I swear they doubled the aim assist in this game, i feel like im cheating or something. Mash L1+R1 faster then an enemy.. WIN!
quick scope!
I swear they doubled the aim assist in this game, i feel like im cheating or something. Mash L1+R1 faster then an enemy.. WIN!
I swear they doubled the aim assist in this game, i feel like im cheating or something. Mash L1+R1 faster then an enemy.. WIN!
The shotguns suck
It does - constantly. You'll be moving then your reticle just magically follows an enemy behind the wall you're facing. Its atrocious.Yep, I swear aim assist even seems to work through walls now.
I just tried this and wow, the blurry washed out look is completely gone. I did this multiple times to make sure i wasn't seeing things. Holy bad programming batman.
They better fix this shit ASAP.
EDIT- this affects the multiplayer engine too right? I can't check since it signs you out if you don't download the patch.
Yep, I swear aim assist even seems to work through walls now.
Why not?
The shotguns suck
Not overheating - just freezing or outright crashing. From listening to my fan its extremely tame compared to other games like BF3 which make my fan kick on the highest setting almost constantly. My whole gaming are gets warm with BF3 but no change in BO2.Now that im getting some matches in my ps3 is shutting down like its overheating.
Spawn Ops 2. On hijack I spawned on the bow of the ship and ran around the corner - boom - 2 guys on top of one another standing in the doorway I just ran out from. Killcam shows me standing still for a second before moving out the door - he literally spawned about 3 feet behind me, chased me around the corner then got me.I'm having fun, but this is pretty much "Shot in the Back: The Game". It looks like the spawning has the same problems as the last game, and Treyarch still believe every room needs at least eight entrances.
I've said it just two pages prior to your post. Your Up and Downrate have nothing, absolutly nothing to do with your ping.The lag compensation in this game is disgusting. I recently upgraded from 15Mbps to 50 and the lag is extreme.
Even with my connection I'm often getting 2-3 bars, so I assume lag compensation is punishing me for having a decent connection in an attempt to level the playing field. We have a Canadian in our group who lags to shit with a 768kb connection and somehow he dominates the game; even his kill cams are BS (pulling people back from around corners) and show lag compensation is aiding him.
Camping, heartbeat sensors and crouchwalking everywhere is not badass, sorry.
It's happening to a lot of people with low latency connections. There are a bunch of posts about it over the past couple of pages.
I think what's happening is that the netcode tries to level the playing field between players with different latencies. And those of us with low latency connections, especially FIOS and other fiber based connections, are getting screwed. The lag compensation is skewed way too far in favor of those with slower connections. I'm guessing it also excessively punishes the host in order to eliminate their advantage.
I swear they doubled the aim assist in this game, i feel like im cheating or something. Mash L1+R1 faster then an enemy.. WIN!
Then you obviously haven't played it and you just want to convince yourself that softcore is betterIt's fine, hardcore isn't for everyone.
Because neither of those perks affect UAVs.
If you are a casual COD player like myself, I prefer regular over hardcore. Some people, believe it or not, just want to have fun when they play a game......I know its kind of a hard concept to grasp sometimes.
Maybe you should read what I'm replying to before getting hurt man, the guy calls hardcore a mode for 'little girls' which obviously can't be true when every casual and laid back player prefers regular. ( Not that they are 'little girls' but regular is just more forgiving ).
Hardcore kicks your teeth in when you make the tiniest mistake or ain't paying attention for a second.
they have, let someone run by my scope and it'll damn near move me in a half circle without me doing anything. Don't know whats the point of making guns less accurate if you're gonna ramp up aim assist too.
I seriously need to play with some gaffers on 360. I hate every random in this game. Anyone one message me at
GT: xGeneral Ice
switching between ps3 and pc (at 120fps i might add) is quite jarring
What is that like?
I thought so too until I saw THIS. That guy is really good though so it might be the player more than the weapon.
switching between ps3 and pc (at 120fps i might add) is quite jarring
What's up with the game sometimes removing my create a classes and replacing them with high level guns? Mainly only happens when queing Team Deathmatch.
Why would you even buy the PS3 version? Friends I take it? Can't be any other reason...
If you are a casual COD player like myself, I prefer regular over hardcore. Some people, believe it or not, just want to have fun when they play a game......I know its kind of a hard concept to grasp sometimes.
Then you obviously haven't played it and you just want to convince yourself that softcore is betterIt's fine, hardcore isn't for everyone.
Why did they up the damage of everything anyway, did we ever get a real reason?
Why did they up the damage of everything anyway, did we ever get a real reason?
It's the netcode/lag comp and auto-aim/hit-detection. These are statistically the weakest guns in the series.Why did they up the damage of everything anyway, did we ever get a real reason?
The first day of this game felt great for me, I was untouchable. I was basically running around like an idiot killing everything, had a 2.8 k/d and I was just dicking around. 2 days later and I'm struggling to go positve. dunno what changed for me, but I've seen both sides of lag compensation, and it's not pretty being on the wrong end of things.
yeah, usually i can stomach cod pretty easily coz im running around most of the time, but this time round it looks like shit on ps3