Just beat the campaign..enjoyed it...dat ending 
You have to go into options and do it, it is optional so no prompt.so what happened to the PS3 install? I didn't get any prompt when I first loaded it up.
so what happened to the PS3 install? I didn't get any prompt when I first loaded it up.
Is it necessary to be this obnoxious? Shouldn't you be making racial slurs on XBox Live or something?
You have to go into options and do it, it is optional so no prompt.
Its in the MP options near the bottom.
Hey guys - I didn't go through this thread, so apologies if this has been done to death.
How is the PC port of this game? specifically online. Looking to pick it up, but if it's glitchy/issues with matchmaking, etc. I can wait until it goes on sale later.
Hey guys - I didn't go through this thread, so apologies if this has been done to death.
How is the PC port of this game? specifically online. Looking to pick it up, but if it's glitchy/issues with matchmaking, etc. I can wait until it goes on sale later.
Hey guys - I didn't go through this thread, so apologies if this has been done to death.
How is the PC port of this game? specifically online. Looking to pick it up, but if it's glitchy/issues with matchmaking, etc. I can wait until it goes on sale later.
Hey guys - I didn't go through this thread, so apologies if this has been done to death.
How is the PC port of this game? specifically online. Looking to pick it up, but if it's glitchy/issues with matchmaking, etc. I can wait until it goes on sale later.
Anyone go from Halo 4 to Blops 2? How do they compare?
Man, they really went out of their way to fuck over ghost/assassin players, especially in the beginning.
Does the game box indicate that Nuketown is included? Or is there going to be no clear distinction when first run copies are sold out?
Can someone please post the comparison shots of ps3 texture before & after the patch? I'm curious.
The UAV is the worst thing ever but it's not a CoD game without it.
Man, they really went out of their way to fuck over ghost/assassin players, especially in the beginning.
A word of advice, on ps3 while waiting in the lobby to begin a match DO NOT try and edit your emblem. It causes my PS3 to freeze every single time.
Edit: also, dat multiplayer menu music
Okay, is anyone else who would consider themselves pretty good at previous CoD games getting completely and utterly fucking destroyed, or is it just me? I just went 6 and 11, and that is the best game I have had all day, and I just earned my first UAV in probably 8-10 games. What in the fucking shit am I doing wrong? I feel like I'm completely getting the drop on people, shooting them, they don't die and then they casually kill me, but it doesn't feel like lag or anything like that.
I usually run either SMG or AR, and I always carry a launcher to shoot down UAV's. I don't know what the fuck is going on here, but I have never, ever been frustrated like this in a CoD game. Every game is the enemy team having 5 UAVs up and then me getting spawn killed because there is literally nothing I can do to not show up on radar since Ghost is level 55 now. I don't even know what fuck to do, I'm trying different SMG's (hip-firing and ADS) and AR's, and I am just getting fucking destroyed no matter what. Is there some secret combination of weapon and perks that I just don't know about or what? If everything wasn't running so smooth I would say it's lag, but I swear to God people kill me instantly but when I shoot them they never die.
Yep. GTX560
Played a few games. So much chaos, like the rest of the CODs after 1 & 2.. Back to Halo 4 it is!
Worst 60 ever spent though, is it possible to get a refund now on Steam? :/
It's on the back of the box.
Seriously the lack of 360 impressions is insane. No one on GAF plays on X360 for Call of Duty games? Come on....
So.....you didn't like the last 4 Call of Duty games and you bought it anyways?
It just installs the standard textures to the HDD so it doesn't access the BD drive all the time.
Had nothing to do with hardcore/core, people were just less prone to equip the UAV in both MW2 and BO1. Then MW3 came along with the support streaks and mediocre players crippled themselves with too many easy UAVs, and now every CoD is just constant UAVs because people can't play without them anymore.Which is why I loved playing Hardcore games back in Blops. UAV/spyplanes were more rare and you weren't constantly looking at your radar
Had nothing to do with hardcore/core, people were just less prone to equip the UAV in both MW2 and BO1. Then MW3 came along with the support streaks and mediocre players crippled themselves with too many easy UAVs, and now every CoD is just constant UAVs because people can't play without them anymore.
My theory anyway, but something in the community changed around MW3 and there's a shitload of UAV's in all games now.
