Turned on, you got killed, then knifed and rage quitted ... yeah well, no thanks.
There goes my night.
So, next game after you rage quitted again being 10-20 behind, searched for a game, got the same game and rage quitted again ...Ive played for 11 hours straight. That was the only time i rage quited, and it was because of lag. Its hard to not get frustrated.![]()
Turned on, you got killed, then knifed and rage quitted ... yeah well, no thanks.
Digital Foundry noted the PS3 version dipped to 20 fps at times in blops. On top of that, the PS3 version suffered from a reduced resolution of 960x544.
If it lags, i leave. Simple as that.PC CoD and server browser? what year are you living in? 2006?
And yeah, stream guy is the reason why cod/halo and so on is full of idiots these days.
Btw, haven't bought a CoD since MW1. Used to play the hardcore modes since, well ... 2 headshots or so were no safe kill on normal.
Looks like the old hardcore is normal now? One throwing knife to the knee, two shots to the chest ... meh. Don't know if I'm going to buy this.
Oh, and no radar was awesome ...
So, next game after you rage quitted again being 10-20 behind, searched for a game, got the same game and rage quitted again ...
I'll have my eyes checked on Monday.
Fucking hell, the Wii version isn't far below that
I wonder why the PS3 version was so gimped. I asumed from the excellent Wii ports that Treyarch is one hell of a dedicated developer.
PS3 Version:
- Nuketown Code doesnt work yet
- 1.02 Patch 56MB
- Optional Multiplayer install 1837MB (installs pretty fast)
people have been asking that every year
they dont give a shit, it will sell enough to not care for next year either. xbox is their lead sku and as long as that works they can show it off and run to the bank.
nothing will change until a new engine is used or they feel the need to optimize for the ps3.......which wont happen until sales drop. so circular logic
Thanks for this info. Can you hear the Disc Spinning loud after the install?
Please forgive my ignorance, who is Wartek?
Ghost is a lvl 55 unlock right now, so everybody appears on radar.
UAV = Blackbird right now.
It's so fucking frustrating playing against people who know where you are at all times.
And it all comes down to teammates who give them one UAV, which then leads to unlimited UAVs from there team, while my team loses 75-35 or in that ballpark.
Or occasionally, it's the other way around and i do well cause of UAVs.
EDIT: Counter UAV is a high lvl unlock as well.
If it lags, i leave. Simple as that.
Eh... I'll have to play a bit but that Ghost nerf is extremely disappointing. I'd rather they go the other way and remove UAV from the game to make people actually become aware instead of staring at their radar all game like clueless cunts. I hope they recognize the frustration and give us a playlist without UAV.
Well so far so good. Plays great, maps are far better than the MW3 ones. They are open but you never feel exposed. So far the UAV's havent been an issue, tbh i dont see any difference to the BO / MW3 ones, the UAV=Blackbird statement is an exaggeration.
And wow the sound effects are amazing.
Since MW1 the UAV has been central to facilitating the fast paced gameplay. It's literally part of the COD DNA. It's a big part of why the game is so popular.
Wartek of the famous Faze sniper clan. One of the best (if not the best) sniper groups. Apparently he's now in a clan named "ea"? Kylen was going up against their clan.
Not really. Small maps, quick movement, and offensive killstreak rewards do the trick. People with anti-UAV perks are still running around as much if not more than people who stare at their radar all game. Now they're just catering to scrubs with no game-sense. Unless they have a playlist where UAV is banned/radar is completely off then I'll be passing on COD for the first time.
I feel like we're straying into "people who don't sprint for the entire duration of the game = camping noobs / people who sprint around the map continuously = awesomeproelitegamerz" territory.
Got it just now! It wasn't easy
My cod ritual is to go online after finishing the campaign. So see you all tomorrow!
Thanks! - What are your impressions of the performance/framerate? My 360 died so this will be my first COD on PS3 and I need some reassurance!
I feel like we're straying into "people who don't sprint for the entire duration of the game = camping noobs / people who sprint around the map continuously = awesomeproelitegamerz" territory.
We're already in that territory.Not really bothered by the nerfed Ghost. Only campers and pussies use it, like ELPRESSADOR i play in beast mode. If i stay in the same spot for more than 5 seconds then i'm camping, I run and gun. I loved the pre-nerfed Akimbo 1887's and FMG9's; best anti-camper weapons ever.
I got a 3.5 ratio in MW2, 2.5 in BO, 2.5 in MW3. I had a shit ratio in COD4 and W@W because of no local search and always red bars.
That stream I was watching last night. I just had to stop. That guy was the reason I dont play on Xbox Live anymore.
That stream I was watching last night. I just had to stop. That guy was the reason I dont play on Xbox Live anymore.
It wasn't Kylen's stream. It was the one titled "hold me back".I missed the stream. What was he doing that bothered you?
It wasn't Kylen's stream. It was the one titled "hold me back".
The guy was just dropping racial and homophobic slurs left and right. It was pretty fucking sickening.
It wasn't Kylen's stream. It was the one titled "hold me back".
The guy was just dropping racial and homophobic slurs left and right. It was pretty fucking sickening.
How is the framerate like for the PS3 version compare to the Black Ops 1? Because BO1 was just a mess.
Yeah that's unfortunate and disgusting. Thankfully Black Ops 2 finally added a mute entire lobby option! ; )
It's sad that when I log in by myself just to get a few games in that I end up just muting everybody including teammates. It's unfortunate because there are some rare times that you actually meet someone worth chatting with but ultimately that's ruined by 95% of the other people making u want to mute everyone as soon as you enter a lobby.
Never bought MW3, was more of a MW1 and Black Ops fan, never followed this games news or anything so I am blind. Do you guys think this will be better than BO1? Thinking of getting the pc version.
Never bought MW3, was more of a MW1 and Black Ops fan, never followed this games news or anything so I am blind. Do you guys think this will be better than BO1? Thinking of getting the pc version.
Fixed.Black Ops was the best one since MW1. MW2 and MW3 were both terrible games. IMO.
Treyarch has basically taken over as the go-to people for the best COD's IMO.
I'm just hoping Activision doesn't gut THEM afterwards.
Wait, everything is level locked? I thought you could choose anything you wanted at the start?