You can use one on a pc.
I noticed the game looked really blurred on my LCD screen, had to turn up the sharpness almost double and it looked great after that.Also, this is abit bullshit . HUD is not blurred.
Anyone go from Halo 4 to Blops 2? How do they compare?
Spawning- trust my i know they're bad in all COD games, but is it so hard to develop an intelligent spawning system? im just getting so tired of people directly up my butt when i spawn.
I remember Blops1 being extremely polarizing as well, especially since it followed MW2. I think we'll see impressions start to homogenize after a few weeks of patches and play.The impressions of the maps are all over the place. Guess I'm going to have to play it for myself. I don't think we'll ever repeat the greatness of Blops 1 though.
Steam says 48K right now.
Yeah but no aim assist in MP killed me. Impossible haha.
Menus - im not one to usually complain at menus but honestly I find them absolutely horrible. After 4-5 of learning the menus and barracks and create a class they decide to change it all, really? Its not sleek and simple, just bulky and confusing. I had no idea hoe to change camp until my buddy told me and it just blows my mind that you can go from simple small text menus to this crap.
Spawning- trust my i know they're bad in all COD games, but is it so hard to develop an intelligent spawning system? im just getting so tired of people directly up my butt when i spawn.
Man that is some straight up apologist bullshit right there. They've been advertising the game as being futuristic and all that, they damn well better put some futuristic weapons in there.
TDM and a little ground war. Its just like if I spawn and within a second or two they'll be someone coming st me from some direction. On one of the levels I ran forward about 30 feet got behind a rock and within 5 sec. there were enemies spawning where I just did. I don't know, im just getting frustrated and angry.I have not had this problem at all yet. What modes are you playing?
Spawning- trust my i know they're bad in all COD games, but is it so hard to develop an intelligent spawning system? im just getting so tired of people directly up my butt when i spawn.
I just hope to god I enjoy the maps more than MW3. Those were so awful...
It's Michael Keaton. He has a nice enough voice but they should have stuck with Ed Harris.
Any vids of ElPresador playing BLOPS II yet?
I could almost forgive it if it ran at a locked 120fps on mid range rigs. "Smooth" does not adequately describe gaming at 120fps.Okay Dennis. You're screen shots have convinced me not to get this on PC. It does not look great.
How do you properly use the Hunter Killer?
Throw it like a frag?
How many people are online right now on PS360?
About 450,000 on 360
How do you properly use the Hunter Killer?
Throw it like a frag?
As someone who hasn't played a COD online since Modern Warfare 1 can someone chime in on this score streak stuff? I read up a little about the online while i am waiting in this doctors office and i know it replaces the killstreak and i know about the points for capping, carrying a flag etc. but do the points roll-over? Like lets say i need 300 points for UAV and i have 200 and die, do i still have 200 points when i re-spawn? Or are they like the old killstreaks in MW1 where once you die your kill streak build up is reset.
So ... couple o PC questions.
How is performance, not a stuttery mess like BLOPS 1 is it ? No
Xbox controller support, does it work in the menus now or just while in-game ? Yes
How is the matchmaking + dedicated server stuff working, quite fast ? Don't know
Like lets say i need 300 points for UAV and i have 200 and die, do i still have 200 points when i re-spawn? Or are they like the old killstreaks in MW1 where once you die your kill streak build up is reset.
That is a bummer for me seeing as i suck :-/No the counter resets upon death.
About 450,000 on 360
That would probably have been over the entire 24 hrs of launch not concurrently.Thats it? I remember opening day for the last few games were higher on both. Wasn't there over 1 million on 360 for black ops?
Dennis, i don't get it?
That would probably have been over the entire 24 hrs of launch not concurrently.
Dennis, i don't get it?
So ... couple o PC questions.
How is performance, not a stuttery mess like BLOPS 1 is it ?
Xbox controller support, does it work in the menus now or just while in-game ?
How is the matchmaking + dedicated server stuff working, quite fast ?
Nope, it was at the same time. Someone at Tretarch even tweeted about it.
Aren't people at work/school right now?