Must... get... Ghost... !
Wish they would have fixed the slow unlocks for Search and Destroy, if you want to unlock things playing SnD then you have to either do exceptionally well or play a different mode.
What everyone KD and W/L ratio so far?
I'm at .88 so far (last two days have been brutal) and 1.18 for W/L
Anyone else on PC find the sound mix is really muffled?
...Does anyone have any experience using the rapid fire attachment on an LMG? Curious if it's worth leveling up to get to or not.
someone's using LMGs?
.88 as well. No idea what my W/L is. I was able to get around a 1.22 for for Black ops and MW 3.
I started off very poorly and I continue to struggle with this game. At this point I don't think I will ever have a positive KDR. I dug myself too far into a hole.
It def used to be 500 pointsI don't find it too bad, perhaps I just like being 'forced' to use the entire spectrum of a gun, from no scope, to RDS, grips and working towards a silencer. So boring when you have a decked out gun in 2 rounds.
On another note, my primary complaint about S&D is the pathetic amount of points you get. My friend playing domination is just pulling ahead big-time, I'm playing more than him, doing better than him but my progression is just slow. Didn't we use to get something like 500 per kill in the old days?
It def used to be 500 points
Thanks, made a thread for it:Well, looks like the sales haven't slowed down. $500 million in the first 24 hours, $100 million MORE than Modern Warfare 3.
I played COD4, MW2 and BO1 on consoles, and BO2 on PC somehow doesn't feel much better.
It's also very inconsistent, in some rounds it seems that i can't be killed and in others it's constant instadeath for me regardless of the weapon i got killed with.
It's always been like that though. I need to learn the damn maps so I can do some hardcore SnD already.You still get 500xp apparently, but only shows 100 for your streak.
I'm talking about having to get kills to unlock things for your weapons, in SnD you get much fewer kills than in other modes so I think it should count more towards weapon attachment unlocks.
We're kidding ourselves if we think that campers aren't going to just unlock ghost with their first prestige and have it forever more. Hiding it at level 55 kinda becomes meaningless when you think about it.
There does seem to be something strange going on with this game's netcode. It's almost as if I get online, and I'm either great or I'm bad. There is no middle ground. Kinda makes me think something funny is going on behind the scenes.
For example, I got on from 7-9pm yesterday and was doing work. Probably a 2 k/d.
Then I got on from 10-midnight, and had a k/d of about .8 for those 2 hours.
How can someone be really good, and then really bad like that? I wasn't playing differently, and I was using the same weapons/perks. Very frustrating. :/
It's always been like that though. I need to learn the damn maps so I can do some hardcore SnD already.
Damn, 28hrs in 4 days?Is it just me or is it faster to rank up in this game?
stats so far..
Oh ok. Nice SPM btw (think I'm below 200 lol).No, in 8 days. (got the game early)
I'm just gonna enjoy it now before the eventual grand migration to Ghost where everyones a sneaky snake.
I'll deal with it then, for now red dots everywhere!
Damn, 28hrs in 4 days?
yea I don't see many people using them, mostly smg's, but I use LMGs all the time, curious if anyone could let me know their opinion if rapid fire on an LMG is worth the attachment slot/leveling up time....
someone's using LMGs?
yea I don't see many people using them, mostly smg's, but I use LMGs all the time, curious if anyone could let me know their opinion if rapid fire on an LMG is worth the attachment slot/leveling up time.
BO1 on PC had shitty netcode as well even with the dedicated servers.
I was at .88 the other day. I brought it up to 1 and I think I'll be able to get it to 1.5 by the end of the weekend. A big help has been running lower kill streaks but utilizing the care package. I get alot of cool free killstreaks from it.
Speaking with Destructoid, Vonderhaar said Treyarchs Black Box metrics collection system allows him to go straight to the numbers when people complain, so he can verify or more frequently dismiss balancing critque.
Theres a lot of instrumentation in this game, theres a lot of data logging, so I know exactly what the power band of a weapon is at all times, he said.
I can combine how something feels with how its actually behaving. I know, I know this is going to happen: a million people are going to Tweet me and tell me that the [for example] PDW 57 is overpowered, Vonderhaar what are you doing? What Ill do is I can go and look at the math and Ill go Actually, you know what dude? Youre just good with it. Have fun, because the math says that its not overpowered.
The developer said that if a weapon is overpowered the data means hell know it for real and averages will demonstrate that much of peoples complaints about certain weapons are emotional reactions.
Like not because someone said it was, or because I felt it was, or because you sent me an angry Tweet because you got killed by the SRM Shotgun one night 17 times so youre mad. The data will tell me the truth, he said.
Im just going to kill people with facts [with] this game when they come over and go This thing is OP. Im going to go Actually its not OP, youre wrong. Im not going to yell at them or anything, Im just going to tell them the truth. I dont have to hide this stuff from people, just drop knowledge bombs on guys. Its gotta be done. What people are doing is reacting emotionally, and Im like a really emotional guy so I get it.
Vonderhaar added that you cant let Twitter design the videogame, but acknowledged that he understands why fans invested in the game want to talk to him via social media.
Im the best guy for them to talk to, someone who can actually make decisions about the game is infinitely better than talking to somebody who has no control over what actually happens. I think its better that way, even if it comes with this whole new level of responsibility and possibly headache. Its worth it in the end. Im glad for it and Im glad for them, honestly, he said.
We're kidding ourselves if we think that campers aren't going to just unlock ghost with their first prestige and have it forever more. Hiding it at level 55 kinda becomes meaningless when you think about it.
There does seem to be something strange going on with this game's netcode. It's almost as if I get online, and I'm either great or I'm bad. There is no middle ground. Kinda makes me think something funny is going on behind the scenes.
For example, I got on from 7-9pm yesterday and was doing work. Probably a 2 k/d.
Then I got on from 10-midnight, and had a k/d of about .8 for those 2 hours.
How can someone be really good, and then really bad like that? I wasn't playing differently, and I was using the same weapons/perks. Very frustrating. :/
Those Guardian things are pretty fucking annoying.
So how is the campaign? It seems kind of .... good?
There does seem to be something strange going on with this game's netcode. It's almost as if I get online, and I'm either great or I'm bad. There is no middle ground. Kinda makes me think something funny is going on behind the scenes.
Oh my god FAL with Suppressor and Select Fire is g-g-godlike.
I get creamed in Domination too. It seems tougher this year. Anytime a team captures B, it's over. Trying to cap B again is impossible.Man, really got my ass handed to me in Domination last night. I think I need to stay off that mode until I learn the maps a bit better.
My skill definitely decreases with every drink, too...
I'll be gonna drop some truth on you, man. Here's the deal. Not gonna sugar coat it or nothing. You're just really really good with it. Everyone is just really really really good with it. The stats. Can't fool the stats. Quit being emotional.I think it's only a matter of time before the FAL gets nerfed
This campaign is pretty freaking gruesome!
Late game spoilersOn the carrier mission, they cut the science girl's throat then held her head back as she bled out.... holy shit! The camera didnt shy away or anything. Wasnt expecting that. Also the whole exchange with Hudson, Mason, Woods, Menendez at the end of Panama... that was pretty morbid too. They sure didn't pull any punches.
No, MW2 had the best netcode in the series and the fact that they changed it with Black Ops is not a theory. Posting this same video again:Well....there was this theory since mw2 that something is " going on " with each cod and their netcode. I forgot what it was called but it was very indepth with how "fair" the series is.