The Xtortionist
Worst netcode I've ever seen. Not sure where they went wrong since MW2 had it so good.
Did MW2 have lag compensation?
why the hell are the footsteps so low in the game?
The more I think about it, the worse this game is.
1.The lag compensation and netcode in general-
I can't tell you the number of times I've had a party break up in this game. I seriously can't. There's the whole matchmaking bug where it looks to balance teams as well but that'll probably get fixed. Then we have matches where everybody and I mean everybody has a red bar and the games are unplayable. I've had that happen five or so times and holy fuck is it frustrating. Then there is the lag compensation. I personally haven't had too bad time because of it but I can definitely tell it's there and it's annoying due to the spamming of the SMGs.
2.The Maps-
They're as a whole, not as bad as MW3 but they're not much better either. All of them are pretty much CQC meaning the SMGs have an ungodly advantage over pretty much everything. I'm not opposed to multiple entrances for a spot so that's fine, however the amount of headglitching in this game is insane. There are maps where you literally have chokepoints full of headglitching, case in point being Slums. Also since the maps are so damn small, they make Objective based games, explosion heaven. Domination is close to near constant explosions going off in the background.
3.The Quickscoping-
Somehow this is worse than ever. Even in MW2 or MW3, it wasn't that bad or prevalent. It's mostly due to the whole OHK for any bodypart from a sniper making them godawful.
4.Weapon Balancing-
The SMGs are king. Yes there are times when the ARs can be useful but in general, you will get rushed and you better pray you have a SMG. The firing rate, accuracy, lack of recoil, and damage make them ridiculously good compared to the other classes. No other COD was ever this bad and it truly has become a spray and pray game.
I like the concept of them but they made the higher streaks way too inaccessible. There will probably be a handful of people that will ever call in the dogs legit or get the swarm without a carepackage. That poses a problem as nobody will bother trying and just stick to the lower streaks which means you have a plethora of UVAs everywhere as nobody is going to take a risk on getting some insane number of kills in a row, especially when the points per kill are reduced in objective type games.
6.The Unlock System-
Ghost being level 55 is bullshit and highly biased against lower ranked players. It seems they did it to avoid camping but people used it in legit ways for flanking and this really fucked over a lot of people. It's insanely stupid. The rest of the system is a complete step down from Black Ops 1 which let you do what you want, when you wanted to.
7.Spawn System-
COD has never had a great spawn system but this is probably the worst of them all, even of MW3. There have been times when people have spawned 10 feet in front of me and I shot them in the back. I've never seen it this blatant before. It's a complete mess and on certain gametypes such as Hardpoint, it becomes a gigantic clusterfuck because the game doesn't know how to handle spawning people away from the action and not directly in someone's line of sight.
In short, the multiplayer is the worst since MW2 and MW2 only takes the lead because of the exploits and glitches. Many of the above have been problems in prior COD games but it's worse than ever in BO2.
Treyarch is running all the servers this time, so no admins to decide how the game is played. The servers felt a bit laggy when the game launched, but I've had 2 days of lag-free play so maybe it's gotten better. I'd wait for more impressions on that.
The only improvements here are related to performance (you can hit 200fps), controls (kb/mouse feels amazing), and actual servers. Everything else depends on who you ask. I am having a great time with friends. I'm enjoying the maps, and I'm loving my current go-to class. I don't know if I'd have as much fun without my group.
Lag hasn't been an issue for me on the West Coast here. I'm having fun for the first time in years with COD. Too bad the feeling isn't mutual it seems.
Say what you will about MW2-but that games netcode was glorious. Ran smooth as butter and hit detection was perfect. The problem was weapon/perk balancing and abuse which probally would have been fixed if the whole IW debacle hadn't gone down.
Say what you will about MW2-but that games netcode was glorious. Ran smooth as butter and hit detection was perfect. The problem was weapon/perk balancing and abuse which probally would have been fixed if the whole IW debacle hadn't gone down.
The more I think about it, the worse this game is.
