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Call of Duty: Black Ops II |OT| Black to the Future


This is an interesting video for the BLOPS apologists out there: http://www.denkirson.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=5816

So missing the netcode from MW2...


I was considering posting that video up the day it was uploaded, but I was called out for being a lag whiner by two lovely chaps in this thread a month ago before I sold Black Ops 2 so I decided against it. OvenBakedMuffin also posted on the Activision forum. And in addition to this one and the video posted about offline play and stance changing, our own LeMaximilian had similar observations in a recent video.

The basic gist of all this is that even people who are quite good may have no chance due to the horrendous state of the latest games and Modern Warfare 2 was the last one with decent netcode.

You know it's a shame. I really liked what I played of BO2, it just played like shit, and thankfully a few reputable people with capture capability put out videos that show just how bad the netcode really is.


Nice to see that other people in the community are turning their suspicions towards the cameras and animations rather than just lag compensation, as I've been thinking the same for a good while now. These past few games have felt like they have a huge mismatch between what a player sees and what other people see him doing, and I think it's a combination of all of the above.

I think the problem with the lag compensation is that it's TOO ambitious and fails, and I think MW2 used a more basic type of lag comp. What I mean is that lag comp is supposed to attempt to display player actions at a fair level by attempting some simple predictions for both players, and MW2 kept it simple while MW3/BO2 attempt a more accurate recreation. Say that a laggy player and an unlaggy player meet at a corner; if the laggy player jumps around the corner later than he should, he gets killed by the unlaggy player in MW2, but not in MW3/BO2. Because MW2 would make a simpler prediction displaying the laggy player as just walking around the corner, whereas MW3/BO2's lag comp will make a pathetic attempt at showing the jump and has him teleporting around and spazzing around everywhere because it tries to "predict" more moves than it should.

Even without a corner, if both players meet in a corridor, MW2 would just display both players not moving around very much, while MW3/BO2 will attempt to show each players reactions but fuck it up. The perfect example I have is from MW3, where I met some guy in a corridor and his player, for me, started spazzing left and right far too quickly for me to move my sights. On his screen, he didn't move a pixel left or right, and instead just slowly dropshotted me. So, technically speaking, MW2 has the "worse/simpler" lag compensation, but it works out better and creates more fair situations than the "more advanced" attempt they have now.

This thought is hard to explain so I'll just give up here and hope someone gets what I mean, I'm just convinced that there's a mismatch with how the recent games try to display player movement and what the player is actually doing and that it's a compounded combination of good old lag, camera issues, animations and lag compensation.

I was considering posting that video up the day it was uploaded, but I was called out for being a lag whiner by two lovely chaps in this thread a month ago before I sold Black Ops 2 so I decided against it.
You're in the clear, man. Those guys show up in CoD threads every year for about a week or two, then they stop playing the game and move on.
So my connection is fairly fast and I've never really had lag problems in games before, but I keep having connection interrupted pop-up during games and my connection will go back and forth between one bar and four bars. It's not consistent but it gets annoying. Any advice/info on this? 360 version btw.


Oh I'm not worried about them. I just prefer not to argue after I've made my points. If a whole pack of dummies wanna live in a bubble more power to em. But here we have a few videos scientifically proving them so I figured I'd drop in. Thanks though aku.

You know its funny. I knew I died to invisible people countless times, and the combination of the two videos explains why. Also I saw a gameplay, of someone good too I forget who, (MarkofJ maybe but I can't be sure, fuck maybe it happened in S&D, all I know it was on Drone) who got killed by an invisible guy, and he stopped and rewinded the video and showed that he died to nothing while the killcam showed a guy nearby. He still got a beast score as usual so he didn't make it out to be a big deal but that showed me it wasn't my imagination. Crazy that they let it ship like that. Its a game but its nuts that it got released like this and is one of the biggest selling titles of all time.


You need to step your game up!

Something has to happen with the spawns. Its so aggravating to get revenge killed all the damn time.


So my connection is fairly fast and I've never really had lag problems in games before, but I keep having connection interrupted pop-up during games and my connection will go back and forth between one bar and four bars. It's not consistent but it gets annoying. Any advice/info on this? 360 version btw.

