Only had to work half a day today
If anyone wants to party up my gamertag 360 is in my profile.
My KDR went down slightly last night. I'm hoping it'll go up with more people playing this weekend.
Some thoughts about the multi: I'm level 40, and I can confirm what others have said about the sound of footsteps, or knifing not being loud enough. I have Sennheiser 360s hooked up to an astro mixamp and I've tried a few of the presets to no avail. No, I haven't unlocked awareness yet but I was under the impression that awareness only increases the distance you can hear, not the volume. So it probably won't make much of a difference.
Treyarch tried to stop the sound whoring and camping with the changes in Ghost and the volume of footsteps/actions. But I think they went a bit too far in one direction. Bring some of the environment sounds up (ladder, creaky wood floor, using BB or claymore) and make it so if an enemy runs up behind me I can hear them, but if they crouch walk or walk slowly I can't.
And Ghost now completely goes hand in hand with shotguns and SMGs because you're constantly clearing rooms with those load outs.