body and with how crazy this series can get sometimes there's always a chance he could come back and do a ghosts on us.
Cyborg Spacey villain for AW2.
New year, same CoD.
I have to give them some credit for deviating from the formula a little bit with the exo-suit maneuvering.
Makes you wonder though - it's awfully similar to TitanFall's movement, but not as fluid. Surely there are people at Sledgehammer that knew what Respawn was cooking. Was it too late to do something different from them?
Because as it stands, AW's multiplayer is the same old CoD with some attempts to copy TitanFall that just fall flat.
So wait, on the PC you can't just download the single player portion of the game and play it? I HAVE to download multi, too?
What's everyones kd? Just so I can gauge either
a. How shitty I am
b. How hard this game is
Good god I hope its the latter
Helped me a lot
Really impressed by the SP. Really enjoying the MP on PS4.
Am happy
Oh man, I hope not. Lol
But it strikes me as a wasted opportunity. Also super jarring there was no end cutscene.
1.04What's everyones kd? Just so I can gauge either
a. How shitty I am
b. How hard this game is
Good god I hope its the latter
Hasn't been this low since COD4 which was my first online shooter.
Just wondering about the preorder bonuses for this game. Can you later unlock those preorder bonus guns within multiplayer if you didn't preorder the game?
Also is there some level of consensus on which gun's the best in the game? I know people realized the AKs ruled in Blops 1 and 2..