It's just like the raffica lol
Someone hasn't played MoH WarfighterWhy do the Black Ops games always have the worst UIs? Looks like 2 year old designed it.
It's crazy...Did you see
Black Ops2 everywhere
Like I can understand gamespot or IGN, but CNN??
Someone hasn't played MoH Warfighter
I've just encountered a mission breaking glitch.
Initial thoughts on MP:
- I don't enjoy sitting here like a cunt waiting for MM to find me more players. I miss being able to hit connect and go. I've been sitting here for 5 minutes now remember this is the day after release.
- Maps FAR too small. It feels like they wanted everything to be as messy as nuketown. No more large plazas to snipe just tiny, cramped and horrible corridors to run down and spray.
- Weapons do too much damage, there isn't enough recoil and everything is too accurate. I can't believe I'm saying this but Battlefield 3 has better gunplay.
- 10 slots is a nice idea.
- Perks feel like a rock, paper sissors affair. Less overpowered than usual.
- Someone spawned THREE FEET BEHIND ME. Guess what happened. Yep shot in the back.
- As usual it turns in to who see whom first wins on the PC.
- That obsession with running about with a knife stabbing people instantly. It looks rediculous, it's moronic and if I could find players who do that I'd fire you in to the sun.
Now I can understand while this might appeal to some people. But I'm too old for this shit, I'd take a more methodical shooter or a skill based arena shooter (eg Tribes) anyday. Ugh, I shouldn't have bought it but couldn't resist picking it up for £25. I'm a sucker for deals but I'll be making a mental note never to buy another CoD.
Lol that gif. I'm in tears!
Every game I've played has been a laggy, jerky messEven when everyone has four bars
early on I think the type 25 is very good.Something about the game is throwing me off. I think it's the weapons. I can't figure out which weapons are actually worth using. Pardon, I haven't unlocked many, but are there any concrete good weapons to use (such as AK74u on BLOI) or are they all relatively hard to use?
What platform are you playing on?
Something about the game is throwing me off. I think it's the weapons. I can't figure out which weapons are actually worth using. Pardon, I haven't unlocked many, but are there any concrete good weapons to use (such as AK74u on BLOI) or are they all relatively hard to use?
Sorry if this has been answered, but can you play bot matches with only bots? I'm confused by the wording, so you can play with other people and bots but can you do just bots like the original BO?
I am not a Call of Duty guy. Never have been and odds are very good I never will be. I think tonight confirmed that. So I picked up Black Ops 2 because I really enjoyed Black Ops campaign and wanted to check out the sequel.
So far the campaign is pretty cool and looks pretty nice too. But I wanted to try my hand at MP. That was a very bad decision.
I have never been called aso many times in all my life. Holy crap guys! I've played Halo online for ages and have never faced that kind of junk talking before. I've heard things like, "aww man that's bullshit" and "fuck you man" but never heard the'fag'term thrown away so damn much. I also suck balls at CoD online, but that stuff is really uncalled for.'fag'
To be fair, I suck really bad. Halo 4, I can hold my own and do fairly well and it's tons of fun. CoD for me is very much from here on out a strictly campaign and zombies game. Wow. I knew about the jokes about CoD online but holy hell are they accurate. I felt actually bad trying to play online. Like this was some exclusive club and I was a terrible person that wore funny pants and needed to get the hell out there.
Campaign was fun though. :/
Don't try to just say its CoD, Halo 4 and for that matter most games on Xbox Live are the same way online.
So I can't logon. I keep getting COD BLOPS ii server is not available at this time. This is on XBL.
But then I go to... to check and it's at 4/5....
Is anybody else having this problem?
I am not a Call of Duty guy. Never have been and odds are very good I never will be. I think tonight confirmed that. So I picked up Black Ops 2 because I really enjoyed Black Ops campaign and wanted to check out the sequel.
So far the campaign is pretty cool and looks pretty nice too. But I wanted to try my hand at MP. That was a very bad decision.
I have never been called aso many times in all my life. Holy crap guys! I've played Halo online for ages and have never faced that kind of junk talking before. I've heard things like, "aww man that's bullshit" and "fuck you man" but never heard the'fag'term thrown away so damn much. I also suck balls at CoD online, but that stuff is really uncalled for.'fag'
To be fair, I suck really bad. Halo 4, I can hold my own and do fairly well and it's tons of fun. CoD for me is very much from here on out a strictly campaign and zombies game. Wow. I knew about the jokes about CoD online but holy hell are they accurate. I felt actually bad trying to play online. Like this was some exclusive club and I was a terrible person that wore funny pants and needed to get the hell out there.
Campaign was fun though. :/
I am not a Call of Duty guy. Never have been and odds are very good I never will be. I think tonight confirmed that. So I picked up Black Ops 2 because I really enjoyed Black Ops campaign and wanted to check out the sequel.
So far the campaign is pretty cool and looks pretty nice too. But I wanted to try my hand at MP. That was a very bad decision.
I have never been called aso many times in all my life. Holy crap guys! I've played Halo online for ages and have never faced that kind of junk talking before. I've heard things like, "aww man that's bullshit" and "fuck you man" but never heard the'fag'term thrown away so damn much. I also suck balls at CoD online, but that stuff is really uncalled for.'fag'
To be fair, I suck really bad. Halo 4, I can hold my own and do fairly well and it's tons of fun. CoD for me is very much from here on out a strictly campaign and zombies game. Wow. I knew about the jokes about CoD online but holy hell are they accurate. I felt actually bad trying to play online. Like this was some exclusive club and I was a terrible person that wore funny pants and needed to get the hell out there.
Campaign was fun though. :/
How many people are playing on 360? I'm curious.
800,000+ people logged in tonight on Xbox Live alone.
How many people are playing on 360? I'm curious.
AR's seem to get a lot more usable with the quick draw and recoil reduction attachments. I still really haven't found one I've liked at all. On the other hand the SMG's are getting better and better, especially with quickdraw attachment. It seems to be coming down more to those, once I struggled through the early AR levels to get the recoil reduction grip that's helping a lot. One other thing that's made a big difference that was never an issue for me in previous games is taking Toughness to reduce flinching when you're hit. It didn't seem to matter before, but with longer kill times I find that's helping me survive encounters and get the counter kill.
I'm checking right now and it says 382,942. However I don't think that's accurate, since I'm positive that's exactly how many people it's told me were online the few times I checked a couple of hours ago. I guess at least that many?
Edit: Okay, nevermind apparently800k sound about right for a CoD launch night? Then launch weekend it usually gets up around a million on 360, and I bet with it being a double xp weekend it'll go higher.
PS3 version keeps locking up during game load up at "awaiting textures" and makes me do a hard reset of my ps3 and then the ps3 has to reload old data. Fun...
Yes it's a direct sequel, I think if you were all in on BO1's story you will enjoy this.I'm thinking about grabbing this (I loved Black Ops), but I gotta know...
I loved Black Ops' crazy-ass story. Far more entertaining and intriguing than the MW stuff.