Did it ever occur to you that he played the 360 version, just got the PS3 version, and played the WiiU version at an event or at an office location?
In other words, it's quite possible he's not currently in possession of all 3 versions, but he has played them. He also posted a pic of the PS3 case, which is pretty clear he is at least in possession of the one version he's saying is the worst. If he was a liar, why would he even want to own the PS3 version, just to shit on it?
He claims he beat the 360 version and just started playing the PS3 version.
He also said he finished several levels of the PS3 version BEFORE he says he just finished level 2 where the game hit 5fps and crashed. Timeline inconsistent.
Also, show me where on the pic of the game box it says "ps3" to denote version. He purposefully takes an off-center pic to hide the game box version.
Also, look how he off-centers the images of the "screens" he's taking - as if he's hiding a watermark on the bottom left from the screen from the YOUTUBE video he's watching.
FML this guy did nothing to prove anything. All he had to do was take 1 pic that shows he actually owns the PS3 version - but he PURPOSEFULLY did everything he could to try to hide it.
That's not an admission of "he has it" that's an admission of HIDING SOMETHING.
We all know the IQ isn't that great on the PS3 compared to 360/WiiU - that's not news. But he's making claims that nobody else has stated or even seen with all the video footage that we are seeing with the PS3 version. Several videos, several streams - none show the issues he's ranting about.
So let me ask you... did it ever occur to you that he's TROLLING?
It doesn't take a genius to figure out what he was doing.