1.The lag compensation and netcode in general-
I can't tell you the number of times I've had a party break up in this game. I seriously can't. There's the whole matchmaking bug where it looks to balance teams as well but that'll probably get fixed. Then we have matches where everybody and I mean everybody has a red bar and the games are unplayable. I've had that happen five or so times and holy fuck is it frustrating. Then there is the lag compensation. I personally haven't had too bad time because of it but I can definitely tell it's there and it's annoying due to the spamming of the SMGs.
2.The Maps-
They're as a whole, not as bad as MW3 but they're not much better either. All of them are pretty much CQC meaning the SMGs have an ungodly advantage over pretty much everything. I'm not opposed to multiple entrances for a spot so that's fine, however the amount of headglitching in this game is insane. There are maps where you literally have chokepoints full of headglitching, case in point being Slums. Also since the maps are so damn small, they make Objective based games, explosion heaven. Domination is close to near constant explosions going off in the background.
3.The Quickscoping-
Somehow this is worse than ever. Even in MW2 or MW3, it wasn't that bad or prevalent. It's mostly due to the whole OHK for any bodypart from a sniper making them godawful.
4.Weapon Balancing-
The SMGs are king. Yes there are times when the ARs can be useful but in general, you will get rushed and you better pray you have a SMG. The firing rate, accuracy, lack of recoil, and damage make them ridiculously good compared to the other classes. No other COD was ever this bad and it truly has become a spray and pray game.
I like the concept of them but they made the higher streaks way too inaccessible. There will probably be a handful of people that will ever call in the dogs legit or get the swarm without a carepackage. That poses a problem as nobody will bother trying and just stick to the lower streaks which means you have a plethora of UVAs everywhere as nobody is going to take a risk on getting some insane number of kills in a row, especially when the points per kill are reduced in objective type games.
6.The Unlock System-
Ghost being level 55 is bullshit and highly biased against lower ranked players. It seems they did it to avoid camping but people used it in legit ways for flanking and this really fucked over a lot of people. It's insanely stupid. The rest of the system is a complete step down from Black Ops 1 which let you do what you want, when you wanted to.
7.Spawn System-
COD has never had a great spawn system but this is probably the worst of them all, even of MW3. There have been times when people have spawned 10 feet in front of me and I shot them in the back. I've never seen it this blatant before. It's a complete mess and on certain gametypes such as Hardpoint, it becomes a gigantic clusterfuck because the game doesn't know how to handle spawning people away from the action and not directly in someone's line of sight.
In short, the multiplayer is the worst since MW2 and MW2 only takes the lead because of the exploits and glitches. Many of the above have been problems in prior COD games but it's worse than ever in BO2.
7. It reminds me a lot of BF3's spawn system, which means it's fucking awful.
I just prestige how do I spend the token on ghost I don't see it anywhere.
Did MW2 have lag compensation?
Activision's dedicated servers won't resolve much. If you get anything below 4 bars, the quality becomes comparable to MW2 PC, which had the worst netcode of any CoD on the platform (which I guess says more about what console player have to put up with). BO2 PC nearly gets there when you're not in a 4 bar server.MW2 had the best netcode of the bunch. And I have to agree with the above, about half of my kill cams actually show what I actually did.
This whole 'lag compensation' garbage just screams trying too hard. It doesn't work right. Give us Dedis.LOL right, acti is waay too cheap
OMG fuck this game so hard. This is the shittiest, crappiest, most annoying fucking campaign in COD history. And whoever invented those strike force missions needs to jump off a fucking bridge.
Went back and checked my stats for Black Ops and MW3. My K/D was around 1.6 and 1.7
In Black Ops 2?
1. I believe you and everyone else here that this is a big problem, but I haven't experienced it much. I've been using the best search option, if I ever have below three bars I quit, if more than one other person in the match has below 3 bars I quit. My experience has been good, other than the weird hitches and a couple server errors where the game just crashes back to the matchmaking screen.
