You were interested?
The realist in me believes we're stuck with quiffscoping as a mechanic because people love making youtube videos of their autoaim kills -- but hopefully Treyarch can make it so you at least have to hit the target. I'm not likely to buy this tho, as it stands.
In all honesty, how many times have you encountered a beast quickscopper?
For me none and most of the snipers ive met are the usual ones.
I still think good quickscoppers are a myth.![]()
Ether.You were interested?
Crazy that a 4 sensitivity is considered medium now in Black Ops 2. I play on 4 (high) in pretty much every COD so far.
Beta drivers failing to install for me (460 GTX)
Those shots are from theater mode people! Christ.
Those shots are from theater mode people! Christ.
Debating if I want to go to the midnight launch at my Gamestop. For Halo 4 they started finalizing receipts at about 10:30, and only wound up having 200-250 people. When I went to pick up Paper Mario yesterday they said that they're finalizing receipts starting at 2:30 (which is now my time) because they are expecting 1500 people. Fuck. It's also supposed to rain tonight :/
This thread is going to lose its shit over some edited and out of sync theater shots over the next few pages, isn't it?![]()
Crazy that a 4 sensitivity is considered medium now in Black Ops 2. I play on 4 (high) in pretty much every COD so far.
Btw. Nuketown is finally up in the European PSN Store. It's a 184 MB download.
In all honesty, how many times have you encountered a beast quickscopper?
For me none and most of the snipers ive met are the usual ones.
I still think good quickscoppers are a myth.![]()
using sniper up close is the only way to play tbh.
Anyone? ='(
Had to quote you for melissa clark.
Anyone still getting the PS3 version? Not like i have a choice.
If you don't mind the MLG flavor, check this stream:
Best quality I've seen of the early streams so far
Max quality machete-murdering screenshot
Killing a random guy with a machete in either a cutscene or qte is a spoiler?some might consider that a spoiler..
Hey Victrix, are you going to stream the game tonight? I seem to remember you streaming MW2 when it came out.
Max quality machete-murdering screenshot![]()
I will be yes. Same high quality and all. I have partner status on twitch so the stream will be properly 720@60fps.
I'm not sure how many friends are getting it, but between friends who are getting it (the good SuburbnSpetsnaz will be there with me at midnight) and stream buddies, I'm sure I'll have a party.
Plan is to OD on sugary caffiene and play until we all pass out tomorrow.
Same as usual, all teamplay/objective stuff, if you watched me in MW2 you know I've never been much for solo tdm killwhoring.
Well...some might consider that a spoiler..
I will be yes. Same high quality and all. I have partner status on twitch so the stream will be properly 720@60fps.
I'm not sure how many friends are getting it, but between friends who are getting it (the good SuburbnSpetsnaz will be there with me at midnight) and stream buddies, I'm sure I'll have a party.
Plan is to OD on sugary caffiene and play until we all pass out tomorrow.
Same as usual, all teamplay/objective stuff, if you watched me in MW2 you know I've never been much for solo tdm killwhoring.
Max quality machete-murdering screenshot![]()
Apparently it's theatre mode and the hit detection is this mode is always off or something (I've never bothered with theatre mode).
So maybe it won't be easy to no look auto kill people with your sniper rifle.
Not confirmed this confirmed? it is theater mode?
Oh god tomorrow this thread will be an amazing place.
What a day your in store for you guys. I have decided to continue to take the day off so I can play with all of you, and try to enjoy myself.
What sensitivity are you guys playing with ?
Not confirmed no.
Dropshotting is worse or the same?
Max quality machete-murdering screenshot
Dropshotting is worse or the same?
On console: 10.
If you don't mind the MLG flavor, check this stream:
Best quality I've seen of the early streams so far
Well I paid off my Hardened Edition trading in some older controls and junk at Gamestop. Gotta go back at 6pm to secure a "line ticket"... Supposedly at 6 they will pass out line passes that will secure you a spot in group A B C etc.... Then that's how the midnight checkout will progress and they assured me it would be followed just leave and come back at midnight and walk right in. Last year they tried that and it went ghetto mob and they just did 1 long ass normal line....
Just under 2000 total pre-orders across all versions at this store. Last year I spent 1.5 hours in line arriving at 11:45pm.