I had a 1080p playlist playing on my PC while streaming 3 radio stations (Winamp, 2 in browser) while the wife clucked around on the laptop upstairs and I had another radio station streaming on my phone.Hm.. fuck it I don't care anymore. Wanna win? Forget NAT leave it open. Forget DMZ leave it on UPnP if that's what you have already. I wasted weeks on that and redoing my connections and contemplated a better monitor or a wired controller. Forget headphones, Awareness perk, drop shotting, etc. Nothing worked. I'm always behind. Leave Search quality on Best. I played with extreme concentration and that didn't work.
Just stream a 1080p video while playing. If that's not enough stream 2. Go to Youtube set a filter for long videos.
Boom. You'll run circles around your enemies. Where you aim is where you hit. Your bullets will land on your opponent not to the left or right, and you'll get the shots around the corner and your spins in CQC will start first. You'll be the guy who they keep watching the Killcam and Theater about. Your shots will land where they belong, like magic. You don't need to drop it to 1 bar. It'll still show 4, possibly 3. As an added bonus you'll never get host.
Do it before every match.
The fuckin game is broken. If you're anything like me you'll realize its not even worth playing competitive games anymore. MW2 worked normally but nothing since. Fuck CoD and fuck Activision. Your shit makes more than Quake and Unreal ever did combined and it makes it annually. Bring back dedicated servers. Leave matchmaking where it belongs. Coop games and fighting games (1on1).
Well I can't say how big your bandwidth is, but when I stream multiple things it borks something enough to kill the games desire to give me host or even lag comp and it just works. Everything works like in the old games. I get top scores, hitmarkers on the enemies instead of thin air when it feels like it and I feel like Neo in the Matrix. Maybe your bandwidth is higher than mine.I had a 1080p playlist playing on my PC while streaming 3 radio stations (Winamp, 2 in browser) while the wife clucked around on the laptop upstairs and I had another radio station streaming on my phone.
4 bar connection. Why? BANDWIDTH isnt the issue - its PING. You can soak all the bandwidth you want and it wont make a difference.
I also tried tethering my PS3 to my Nexus and throttled data down to "Edge" network. Took about 45 seconds to sign into PSN, about a minute to connect to COD servers, about 2 minutes to find a server and I got...
4 bars. I had 1 bar on my damn phone.
How the shit does the netcode get 4 bars while on "Edge" (TMO)?
My guess is that the COD servers are getting everyone's ping wrong - how I have no clue.
I could give a shit if 1 player (the host) has a small advantage. If they really wanted a better workaround to that issue hey should limit how many times he can host - like 1 match out of 10. Instead we get netcode so shitty the game remains unplayable since it is based off of the lowest ping.
Fuck that. People pay money for good connections - and we are penalized for it.
I want to recall that the netcode actually does that too, switches host after every match. Which just exacerbates the problem because you can't even counteract the bullshit lag by sticking with a good lobby. They make some very frustrating decisions.I could give a shit if 1 player (the host) has a small advantage. If they really wanted a better workaround to that issue hey should limit how many times he can host - like 1 match out of 10. Instead we get netcode so shitty the game remains unplayable since it is based off of the lowest ping.
Got my Karl Pilkington on deck.
The Chicom CQB in Hardcore TDM is like a win button...
Last few matches:
The spawns are screwing me over more than anything else.
After spawning directly on a Bouncing Betty three times today, I had to put the game down.
A large portion of my deaths occur from spawning on explosives like grenades, semtex, betty and lightning strikes.The spawns are screwing me over more than anything else.
After spawning directly on a Bouncing Betty three times today, I had to put the game down.
This game needs to nerf all the hipfire scrub BS.
The spawns are screwing me over more than anything else.
After spawning directly on a Bouncing Betty three times today, I had to put the game down.
I just played a match with some guy who got six kills on me of those six kills not a single one was he aiming down the sights and least one of the kills was 50+ feet away. Something needs to be done when 2/3rds of all guns in every match are SMGs with a laser sight.