2. I disagree. I think most of them are great, lots of options for using all the equipment (I'm playing with friends at times so there's some teamwork happening). Drone, Raid, Turbine, and Cargo are all fantastic. Express, Carrier and Meltdown are also pretty good (I seem to do really well on these maps is the main reason really). Also just from a visual standpoint everything is way more appealing than all of MW3's walled in on all sides rat mazes.
3. Quickscoping is still in the game. I get killed most by either spawning in front of one, or they behind me. Spawn system (especially in free-for-all) seems to be the big problem.
4. SMGs are good, but I barely use them at all and I do fine (MP7 is a nice gun though). A lot of other guns are perfectly viable/better options in many cases.
5. I think I agree with you totally about this. However UAVs everywhere is great for me since I'm running 2 black hats with most of my classes
6. The problem with Black Ops was I unlocked exactly what I wanted and then didn't care to experiment more. I think I lost interest faster than with MW1 & 2 because of this. Blops2 hamster wheel seems designed to keep more people playing longer I guess. It looks to take some cues from Bf3, just keep unlocking shit forever.
7. It reminds me a lot of BF3's spawn system, which means it's fucking awful.
life is unfair. It's definitely more balanced and to keep a higher KD, you'll have to play smarter. I was at a 2.7 on BO1 and I just managed to get my KD up to a 2.0 in this game so it's just the approach to the game needs to be different .
Also this is probably my favorite COD since MW1.
Went back and checked my stats for Black Ops and MW3. My K/D was around 1.6 and 1.7
In Black Ops 2?
MW 2 - 2.0, BO - 2.2, MW3 - 2.5 , BO2 - 2.35 ( and only going up)
SMGs are overpowered, but you just have to learn to play with sight lines is you use an AR. Keep as much distance as possible... The FAL, if you can aim, is beastly. Been going 22-0, 27-1, etc. all night with it, since I just unlocked it.
I've had less lag issues than MW3 so far, and I have a pretty crappy internet connection of 5 mbps, With MW2 and BO I used to have a 30 mbps connection and it plays the same now as it did then.
Once you learn how the game plays and how to get your K/D up, you'll realize how great this game is, besides the issues with matchmaking which take forever to get a match at the beginning with a big group.
This is easily the most fun I've had on a COD game since MW2, and I loved BO1.
Edit: As for spawn points, they have been good to me, always spawn me as far away as possible from the other team, once in awhile it won't, but nothing is perfect, the worst map for spawning though, is the Cruise Ship, you can spawn camp it all day since it's too small.
Lag compensation is for people with terrible connections.
I think the metagame on the PS3 has started to calm down a little bit. Don't get bullshit spawns nearly as much, firefights feel like less of clusterfucks, and I can actually predict routes to a certain degree now. Most of the times tonight when spawns were weird was because I tried to push too far into the enemy spawn.
my connection is a 60mb/s. Is this because of the lag compensation that i always have the feeling everyone can move before i can move my character when a game is started?
Nah, I hated MW3, the lag was unbearable. BO2 I have no issues.. MW3 lag compensation is supposed to be much greater.
This. It seems that people have learned the maps, and now I can predict where people are going and actually get a flow on each map.
I shouldn't be punished for having better Internet than others. Looks like I'm going to be playing in my backyard on wi-fi so I don't get bullshitted with this awful compensation.
6.The Unlock System-
Ghost being level 55 is bullshit and highly biased against lower ranked players. It seems they did it to avoid camping but people used it in legit ways for flanking and this really fucked over a lot of people. It's insanely stupid. The rest of the system is a complete step down from Black Ops 1 which let you do what you want, when you wanted to.
I dont understand the rationale for these insta-kill score streaks like lightning strike or that paper plane thing you throw.
E.g. In the past you could be taking a flag, get an alert that an airstike is incoming, using some experience understand its probably heading your way - giving your a sporting chance to perform an action movie getaway if youre good enough. Now???
When you create a class you'll have one perma unlock token that you can use. It's accessed w/ one of the bumpers/L1 I think.