If you've never had lag issues in other games, its most likely Treyarch's bad netcode that's messing up. You just have to keep trying until you get a better host.

Speaking of bad netcode, I've been screwed by this game over and over again today. I keep dying like 50 points away from my VSAT-EMP chain. Then I rage-quit from Domination on Yemen twice today because both enemy teams just camped our spawn and lagged right through my bullets.
I have a nice video rendering right now of me getting killed by a magic bullet 10 feet around a corner and two spawns later, spawning right in front of an enemy. It was magical.
Man lag and connections were shit tonight. I just can't do well in treyarch games. I don't know what it is but between all three treyarch games I can barely, JUST BARELY go positive. Infinity ward games I'm 1.5-2. I think this one just plays too fast. It's like twitch shooting times 10 with ultra fast enemies. Plus I guess I just suck.
This is an interesting video for the BLOPS apologists out there: http://www.denkirson.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=5816

So missing the netcode from MW2...


He made the video while he was sick. He's going to upload a better version soon. Just crank up your volume. There's no sudden changes in volume levels, so you won't blow out your speakers or anything.

Another video about the lag popped recently. This one shows off the rendering lag the game has. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EyojLjUh5Q
Well, no more second guessing now, it can be definitively said that Black Ops 2 is broke.


Man lag and connections were shit tonight.

Pretty bad for me and my group too. I'm not a great player, but I'm not a 15/32 player, either. There was a game even worse than that, where my team got stomped into the ground, but unfortunately it's not on Elite for some reason. We're all pretty decent, too...2 of them in particular are definitely more skilled than me. We never took a whooping like that in BO1, I know that much.

One kill in particular was aggravating. Had the drop on a guy, he appears to shoot nothing, and I die. Watched the killcam, and it shows him firing 3 clean shots into my chest. Very uncool.
Well, no more second guessing now, it can be definitively said that Black Ops 2 is broke.
Yea, the difference is huge. I just hope they realize it at least needs tweaking. It's core is really decent as a COD game but damn is it not fun at all to play when you experience the lag/delay like in the videos. And that's me 9/10 games unfortunately.


The sad reality is that until people stop buying it they won't bother trying to fix it, they have no reason to if people keep buying it anyway. It's the third game now with different problems.
Magic bullets and fair spawns: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOpC-Szr4bU

Pretty bad for me and my group too. I'm not a great player, but I'm not a 15/32 player, either. There was a game even worse than that, where my team got stomped into the ground, but unfortunately it's not on Elite for some reason. We're all pretty decent, too...2 of them in particular are definitely more skilled than me. We never took a whooping like that in BO1, I know that much.

One kill in particular was aggravating. Had the drop on a guy, he appears to shoot nothing, and I die. Watched the killcam, and it shows him firing 3 clean shots into my chest. Very uncool.

No, it's definitely the game. There are games where I go 15-20 or something, then I'll get a gem here and there where everything finally plays right and I go 30-2. Nobody fluctuates that much in one session. It's the game's connection fucking with people.
Heres my new emblem. I put allot of time into this one.
Wow tonight my connection was beyond awful. Killed by dudes around corners, magic bullets, etc. Nights like tonight make me wanna stop playing all together.
Oh I'm not worried about them. I just prefer not to argue after I've made my points. If a whole pack of dummies wanna live in a bubble more power to em. But here we have a few videos scientifically proving them so I figured I'd drop in. Thanks though aku.

You know its funny. I knew I died to invisible people countless times, and the combination of the two videos explains why. Also I saw a gameplay, of someone good too I forget who, (MarkofJ maybe but I can't be sure, fuck maybe it happened in S&D, all I know it was on Drone) who got killed by an invisible guy, and he stopped and rewinded the video and showed that he died to nothing while the killcam showed a guy nearby. He still got a beast score as usual so he didn't make it out to be a big deal but that showed me it wasn't my imagination. Crazy that they let it ship like that. Its a game but its nuts that it got released like this and is one of the biggest selling titles of all time.

