This game is bad. I get Open NAT with all other games and this game shows moderate/strict all the time.
I'm using a static ip for PS3, DMZ, QOS etc etc. *rage*
I don't see that I can get the thermal scope... am I missing it? I'm a surgeon with it in MW3. I'll need it here.
Yeah, Pistols are okay in this game.Pistols > Assault Rifles?
Once again, Aftermath what a shit show that is.
Thermal is called Dual Band in this game and it's only on LMGs, Sniper Rifles, and the Crossbow.So I played it for a while. PS3 version.
I've been bossing it on certain levels like the yacht stage but suck terribly on stages like the one in the desert with the plane in the middle.
Match making glitches need to go.
Sound is WAY better than MW3. MW3 didn't sound uncompressed. This does. And the surround sound is much better as well.
I don't see that I can get the thermal scope... am I missing it? I'm a surgeon with it in MW3. I'll need it here.
Overall decent game. I'm going to play it more to find out if I truly like it. Not a large fan of the Treyarch versions but since the other team is a shell of its former self, I guess it doesn't matter who COD is made by as long as they polish and expand on what's come before.
Oh! And I can't stand the unskippable intros! Why do I have to wait over 45 seconds to get to the game???
Ah thanks! Was trying to use the Go Prone and Prone Toggle buttons to do it, didn't even realize there was also a Change Stance button that works console style (press to crouch, hold to go prone) that I can set to CTRL and solve the prone/crouch control issues I was having in my gameplay by having them in separate buttons.Sprint and press change stance button, C if you haven't changed it.
Came up with this today, it's a pretty good "anti-bullshit" class, try it if you're having difficulties. Not going to fix lag comp, of course, but....
Ghost (Prevents bullshit UAV kills)
Cold Blooded (Prevents bullshit target finder kills)
Engineer (Prevents bullshit shock/bettie kills)
FAL OSW w/Target Finder, Grip, Select Fire (via Primary Gunfighter)
One bettie, one shock.
It's stupid as hell, I agree. I'm hoping this stuff gets fixed with these "backend, hotfix, patch" stuff. Having it open actually has improved my game it seems.
I think target finder is the new thermal. It's actually pretty good. There is a perk that works against showing the red box on the enemy, but that really isn't a problem. There's also the MMS scanner that detects heat signatures within 25m, but it's sooo slow.
Yeah, Pistols are okay in this game.
Thermal is called Dual Band in this game and it's only on LMGs, Sniper Rifles, and the Crossbow.
You can set the game up to boot straight to MP from the menus. It's quite a bit faster.
Worst map-Turbine or Cargo?
Worst map-Turbine or Cargo?
I don't get the Turbine hate. :|
It's probably my favorite map.
I would says either slums or overflow for me. Cargo is certainly up there.
So shock/bettie are bullshit skills but you run with them yourself?![]()
FAL + SUPRESSOR+ SLECT FIRE + GRIP = my dick sohard
MSMC + Laser + Long Barrel + FMJ = Holy shit
Wow. I have been running with Maxillians Robocop class and I'm having So much fun! I've finally got my KD into positive numbers.
So I tried theh FAL select fire with a surpressor and target finder. Holy shit, I want it to have my babies.
We agree? Tha fuckkkkk.
Firing RangeTurbine is awful.
I want Firing Range back.
Select fire severely gimps the FAL's rate of fire. It might work for you, but a setup with FAL select fire is inherently weaker than one without.Not sure how anyone could argue that's not one of the most solid setups.
Got the Loadstar in a care package. Oh. My. LOL. Its so amazing. Got 25 kills with it
Does Treyarch have a patch notes/hotfix notes list like they had with the original Black Ops?