Only truly bad weapons:
- KSG until you get used to it's unforgiving learning curved (then it becomes awesome)
- S12 (no getting used to it it just sucks do to horrendous damage-per-pellet, and low ammo)
- M1216 (same reason as s12 although slightly more usable)
I've been using the M1216 and it is pretty bad but it is kind of unique as well. As a primary it seems very limited. You're basically stuck in extreme CQB situations which can be a bit hard to manage if you want to move around the map, however, as a secondary it is... not bad.
I think it's far superior to an executioner, for example, which requires 2 points to be decent (executioner + fast mags) but you can overkill a M1216 for the same cost. The switch speed isn't the same but you should be able to predict when you'll be in tight quarters anyway.
I think where the M1216 really excels is nullifying lag issues. Having problems turning corners and getting blasted before you can even shoot? HAH! I just hold the trigger down AS I'm turning a corner and I'll ohk or 2hk dudes sitting in corners. It's the one shotgun you can actually prefire with which makes it really strong when you have UAV/VSAT up.
The sad part is I have 206 kills and like 40 OHK's so far. It's going to be a long grind to gold lmao
This is kind of true, once I got it gold I moved on to my SMG's and I was all messed up, I felt like I regressed.
One thing the 870 will teach you is SMG routes to run to because you don't really have a mid/midlong range game, you'll have to duck in and out of cover. It'll also teach you to walk or sprint+jump around corners instead of sprinting and then waiting for raise time. It CAN be a crutch but as long as you understand what you can and cannot do once you switch weapons, there are a lot of things you can work on while using the 870 that will transfer to your regular gameplay IMO.
Yeah, once Hydro clicks with you can really go apeshit. I've gotten so many high scorestreaks on that map it's not funny.
Basically just stick to the right or left side and lock the choke points down. Never go in the middle. Watch for the spawn switch, turn around, and spawn camp.
That headglitch on the inside of the turbines by each spawn is one of the strongest headglitches in the game. Just have to watch for back flank but if your teammates are covering upper-mid then there is no way anyone can stop you.