I really want to say worst COD multiplayer of all time, outside of probably COD3, but I'm gonna give it some more time before I write it off completely.
Every game is the enemy team having 5 UAVs up and then me getting spawn killed because there is literally nothing I can do to not show up on radar since Ghost is level 55 now.
At this point you should know exactly what you're getting into lol
Guys what guns are you unlocking? What do you like?
Not really? I found MW3 to be without lag or hit detection issues, but black ops was a turd about hit detection, and it had several issues with matchmaking and friends not getting into games with me.
That's what I'm curious about.
I really want to say worst COD multiplayer of all time, outside of probably COD3, but I'm gonna give it some more time before I write it off completely.
my manWell god damn at the PDW-57.
Sounds like personal problems rather than widespread. So far I have had no lag issues, joining issues or hit detection problems.
For me this has been the best since Call of Duty 4 purely because the maps are actually decent.
Sounds like personal problems rather than widespread. So far I have had no lag issues, joining issues or hit detection problems.
For me this has been the best since Call of Duty 4 purely because the maps are actually decent.
Spawns are bad, not as bad as BLOPS 1 but bad.
Not really? I found MW3 to be without lag or hit detection issues, but black ops was a turd about hit detection, and it had several issues with matchmaking and friends not getting into games with me.
That's what I'm curious about.
For me this has been the best since Call of Duty 4 purely because the maps are actually decent.
I didn't have issues with either title on 360 so impressions probably won't help you.![]()
Maybe it has to do with the fact that COD uses skill ranking to match players now?
You're probably being matched with more skillful players than before.
sounds like well masked lag.
This. Hopefully they fix this in a patch cause the spawn points are type terrible.
Also domination on that ship match is the worst thing ever. I do love the shit out of raid though
You haven't with this game you mean? That's what I want to know before purchasing it. I want to know on X360 that hit detection in blops2 was remedied from blops1 and that lag isn't an issue on a solid connection.
No issues with this game no. As in every COD you will get small delays if you are not rocking the four green bars but the only issue I have seen so far is the amount of people who quit.
I really want to say worst COD multiplayer of all time, outside of probably COD3, but I'm gonna give it some more time before I write it off completely.
I just played my first couple of matches on the pc and i really, really like it. I think i'll be playing this for a while.
Also, first time playing around with the emblem editor:
As a Halo fan, I absolutely love what Treyarch did compared what in Halo 4.
- Alphabetical in-game friendlist
- Bringing back create your own emblem
- League play (ranks)
- In-Game Spectator Mode
- Upload Footage to Youtube
- Live-streaming
so jelly.
What parts do you dislike? I'm liking most of the maps and the killstreaks aren't too obnoxious, so I'm enjoying it.
If your router has the option, your best bet is to remove all port forwards and instead enable UPnP (Universal Plug & Play) in your routers option. Restart it after that for good measure.
Why do i constantly have the feeling i'm a split second behind most people ?
When i get in a 1v1 i almost always die in a split second and watching the killcam reveals me just running there doing nothing when the dude just casually shoot my brains out.
Sometimes i think my ping is just to good and i always get the bad side of the "lag compensation"
Good fucking LORD. THIS was my main gripe with Black Ops. I absolutely hated this shit. I've been reading through this thread watching for comments like this one and was happy to see no one mentioning this, until now....FUCK
edit: are you on PS3?
To anyone that has played the campaign, are there any moments where there are infinitely respawning enemies until you press a button or progress further?
The campaign so far - futuristic stuff is really cool, flashback stuff is really dull.
Gonna jump into MP now.
COD4 and Black Ops are my favorite in the series. I hated Modern Warfare 2 and 3.
Will I like this game's multiplayer?
They're a couple sections here and there where you're defending something for a certain amount of time, but for the most part it's a lot of forward progression with a limited amount of enemies(although there can be a lot of them!) can be cleared out of practically everybody and you can make your way through. It's not like CoD4 where you had to get past that invisible line to stop enemies from showing up.
Okay, is anyone else who would consider themselves pretty good at previous CoD games getting completely and utterly fucking destroyed, or is it just me? I just went 6 and 11, and that is the best game I have had all day, and I just earned my first UAV in probably 8-10 games. What in the fucking shit am I doing wrong? I feel like I'm completely getting the drop on people, shooting them, they don't die and then they casually kill me, but it doesn't feel like lag or anything like that.
I usually run either SMG or AR, and I always carry a launcher to shoot down UAV's. I don't know what the fuck is going on here, but I have never, ever been frustrated like this in a CoD game. Every game is the enemy team having 5 UAVs up and then me getting spawn killed because there is literally nothing I can do to not show up on radar since Ghost is level 55 now. I don't even know what fuck to do, I'm trying different SMG's (hip-firing and ADS) and AR's, and I am just getting fucking destroyed no matter what. Is there some secret combination of weapon and perks that I just don't know about or what? If everything wasn't running so smooth I would say it's lag, but I swear to God people kill me instantly but when I shoot them they never die.