I am not a Call of Duty guy. Never have been and odds are very good I never will be. I think tonight confirmed that. So I picked up Black Ops 2 because I really enjoyed Black Ops campaign and wanted to check out the sequel.
So far the campaign is pretty cool and looks pretty nice too. But I wanted to try my hand at MP. That was a very bad decision.
I have never been called a
so many times in all my life. Holy crap guys! I've played Halo online for ages and have never faced that kind of junk talking before. I've heard things like, "aww man that's bullshit" and "fuck you man" but never heard the
term thrown away so damn much. I also suck balls at CoD online, but that stuff is really uncalled for.
To be fair, I suck really bad. Halo 4, I can hold my own and do fairly well and it's tons of fun. CoD for me is very much from here on out a strictly campaign and zombies game. Wow. I knew about the jokes about CoD online but holy hell are they accurate. I felt actually bad trying to play online. Like this was some exclusive club and I was a terrible person that wore funny pants and needed to get the hell out there.
Campaign was fun though. :/