Besides the insta-deaths and repeated spawn kills (Treyarch has a thing about spawning you just meters away from the person who just gunned you down) what is also annoying is getting killed after finding cover. For example, I'll stop at a corner and peek around. Firefight ensues but if it looks like the enemy has the edge [or just camped out there] I'll retreat back to cover behind the wall. I will appear to have survived after taking minimal damage and then insta-death after finding cover. The netcode is busted.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Wow tonight my connection was beyond awful. Killed by dudes around corners, magic bullets, etc. Nights like tonight make me wanna stop playing all together.

Mine was too. I played against a full team that was bullshit. I'd shoot them and clearly hit and still get killed. Having a guy come out of a corner and dying immediately is aggravating as hell.


Besides the insta-deaths and repeated spawn kills (Treyarch has a thing about spawning you just meters away from the person who just gunned you down) what is also annoying is getting killed after finding cover. For example, I'll stop at a corner and peek around. Firefight ensues but if it looks like the enemy has the edge [or just camped out there] I'll retreat back to cover behind the wall. I will appear to have survived after taking minimal damage and then insta-death after finding cover. The netcode is busted.

Its crazy! Treyarch has wanted to be the premiere, listen to gamers developer and it looks like at some point finally realized, screw it let's make money to heck with the consequences, dropped Theatre and skill based matchmaking and getting people back into the fight fast (revenge spawns), the whole camper witchhunt, super small maps with wide open arenas instead of choke points, multiple entryways, poor FOV on purpose so entering a room is a coin flip... they dropped all this other shit in without thinking.. or caring.. about the consequences, and broke the game irreparably.

By irreparably I mean it seems like they can't get quality a experience back without removing Theatre altogether, there's just too much micromanaging of the match to get it all synced up!

Another HUGE issue that nobody complains NEARLY enough about is the huge flinch that they added. That Toughness even exists is appalling due to how ever-changing network situations occur. MW2 has less flinch than MW3 with Focus.. AND BO2 even with Toughness! You have better aim than your opponent? Sorry, your gun is facing up now! The flinch makes it so the guy with the first shot wins nearly everytime. And with the terrible network code that in many cases favors run and gunners you're just toast. You can't get away anymore. What you see is not nearly what you get. The match above with the Flag dropping ten feet around the corner is a perfect example. You know why he ran for cover instead of spinning and shooting? Because he knew he couldn't win that matchup. So he ran. And died ten feet around the corner. A wall completely impervious to FMJ. How can you even take the matchups seriously? You can't because the requirements to play better don't take human response time and network limitations into consideration. At ALL!

This, all of ... this.. is what OvenBakedMuffin was saying. What kind of game are they making and who is it catering to? Pro players or casuals? Tactical or arcadey twitch casual? It seems they can't, or don't want to decide.

You cannot have all these features on a P2P console system, hell, maybe at all, with todays network infrastructure. Furthermore you cannot balance a game completely for amateurs and more serious competitors fully. You can do it somewhat, but you have to decide, otherwise every encounter is a round of roulette. There's a reason every sport on the planet is split up by gender, or weight, or ability. This wreaks of mixed up priorities.

But they won't change things anymore, only enough to placate people when things are insanely bad, like with the uproar when they had to put Nuketown back in. You can see it because they aren't answering, instead you see them deleting or ignoring frustrated comments, and the only thing that can get them to respond is losing sales and mind share.
Magic bullets and fair spawns: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOpC-Szr4bU

No, it's definitely the game. There are games where I go 15-20 or something, then I'll get a gem here and there where everything finally plays right and I go 30-2. Nobody fluctuates that much in one session. It's the game's connection fucking with people.

Good/Sickening video, I click to tweeted :)

The thing is Vonderhaar usually 99% of the time always dismisses videos like this. Always says "thats not what you are seeing" or "theater mode proves nothing". I honestly think they feel there is nothing wrong with the netcode at all and its all our internet problems and other bullshit excuses. Their game is perfect in his eyes and their are no lag problems at all. He is the smuggest bastard I've ever encountered in COD universe, even more so than 402 in my opinion.


Jesus.. SMR is fucking awful. Not even close to the god tier MK14.
Smr is decent mid range. I run it w/ stock+sight and just strafe full speed and land 2 shots. It is better than fal in that regard. Fal is a better defensive/long range/head glitching gun

Nothing touches the mk14 though


Jesus.. SMR is fucking awful. Not even close to the god tier MK14.