Can Treyarch even fix the spawns for this game?
Black Ops 1 spawns took a while to get fixed and it wasn't perfect. Since the maps in this game are MW3-level, we'll probably never see a decent reworking for the spawn system
lol yesterday I was on Hijacked Domination and I spawed and died in the same spot 6 times with a dude ADS'd a couple feet away from me. I was like "hello? I've died here way too many times, how about you spawn me on the other side of the ship now? >_>"
I guess they could do permanent sides but then people would complain about spawn camping.
Thats better than what it is now though.
Is it confirmed you get everything unlocked when you hit final Prestige? I haven't seen anything from the devs that confirms it and I doubt anyone actually hit it yet.
I hate this unlock token limitation crap but I don't really want to waste time grinding to max if I'm still going to be stuck with only 55 unlocks.
Is it confirmed you get everything unlocked when you hit final Prestige? I haven't seen anything from the devs that confirms it and I doubt anyone actually hit it yet and I don't see a source in the OP.
I hate this unlock token limitation crap but I don't really want to waste time grinding to max if I'm still going to be stuck with only 55 unlocks.
I don't even think about my unlock tokens. I have like 25 sitting around. I feel like by the time you hit a few prestige you'll know what stuff you'd even ever use.
Just try different stuff and unlock the stuff you like. You don't need all the attachments to all guns unlocked.
It's a wider spread than it ever was with Steady Aim, lol. I've had bad luck with hipfire; seems as random as always.They certainly do. They really did make it too easy with this one.
It's when you fill four lines in a row on kill feed.Just went 13 - 0 in a S&D match, guy messages me "Quad feed ftw!!!!!!" - The hell does that mean?
I guess they could do permanent sides but then people would complain about spawn camping.
Thats better than what it is now though.
Can we get a tutorial for the pilkington emblem its brilliant!!
It's when you fill four lines in a row on kill feed.
Just went 13 - 0 in a S&D match, guy messages me "Quad feed ftw!!!!!!" - The hell does that mean?
Yes, confirmed:Is it confirmed you get everything unlocked when you hit final Prestige? I haven't seen anything from the devs that confirms it and I doubt anyone actually hit it yet and I don't see a source in the OP.
A quad is killing four people at the same time, quad feed is doing it quickly but with a second or two between each kill.If I'm not mistaken it means quad kill, like your gamer tag came up 4 times in a row for kills.
You mean hip fire with xx gun then melee in the face? UC3 was so bad when I got it, sold it a week later lol.
There is nothing more infuriating then a teammate stealing your care package with a Black Hat PDA while you are attempting to re-roll the package.
As bad as spawns are now, getting spawn camped would be much, much worse.
Just the ability to do it would mean most matches would start then be a race to see who could spawn trap the other team first. "Fun" would be spawn trapping the other team. Losing would mean getting spawn trapped. Fuck that.
I have all consoles as well as a PC.
I take it that the PC is the best version to play this on ?
For some reason, I'm tempted by the Wii U version... Mostly for remote play on the gamepad.
I wouldn't mind if I never see Cargo or Carrier ever again
I have all consoles as well as a PC.
I take it that the PC is the best version to play this on ?
For some reason, I'm tempted by the Wii U version... Mostly for remote play on the gamepad.
I don't know they could do other stuff like if half the other team is within a certain distance of the spawn your team switches sides with the other team.
or only 3 spawn points per side, spawn in the furthest from the enemy(would be hard to do on a map like Hijacked)
Id personally much rather be spawn camped than
take 2 steps get shot from behind, respawn in somebody's sight, respawn across the map from my entire team, repeat.
its just too random right now, if you knew the general area you'd spawn in that would already be a huge help.
You can do that? Holy shit.![]()
Cargo is a great map, though. One of the only ones where there's not 10 different flank points to any given area.