Seriously. Its launch day, servers should have been tested for a while in preparation.Defcon 4. Fail.
It is quite blurry, i don't even need to compare side by side, i bought MW3 for the 360 and played it not long ago, the difference in sharpness is pretty striking to me playing on a 55" tv. I will have to get used to it cause i'm not renewing ps3 version isn't blurry as the site image showed. wtf.
the panama city map looks good.
The livestream feature is dumb. Only allowed to use it in League Matches and something about having ten people looking at the stream page before it will go live? What is the point.
Everythings on one disc.
Single disc game.
I just left to get something to eat, return 5 minutes later and now cannot log in.Servers are working fine for me here in Chicago. 360 version.
Although one guy in my party got kicked and couldn't get back in. I just logged off for a break and I hope I can get back online later.
Yo, quick question.
With the ''score streak'' I think it's called, do you just now need to get a specific score without dying, or can you die to unlock a feature?
Yo, quick question.
With the ''score streak'' I think it's called, do you just now need to get a specific score without dying, or can you die to unlock a feature?
Oh okay.. Got it, thanks.
Is it easier or more difficult this way?
Servers were down for me, but I just tried again and got in, assuming everything works.
edit: which it didn't ha
So the servers being down is annoying, a bunch of us had started playing, do we know why yet?
Maybe a plug somewhere has come our or something, I guess I would understand if this was CoD1 or something, but as the like 9th main line game and like 5th big title of recent years they shouldn't be having these problems.
I've been off the wagon since black ops so I suck either way, but it means that taking out UAVs or such, defending points, assists etc now all factor into the system instead of just kills. I like it much better.
$60 bux a year + $60+ for this game = not being able to play.
It's cringeworthy how commercial this series has become.
I went into a department store earlier today and there was this massive display for BLACK OPS 2!!!!!1111 out the front.
Has it allways been like this that Scavanger+Claymores kinda ruin FFA? I'm using it myself now against a bunch of <40 people and that's just stupid. With the Wildcard you can even place 2 Claymores all the time.
It's cringeworthy how commercial this series has become.
I went into a department store earlier today and there was this massive display for BLACK OPS 2!!!!!1111 out the front.
Multiple claymores via scavenger is back?! Fuck yes.Has it allways been like this that Scavanger+Claymores kinda ruin FFA? I'm using it myself now against a bunch of <40 people and that's just stupid. With the Wildcard you can even place 2 Claymores all the time.