Seems fine to me. Then again, I'm 1/2 drunk right now so whatever, YMMV etc.Are your hits registering quickly. If I remember right the complaint about the last Treyarch COD was there always felt like their was lag.
Yeah, it's sturdy. Rugged even.On PC I have not had a single bug so far.
Seems solid and polished.
It's also 1/2 the point of UAVs, getting the opposite team looking up while you creep up on their ass.Its not hard to shoot down. Hitbox is rather large. That might be a moot point tho seeing as how quickly they are to get back up.
1) what platform?Okay, is anyone else who would consider themselves pretty good at previous CoD games getting completely and utterly fucking destroyed, or is it just me? I just went 6 and 11, and that is the best game I have had all day, and I just earned my first UAV in probably 8-10 games. What in the fucking shit am I doing wrong? I feel like I'm completely getting the drop on people, shooting them, they don't die and then they casually kill me, but it doesn't feel like lag or anything like that.
I usually run either SMG or AR, and I always carry a launcher to shoot down UAV's. I don't know what the fuck is going on here, but I have never, ever been frustrated like this in a CoD game. Every game is the enemy team having 5 UAVs up and then me getting spawn killed because there is literally nothing I can do to not show up on radar since Ghost is level 55 now. I don't even know what fuck to do, I'm trying different SMG's (hip-firing and ADS) and AR's, and I am just getting fucking destroyed no matter what. Is there some secret combination of weapon and perks that I just don't know about or what? If everything wasn't running so smooth I would say it's lag, but I swear to God people kill me instantly but when I shoot them they never die.
True. Lvl 12 on the default AR is kinda bs. Still that's probably only like an hour of fucking around.And by like I mean what the fuck Treyarch, at least give me a silencer.
My last CoD was MW1 on the Xbox. Bought BO2 for the PC now. But I'm not new to shooters on the PC. Played ALOT of CS and TF2. My first 2-3 hours were horrible aswell, but now I'm usually going something like 25-10 on Team Deathmach.
And I don't really understand your frustration. Have you tried other gamemodes or playing Hardcore? Most likely the other players have a better aim and know the maps better.
Edit: I really don't mean this in a badway, but get off your lag bandwagon. Won't make you enjoy the game more or make you aim better.
Seriously the lack of 360 impressions is insane. No one on GAF plays on X360 for Call of Duty games? Come on....
Maybe it has to do with the fact that COD uses skill ranking to match players now?Okay, is anyone else who would consider themselves pretty good at previous CoD games getting completely and utterly fucking destroyed, or is it just me? I just went 6 and 11, and that is the best game I have had all day, and I just earned my first UAV in probably 8-10 games. What in the fucking shit am I doing wrong? I feel like I'm completely getting the drop on people, shooting them, they don't die and then they casually kill me, but it doesn't feel like lag or anything like that.
Seems fine to me. Then again, I'm 1/2 drunk right now so whatever, YMMV etc.
Yeah, it's sturdy. Rugged even.
It's also 1/2 the point of UAVs, getting the opposite team looking up while you creep up on their ass.
Seriously the lack of 360 impressions is insane. No one on GAF plays on X360 for Call of Duty games? Come on....
Okay, is anyone else who would consider themselves pretty good at previous CoD games getting completely and utterly fucking destroyed, or is it just me? I just went 6 and 11, and that is the best game I have had all day, and I just earned my first UAV in probably 8-10 games. What in the fucking shit am I doing wrong? I feel like I'm completely getting the drop on people, shooting them, they don't die and then they casually kill me, but it doesn't feel like lag or anything like that.
I usually run either SMG or AR, and I always carry a launcher to shoot down UAV's. I don't know what the fuck is going on here, but I have never, ever been frustrated like this in a CoD game. Every game is the enemy team having 5 UAVs up and then me getting spawn killed because there is literally nothing I can do to not show up on radar since Ghost is level 55 now. I don't even know what fuck to do, I'm trying different SMG's (hip-firing and ADS) and AR's, and I am just getting fucking destroyed no matter what. Is there some secret combination of weapon and perks that I just don't know about or what? If everything wasn't running so smooth I would say it's lag, but I swear to God people kill me instantly but when I shoot them they never die.