Thought I was the only one...
Happened once during TDM and another time during Zombies. Lamesauce...
There is a install textures option in the options menu.
Thought I was the only one...
Happened once during TDM and another time during Zombies. Lamesauce...
I'm thinking about grabbing this (I loved Black Ops), but I gotta know...
I loved Black Ops' crazy-ass story. Far more entertaining and intriguing than the MW stuff.
Yes it's a direct sequel, I think if you were all in on BO1's story you will enjoy this.
You'd be pleased with what you will see.
Just a heads up and a little warnin:
There will never be another cod 4. They cant and wont recreate that feeling again. When it comes to cod never have high expectations .
COD plateaued with MW2. After that it went downhill for me. MW and MW2 had some great maps.
Man, the PC version of this is an embarrassment. I wish I could exchange it for the 360 version.![]()
COD plateaued with MW2. After that it went downhill for me. MW and MW2 had some great maps.
COD plateaued with MW2. After that it went downhill for me. MW and MW2 had some great maps.
Man, the PC version of this is an embarrassment. I wish I could exchange it for the 360 version.![]()
You got shot in the back in MW2 and there was killstreaks and nube toobs all day. This doesn't touch that chaos.This game feels more chaotic than MW2. Yea, you aren't getting airstriked to death, but you are getting shot in the back over and over.
For those asking whats wrong with the PC version; you can't connect to any games because of server disconnects and the lag is out of this world bad. There are also about 7000 people playing compared to the squillions on console. If you do manage to get into a game and the lag is absent, it's lots of fun.
For those asking whats wrong with the PC version; you can't connect to any games because of server disconnects and the lag is out of this world bad. There are also about 7000 people playing compared to the squillions on console. If you do manage to get into a game and the lag is absent, it's lots of fun.
This game feels more chaotic than MW2. Yea, you aren't getting airstriked to death, but you are getting shot in the back over and over.
It was a fun mess and the netcode was better than BO or MW3 and PS3 version didn't look like shit.Tu loco
Mw2 was a mess MP wise
Black Ops MP and Maps shits on MW2's.
What's the problem with it?
The spawns are okay to me. It isn't like MW3 where I spawn on the same spot as the enemy.
That first Strike Force mission was pretty tough.
They're not all going to be defending a few control points, are they?
- Separate exe's for each of the three modes.
15k now. 51k peak today.
I kept getting kicked after joining games earlier though. Like instantly.
Lol team fortress and cs will forever be the dominant PC fps on steam.According to pcdev twitter it's a known issue and it is being worked on. I almost feel sorry for the Treyarch PC team; gotta be tough putting out the best version with the least amount of people playing![]()
There is a install textures option in the options menu.
On the other hand, I just got the Black Hat PDA and that things is awesome. It sucks it only gets one shot per PDA, and it sucks that I have to lose concussion/shock charges for them (although I'll probably end up using a wildcard to alleviate this). That thing is a lifesaver when it comes to the UAV spam that's going on right now, and guardians and shit as well. Even popped a dragonfly (or whatever it's called) a few minutes ago. A lot of fun and a great addition, imo.
This campaign cracks me up. Menendez is so misunderstood.