100% agree. SMR is USELESS next to the FAL. It needs a huge damage at range buff to be worthwhile

Smr is decent mid range.

Every time I use the SMR i get out gunned by laser using, bunny hopping SMG scrubs. Even on Carrier and Turbine, where there are massively long sight lines

Ive just discovered C4. OMG. Lethal of kings


You do know the SMR has the highest damage at range of any assualt rifle. It's almost always a 2 hit kill it just has a slower rate of fire than the FAL. I actually prefer the smr semi auto because it fires faster if u feather the trigger its not very good with selector.

Drift0rs smr break down
That vid is actually good.

But it still falls behind most of the guns. Even the iron sight is probably the worst.
100% agree. SMR is USELESS next to the FAL. It needs a huge damage at range buff to be worthwhile

Every time I use the SMR i get out gunned by laser using, bunny hopping SMG scrubs. Even on Carrier and Turbine, where there are massively long sight lines

Ive just discovered C4. OMG. Lethal of kings

It's a shame because that's probably 3/4 of the players these days.
Is there a best gun / loadout list out there?

It all tends to be personal preference and how you are able to use each weapon. Just cause one weapon has better damage or range doesn't make it "better" than the others. Each one has its pluses and minuses. Some people destroy with the MSMC (which is regarded as one of the best SMGs) yet I can't for the life of me get a feel for it. Drift0r has the best weapon guides though.

u mad

Neo Member
Just did a "Fresh Start"; I was Master Prestige.

Took me a while to get the hang of the game and my stats reflect that. I wanted to do a Fresh Start to see what my stats would be now that I finally have a handle on the game.

Previously I primarily relied on SMGs. This time around I am almost exclusively using LMGs. The LMGs are seriously underrated in this game.


Just did a "Fresh Start"; I was Master Prestige.

Took me a while to get the hang of the game and my stats reflect that. I wanted to do a Fresh Start to see what my stats would be now that I finally have a handle on the game.

Previously I primarily relied on SMGs. This time around I am almost exclusively using LMGs. The LMGs are seriously underrated in this game.
I use only LMGs too, well only the MK48 to be exact. With its slow fire rate and high kill damage, long range. It makes fire a great camping tool.

u mad

Neo Member
I use only LMGs too, well only the MK48 to be exact. With its slow fire rate and high kill damage, long range. It makes fire a great camping tool.

I use the QBB LSW, LSAT, and MK48 (in that order of most used). They're all great and serve their unique purposes, each excels at a different task.
The LMGs are underrated, but that 480ms ADS time is fucking retarded.

What the hell was wrong with the 350ms ADS time for BO1 LMGs. Did they really look at that and think "you know what guys, that's just way too fast no one will stand a chance"?

I like the MK48 and LSAT. QBB is alright for rapid kills.

HAMR sucks. The thing has way too much recoil for those first 7 shots.

Anyone down for some games?

u mad

Neo Member
The LMGs are underrated, but that 480ms ADS time is fucking retarded.

What the hell was wrong with the 350ms ADS time for BO1 LMGs. Did they really look at that and think "you know what guys, that's just way too fast no one will stand a chance"?

I like the MK48 and LSAT. QBB is alright for rapid kills.

HAMR sucks. The thing has way too much recoil for those first 7 shots.

The ADS is horrible, you just have to take that into account with your playstyle. I only play objective modes (90% of the time I'm playing Domination) so I usually take on a defensive roll where ADS time is fairly irrelevant.

I realize the QBB LSW is an aggressive LMG, but I make up for the ADS time by using the laser. It makes the gun incredibly well suited in CQC when firing from the hip, easily making you a viable opponent against shotgun and SMG users in CQC.
Thought I would share my emblem. Not the best (and I already know a few things that need to be added/fixed), but I so far have yet to see anyone else do a House Martell emblem


u mad

Neo Member
Glad I did a fresh start but you really take for granted all the things you've unlocked.

I'm happy EMP grenades are unlocked at a low level, but I miss Scavenger :(

I should have it by tonight.
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